40/40 Club



Welcome to the 40/40 Club, One-Star Director Lisa Horsley! Lisa tells us, “I was exposed to the industry of multilevel marketing seven years ago and quickly learned that in order for me to become a professional networker I had to grow a NEW BRAIN! Not add to the knowledge that was already there, but grow an entirely NEW BRAIN. Hence #nubrain, which is the hashtag on most of my social media posts and my personalized car tag. 

“I was introduced to PlanNet Marketing a little over a year ago by my sponsor and mentor, Three-Star Director Mr. Tony Fleming, and his exact words were, "Lisa, I think I've found what has been missing from our previous projects.” I already knew it had to be culture, timing and a phenomenal product that the masses would understand with a favorable price point. To my surprise, these top three boxes were checked to give the average ‘Jill’ a chance to win. 

“Travel and education have always been my passion. As an administrator in post-secondary education, I've always had the opportunity to expose low income, first generation students to people, places and things they normally would not have access to. Now, I have the opportunity to not only travel the world, but educate those along the way, which has coined my new moniker and/or hashtag -  "shecreatedalifesheloved.” 

“To give 40 active people the exposure to an industry and/or an opportunity that can literally change everything they once knew is a responsibility that I do not take lightly. 

“Lastly, we are born looking like our parents but, we die looking like our choices.” 




New 40/40 Club Member and One Star Director LaDonna Spratley shares, “My success in PlanNet Marketing stems from my desire to help others .I always wanted to be a “Change Agent” for my family, community and world. Now that I have an awesome vehicle to do that, I will continue to find the ones that are looking for me. To be able to offer a way out or about is priceless and powerful at the least. This vehicle is the right opportunity.

“One of the books that changed my professional and personal life was, The Slight Edge: Turning Simple Disciplines into Massive Success by Jeff Olson. It helps us to make simple daily choices and take small actions, creating the compound effect to deliver the lives we desire. The secret ingredient is straightforward: to do the small things over and over again until success kicks in. This is what keeps me going forward.  Showing others and the team that it can be done and helping 40+ families change their lives financially is what an agent of change enjoys. Serving others is what brightens the world.

“I am honored and privileged to be a part of the 40/40 Club because it is here that leaders are developed and changed. It is here that winners are created. It is here that things happen. My purpose is to help empower others. I want people to be their best and significant to what God created them to be. I will always follow the leader’s characteristics: loyalty, documentation, competitive spirit and coachability, along with following the system, reading and personal development, and remaining plugged into the culture.”




Welcome to the 40/40 Club Ferne Sapp! Ferne shares, “John Maxwell said it best, 'One of the dangers of getting to the Permission Level is that a leader may be tempted to stop there. But good leaders don't just create a pleasant working environment. They get things done!"  Those words echoed in my heart as a leader of some incredible people…I've got to get it done! Getting in the 40/40 Club is about getting it done. Leading by example. Showing the team that it can be done, but more importantly helping 40 families change their lives…to get it done.

"As a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ I am always looking for ways to get it done. I love serving people and my earnest goal and desire is to make an impact in the community. Pursuing and achieving 40/40 is a step in the direction of fulfilling this desire. On the way to 40/40, work was done, goals were achieved, and our organization began to develop a sense of momentum. It was in this zone that I could see the group become better and stronger. Leading the way has created a sense of collaboration. I am grateful that Mr. Donald Bradley continues to challenge leaders to set the pace. I can hear him saying, "The speed of the leader is the speed of the team."  So I'm honored and privileged to have set the pace and am looking for many others to follow.

“As a wife, mother, and ‘grammy’ I am working to create a legacy, to birth dreams and to leave a will and not a bill. I am honored to be a part of the 40/40 Club because it is here that leaders are developed. It is here that winning teams are created. It is here that things happen. It is here that momentum is made for the team. My name is Ferne Sapp and I am a Momentum Maker…and proud member of the 40/40 Club.”

Three-Star Director Sapp was also featured in the July 29, 2016 issue of the PlanNetNow! Blog. Read more about her here.



New One-Star Director and 40/40 Club Member Judy Cantu is from the small town of Santa Rosa in South Texas, with a population of fewer than 5,000. She has lived in San Antonio, Texas for the past 18 years with her two daughters.  Three years ago, she became a grandmother of a beautiful little girl, whom she says is her why, her breath of fresh air, her reason to push.  She also shares her world with her incredible partner who helps her stay on track and keeps the smile on her face. They love to bring the family together to watch good old movies; simply spending time together doing anything is everything to them.  She spends much of her time at the gym in an attempt to learn more about the gym and its function and how the machines help…in hopes to open a gym one day herself!

Judy tells us, “In September of 2016, I got to use my one-week-old passport to travel to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. It was an all-inclusive hotel filled with excursions like a yacht ride, tube banana boat ride, horseback riding, disco dancing and gambling. It was a perfect first-time vacation out of the country.

“When I started here at PlanNet Marketing over 7 months ago, I really had no idea what would happen. I simply followed my mentors and believed in them and their success. Our team basically learned the system together.  As a team, we attempted to always ‘stay out of traffic.’ It has been imperative to us to follow the system that has already been put together for us.  If I could help anyone with any kind of tip, I would definitely tell them to keep their focus, listen to your mentor and most definitely get yourself a mentor/coach fast! You have to learn accountability early on.  In the Latino community, the success that we have had stems from our own background.  Gaining the trust of our Latino partners is part of why we have grown so fast.

“It’s been over two years now that I was involved in a fitness program that helped me lose over 80 lbs.  Truth of the matter is…it helped me jumpstart the major changes that have begun in my life.   It was just the beginning of many life-altering changes coming my way!”



New One-Star Directors Efrain Charles and Liz Estrada, both entrepreneurs, found each other in San Antonio, TX. They share, “Since then, we have been an inseparable, powerful couple, working together as a team to build our empire.” Efrain Charles was born and raised in San Antonio, TX, retired from the corporate world in 1998, and ventured into the entrepreneurial world. Liz Estrada was born and raised in Corpus Christi, TX, and left her hometown in 1998 to pursue a new lifestyle and a new career for her and her children. Efrain worked tirelessly miles away from home, causing him to be away from his loved ones. He was in search of something different. Liz, a 22-year paralegal with 18 years working as a tax professional, was always working hard, making someone else rich.

She says, “I decided to work for myself. We both came to the reality that we had to do something different to make time for our families and for each other, so we decided to look into other opportunities. We found a place where we were able to make more money, spend more time with family, and travel. We are so grateful that we were introduced to this amazing company called PlanNet Marketing. We are excited to help many families win and will continue to expand our reach within the Latino and other emerging markets.



New 40/40 Club member Derek Reynolds was originally born in New York City, the eldest of three siblings. He has lived in Charlotte and Greensboro, NC, Port St. Lucie, FL, and now resides in Locust Grove, GA. Derek tells us that he has worked in corporate America all of his adult life, until a series of corporate outsourcing and downsizing led him to become a PlanNet Marketing Rep/InteleTravel Agent full time.

Derek was a professional bowler from 2000 to 2012, with one PBA Title, 46–300s (perfect games), 48–800s (three-game series averaging 267 or better) and many other titles! He enjoys watching football (NY Giants), basketball (Golden State Warriors) and UFC. He says that he also loves going to amusement parks, having one year visited eight parks in four states!.

He relates, “My travel life started about three years ago. My manager from corporate America said to me, ‘Derek you are traveling all over the country, staying at hotels - why don’t you get paid for doing what you are doing anyway?’ I watched a video about being a Travel Agent, went to a meeting, signed up, and never looked back. I LOVE WHAT I DO!

“My mentor and ‘Little Brother’ David Dacosta is absolutely the best. When I first spoke to him about mentoring me back in March 2016, he agreed, even though at that time I was with another business venture. I joined PlanNet Marketing on October 31, 2016.

“A lot of my success comes from my incredible leadership - David Dacosta, Andre Sinclair, Taryn Cox, Mona Grandison, and Patrice Ray! Even though I do not have any upline here in Atlanta with me, I can literally call on any one of them at ANYTIME! Not everyone has a great personal relationship with their Directors. I am truly blessed because I have that. I did not want to market the business as much as I wanted to learn the travel side; however my Directors saw something in me and were determined to bring it to the surface. My confidence level has skyrocketed within the last four to five months to where I feel I can become a One-Star Director by the end of our 40 Days/40 Nights.

“Because of PlanNet Marketing, I have obtained a confidence in myself as well as developed an entrepreneurial mindset, which has grown to levels that I did not know I had.  I would also like to give a ‘shout out’ to Alfred Ingram! In the absence of David Dacosta, he has taken me under his wing and has been there to mentor, educate, encourage, and commend my accomplishments. I AM TRULY WITH THE BEST PLACE ON THE PLANNET!”



“My name is Ernest France. I work my business part-time, retired from Verizon after 9/11. I was introduced to Plannet Market in 2016, Currently, I am a One-Star Director.  I recently attended Las Vegas and London Conventions. I am having the best time of my life, and I am truly excited about my future in Plannet Marketing!”



Welcome Two-Star Directors Greg and Carla Scott to the PlanNet Marketing 40/40 Club! The couple resides in Upper Marlboro, MD and are the proud parents of two children, ages 13 and 24. This power couple has been in the travel and direct sales industry for over ten years. In the beginning they wanted to take advantage of the benefits of being travel professionals. While they wanted to travel the world, they also realized that it would be wise for them to create a “Plan B” to add to their financial portfolio. The Scotts knew it just made sense for them to take advantage of a business opportunity that would allow them to have multiple streams of income in one of the largest industries in the world…TRAVEL!

Greg and Carla work very demanding full-time careers with the Federal Government that has caused them to work together to balance those demands with family life, church obligations, and other responsibilities. Greg focuses on the marketing side of the business and Carla is the travel expert. As they focus on their individual areas of expertise, their business is growing with new business partners and travel clients at the same time.  Over the course of time, several of those travel clients have made the transition to becoming business owners.  

Greg and Carla started out with PlanNet Marketing on the day the company launched. They had a clear understanding that this was a ground level opportunity. As true pioneers for the company, they realized that the journey was not going to be easy. They were willing to roll up their sleeves and take a leap of faith for the good of their future. The decision to come to PlanNet Marketing was tied directly to their personal and professional relationship with the company’s Founder and true visionary, Donald Bradley.

Being a 40/40 Club Member was never a goal that Greg and Carla put in front of themselves. They had a clear understanding of the timing and positioning that PlanNet Marketing could afford anyone who was serious about their future. As a result, they were going share this business opportunity with as many people as possible. They never wanted it to be said by anyone who they came in contact with or had a relationship with that they never told them about PlanNet Marketing. From the time that PlanNet Marketing launched, Greg and Carla Scott have personally sponsored well over 40 individuals who have come under their leadership.  Getting that many people in their organization directly was a result of the relationships and the respect that others had for them. It was also accomplished as a result of the many sideline relationships that they have fostered with other leaders in the company over the years.
They contribute their success in the industry to helping people reach their goals. What it comes down to for them is putting people before profit. They are excited about their future with PlanNet Marketing. Their goal is to continue to help as many families as possible who really want it, to reach their financial goals, change their lives, and create an above-average lifestyle.


Welcome, Three-Star Directors Kenneth and Natalie Graham, to the 40/40 Club! Natalie shares her PlanNet Marketing experience: “I've always spoken positive affirmations. I remember just 18 months ago I was sitting at my desk, miserable. I had just gotten yelled at for planning a vacation to Jamaica that I was told I could not go on by "corporate." A vacation that I had already paid for. I remember thinking to myself, "I don't make enough money for this.’ This is not the life I had called to pass…this was definitely not the life that I desired. I have kept a vision board since my teenage years and on that board were tropical destinations, happiness, freedom.

“One thing I was not feeling at that moment was FREE. On a busy day at work I was thinking about a way out…what could I do? And out of nowhere I saw a post of this guy AGAIN in the middle of the day eating lunch with his children. ‘What the heck does this guy do for a living?’ I thought to myself. He had what I desired - time freedom. I even went to school to get a Bachelor's in Education so that I could at least have all summers and holidays to have time with my children. There was still something in me that wanted a different career path, so I reached out to this guy on Facebook to inquire about the business. I didn't know him from a can of paint and he didn't know me. I now know this amazing individual and my mentor as Orlanda Moore. I needed this business more than anyone knew. I was going to school just to pay my bills with my financial aid reimbursements. I made a decision that I would do whatever it took to become successful in this business, even with no prior experience.

”I believe that if one person does something, that I am no different; I can do it too. I have never lacked in the confidence department but I knew because my back was against the wall that I needed to take that confidence to another level…it was time to become RELENTLESS. I took my husband to an event so that he could see the other couples doing great in this business. After a talk with Mr. Bradley that day, he decided to join forces with me. He began helping me with travel parties and 3-way calls. Because of my intimate approach to leadership, I have been able to help grow a phenomenal team of hungry individuals, individuals like myself who wanted and needed change.

There is not one day that passes by that our team doesn't hear from us. I am so passionate about serving others that I go to bed late and wake up early coming up with and thinking of innovative ways to help my team get to their next level. I definitely look at our team more like family than anything. I am so grateful that I was able to retire at the tender age of 33 from corporate America. I helped people there, but now I'm able to make an impact and put my own spin on things. I cannot WAIT to produce more Directors. I cannot WAIT to hear more success stories, and I cannot WAIT to impact the lives of thousands of more individuals around the world. If anything were to happen to me today…I can honestly say that I left this world happy…I know that because of me, lives were changed and that my children will also be blessed with the financial stability they deserve, even when I'm gone. I thank God everyday for an awesome team and this opportunity! Donald and Deborah…well done! We are JUST getting started!


Welcome to the 40/40 Club, Three-Star Director Letoria Mayberry! Letoria shares, “Wow is all I can say!! Sometimes, I literally have to pinch myself to see if I’m dreaming! This has all been surreal. The best way to start is just answering the question, ‘Who is Letoria Mayberry?’ I'm a single parent, the mother of a beautiful 22-year-old daughter, Taisha Mayberry, who is my WHY, who drives me and gives me so much joy! I’m the daughter of Pastor Leo Mayberry and First Lady Shirley Mayberry, who are prayer warriors and have always instilled in me, ‘There is nothing you can’t do; the world is yours! You just got to go and take it!’ They are also my WHY and the reason I can’t afford not to take this business seriously and give it all I’ve got!  

“I was first introduced to the travel industry three years ago and honestly, I have always been skeptical of network marketing. I am known as a risk taker; however, I’m very analytical and it has to make sense and money for me to really take a look. I only took time out to listen because I wanted to travel with my daughter. Taisha had entered her first year in college and I needed a tax write-off. By owning a travel business, I could see how this could go hand-in-hand. So I took the 3-way call and that same night I got started, but I still didn’t move on the business. It truly took my job furloughing me to take a serious look at the business. Having my pay cut and exhausting my savings account was devastating and the same year my house had been hit by a tornado. So I started reading, researching and trying to learn the business on my own. I wanted to learn more and I knew there was more to the business.

One day, I finally got the nerve to reach out to Orlanda Moore on Facebook and introduced myself. Even though I was not a part of his organization, he took me by the hand and started teaching me everything he knew. I was like a sponge and I wanted to learn and know everything. All I knew was corporate America, but when Mr. Moore helped me realize that I could use those skills and relationships to build a business, that was all she wrote. I was ready to take on the world! I think I asked Mr. Moore a thousand questions a day! I was excited and scared at the same time because I was comfortable and my business was growing. But as time got closer, I started to notice a different fire inside of me. I can honestly say I could see people being financially free and enjoying traveling with their families. After I got this confirmation, I was all out massive action and was determined to be a Founding Director. Sometimes I felt as though I was limited because I again worked a full-time job and it was very hectic at times. I would be at work and all I could think about was PlanNet Marketing and what I needed to do on lunch break and after work. I studied and sharpened my craft daily. Mr. Moore would work with me on delivering the presentation and every time he conducted a call or 3-way, I was on there taking notes. I wanted to make sure I was a leader who could lead my team.

“In school I was not taught how to make passive, residual and leveraged income or to generate wealth. But I was always curious on how to create the life I really wanted to live. When I started this business, I saw the potential from the beginning. My goal has always been to work towards becoming financially free, taking care of my parents, and getting my time freedom while doing what I love. And now I'm doing that! I've learned the importance of serving and pouring into others! I’m so thankful that God has allowed me this opportunity to help the families I have partnered with and those in the future. It brings me joy to see my partners Latoya Bailey and Shauntaye Mayo, who are single moms, take their kids on vacations they always dreamed of taking. And seeing my partners when the weekly and residuals hit and hearing the stories of how this has helped their family either pay bills, help their loved ones, or be a blessing to someone else. This right here lets me know that we’ve CREATED it!! Another goal accomplished. 

“I’m still young in the industry and I’m still learning. I’m thankful to be surrounded by some seasoned veterans that are helpful and don’t mind sharing what they know. I truly love the culture Mr. Bradley has built here at PlanNet Marketing! It’s truly a family environment and we all are pushing to help one another win. The Support Team is the bomb.com; it truly reminds me of corporate America. They are so polished and professional but most importantly, loving. It’s great to know you have people who care about your success and are working to make sure that it sustains you.

“Lastly, I want to thank Mr. Moore for truly believing in me and pushing me outside of my comfort zone. Being transparent, I was hesitant in the beginning and I only came to this opportunity because I trusted him. And I must say, ‘Sir, you didn’t lead me wrong and I’m forever grateful. You have shaped and molded me into a leader and I’m thankful to have you as my mentor! I know we are just getting started and I’m looking forward to the future; helping you push this team to a Five-Star and a Nine-Star team! I’m all in, COACH!’  I have the most amazing business partners on the planet. I'm truly thankful for a team that inspires me every single day! Watching you all push and work hard ignites my fire. It makes me want to work harder; become a better leader. Thank you for believing in me. I'm dedicated to showing you that it's possible for you as well! I’m dedicated and committed to helping you WIN. You are like my family and I continuously pray for you and your family like my own. We are bonded together forever. Thank you to my daughter and parents for your support and understanding when I’m gone on the road and not at church on Sunday. Daddy, please believe even if I’m not there, I’m still reading my Word and having worship. You three are my reason why and I owe it to you!!

“Most importantly, thank You JESUS! Thank You for closed doors! Thank You for not allowing me to settle and just be comfortable! THANK YOU, for my struggles as lessons and blessings go hand-in-hand! Jesus, every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, You were re-directing me to something better! Even when the world counted me out, You said, ‘No, I’m not done!’ I pray You will continue to give me peace when frustration creeps in. I pray You will continue to give me strength to press on when I'm told, ‘No.’ Jesus, I thank You for teaching me that "no" is just a step to a bigger and better yes!”


40/40 Club members Lynn and Marcus Hendricks recall, “The idea that we almost missed this entire business project is scary!” One of Lynn's best friends tried to introduce her and Marcus to the travel business for almost a year but Lynn wasn't interested, even though she and Marcus were avid travelers. The biggest part of Lynn's reluctance was the superficial culture she had been introduced to at many other network marketing companies, with much emphasis on the “bling and the Bentleys,” as well as her feeling that oftentimes the products were subpar. While the compensation plans always looked good on paper, they never really manifested into what was promised. It took her friend calling to say she had booked a stay at a resort for less than half what Lynn and Marcus had paid two years prior for Lynn to say, "Sign me up today!" But still she had no plans of ever doing the marketing side of the business. To their surprise, family and friends were interested from the very beginning and began partnering with them. This, coupled with Greg Scott calling and strongly encouraging them to look at the business and attend Super Saturday, is what started them on their journey in their new network marketing career.

That Super Saturday event was July 16, 2016, and JP Watkins did a training on the “Zoo and the Jungle,” which was so impactful and inspiring. Marcus had been a truck driver for almost 20 years and Lynn was working in the “zoo” at the time (saying sometimes it literally felt like it), but she and Marcus both had entrepreneurial spirits, so it was a relatively easy mindset shift. Once Mr. Bradley spoke about the company and the culture and laid out his vision, it was game over.

The culture of the company spoke to them both long before the compensation plan did. “There seemed to be a directive that no matter what team you were on, everyone would help each other because we were all one team and that was not only refreshing, but rarely seen in most companies or industries. To be on a team with a giant like our MVP, Orlanda Moore, superstars like Greg and Carla Scott, and have amazing sideline partners like Letoria Mayberry, Tiffany McIntosh, Walter and Tiffany Powell and Tanisha Burke, is both humbling and inspiring. It's impossible to not want to run like your hair’s on fire when you have that level of greatness all around you, pouring knowledge, time and energy into you!

“It's a truly humbling experience to have people come up to you and tell you that you inspire them, or tell you that your story resonated with them because it's so similar to their own. The idea that we have this huge responsibility of training, developing, coaching, motivating and cultivating the next generation of leaders is almost unfathomable, but we neither take it lightly nor for granted. We have an amazing team that gets up every day and flat out goes for it. We have such camaraderie and a genuine love and respect for one another and we can't wait to see each person realize the goals they've set out for themselves and their families. We stand fully committed to helping every person who desires Directorship achieve that goal.

“We realize to whom much is given, much is expected, and there are so many families that we have yet to meet. So many that are hungry for change, struggling in their careers and their finances, and we feel it's almost surreal that in our lifetime we not only have access to a vehicle that can forever change our financial bloodline, but we're able to offer this vehicle to others and offer them hope and change as well. 

“The impact this company is having is evident inside our family as well. Our son is a music producer and international DJ, and recently during a conversation, Lynn told him she was very proud of him for not only following his dreams, but also finding a way to get paid to do it! His response was, "Mom, I'm proud of you and Pops for doing the same exact thing!"

“Keep reading, keep working, stay consistent, stay committed and just don't quit. You can accomplish anything if you keep moving forward!”


Walter and Tiffany Powell went to a business opportunity meeting when they saw a slide presentation that featured a trip they had taken a few months before. “It was surreal because we took the same exact trip and this business opportunity’s product was travel. Our friends told us how we could save on travel and get paid to travel. It spoke volumes to us,” Walter explains. “Joining a network marketing opportunity with a travel product is a beautiful thing. We didn’t want to sell lotions, tea, or coffee…none of those things. We were already traveling and it just made sense to us,” adds Tiffany.

The Powells own a real estate company and have experience on the ‘ins and outs’ of being entrepreneurs. They soon discovered that network marketing was of a different nature. “I was going through a period of time when I was disgruntled with the mortgage industry and felt like I wasn’t living my purpose. I received a call from Five-Star Director Shedrick White asking me to look at the PlanNet opportunity. When he told me that Donald Bradley started and owned this company, hands-down we were all in,” Walter explains.

The purpose to empower, motivate and enrich lives has been a driving force for Walter and Tiffany. “We want people to be their best and what God created them to be. With the PlanNet Marketing platform, we can speak life into others. We don’t have to sell, convince or threaten anyone to have the experiences they were meant to have. When your 10-year-old son validates what you do because of his travel experiences, the PlanNet opportunity can be very advantageous. We’ve been to Punta Cana, Jamaica and taken a yacht cruise, but the most impactful trip this past year was when we took our five sons, niece, and grandson on a trip for under $2,000! That’s out of this world,” Tiffany laughs.

Furthermore, the couple attributes culture and reading as keys to their success. “Staying in the culture and working the system that’s already in place are important factors. Follow the leadership and don’t try to reinvent the wheel. Follow the leadership characteristics: Loyalty, Documentation, Competitive Spirit and Coachability. For me, network marketing made me step up my game. My husband was always a reader and to be successful in this industry, you have to read. The more I read, the more my confidence built up. Reading books like Go Pro, First Year of Network Marketing, and Relentless, in addition to listening to motivational speakers, has helped us tremendously,” states Tiffany.

There are many pillars of support for the Powell family. “First and foremost, I give thanks to my Lord, Jesus, Savior and my backbone, Tiffany. We also have our One-Star Directors Alfred Ingram, Baron Brown, Deneene and Edmond Brown, Eric and Jamila Magee, Derrick and Natalie Alexander, Remus and Alisha Blair, Preston and Imani Scott, and Duane and Shontina Gladney to be thankful for. Our friends and family are proud of us and our continued growth. They have seen how the PlanNet opportunity has helped so many. We are giving people an opportunity to exercise their faith and we are a ‘beacon of light.”’ People look at where we came from and see that we did it. Now they know they can do it,” adds Walter.

No one knows what tomorrow brings, but the Powells have ambitious goals. “We want financial freedom for all average families. We want them to make extraordinary income. We will empower 100 families and help them earn a six-figure residual income in PlanNet Marketing.”

Congratulations, Walter and Tiffany!


LaVonda Thornton-Bush shares, “It is such an honor to be selected for this amazing article and such prestigious achievement.  What's funny is this still doesn't feel like WORK!  I remember reading an article that said millionaires are happy because they're doing what they love and it's not the love of money. That's exactly what I feel about this amazing opportunity, the incredible business partners, and the ability to get paid to do what we love!  My coach and mentor, Four-Star Founding Director JP Watkins, has made it possible for me to see how I can reach beyond the stars and I'm totally going for it!”

LaVonda continues, I'm still a "baby" in the industry as Ms. Watkins would say. When I began my journey with PlanNet Marketing, I was a high level business development manager in the oil and gas industry. I was blessed to earn a six-figure income; however, I was not doing what I loved. My career took me away from my family often and sometimes for weeks at a time; my career was stressful and very demanding. I'll never forget the day of March 31, 2016, at exactly 3:37 pm, the Human Resources department flew into Houston to take my job away, and all I can remember is thanking GOD for allowing me to see this amazing opportunity before that day. This year on March 31, 2017, a year after my layoff, I became a TWO-Star director because of my amazing team!”

“I'm proud to say that our team culture is different. When we get together it never feels like a meeting but always like a family reunion! It's not about the MONEY but truly about the PEOPLE, and I love that. I have never had a lot of friends, in fact this is the most people I have ever been around and interacted with in my life! Sharing this business has become second nature for me. Yes, even as an introvert! Totally out of my comfort zone, but you can't pay me NOT to share this. I could have been like many of my colleagues who thought because they were earning a good income that they were safe! I could have been like many of them and LOST everything when I lost my job. But thanks to PlanNet Marketing, the checks never stopped coming.

“I feel it is my RESPONSIBILITY to share this information. People don't know what they don't know and if I kept it to myself then I wouldn't be a blessing. We just happen to be with a company that pays us well for sharing.  I don't RECRUIT! Therefore, I don't get emotionally attached to others’ responses, no matter if they're answering YES, NO, NEVER, NOT RIGHT NOW, or I DON'T KNOW!  As long as I'm sharing, I'm doing my part. I talk to strangers, I make calls, I send messages online, I send text messages, and I'll even send smoke signals if I have to!”

LaVonda says, “My friends, family, and business partners call me the Travel Queen, but it is NOT for my travel booking, it is for the PASSION I have for the travel industry. I turned my attention away from BOOKING travel and more to the knowledge of the industry and building a strong team! So don't be afraid to SHARE what this business has done for you or could do for you in the future! My husband is my number one supporter and if it were not for him I would not be where I am in the business today! He supports me in this business just as he did in my profession. When I have to make a presentation or be on conference calls or host home meetings, he'll take the kids out so we have a distraction-free environment. He takes me out to celebrate my accomplishments, we dream build together, and my ultimate goal is to retire him from his job early. Some women get upset when their husbands aren't supportive - just get paid and show him your back office and your husband will support you 1000%. I can't wait for the day that PlanNet Marketing announces the 100 Club!  I'll be a part of that as well.  I'm excited to be a part of this legacy company!”

Congratulations, LaVonda!



Tisha DeShields is the founder and creator of Original Belly Works and iTravel2Luxury LLC. This accomplished mother of four conceived her idea for Original Belly Works when she was pregnant with her fourth child. Awestruck by the beauty and promise of a pregnant woman’s form, artist Tisha conceived Original Belly Works while going through a painful divorce. She realized that no gift could be more poignant than providing the expectant mother a way to preserve the splendor of pregnancy. 

After 10 years of plastering belly bumps, the market took a dive, causing a shift in the economy. Tisha realized that she needed to generate some additional income. While connecting on social media, Tisha responded to a lunch invitation that would forever change her life. New to network marketing, she merged herself into the travel industry, learning everything she could about TRAVEL. Ironically, Tisha was already traveling a lot with her family, both domestically and internationally…she just wasn't getting paid for it. Now Tisha stands as one of the Top 20 income earners of PlanNet Marketing. She exudes the image of the “successful new millennium mother and businesswoman with her creativity, grace, business savvy, and ingenuity.”

Congratulations, Tisha!