PlanNet Reps! We’re at 16,000 and going strong! What are the ITA numbers for your state and surrounding area? Your country? Take a look at these maps and see the huge potential for growth - to provide people the opportunity to build and profit from an amazing home-based travel business as Independent Travel Agents. Here we grow again!


New 20/20 Club Member Darryl Jenkins was born and raised in the Washington, DC area, and currently resides in Hyattsville, MD. His interests are traveling, helping others, spending time with his godsons, and cooking. Darryl relates, “Although I am really busy focusing on building my business in travel, cooking really is like therapy to me and keeps me grounded.” 
Darryl continues, “Having been a business manager of a local high school marching band in DC and being responsible for booking all travel arrangements, it sparked something inside of me. Prior to joining the travel business, I prolonged applying for my passport, and as a result my travel was really limited. I had visited Houston, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Alabama, Tennessee, New York, and Atlanta. Now that I have my passport, this will now change, as I am looking forward to traveling to places like Mexico, Jamaica, and perhaps Paris, France!

“My success comes from a place of passion. Wanting to help others and being able to expose them to an amazing opportunity that can change their lives, as well as their families’ lives, is an awesome feeling. A tip I would pass along would be the same as I share with my organization…remain humble, remain consistent, and stay connected. Oftentimes we tend to drift away from our sponsors or disconnect ourselves, which limits our ability to grow in the business.

“I believe I achieved success so quickly because I was consistent in exposing my warm market to the business opportunity. Many already understand the type of passionate person I am so when I commit to doing something, it has to be really beneficial for me. Therefore, they placed their trust in me and became partners, for which I feel honored.”


New 20/20 Club Member Christopher Dent has made Ohio his home since 2001 and is originally from Saginaw, MI. He shares, “I am currently living in North Canton, traveling in the Akron/Canton area, focusing on my love for people. Some would call me a motivational speaker. I strive to be creative in my quest to help people live up to their potential. I love to travel all across the US, as well as cruising to the Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Antigua, St. Thomas, and Tortola in the Virgin Islands. I just love to travel and experience some of the greatest features this life has to offer.

“Achieving personal success at PlanNet Marketing takes knowing the type of person you want to be. People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. We travel to friends and family helping them on a personal level to see the possibility themselves. I remained coachable and teachable, keeping my process duplicable, always striving for greater self-development.

“As a Pastor, I understand the importance of personal development. It is a physical reward that stems from a mental decision to go beyond what you see for yourself at this moment. The Bible states we are to be good stewards, “The first not the last, the lender not the borrower.” PlanNet has been a great vehicle for the manifestation for this process to be a success. We were created limitless; when jobs and other influences came along we made our own boundaries. Now’s the time to get back to limitless living!”


New  20/20 Club Member Dinea Mahoney was born in a small rural town in St. Mary, Jamaica. She migrated to the United States in August of 2008 as an elementary school teacher in Baltimore City, MD.  Dinea and daughter Denae’ (her WHY) currently reside in Towson, MD. She loves sports, especially playing netball, running track, and playing soccer. Dinea is currently a teacher of computer science in Baltimore County and doubles as a track and field coach there as well. 

Dinea shares, “Spending time with my family in Jamaica is very important to me, and as a result of that I take regular vacations there. I am super excited about taking my first cruise on our Carnival Seminar at Sea in the fall. Jamaicans are known for being hard workers with multiple jobs. I wanted to break that stereotype for my daughter and expose her to entrepreneurship - that is one of the many reasons I became a PlanNet Marketing Rep. I made the decision to start on October 26, 2015 with no knowledge or experience in the network marketing industry at all. It just made sense. My initial reaction to the opportunity was that the compensation plan makes sense.

“My greatest fear – being rejected – kept me from being successful in my business in the early months. After much coaching from Director Hawkes and Director Newman (Mr. Belief), my Mom, and my new PlanNet family, I was determined to win. I set goals, and if I didn’t hit, I didn’t give up. I allowed myself to be coachable. I did not give up even though I felt like it. When I felt defeated, I read, listened to motivational speakers, and placed my WHY in front of me. One thing for sure, I never missed any event that I could attend. I must say that my growth and development in this organization is a result of the commitment to reach my goal. I must give credit to my mentor Director Hawkes’ relentless and unchanging will to see me succeed. I am very grateful for her leadership.”


New 20/20 Club Member Glenn Smith is a 24-year retired veteran of the United States Air Force and on March 31, 2017, he retired from the Dallas VA Medical Center. He is originally from Marion, IN and currently resides in Grand Prairie, a suburb outside of Dallas, TX. Being in the military and for vacations, he has traveled to more than 20 countries and goes to Aruba every year for his birthday.

Glenn tells us, “My success comes from truly wanting to see people free themselves from the 9 to 5. The only tip I have is, if you truly want this for you and your family, then express that exact same feeling to the people you meet. Each day, make up your mind that you will speak to 2-5 people about your business - but make it a short 30-second conversation and give them your card.”

Glenn’s interests are reading, working out, and hanging out with great friends. When he travels he always books his own trip - and he loves beaches and smoking a great cigar!


Support - to give assistance to, enable to function or act.

At PlanNet Marketing, we take support very seriously and strive daily to support you with all the tools you need. Sometimes support is providing tools, sometimes it's taking 5 minutes to walk you through something you may not know or finding an easier way to do something you already knew. Our S-Team is here for you and your team! We look forward to working with you for years to come. Thanks for all you do, we appreciate YOU!

~ LeAnn Troeckler, Chief Operations Officer

PlanNet Marketing is going to take over London for our 2017 International Convention Europe! We have a jam-packed day and a half planned and cannot wait to see you!

Registration opens today, Friday, from 1-6 pm in the Boardroom Suite. Registration will then reope omorrow, Saturday, in the Ballroom foyer from 6 am - 2 pm. PlanNet University kicks off promptly at 7 am - 12:45 pm with great special guest speakers, Director trainers and training sessions. We will break for lunch and then start back up at 2 pm until 5 pm for our exciting General Session - videos, speakers, cash and cruise drawings, and an awards ceremony that will truly show the excitement and enthusiasm that makes all of us so proud to be a part of the best place on the International PLANNET!

~ LisaMarie Klinger, Vice President, Marketing Administration


Q: How do I reactivate my PlanNet Rep Account?

A: You can reactivate your PlanNet Rep account by logging into your Virtual Office and clicking on "Manage my Autoship." Once you are viewing your Autoship, click on "edit" to update the card info. Once the information is updated, click the checkbox that says "process my payment the next business day." When you are back to the autoship screen, press the "activate" option next to the billing information. You may also call Customer Support at 470-443-9330 to process your payment immediately. ~ Sarah Muscarella, Manager of Customer Support


I just gave birth to a new baby boy! You may not know that – but I did. It’s EXCITING! I’m already a mommy to two beautiful children, and I love all three more than I can express. But there’s something about a new baby that just brings a sense of excitement and anticipation – Who will he grow up to be? Will he look like his dad? Will he have my curly hair? What will his favorite color be? Will he play a musical instrument? The list goes on and on! But we all know, even those who aren’t parents, that it doesn’t start that way! A brand new baby takes a lot of WORK! Feeding, rocking, changing diapers, teaching the baby to fall asleep (and stay asleep). They don’t come out walking and talking. After a few weeks (or months), you start getting worn down and sleep deprived. It’s easy to feel depressed and even a bit defeated. But it does get better; they don’t stay babies forever.

It’s the same with your PlanNet Marketing business – at first there is so much excitement and promise. You jump in head first and wonder – When will I sell my first ITA? Will I make it to Gold Builder? 20/20 Club member? Director? What will I say on a three-way call? At a presentation? But that isn’t where it starts – there is a lot of WORK that has to go into that first sale – into building momentum, and spending a lot of time and effort to invest in building a team. After a few weeks (or months), you start getting worn down and sleep deprived from all the calls, meetings, and presentations. If you’re working on that first sale or fifth sale or fifteenth sale, you know that your residual income doesn’t just come walking up – you have to earn it! But it does get better. Your team will grow, they’ll learn so much from you and your upline, they’ll start duplicating your efforts, and those matrix payments will start rolling in! You’ll feel a renewed sense of pride and excitement.

My three-year-old daughter no longer needs my help to sit up on her own, or walk, or even feed herself. Most nights when I put her to bed – she falls right to sleep with no help from me – no rocking, no bottles. She has come a long way in a short time. So will your business. Now don’t get me wrong, there’s still work involved. I still have to cook her meals and help her brush her teeth every evening, but it’s way more fun to run and play together. She loves to help me in everything I do and she’s learning more every day. Your business will always require your attention; there will always be work to do. But it will get easier; it will get more fun again. There will be times when you have to put a lot of effort into this, and times when it’s easier and you’re able to sit back and just oversee your team.
Don’t lose that sense of excitement for the future and don’t lessen your efforts – it’s gonna be a fun ride full of learning, growing and achievements. The PlanNet Corporate team is here every step of the way to help!
-- Policies and Procedures are located in your Virtual Office in the Information Center (go to Resources, then Policies and Procedures).
~Amanda Restivo, Vice President, Compliance --

Race to Director - They're On Their Way!

PlanNet Marketing


PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race,
and on their way to One-Star Director!

1. Taryn Cox
2. Eric Clifton
3. Faith Johnson
4. Marcus & LaFlower Bowie
5. A. Todd and Sonia Jackson
6. Roger Lillard
7. Vincent Green
8. Lucretia Gordon
9. Elliott George
10. Shaketta Giles

PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs
Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1. Joy Lovett Dawkins
2. Amy Uribe
3. Nathan Newman
4. Kwanya Martin
5. Trudel Scott
6. Lawrence Hawkins
7. Eric & Jamila Magee
8. Rasheba McGowan
9. Anastasia Winston
10. Alfred Ingram




On Oxford Street – located North of the hotel, there are countless options to grab a bite for lunch, especially around Bond Street Station. If you go towards Oxford Street there are numerous choices.
Close to Marble Arch Station:
Pret a Manger, McDonalds and Patisserie Valerie are quick options to grab a simple hot meal or a sandwich.   Spaghetti House, Prezzo and Pizza Hut are loosely Italian-based chain sit-down restaurants within a 50 metre radius of the station.
Close to Bond Street:
Popular options for food on the go include Pret a Manger, Subway, Starbucks, McDonalds and Wasabi. All are within a 50 metre radius of Bond Street Station on the above map.
The following chain restaurants offer sit-down but quick meals: Nandos (Portuguese restaurant specializing in chicken), Pizza Express, La Pain Quotidien (French patisserie café), Ed’s Easy Diner, and Spaghetti House.


PlanNet Marketing
2017 International Convention Atlanta

“Going Global”
Thursday – Saturday, September 28-30, 2017 Marriott Marquis -- Atlanta, Georgia
Online Pre-Registration April 21st through Monday, July 31st
$179 (or, limited to 1,000 Registrations)

Online Registration Tuesday, August 1st through Sunday, August 20th
$229 (or, limited to 400 Registrations or until Sold Out!)

At the door: $249 (if available)

Registration Ticket purchases are non-refundable and may not be resold for more than the purchase price. Registration Tickets may be transferred only through August 20, 2017.


Officially launched at the US National Convention this month in Las Vegas - the PLANNET MARKETING 40/40 CLUB! 40/40 Club Members join this prestigious group upon making 40 personal ITA sales! Congratulations to all on this inspiring and outstanding accomplishment!


40/40 Club Members featured this week are Three-Star Directors Walter and Tiffany Powell, Two-Star Director LaVonda Thornton, One-Star Director Tisha DeShields, and One-Star Directors Eric and Jamila Magee.