
PlanNet Marketing has made special arrangements with the Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center for our International Convention 2020 in Orlando, Sept. 24 - 26! You may make your Gaylord Palms Resort room reservations at PlanNet Marketing's special rates – choose from several options and room rates!


Access this link to view your room rate options for accommodations at the Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center, Orlando, Florida.

A one-night non-refundable room charge will be made to your credit card at the time of booking.

Guests who prefer to phone in their reservations may call the hotel Reservation Center at 1-877-350-3236 to secure a reservation in the PlanNet Marketing group block. When calling in just mention PlanNet Marketing Convention.

Still need to register for the 2020 International Convention? Visit your Virtual Office to register today!



1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights...
Edmond and I were born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia. We have four children and six grandchildren who we love watching as they explore and experience the world around them. Travel of course is our number one pastime with food, fun, and fellowship following closely behind it. Edmond was born from a long line of entrepreneurs and was shown the blueprint at an early age. I, on the other hand. came along kicking and screaming as I was truly a 9-5 girl and had not been exposed to that side of life. With Edmond at the helm, we have had several businesses, from owning an experienced lawn service, to property preservation, to being former Allstate Insurance brokers, to our current business, automobile dealership and brokerage. One can say that we have worn many hats.

2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
We are very grateful that we are in an industry where continued growth is imperative. Understanding and experiencing LEADING vs. MANAGEMENT firsthand has been a tremendous development for us. In our other businesses, people would comply with what was required of them because we were paying them wages. Here at PlanNet, you must ask yourself WHY would a person do what we ask of them? Why would they follow me? Do they feel that we truly have their best interest at heart? Our coach, Walter Powell, has often said that you cannot move a person’s hand until you touch their heart. So, our motto is "HOW CAN I HELP?”

3. What drives you; what motivates you?
Although we still have to check in and be present for our brokerage, we also get to set our own schedule. I (Deneene) am also motivated to keep pushing because I watched my mom who was a single parent leave at dark:30 in the morning and return by dark:30 at night to keep a roof over her and my head. I was a latchkey kid and often had no one to attend award ceremonies, PTA meetings or extracurricular activities that I was involved in during school. I am so thankful that we could attend the majority of our children's and grandchildren's events because it gives them confidence and that village that is so needed to raise our children today.

4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
Edmond and I both agree that our parents were the best role models. They taught us to be true to who we are, while striving to be the absolute best that we can be. Life lessons were modeled by not giving up no matter what. Every day that you are given is a new day to learn and not fret over what you cannot change. They were the coaches, the teachers, the disciplinarians, and the cheerleaders – all of which gave an amazing balance to life.

5. The three words that describe you best are:
Loyal, Genuine, and Determined.

6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone what would it be?
Our advice to anyone is whatever you do, you must commit to the process. There will be times that you will have to tweak it, but don't check out or peddle backwards. Keep your feet moving in a forward direction and stay focused. NO LIMITS!

7. What does your life look like five years from now?
Dividing our time between residences in different states, traveling internationally, and STILL in PlanNet Marketing helping families, one at a time.



Each week we will list the new 20/20 Club Members as soon as their pictures are received so that their recognition will be timely. The personal 20/20 Club features will continue; currently there are many 20/20 Club Members who have sent in their bios, but due to the growing number, have not yet been featured in the blog. Watch for your bio in future editions of PlanNetNow!

Recognition is very important and we hope this new format shows how much we value our 20/20 Club Members! Congratulations to everyone who has achieved this very important level in your PlanNet business!




PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Daya Jeynes to the 20/20 Club! Dayna is originally from South Wales, UK, and is now living in Nottinghamshire, UK after four years in London.  She shares, “My background and much of my main interests have always been in arts and culture, such as musical theatre, museums and mixed arts festivals. From a young age, I was a performer in musical theatre and acting and pursued this career until I went into the creative planning behind these events rather than being on centre stage. Most recently, hiking and outdoor adventures are at the top of my list for days out! 

“Both of my parents are very well travelled so we always went on twice yearly holidays to the likes of Egypt, Morocco, New York, and Europe! I’ve always had a love of travel and knew this opportunity would help in doing more of it. In most recent years, I've explored the UK a lot more, making sure to see the beauty that’s right on my doorstep. Since starting this business, my travel list has grown A LOT! I’m now planning my dream holiday of a campervan trip around New Zealand.

“Since joining this business, I've made sure to be open to learning new skills and new processes! Having no experience in online work or network marketing before, I've made sure I’ve stayed coachable to those who have guided me in this business and stayed consistent with the work and effort I put in. I try to connect and build a good relationship with my new business partners and show them how this business can make a positive impact on their lifestyle too. By becoming a friend as much as a new business partner, it’s allowing me to build a strong, supportive, and well-connected team. 

“Fun fact – I spent a night sleeping in the Sahara Desert next to camels and I have a penguin tattoo on my ankle!” 




PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Venita Wilson to the 20/20 Club! Venita Wilson is a native of Tampa, Florida. Having spent a number of years in other cities like Chicago and Atlanta, she is back in a suburb of her hometown, Riverview, FL. enjoying an empty nest with her husband, Christopher Wilson. Their youngest, JNai, is a junior in college at Loyola University at Chicago, with their other adult children, Isaiah, Chris Jr., Rashard, and Brittany also residing in Florida. 

Venita shares, “I love spending time with family, and on self-improvement – mentally, professionally, and physically!  I thrive when being challenged, so I am sure to exercise my mind and body. I especially love traveling to the islands, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Cozumel, Antigua, the Bahamas, and the Dominican Republic, just to name a few. Girls trips, couples trips, and romantic trips with my husband are a MUST. It's very true that ‘things’ are appreciated, but experiences leave impressions on your soul, thus making them unforgettable. I'm also dedicated to helping others through volunteering in the community and mentoring teens and young adults. 

“I've been able to achieve success in PlanNet Marketing by being deliberate in the time I dedicate to my business, remaining coachable, and primarily playing the game of follow the leader! I am trained in process improvement and have transferred those same skills into my PlanNet Marketing business. My motto on my ‘day job’ is ‘Work Smarter Not Harder!’ The same holds true with our PlanNet Marketing business. We have all the tools we need to be successful provided to us, it's our job to use them, lean on, and leverage our sponsors and Directors to assist in developing strategies and then EXECUTE. In short, use the proven system that's in place!! We have a wealth of evidence that it works; we just have to get plugged in, stay plugged in, and do the work! Additionally, the ideals and principles of the company as a whole make it easy for me to want to share the business with others. I'm a proud ‘Freedom Fighter.’ I want others to achieve all three freedoms just as much as I want to achieve them for myself and my family! 

“A key piece of advice to anyone wanting to grow: surround yourself with people who will challenge you and hold you accountable. After all, if it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you.

“As a sprinter in high school and college, we were always trained to ‘run through the tape.’ This means you hit the finish line at full speed and you do not slow down until you've PASSED the mark. I hit 20/20 on the way to my goal of Directorship. I'm not slowing down; I'm going to keep on running. So for anyone running toward a goal (your finish line), I say, RUN THROUGH THE TAPE!” #allgasnobrakes



Be the BEST version of you!

Everywhere you go, people are watching. Everything you say, people are listening. Everything you do, people are noticing. So be the BEST version of you possible. Keep in mind that everything you’re putting out there – whether it’s a business flyer, a social media post about a bad experience, or a funny picture/meme – it reflects who you are and it reflects PlanNet Marketing. 

Even if you hadn’t considered this before, you know it’s true – right? You tell your family, friends, and strangers you meet every day about PlanNet Marketing. You post about the Best Place on the PlanNet on your social media feeds and in your email blasts. You’re proud of your position as a Rep, a GoldBuilder, a 20/20 Club Member, a Director, and more – so you tell the world. We LOVE that.


Then you use that same social media feed and email address and cell phone to…what? Do you uplift and encourage others? Or do you use it to complain and gossip?  Are you posting happy pictures of your family? Or snotty comments about bad restaurant service?

Be aware of what you’re putting out there and try to represent yourself and PlanNet Marketing in the best light possible. Be the BEST version of you! 

-- Policies and Procedures Section 1.1, located in your Virtual Office in the Information Center (go to Resources, then Policies and Procedures).

~Amanda Restivo, Vice President, Compliance --


Set your reminder for every Friday to take a few minutes to read the newest PlanNetNow! Don’t miss the latest announcements, recognitions, and the motivation this important communication provides. See you next Friday!

Race to Director - They're on Their Way!

PlanNet Marketing


PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race, and on their way to One-Star Director!

1.  Amy Boes
2.  Sophie Finn
3.  Becky Hayes
4.  Tasha Samuelu-Luuga
5.  Tanya Collins
6.  Stenenika Williams
7.  Marcia Tavita
8.  Tonya Fulwood
9.  Leah Lockett
10.  Dekesha Davis

PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1.  Danielle Kedward
2.  Esme Burge
3.  Alicia Calascione
4.  Calvin Ellerbe
5.  Jron Brailey
6.  Marygail Harmon
7.  Elliott George
8.  Erica Ledet
9.  Jehane Thomas
10.  Ashley Gibbs



Click on My Team from the App Home Screen and you will see many different options for viewing your Team!
♦ See All of your Reps’ Sales Activity by 1, 7, or 30 days
♦ Quickly Access Your Newest Reps
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♦ Filter by Rep Achievements (First Rep, First ITA, 20/20)
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♦ Spanish Version also Available
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Meet new One-Star PlanNet Marketing Director Brandy James! Brandy lives in Atlanta, GA and her interests are traveling, cooking, and networking. Her travel experiences include a large group cruise that consisted of 100 people and an amazing group trip to Jamaica.

Brandy tells us that the way to achieve success is to stay consistent and be coachable. “Help your team members do the same and you will achieve success. Never quit - quitting is on the path to failure.”


1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights...
​I was born and raised in the Houston area. I grew up and raised my children in Highlands and I currently live in Mont Belvieu. I am the mother of three adult children: Doug, Matthew, and Lauren; YaYa of five beautiful grands: Ty, Harrison, Alyse, Davis, and Reese; wife to Bennie for 25 years; and we share our life with two rescue fur babies (Scottish terriers), Scruffy and Lulu.

My one and only hobby, ironically, is TRAVEL! Mostly road trips. My husband and I used to hook up the camper and head out to Colorado or the Smoky Mountains, maybe the Grand Canyon, and definitely a couple trips a year to New Braunfels, TX to float the Guadalupe River during the summer months. Now that we are empty nesters, we travel a little differently. We have flown to San Francisco, rented a car and driven the Pacific Coast Highway up the western coastline to Washington State, we flew into DC and drove the eastern coastline up into Maine and briefly into Nova Scotia, flew into Buffalo, NY, visited Niagara Falls, and drove east to see the fall foliage. We are doing a few more Caribbean vacations than we did in the past with a Costa Rica trip scheduled. My bucket list destination is St. Andrews, Scotland; my husband is an avid golfer and I want to take him to the birthplace of golf.

I worked corporate America for 25 years as an account executive with a staffing agency and the Faculty Affairs office with a hospital in the Houston Medical Center. I was spending 12 to 14 hours a day getting ready for work, going to work, being at work, or coming home from work. One day I hit a brick wall and knew there had to be a better way; I was working all the time and not living.

2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
PlanNet Marketing is the first time I’ve been challenged to personally develop myself. I have been encouraged to read books about working my business, leading my team, and becoming a better person. I accepted the challenge. I read…well I listened. I know Mr. Bradley prefers we read the book, but I’m an Audible gal, so I listen while I’m cleaning house, while I’m driving, during quiet time… but I do buy the book so I can highlight chapters or information I want to refer back to. I have developed a hunger for personal development.

I want success for everyone so I search out what I can, to find ways to help my team think outside the box, to be creative and unique in their approach, not to be cookie cutter marketers. I don’t want to settle for mediocrity and I don’t want to develop mediocre leaders.

3. What drives you; what motivates you?
My husband is at that age that we should be seriously discussing retirement. We didn’t make the best financial decisions along the way, so although we can retire, we would need to go on a tight budget. We have spent years building this amazing life; I do not want to go backwards. I want to continue to live this beautiful life that we have invested years creating. So, I need to supplement our retirement income so he can retire and enjoy life the way he wants…on a golf course.

My motivation was retirement in the beginning…don’t you know it changes on our journey. While it still drives me to get to six figures, what really motivates and inspires me now is the journey I see my team on. They are hungry; they want financial, personal and time freedom. They see the evidence and they want a piece of that! I love seeing the personal growth, the determination, and being a part of their journey. We have a long way to go; we are all still developing into leaders, but I know beyond a shadow of a doubt they will reach their goal of financial independence!

4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
We are so fortunate in the Houston market; I have access to some of the top earners in our company. Directors JP Watkins and Phillip Rollins are always available to us at the Houston meetings. Director LaVonda Thornton spent hours mentoring; she took time out of her busy day to pour into me and another Director. Directors Walter and Tiffany Powell are the epitome of servant leaders; they are always reaching out to me and offering priceless nuggets. My accountability partner is Director Judy Cantu – now this lady is real, transparent, and shoots from the hip. She does not hold back and we have learned much from each other; her friendship and guidance has been priceless.

My sponsor, Director Shannon Addington, and Director Cathi Bray are always available to me and let me use them for a sounding board or they will help direct me. I met Director Rachel Russell in 2018 in Baltimore, and that’s when she took me under her wing and has been a constant on my journey ever since. She is my coach and mentor and I can be as real with her and matter of fact as I need to be and she will be the same with me. I admire her for her tenacity, her resilience, her kind heart and servant leadership. Rachel encourages, motivates, and inspires all around her…how lucky was I that April day? I am extremely fortunate in having many role models for different reasons but I appreciate and love each one of them for taking me and my business seriously. Each one of them has invested in my growth and success!

5. The three words that describe you best are:
Bold, Loyal, Honest

6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone what would it be?
Failure is not the opposite of success; it is part of the process. You need to fail more to be successful!

7. What does your life look like five years from now?
Five years from now, we will be living life on our terms…my husband will be retired on a golf course somewhere and I’ll be traveling the globe helping my team continue to grow!!!