PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome William (BJ) Baskerville to the 20/20 Club! BJ is from and lives in Nashville, Tennessee. He graduated from Tennessee State University with a degree in Computer Engineering, a minor in Math and Psychology and is an active member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity. Professionally, BJ is a Global Operations Engineering Sr. Manager across North America and the Philippines. 

BJ tells us that he has served his community through the professional mentoring of many aspiring young leaders within his fraternity, community, and fellow Greek brothers and sisters. He has won several accolades in dance, choreographed performance, acting, and singing that has afforded many opportunities to travel all across the country, the Caribbean, and Asia! BJ continues to express his God-given talents daily and instills in his teenage son the importance of self-respect, dignity, living by faith, and to always remember to “help those who help themselves.” With that philosophy, it only made sense to be a part of this rewarding opportunity with PlanNet Marketing.

BJ credits his drive in PlanNet Marketing to being resilient in satisfying his WHY, which is creating the legacy for his son and family that provides the ability to be financially free and independent! BJ's success is credited by simply doing the work! He tells us, “It is necessary to remain coachable, educate yourself on the business, and stay plugged in with all opportunity meetings – be it local, remote, web-based, or webinars. Understand and believe in the product so that your posture is a true representation of what it is you are sharing with your market, and that it is truly a life-changing opportunity! Lastly, expose your business and stay focused. Life is going to happen, so will success should you truly desire and work for it.”

He says that he achieved success so quickly by pushing through the red tape and making it a priority to accomplish all S.M.A.R.T. goals set by himself or his success coaches in this short time. He understands the power of leverage and encourages everyone in this business to never lose sight of leveraged help and support. BJ leads by example and encourages all to S.M.I.L.E. in the face of difficult ambiguity (Simply Make Ignorance Look Exceptional).