Race to Director - They're On Their Way!



Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race, 
and on their way to One-Star Director!

1. John Dacosta

2. Jean Marc Goddard

3. Nubrain Corporation (Lisa Horsley)

4. Calvin Ellerbe

5. Sandra Myricks

6. Shaunte Garrett

7. Anita Gilkey

8. Erinn Elize

9. Marvin and Ingrid Fordham

10. Sonya Phillips


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs
Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1. DeJoire Benson

2. Natalie Graham

3. David Washington

4. Joy Lovett Dawkins

5. Didier Gelard

6. Donn and Tawanda Shamley

7. Trudel Scott

8. Nathan Newman

9. LaVonda Thornton

10. Kwanya Martin


13 Days to Go!

Countdown to Convention!

You can still register for the PlanNet Marketing 2016 National Convention
by calling PlanNet Support at 470-443-9330.

If you registered online, you’ll soon be receiving your official Convention name badge by mail. Please be sure to bring your badge with you and present it at Registration Central.

When you arrive at Registration Central (in the lobby at the Marriott Marquis), just show them your name badge and you’ll be given your Convention bag containing your lanyard and plastic sleeve.

Registration Central will be open for early check-in on Wednesday from 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm, then opens again Thursday morning at 7:00 am. Beat the crowds!

PlanNet University classes will be conducted on Thursday and Friday. Class times are
9:00 am, 10:30 am, 12:00 pm, 1:30 pm, 3:00 pm, and 4:30 pm each day. You will receive outstanding training on topics beneficial to your business, taught by the best! In your Convention Program you’ll see class times and topics, instructors, and classroom locations.
Class session times on Thursday and Friday are as follows:

4 and Free is extended through Convention!
Make FOUR new ITA Sales between June 1 and Saturday, September 10, and at the end of any month when you have at least four (4) Active ITAs, your PlanNet and InteleTravel monthly fees are waived the following month!

InteleTravel’s Special Freedom Promotion!
InteleTravel has announced an extension of the Freedom Month promotion! An inactive ITA can renew their ITA business and only pay the current $39.95 due. The program extends through Saturday, September, 10, 2016.


New One-Star Director and 20/20 Club Member Patricia Johnson Brown relates, “I had a successful career in corporate America in the semiconductor industry.  There I excelled, earned great income, but had no passion for what I did. Now, I am so excited about the opportunity to build a thriving career in a new industry while pursuing my passions at the same time. I am truly passionate about giving back, which is why I am the cofounder of the nonprofit organization, Math Is My Friend, Inc., which is dedicated to closing the achievement gap in math. However, I am also truly passionate about financial freedom. As a part of PlanNet Marketing, I have the opportunity to give back by helping others pursue their personal and financial dreams, all while traveling and pursuing my own financial goals.  It’s a win-win and a perfect way to go into what I call “Phase 2” of my life. When I heard Donald Bradley say “we are going to teach you how to make it, save it, and invest it,” I knew this was the place for me because that was already my mantra, except I did it with a job and stock options. I thought to myself, ‘Now, I can do the same thing with my own business, while traveling the world!’ How awesome is that!!!  I’m all in!" 

Patricia attributes her success to being a firm believer of setting goals and tracking results. She continues, “I believe this was a huge contribution to my reaching the milestone of 20/20 Club.  I like simple and to the point. When my mentor Eileen Ross and I discussed working my list and the fortune being in the follow-up, I embraced it. I put my head down, I made my spreadsheet, and I started inviting. When I looked up, I had over 20 people. On my spreadsheet, I have a column with a note for each interaction with the person on my list, that way I can track their responses and know when and how to follow-up. I can easily see what methods/exposure tools have worked better for me, which then helps me duplicate my own process. Every person does not respond to the same type of invitation the same way, so you may have to switch it up until you get a response. Thanks to all of the PlanNet Marketing tools, the training provided, and my mentor, I have so many ways to expose people to my business and I am constantly learning the most effective ways to use all of them.

PlanNet Marketing Black Business Card

Black Business Cards – stylish, sleek, professional and everybody wants them! PlanNet Marketing has been getting lots of questions about how our Reps can maximize their Black Business Card, or “Black Card” as it’s affectionately known. I thought I’d make it easy for everyone and give you a few tips and hints.

1)  These cards are for your PlanNet Marketing Rep business ONLY. Make sure any and all information you put on these cards is PlanNet Marketing related. Please don’t put your InteleTravel website address or travel agency name on your PlanNet Marketing business card. (Visit your InteleTravel Virtual Office to order business cards for your travel agency).

2)  These cards are created to be easy. We want you to have various materials you can use to promote your PlanNet business without having to worry about design or compliance. To order your Black Card, log in to your Virtual Office, enter your name and contact details, and you’re done. No uploading pictures, no thinking of catchy slogans. Simple.

3)  The cards are perfect, just as they are! It’s not that we don’t love your personal creativity, we do – believe me! But we’re asking you to reserve that creativity for other projects. The Black Card was created with you, your business, and PlanNet’s Policies and Procedures in mind. That means you can’t add anything to the back of your Black Card.

4)  Order them ASAP! Whether you’re planning to attend PlanNet Marketing’s National Convention in September or just handing these bad boys out to your friends and neighbors – you want to get your Black Card sooner than later!

For any other questions or concerns about the Black Business Card, please email Support@plannetmarketing.com  or give us a call at 470-443-9330. For compliance questions you can email me at Compliance@plannetmarketing.com. 

~ Amanda Restivo, Manager of Compliance --  arestivo@plannetmarketing.com
~ Policies and Procedures Section 4.2, located in your Virtual Office in the Information Center (go to Resources, then Policies and Procedures).

Q of the Week

Q: What do I do if I received a check that wasn't issued in my first and last name?

A: If you want your commission payments made out to your personal name, make sure you don't list a "Company Name" in your Virtual Office. If a Company Name is listed, PlanNet Marketing uses that to create your Paylution account and any payments to your bank or paper checks will be issued to that Company Name. Please be sure to leave this field blank if you do not have an FEIN.

If you previously listed a Company Name and want to remove it, you can do so by visiting your Virtual Office and clicking "Edit Account Profile." But keep in mind, that won't edit your Paylution account - for any changes in Paylution please call PlanNet Support at 470-443-9330 or email Paylution@plannetmarketing.com.

~LeAnn Troeckler, PlanNet Marketing Chief Operations Officer leann@plannetmarketing.com

Compliance Tip of the Week

We always talk about rules – and those are important (oh yes they are!) but they aren’t the ONLY important matter we have to discuss. I think we should talk about your account with PlanNet. It's your connection to the company - the hub of all information - and it's IMPORTANT. 
When is the last time you looked through your Virtual Office to update your address, phone number, email address, or your bank information with Paylution? Maybe recently, maybe never!
PlanNet prides ourselves on the way we do business – and we want to be able to communicate with each and every Rep when and if we need to. The fact is, many of you may not even be getting the Blog email each week because we don’t have your current email address. Please help us to help you. To ensure timely communications, delivery of support materials and commission payments, it is critically important that PlanNet Marketing’s files are current. If you’re planning to move or change your email address, let us know as soon as possible.

You can update the information yourself in your Virtual Office (VO) by clicking "Edit Profile Account," you can email Support@plannetmarketing.com, send a support ticket from your VO, or call us at 470-443-9330. Don’t let another day go by without ensuring we know who you are, where you are, and how to reach you. Please note: All name changes must be submitted in writing via email or support ticket. Please include your ID number with all requests.
-- Policies and Procedures Section 6.1, located in your Virtual Office in the Information Center (go to Resources, then Policies and Procedures).
~Amanda Restivo, Manager of Compliance --  arestivo@plannetmarketing.com

This Weekend and Beyond!

Super Saturday Event - Columbia, SC

Sunday PlanNet Pulse Call - 9:00 pm ET - Founder & Chairman Donald Bradley, CEO & President Andy Cauthen. Dial In: 641-715-3610 Pin: 377045#

Sunday Opportunity Conference Call - Sunday 9:30pm ET - Hear from the top income earners inside PlanNet Marketing. Dial In: 641-715-3610 Pin: 377045#

Monday - Friday: The Morning Call - A Daily Dose of Inspiration, Motivation & Education
Every Monday - Friday Morning @ 8:00 am ET. Dial in:  641-715-3610 Pin: 377045#.  In case you missed it: Morning Call Playback  641-715-3609 Pin: 377045#

Midnight Madness Call - August 1-31, 2016 - 12:00 Midnight ET / 11:00 pm CT / 10:00 pm MT / 9:00 pm PT. Dial in: 71-432-0900 Pin: 570303#

Monday Event - Huntsville, AL 

Monday Webinar - PlanNet Marketing Opportunity Webinar Every Monday Evening (Register online thru your Virtual Office) 
Tuesday Events - Orlando, FL -- Akron, OH -- San Diego, CA -- Baltimore, MD -- Atlanta, GA -- Newark, NJ

Tuesday Call - Opportunity Conference Call – Hear from the top income earners inside PlanNet Marketing. Dial In: 641-715-3610 Pin: 377045#

Tuesday Webinar - InteleTravel Webinar

Wednesday Call - Opportunity Conference Call – Hear from the top income earners inside PlanNet Marketing. Dial In: 641-715-3610 Pin: 377045#

Thursday Events -  Houston, TX -- Ft. Lauderdale/Miami, FL -- Dallas, TX -- Baltimore/DC/Virginia -- Los Angeles, CA -- Charlotte, NC

Thursday Call - Opportunity Conference Call – Hear from the top income earners inside PlanNet Marketing. Dial In: 641-715-3610 Pin: 377045#

Thursday Podcast - Weekly updated Inteletravel Podcast Sessio

Race to Director - They're On Their Way!



Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race, 
and on their way to One-Star Director!

1. John Dacosta

2. Jean Marc Goddard

3. Nubrain Corporation (Lisa Horsley)

4. Calvin Ellerbe

5. Sandra Myricks

6. Shaunte Garrett

7. Melissa Collins

8. Anita Gilkey

9. Marvin and Ingrid Fordham

10. Sonya Phillips


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs
Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1. David Dacosta

2. DeJoire Benson

3. Natalie Graham

4. David Washington

5. Joy Lovett Dawkins

6. Donn and Tawanda Shamley

7. Didier Gelard

8. Trudel Scott

9. Nathan Newman

10. Kwanya Martin


Countdown to Convention!

You can still register for the PlanNet Marketing 2016 National Convention by calling PlanNet Support at 470-443-9330. And please note the following specials!

4 and Free is extended through Convention!
Make FOUR new ITA Sales between June 1 and Saturday, September 10, and at the end of any month when you have at least four (4) Active ITAs, your PlanNet and InteleTravel monthly fees are waived the following month!

InteleTravel’s Special Freedom Promotion!
InteleTravel has announced an extension of the Freedom Month promotion! An inactive ITA can renew their ITA business and only pay the current $39.95 due. The program extends through Saturday, September, 10, 2016.

The PlanNet Black Card!
Go to your Virtual Office main page, scroll down and take a look at the new PlanNet Marketing Black Business Card. Click on the card and you’re there! Be sure to bring your PlanNet Black Card to the Convention – you’ll be glad you did.

One-Star Director and 20/20 Club Member Ernestine Ray

One-Star Director and 20/20 Club Member Ernestine Ray says, “I am the younger of two daughters, from Bedford-Stuyvesant in Brooklyn, New York. Diagnosed early with a learning disability, my childhood was quite difficult until one day when the school librarian exposed me to a book about Africa. It was then I realized that I am from a great people! From then on I would spend most of my elementary school days in the library, learning how to read and, more importantly, reading about Africa. I went on to become an Educational Attaché with the American Embassy in Africa. Ever since those early days I decided to choose who I am and will become so others won’t define me.”

Ernestine relates that she has had the good fortune and is delighted to have worked in 33 countries and traveled to 44 countries!. Her favorite places to travel thus far have been Ghana, Mali, Brazil, Italy and Thailand! Because of PlanNet Marketing she is looking forward to visiting India, Australia and Portugal in the very near future!

She continues, “The network marketing industry has been good to me. It has allowed me a new beginning and has been an incubator for my growth. I have been blessed to be mentored by the late Dr. Barbara Jackson, Sister Maya Angelou and President Nelson Mandela. Because of those experiences, I take great pleasure in mentoring and building people up. One of my favorite quotes is an African proverb that states, ‘If we stand tall it is because we stand on the backs of those who came before us.’”

Director Ray believes the keys to Network Marketing are:
1) Being coachable!
2) Following the simple system in place so that the duplication process is easy for your team.
3) Keeping your mind strong through personal development – reading and getting around people who can help you walk in your greatness. The books that have affected her network marketing career the most are Go Pro by Eric Worre and The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell.

Ernestine’s defining moment in network marketing “was when my previous upline leader (not my sponsor) believed in me, helped me develop a strategy and pushed me to the point where I jumped from a middle ranking to the very top of the company within less than a month. That’s why I am convinced that being coachable and true leadership can take an average network marketer to the top of the compensation plan.”

Her philosophy on life: To extend your hand and lift someone up. She relaxes with meditation, reflection and music and she wakes up every morning with an attitude of gratitude.

I want to wish my whole PlanNet Marketing Family much success. Enjoy the journey! Remember, “We are all powerful beyond measure.”

20/20 Club Members Give Inspiration!

To become a PlanNet Marketing 20/20 Club Member, you must produce 20 direct ITA sales. Those sales will create 20 Independent Travel Agents with the opportunity to build and profit from a home-based travel business in the most exciting industry on the planet!  

Meet 20/20 Club Member Cophia Jackson. She is a Georgia peach hailing from Jonesboro, Georgia. She is a mother of two wonderful children and her eldest has just graduated college. Cophia was a military child for over ten years and was stationed with her family at many US Air Force bases, including two bases in Germany where she attended German schools - “Guten tag!” After her father retired from the military, her family settled in Alabama and she attended the University of North Alabama, graduating with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science with a minor in Accounting. She owns a Tax and Travel business.

Cophia loves to cook, travel, snorkel, and look at the stars through her telescope at night. Her biggest passion is people and their goals. She likes to empower clients to perform at levels they did not know they could achieve. She is also very active in the community. She supports Youth Sports in Jonesboro and volunteers feeding the homeless and assists at battered women and children's shelters.

As a military child, Cophia developed a love for travel as her family moved around the world. As she grew, her desire for traveling never stopped. Her travels have included the Bahamas, Jamaica, Turks and Caicos, Mexico, Germany, France, Malta and multiple states in America. Cophia desires to travel to all parts of the world, including Egypt, China, Japan, Australia, and several other wonderful destinations across the planet! 

Cophia began her career in corporate America working for IBM for nine years. Her desire to help people and their families thrive to the best of their ability encouraged her to pursue a life in the tax industry. She recognized that assisting people with their finances would not only impact their lives in a positive manner but would also bring her satisfaction. When the opportunity to join PlanNet Marketing came along, she immediately knew that this would help to positively impact families from all financial and cultural backgrounds. She is extremely happy to be a part of the PlanNet family and is looking forward to helping many more. 

Cophia tells us that working as an ITA is another part of her business and is very challenging. The fact that she puts herself in her clients’ shoes as if she were going to travel herself is why she has been so successful in such a short amount of time. She has a simple, yet effective, belief that she must be a product of her product, and acts with a sense of urgency.



Paylution Pay Portal

PlanNet Marketing has partnered with Hyperwallet’s Paylution Pay Portal to help achieve an international payment system for our Independent Representatives. Hyperwallet has been providing their services to direct selling companies for over 15 years. They excel in international payment options and local currency distribution worldwide.

With Paylution Pay Portal, you can opt to be paid via direct deposit, prepaid card load, paper check, local cash pickups or any combination of these based on your personal preference. Payments are timely and efficient with its real-time wallet and card loading, giving you the ability to access your money while traveling 24/7 through web or mobile interfaces.

CLICK HERE for the "Getting Started Guide" that will give you an overview of Paylution and how easy it is to get paid through our PlanNet Paylution Portal.

CLICK HERE for your "Paylution User Guide" attached that will give you more specific information about our PlanNet payment portal and fees associated with different payment options.

The Paylution Pay Portal account is automatically created when one first enrolls as a distributor. Once the account has been created, you will receive a welcome email notifying you that your Paylution Pay Portal is ready for activation. Follow the instructions in your welcome email to activate your account. If you have any questions, please email Paylution@PlanNetMarketing.com or call Customer Support at 470-443-9330. (After setting up your account with Paylution, you can contact their Customer Service directly - this information is located in the Paylution User Guide).

Compliance Tip of the Week

Are you out there??
Who are you? Are you reading the PlanNet compliance tips column for the first time? The fifth time? What are your concerns? What do you want to know? Do you want to hear from me more often? Less often?

Right now, today, open an email to compliance@plannetmarketing.com and say HI! Then tell me anything you want me to know – that you love what I write, that you hate what I write, that my articles are too long, boring, exactly what you need to hear… give it to me, I can handle the truth!

TEN lucky Reps* who email me in response to this article will receive two PlanNet Luggage Tags in the mail next week!
PlanNet Marketing Policies and Procedures are located in your Virtual Office. Hover over Information Center, then click Resources. Under PlanNet Documents you’ll find a file titled “Policies and Procedures.”

*~Amanda Restivo, Manager of Compliance -- arestivo@plannetmarketing.com

Reps must email compliance@plannetmarketing.com, stating the email is in response to the PlanNet Now! blog article. All entries must be received no later than Midnight ET Wednesday, August 24, 2016. All responding Reps will be entered into a random drawing for two PlanNet Luggage Tags for each of the ten winners! Prize winners will be notified by email on Thursday, August 25, 2016.

This Weekend and Beyond

Friday Event - Raleigh, NC

Super Saturday Event - Houston, TX

Super Sunday Event - Atlanta, GA

Sunday PlanNet Pulse Call - 9:00 pm ET - Founder & Chairman Donald Bradley, CEO & President Andy Cauthen. Dial In: 641-715-3610 Pin: 377045#

Sunday Opportunity Conference Call - Sunday 9:30pm ET - Hear from the top income earners inside PlanNet Marketing. Dial In: 641-715-3610 Pin: 377045#

Monday - Friday: The Morning Call - A Daily Dose of Inspiration, Motivation & Education
Every Monday - Friday Morning @ 8:00 am ET. Dial in:  641-715-3610 Pin: 377045#.  In case you missed it: Morning Call Playback  641-715-3609 Pin: 377045#

Midnight Madness Call - August 1-31, 2016 - 12:00 Midnight ET / 11:00 pm CT / 10:00 pm MT / 9:00 pm PT. Dial in: 71-432-0900 Pin: 570303#

Monday Event - Huntsville, AL 

Monday Webinar - PlanNet Marketing Opportunity Webinar Every Monday Evening (Register online thru your Virtual Office) 
Tuesday Events - Orlando, FL -- Akron, OH -- San Diego, CA -- Baltimore, MD -- Atlanta, GA -- Newark, NJ

Tuesday Call - Opportunity Conference Call – Hear from the top income earners inside PlanNet Marketing. Dial In: 641-715-3610 Pin: 377045#

Tuesday Webinar - InteleTravel Webinar

Wednesday Events - Tri-State Showcase Event, Newark, DE

Wednesday Call - Opportunity Conference Call – Hear from the top income earners inside PlanNet Marketing. Dial In: 641-715-3610 Pin: 377045#

Thursday Events - Houston, TX -- Ft. Lauderdale/Miami, FL -- Dallas, TX -- Baltimore/DC/Virginia -- Ontario, CA -- Charlotte, NC -- Chicago/Milwaukee

Thursday Call - Opportunity Conference Call – Hear from the top income earners inside PlanNet Marketing. Dial In: 641-715-3610 Pin: 377045#

Thursday Podcast - Weekly updated Inteletravel Podcast Session

Race to Director - They're On Their Way!



Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race, 
and on their way to One-Star Director!

1. Patricia Brown

2. John Dacosta

3. Calvin Ellerbe

4. Shaunte Garrett

5. Sandra Myricks

6. Nubrain Corporation (Lisa Horsley)

7. Jean Marc Goddard

8. Anita Gilkey

9. Marvin and Ingrid Fordham

10. Sonya Phillips


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs
Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1. David Dacosta

2. DeJoire Benson

3. Natalie Graham

4. David Washington

5. Joy Lovett Dawkins

6. Donn and Tawanda Shamley

7. Trudel Scott

8. Didier Gelard

9. Nathan Newman

10. LaVonda Thorton


Countdown to Convention

Special $125.00 Registration Fee Ends Today!
The special registration fee of $125.00 is extended through TODAY - Friday, August 12, 2016. All the information about the Convention is available now in your Rep Virtual Office. Register ONLINE through today - Friday, August 12, then starting Monday, August 14 through Wednesday, August 31 please call PlanNet Support to register at 470-443-9330!

4 and Free is extended through Convention!
Make FOUR new ITA Sales between June 1st and Saturday, September 10th, and at the end of any month when you have at least four (4) Active ITAs, your PlanNet and InteleTravel monthly fees are waived the following month!

InteleTravel’s Special Freedom Promotion!
InteleTravel has announced an extension of the Freedom Month promotion! An inactive ITA can renew their ITA business and only pay the current $39.95 due. The program extends through Monday, September 12. (See below for the details!)

The PlanNet Black Card!
Go to your Virtual Office main page, scroll down and take a look at the new PlanNet Marketing Black Business Card. Click on the card and you’re there! Be sure to bring your PlanNet Black Card to the Convention – you’ll be glad you did.

Order your Black Business Card Today!

Meet this week's Featured Directors!


Natalie Alexander was born in St. Louis MO, moved to San Antonio, TX as a teenager, then moved to Atlanta, GA as a young adult. Since the age of 20, she has vibrantly embraced her entrepreneurial spirit. She enjoys the challenge of planting seeds of opportunity and nurturing them into full bloom. 

Founding One-Star Directors Natalie and her husband Derrick, a native of Lynchburg, VA, share common interests in operating businesses, enjoying family and friends, and growing spiritually. Natalie's 'hobby' is graphic design and Derrick's love is music. He is a member of Atlanta's hottest old school band. They love traveling -- whether flying, cruising or driving.  Although their travels have taken them to places around the world, they agree that their very favorite vacation was loading up the family in the RV and spending a week at the "Happiest Place on Earth" -- Disney World.

Directors Natalie and Derrick reached a point that many entrepreneurs have encountered -- the business thrived but the owners suffered. They reached the crossroad where 'Hardtimes' met 'Hardtimes.’  ENTER… PlanNet Marketing!! They were presented with an opportunity to connect with the company during its introductory phase. The enthusiasm was infectious (and still is). They jumped in on 'all fours' -- even though the $99 entry fee was a challenge at that time. Together they became fully engaged in learning and sharing with others. In their first 40 days, they achieved the One-Star Director position and are on their way to reaching Two-Star Director status. As true leaders do, they have developed other successful leaders along the way..

So, what have they learned as they have earned?
    ►Continue to follow your passion.
    ►Care enough about your network of friends and family to bring them into your circle of success.
    ►READ, READ, READ.  Mr. Bradley challenges us all to read at least 30 minutes a day.  
    ►Teamwork truly makes the Dream work.


Owed Monthly Fees Are Forgiven!
Summer is about celebrating your Freedom as an Agent at InteleTravel.com, because if your Independent Travel Agency (ITA) account is in "Inactive" status no matter how many monthly fees you may owe in arrears, you can reactivate your Independent Travel Agency (ITA) account by paying only one current Monthly Unlimited Support Fee.

No Reasons Necessary.
You may have gone inactive because of a job change, because life became a bit more complicated, or because things have been tight lately. It doesn't matter.

No Limit To The Amount We Will Waive For You.
You might owe two, three, four or more months, totaling $80, $100 or more in overdue fees. It doesn't matter. (Offer does not apply to accounts in Credit Hold status - Agents owing only their current monthly fee.)

You Must Act By September 12th.
InteleTravel values you and wants you back as an agent. So for this one special month only, pay just one of your regular monthly fees to reactivate your inactive account and regain access to your InteleTravel website and all the commission income and benefits of being an independent travel agent! Then make your regular future monthly payments after that to maintain your good standing.

Reactivation Is Automated. No Need To Call Or Write.
Simply login at www.InteleTravel.com with your Agent PIN and Password and complete the payment information by September 12, 2016.

Offer applies to InteleTravel Agent accounts that are in Inactive status at the time you make payment during the dates of this offer. Offer does not apply to Credit Hold accounts (owe only one month) or Cancelled accounts. Offer is valid August 10 - September 12, 2016 only and a valid monthly payment must be made online to InteleTravel during those dates only. Log in to your Agent back office and make a payment online - no need to contact Support. No other adjustments will be allowed. All other terms of your InteleTravel Independent Contractor Agreement apply. Offer does not apply to Cancelled accounts - please call or email customerservice@inteletravel.com.

Such a Small Investment Can Realize Tremendous Benefits!

We’re happy to tell you! You can get PlanNet Marketing’s indispensible new marketing and business tool that will have a tremendous impact on your business. The PlanNet Mobile App keeps you current on the latest company news and events, you receive instant updates on your Rep and ITA activity, you can share marketing videos, track leads, contact your team members and more!

You will be notified the instant someone visits your website or watches a video you’ve shared – and you can follow up immediately! Watch for messages from Don Bradley and Andy Cauthen, with important info and motivation you need to succeed.

More and more of our interaction online takes place on mobile devices. Engage with your leads in real time! The PlanNet Marketing Mobile App’s colorful icons and graphics make it easy to provide important information to your prospects – it’s all at your fingertips! And more importantly, your prospects and clients have easy access to get in touch with you! Get yours today for only $1.00 for the first month and $4.95 a month thereafter. For such a small investment, you will realize enormous benefits!

If you have any questions, please call PlanNet Support: 470-443-9330. Don’t wait! Get this important business tool today!

Here are just some of the outstanding features available to help you grow your PlanNet business:

  • Dashboard displays a variety of statistics about your lead activity and your business
  • Manage, view and filter leads with ease
  • View your personal reps and their latest activity, including sales, promotions and recruits
  • View your personal ITAs and their current status
  • Stay current with company news, updates, calendar and conference calls
  • Marketing videos and websites to share with prospects
  • A “must have” for staying connected to your team

Take advantage of the App’s many features for $1.00 for the first month and $4.95 a month thereafter. Stay connected with PlanNet Marketing like never before!