New update! Our most up-to-date PlanNet Marketing Presentation is now available in your Virtual Office.

VO > Information Center >Presentations

Please download the newest version of the PlanNet Marketing presentation. You can locate the PowerPoint in the Virtual Office under My Business > Presentations. We have US, US Condensed, UK, and Spanish versions for both PC and Mac available.

Please use the newest versions of our Presentations. Thank you!


NOW is the time to transfer your 2020 Convention Registration Tickets to the 2021 Convention! (deadline is approaching)

And don’t forget to cancel your 2020 Gaylord Palms room booking for September!

Our records show many room reservations have yet to be cancelled! If you have a copy of your room confirmation, please have it handy when you are calling the hotel to cancel, as this will expedite the process.

US: 877-350-3236

UK: Toll-free 00800 1927 1927
London - Toll +353 21 421 6400

(Some European carriers do not support toll free numbers. Try a different phone/carrier or use the toll number.)



Meet One-Star Director and new 40/40 Club member Rashida Jones! Rashida is from Tulsa, Oklahoma and currently lives in Oklahoma City. She tells us that she is the single mother of six children – five daughters and one son. “My children are my motivation and the reason I go so hard. I don’t make excuses and I don’t let anything stand in the way of leaving a legacy for my children.

“My interests include meeting new people, spending time with my family, traveling, volunteering in the community, shopping, and reading. I love traveling and have traveled the whole lower United States and working on traveling through the top of the United States and out of the country. I’m always down to take a road trip to spread the word about PlanNet Marketing.

“I have achieved success in PlanNet Marketing by starting with the people who BELIEVE in me, making a list of 100, building up my social media, being consistent, staying plugged in, being available for my business partners, leading by example, and not letting the word NO affect me. You also have to stay out of your feelings, stay focused, and remind yourself WHY you started, and never lose sight of that.


“My advice would be to stay organized, have a calendar that’s filled up with three-way calls and face-to-face appointments. Surround yourself with positive people and help each other level up. Also, set a goal, achieve it, set another goal, and just keep going! Life will happen, people will turn their back on you, you will cry, but remain STRONG. Don’t let anything get in your way, NO HATERS, NO EXCUSES, and DON’T GIVE UP. Keep your foot on the pedal, ALL GAS and NO BRAKES!! What GOD has for you, is for you, and no one can stop it!

“Some fun facts about me are that I never meet a stranger, I can make anyone smile, I’ve been an extra in a couple of movies, and I’m a student working on my Doctorate degree. I would like to thank Mr. and Mrs. Bradley, Coach Dexter, and the whole TEAM.”




1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights...
I was born in Taunton, Somerset in the U.K., and raised in a little village just outside. I have two brothers who are both younger than myself. My Dad at the time worked away quite a lot driving a huge vehicle called a Motor Scraper which was used to build the motorways. My hobby and passion was horse riding – so my first job was on a stud farm/show jumping yard in Berkshire where I stayed for a couple years, leaving to purchase my very own.

2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
Since joining the business, I have been growing so much in confidence (well, still a work in progress), coming out of my comfort zone on many occasions. This has ONLY happened with a great mentor who believed in me and showed me the way.

3. What drives you; what motivates you?
My drive is determination to change my past misfortunes into future successes. I can and I will.

4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
My role model would be Louise Gatland. She inspires me daily with her can-do attitude, her willingness and drive to help us all, and her unending passion for this business.

5. The three words that describe you best are:
Sensitive, Passionate, and Determined.

6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone what would it be?
My sound advice would be consistency…make this a priority. Believe YOU CAN.

7. What does your life look like five years from now?
In five years’ time I WILL be a Six-Star Director.



Each week we will list the new 20/20 Club Members as soon as their pictures are received so that their recognition will be timely. The personal 20/20 Club features will continue; currently there are many 20/20 Club Members who have sent in their bios, but due to the growing number, have not yet been featured in the blog. Watch for your bio in future editions of PlanNetNow!

Recognition is very important and we hope this new format shows how much we value our 20/20 Club Members! Congratulations to everyone who has achieved this very important level in your PlanNet business!



PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome William (BJ) Baskerville to the 20/20 Club! BJ is from and lives in Nashville, Tennessee. He graduated from Tennessee State University with a degree in Computer Engineering, a minor in Math and Psychology and is an active member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity. Professionally, BJ is a Global Operations Engineering Sr. Manager across North America and the Philippines. 

BJ tells us that he has served his community through the professional mentoring of many aspiring young leaders within his fraternity, community, and fellow Greek brothers and sisters. He has won several accolades in dance, choreographed performance, acting, and singing that has afforded many opportunities to travel all across the country, the Caribbean, and Asia! BJ continues to express his God-given talents daily and instills in his teenage son the importance of self-respect, dignity, living by faith, and to always remember to “help those who help themselves.” With that philosophy, it only made sense to be a part of this rewarding opportunity with PlanNet Marketing.

BJ credits his drive in PlanNet Marketing to being resilient in satisfying his WHY, which is creating the legacy for his son and family that provides the ability to be financially free and independent! BJ's success is credited by simply doing the work! He tells us, “It is necessary to remain coachable, educate yourself on the business, and stay plugged in with all opportunity meetings – be it local, remote, web-based, or webinars. Understand and believe in the product so that your posture is a true representation of what it is you are sharing with your market, and that it is truly a life-changing opportunity! Lastly, expose your business and stay focused. Life is going to happen, so will success should you truly desire and work for it.”

He says that he achieved success so quickly by pushing through the red tape and making it a priority to accomplish all S.M.A.R.T. goals set by himself or his success coaches in this short time. He understands the power of leverage and encourages everyone in this business to never lose sight of leveraged help and support. BJ leads by example and encourages all to S.M.I.L.E. in the face of difficult ambiguity (Simply Make Ignorance Look Exceptional). 




PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Robert Susor to the 20/20 Club! Robert tells us, “First of all, I want to say that it is a great pleasure to achieve the 20/20 Club goal with such terrific company. I look forward to reaching my next goal of becoming a 40/40 Club member in the very near future. I also wish to say that I could not have gotten here without the help of my outstanding upline.

“I have been married to my beautiful wife, Donna, for the past 22 years. Both of us love to travel and we have been on many wonderful trips together to many different places, including Canada, Mexico, several of the Caribbean islands, along with most of the United States. We both plan on visiting Europe in the near future and perhaps Australia.

“For many years, I have made a living as an owner of my graphic arts business and I enjoy it very much. But, I enjoy traveling a great deal also and when the opportunity to join PlanNet Marketing came along, I decided to give it a try. The company benefits are great and the people are all terrific and helpful with any information you may need.

“If you are wondering whether you can do this also, I am sure that you can if you put in the effort a little bit of time each day. Just be yourself and sell yourself when you meet a new prospect. This will get you to the highest level you want to reach in this company!”



A Business You Can Work From ANYWHERE?!

PlanNet Marketing is proud to offer our Reps the opportunity to work on their terms and at their own pace. Our Reps are free to travel as they will and work their business on the go! But we do have a few rules about WHERE you can work your PlanNet Marketing business.

PlanNet Marketing is a corporation and we have legal boundaries. We are only allowed to operate our business in markets (countries) where we have obtained legal permission to operate. That means our Reps have these same limitations. We’re open in the United States, the United Kingdom, Mexico, the Bahamas, Jamaica, Panama, and a slew of other islands (check out our full list of open markets via the link below).

So, what are the rules?! Here we go!

1)  Live in an Open Market. PlanNet Marketing requires our Reps to live in a country where we are legally allowed to operate (this means you physically reside there, not just be a citizen). This also means a Rep or ITA must be physically located in an open market upon their enrollment – no buying an ITA while on holiday abroad, folks. But why? I live in the USA normally, I’m just traveling to Africa for a few weeks (or months, or a year, or more…). If a Rep enrolls someone who is physically located in a country where PlanNet Marketing is not allowed to operate, that Rep is violating this policy! They are advertising the Rep business or selling ITAs in a closed market. That can get the Rep and PlanNet Marketing in a heap of trouble. Just wait until your prospect is home! Operating legally won't put your new prospect off – likely they will appreciate your professional posture and respect for your business.   

2)  Work in an Open Market. Your new prospect decided to join your team – you have a new Rep and ITA working with you, now they’re off to travel the world! A month in Thailand, six months in New Zealand, winter in Cyprus, the sky's the limit! That new Rep and ITA is allowed to travel as they choose – there is no maximum amount of time they can be gone. However, while traveling, they must ONLY recruit Reps and sell ITAs to people who are physically located in open markets. Again, if that traveling Rep sold an ITA to a UK citizen who was also on holiday in Thailand, it would be violating policy – PlanNet Reps are not allowed to operate in Thailand. That traveling Rep IS allowed to sell ITAs to those who are living in open markets! So while visiting Australia, Reps can keep working with their US, UK, and Mexico teams and even sell ITAs to people located in those open markets.


3)  Duplicate Within Your Team. Make sure your team knows and understands this policy. If you don’t understand it, email me at Compliance@plannetmarekting.com to ask questions. Then share your knowledge with your team. These rules are a safeguard for our company and our Reps. Protect the PlanNet!

4)  Other Information. What else do I need to know about this? If PlanNet Marketing has reason to question a Rep's country of origin, we will contact that Rep and ask for several documents to prove where they are living; we call this Proof of Residency. Every Rep should be able to produce these documents upon request. In addition, if a Rep was enrolled or an ITA sold in a closed market, PlanNet Marketing will take action – the account will be closed, the Rep/ITA notified of the reason, and the sponsor will be warned. After that initial warning, further violations by the same sponsor will warrant disciplinary action per the Policies and Procedures (Section 9.1).

We have a HUGE open market out there – let’s focus our efforts to help people in those countries where PlanNet Marketing is legally sanctioned to operate and refuse to enroll anyone who isn’t living in open markets. Keep working and traveling on your terms with the Best Place on the PlanNet!

Click here for the List of PlanNet Marketing Open Markets.

-- Policies and Procedures Section 2.1.B located in your Virtual Office in the Information Center (go to Resources, then Policies and Procedures)

~Amanda Restivo, VP, Compliance --  arestivo@plannetmarketing.com


Set your reminder for every Friday to take a few minutes to read the newest PlanNetNow! Don’t miss the latest announcements, recognitions, and the motivation this important communication provides. See you next Friday!

Race to Director - They're on Their Way!

PlanNet Marketing


PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race, and on their way to One-Star Director!

1.  Tracey and Trevor Eastwood
2.  Lisa Matthews
3.  Wendy Montalbano
4.  Dekesha Davis
5.  Dale and Rosalind Cheadle
6.  Hayley Thorpe
7.  Charlotte Howard
8.  Natasha Biggs
9.  Warren Gentles
10.  Matt Gatland

PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1.  Lucy-Anne Rusk
2.  Catherine Netter
3.  Tracey Dillon
4.  Calvin Ellerbe
5.  Elliott George
6.  Christopher Vance
7.  Jessica Leaming
8.  Kymberly Caldwell
9.  Laura Joyce
10.  Erica Ledet



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PlanNet Reps! We are so pleased to announce that your daily dosage of inspiration, motivation and education is available to the US, Mexico, and now the United Kingdom!  And this morning’s guest Director speaker was from the UK! 

Find these recorded calls at any time in your Back Office > Information Center > Library. They are also available on your PlanNet Marketing Mobile App. Stay inspired. Stay motivated. STAY PLUGGED IN!


Now is the time to Transfer your Convention Tickets and to cancel your room booking at the Gaylord Palms, Orlando for September 2020.

Have you transferred your 2020 Convention Registration to our 2021 event to be held at the beautiful Gaylord Texan in the Dallas/Fort Worth area?
If not, NOW is the time to do so. Refunds must be requested by August 9, 2020!Just log in to your Virtual Office and click the green button below!

Log in to your Virtual Office today and scroll down to “PlanNet Marketing International Convention 2020 Gaylord Palms, Orlando” under PlanNet Events on the Dashboard. Then click the button “Request Refund/Transfer Tickets.” There you can provide all the details for a full refund or a ticket transfer and partial refund (if applicable). THE REFUND IS NOT AUTOMATIC! YOU MUST REQUEST A REFUND! Spread the word!

Please make sure you request a refund/transfer of your registration fee as soon as possible and no later than August 9, 2020. After that date, all 2020 tickets will be transferred to the 2021 event. If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at Convention2020@plannetmarketing.com.


If you have already booked at the Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center, please contact the hotel directly to cancel your room reservation. You must call the hotel at least three (3) days prior to arrival to cancel and receive your deposit refund.

The hotel Reservation Center number is: 1-877-350-3236. If you have a copy of your room confirmation, please have it handy when you are calling the hotel to cancel, as this will expedite the process.