Everyone at PlanNet Marketing wishes you a very happy and blessed Thanksgiving! We gather on this day to be thankful for what we have, for the family we love, the friends we cherish, our PlanNet family, and for the blessings that will come. Happy Thanksgiving!
Please take a moment to read some of the many reasons your Teammates in our PlanNet Marketing family are thankful!

Shana and I are thankful to be in a position to sponsor a less fortunate family this Thanksgiving. It’s a blessing to be a blessing! Bob & Shana Morant, One-Star Directors, Columbus, OH

I am thankful for all my friends and family. The PlanNet Family has been beyond amazing through all that 2019 brought my way. I am beyond grateful for every blessing that has been given to me and count it a joy to work with such a wonderful group of individuals – both corporately and in the field.  2020 is sure to be a fantastic year! Justin Holliday, PlanNet Marketing, Marketing Coordinator, Seminole, OH

Stuart and Mona Grandison, One-Star Directors, from McCalla, AL are thankful for family and an opportunity that’s put financial freedom in plain view. 

I am thankful for what this incredible opportunity has done for me and my life so far. Grace Hopkins, Director-In-Training, Nottingham, UK

I’m so Thankful for Life and My Family. ~Thankful for my PlanNet Family, Friends and Business Partners I’ve acquired through this business. Kimberly McClain, Gold Builder, Stuart, FL 

I’m thankful for God, family, and a team full of wonderful people who have partnered with me in business and for my leaders and mentors. I wish you all a blessed Thanksgiving! Joy Simpson, One-Star Director, Tuscola, IL

I am thankful for this business. Truly. Getting me through the toughest time of my life with no sick pay from my day job when my partner suddenly passed away in May 2018, I am thankful I didn't quit on my business when I had every reason to give in, BUT I kept going because I saw the potential this company has to offer and there still being so much to come. I am thankful that I am able to build a legacy for our two-year-old son, Ethan, creating a better life for us and my team. So, thank you for everything, Mr. Bradley and PlanNet Marketing and my team. Thank you for coming into my life before everything fell apart and now helping us to rebuild our lives. Gemma Smith, Director-In-Training, Derby, UK

I’m thankful for the gift of “Re-invention.” PlanNet Marketing provided me a vehicle to totally reinvent my life. Carmen C. Ray, One-Star Director, Chandler, AZ

I am Gail S. Johnson, Director-In-Training from Lithonia, Georgia. I am thankful for my wonderful family and friends (who encourage me in all areas of my life), for Mr. and Mrs. Bradley and the entire PlanNet Marketing Team (for their vision, outstanding leadership and overall assistance), for my pastor, Kerwin Lee, (for his spiritual leadership) and for my wonderful sons, Darius and Lauseric (for being AWESOME kids). I am grateful for God’s gift of life and all that he's provided for me.

Thankful for life, health, strength, family and great relationships. Alkalik Jenkins, Director-In-Training, Marietta, GA

I am most Thankful for the Opportunity to leave a Legacy for my Family and help others do the same. Lucretia Gordon, One-Star Director, Grovetown, GA


I am thankful for the fact that I can work this amazing business around my children. Being a single mum is hard enough; the fact that I can be there when they come out of school every day means the absolute world to us! Melanie Thomas, Gold Builder, West Wales, UK

I am thankful that my life has been preserved from the womb to be equipped and deployed to accomplish the purpose Almighty God placed within me when He launched me into the earth. Mr. Bradley and all of my PlanNet Marketing sisters and brothers were predestined to assist me on this journey. I'm thankful for this vision and the will, desire, and capacity to see it fulfilled. Desiree’ Morrison, Director-In-Training, Slidell, LA

We are super thankful for PlanNet Marketing, we are thankful for this business, for our PlanNet family, our leadership, and our amazing team! Who would have thought that such a simple conversation we had with Mr. Bradley would afford us the lifestyle we have now. See you all at both the beaches and the banks! We love you! #PlanNetProud JeremyMcZeal and Brittany Parrish, One-Star Directors, San Antonio, TX

What I am grateful for – I am grateful to be in a business that fits around my priorities and to be able to create an income at the comfort of my own home which has been my dream for the last 10 years! Thanushiyaa Poobalasingam, Gold Builder, London, UK

I am thankful for a business-building family with my sponsor, my direct upline, and my full sideline partners that support me and encourage me every day. Kat Simpson, Director-In-Training, Keystone Heights, FL

One-Star Directors Robert and Sónya Wilson of Concord, NC are thankful for having the opportunity to be able to bless other families that were looking for something but did not know what it was they were seeking through this opportunity that we would not have had the option to do so otherwise. We have been able to help our own family in ways that we could not have imagined with a 9-5 in such a small time frame. We are very THANKFUL to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bradley for your vision and passion to share with others, Mr. and Mrs. David Washington and last but not least, our sponsor and cousins Mr. and Mrs. Anthony and Natisha McCarver!!!!

Besides being so very thankful for my family and my business, I’m thankful for God’s Graces. Second chances are a beautiful thing and knowing that God gives them to us as proof he has more in store, is amazing. The freedom and financial stability He has brought into my life by showing me this business opportunity is life-changing. He knew what He was doing! Sabrina Knapp, Gold Builder, Hedrick, IA

I count my blessings every day and am so grateful for my family, friends, my PlanNet family, my good health and happiness, and the beautiful world that I live in. I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving wherever you are! LisaMarie Klinger, VP of Marketing Administration, Fort Myers, FL

I'm thankful for God’s Grace, my peace of mind, and my family. Tribel Nickerson, Director-In-Training, Lithonia, GA

I am super thankful for being given this opportunity where I can spend more time with my precious baby girl without having to take a financial cut. This means a lot to me! Thank you PlanNet Marketing. Dukshini Prashanna, One-Star Director, London, UK

I am thankful for a vehicle that can afford you to share this amazing business no matter where you are – on your desktop, laptop, or smartphone, so people can have financial freedom. And did I tell you this vehicle speaks Spanish and French. Brenda Walker, Director-In-Training, Iva, SC

Hello I am Nashunte' Ragster-Manuel, Gold Builder, and I am from Shreveport, LA. What I am most thankful for is both my family and the PlanNet Marketing family. I am also thankful that I have been given this wonderful opportunity to give the gift of financial freedom to my child and families in my community.


I'm thankful for my international PlanNet Marketing family and the amazing memories over the last four years! David Dacosta, Three-Star Director, London England

Thankful for the abundance of Blessings with PlanNet. LeKeisha Morris, Director-In-Training, San Leon, TX

I am grateful for my loving family, amazing friends and my circle of new friends and phenomenal business partners who support me and push me to be the best version of myself and who have shown me that there are absolutely no limits to what I can achieve! Jacqueline Roseboro, Gold Builder, Charlotte NC

I am thankful every day for a business that has allowed me the time freedom to be with my child every day and travel the world with my family. Brigitte Metzger Harding, Two-Star Director, Rutherfordton, NC

Life, health, family, friends, and all other blessings from God Almighty… Also, I’m thankful for opportunities such as PlanNet Marketing!!! Tim Brown, Director-In-Training, Huntsville, AL

My name is Jron Brailey, One-Star Director, I currently reside in Atlanta, GA, and I am thankful for this opportunity. With this opportunity, I get to have conversations with my mom rather than her coming home and going to sleep from a tiring long day in her cubicle. Thankful for this opportunity because it allows my sisters to experience such a great life at a young age. I’m also thankful for this opportunity because it helped educate me and change my mindset for the better. Thank you PlanNet.

I am thankful that I said yes to this life changing opportunity! Not only have I met some of the best people, but now I have an opportunity to leave a legacy for my children! And for that I’m forever thankful! Sharonda Johnson, Director-In-Training, Midwest City, OK

I am thankful for being a humble servant and being a Kingdom Man for the kingdom. I am thankful for adding value to the marketplace and being a positive influence to other individuals. Lucion Green Jr, Gold Builder, Durham, NC

I am so thankful that I have such freedom and choice in my life thanks to this business, that I wake up every day and can exercise and walk because my health allows for it, that I am loved and supported by family, that I always have friends I can lean on, that we are all safe and that there is an abundance of blessings to tap into, always. Susie McCreadie, One-Star Director, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK

I am thankful for my family, friends, and this amazing opportunity. I am also very thankful for being in the right place at the right time with the right people. Antuinette Miles, Director-In-Training, Woodbridge, VA

I thank God daily for my beautiful daughters who are my biggest supporters. Also, for the ability to do what I love and help others. I am beyond grateful to Mr. and Mrs. Bradley (for creating this amazing opportunity), Cathy Smalls (for introducing me to this opportunity) and Eileen Ross (who continually helps me grow in this opportunity). Blessings and grace to the PlanNet family! Sabrina Perryman, One-Star Director, Sacramento, CA

I'm Grateful to see another birthday. On October 10th the Lord allowed me to be 74 years young! I'm also Very Grateful for my PlanNet Marketing Business!! WillieMae Elery, Director-In-Training, O'Fallon, IL

The Freedom and Audacity to Hope!! Calvin Ellerbe, One-Star Director, Columbia, SC

I am thankful for my family, and my PlanNet family! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Jenny Jeffries, PlanNet Marketing Support Specialist, Godfrey, IL

I’m thankful for my health, determination and for Mr. Bradley’s vision!! Happy Thanksgiving!!! Sharon Jackson, Director-In-Training, Houston, TX

I am thankful for the PlanNet Pledge. Leaving a legacy for my family. Donna Susor, One-Star Director, Toledo, OH

I am thankful for the relationships that I have. Family, Friends and Business Partners! I understand that relationships are the REAL currency and with the right relationships nothing is impossible!! Pethral Daniels, Director-In-Training, Austell, GA


I am thankful for my awesome team and sponsor as well as grace, mercy and the PlanNet Pledge. Happy Thanksgiving! Sonic Jones, One-Star Director, Snellville, GA

I’m thankful for the opportunity to Help families!!!!! Shewana Mack, Director-In-Training, Pinson, AL

I’m so thankful for my husband, Marcus, who loves and supports me in EVERY area of my life. Thankful for a loving family that instilled work ethic and values into me at a young age. I’m thankful for my PlanNet family and the culture of support, encouragement, empowerment and winning that envelops all of us and carries us to our wealthy place! Lynn Hendricks, Three-Star Director, Atlanta, GA

I am thankful for my happiness and family. Theresa Moliere, Gold Builder, Baytown, TX

I am Thankful for Mr. Bradley's vision. If it were not for him, I would not have a financial legacy for my family. #PlanNetProud Jean Freeman, One-Star Director, Bonita, CA

Thanksgiving is a reminder of all of our blessings. I'm grateful for my family, friends, co-workers and for being part of the PlanNet Marketing family. Yuri Del Rio, PlanNet Marketing Support Specialist, Collinsville, IL

My name is Monique Hawkes and I am a Director-In-Training residing in New Orleans, LA. This year, I am thankful for the opportunity to get up every day and walk in my purpose. It isn’t always easy, but my attitude will always be gratitude!

I am thankful that God knew exactly what I needed, and he guided me to it. I am thankful for the support of my family – especially my husband and my daughter, friends, and our team who shares the vision of changing as many families' lives as we possibly can. I am extremely THANKFUL for Mr. and Mrs. Bradley's vision of creating a vehicle that allows us to create our ideal lifestyle. Three years ago, I lost myself. This vehicle helped me find me again, and I am forever thankful! Jazmine Smith, One-Star Director, Fayetteville, GA

I’m thankful for sacking my boss on Monday and now being a full-time travel business owner! I’m grateful to be able to stay at home with my seven-month-old little boy! Jehane Thomas, Director-In-Training, Doncaster, UK

I am truly THANKFUL for the amazing leadership and vision that PlanNet Marketing represents. Eric Hawkins, Three-Star Director, Tobyhanna, PA

I am thankful for my family, good health, my team of champions, and PlanNet. Tabitha Rogers, Director-In-Training, Summerville SC

I am thankful for my God, the one that never gives up on me. I am thankful for the tough times, because they have made me into who I am. I am thankful for the wonder I see in my fiancé and children, for the ways in which I can make simple things seem magical. Angelica Turner, One-Star Director, Jacksonville, AL

I’m grateful for my family and the love we share. I’m grateful for 17 years ovarian cancer free!!!! I’m grateful for God using Mr. and Mrs. Bradley to bring forth this awesome business opportunity and helping each and every one of us to grow to our potential. Thankful… Judy Harris-VanDyke, Director-In-Training, Indianapolis, IN


I am thankful for my PlanNet Marketing family, my amazing team, and having the opportunity to retire early from my job. Sharlyn Griffin, One-Star Director, Opelika, AL

I am thankful for my Family and PlanNet Marketing. Jackie Dye, One-Star Director, Great Falls, SC

I am so thankful for so many things but this year, I am most thankful for my sister’s life. See, she was diagnosed with Stage 4 appendix cancer this past January and although she’s still fighting, she will WIN! Linda Pierre Louis, Director-In-Training, Far Rockaway, NY

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough and more. I'm thankful for family. Family is the foundation. I am thankful to have a God who loves me. Thankful that I am alive!! The setbacks have formed me and made me stronger. Just an overall appreciation for those who have impacted my life and business. Thankful for this opportunity. Vanita Baugh, One-Star Director, Dallas, TX

I am thankful for my little family, loved ones, friends, and business partners. I am thankful for my right mind, heath, and most definitely thankful for PlanNet Marketing. Tambra Brown, Director-In-Training, Trussville, AL

I am thankful for the opportunity each day to witness the health and achievements of my children. I’m beyond thankful that someone took the chance to reach out to me and share this amazing opportunity with me. Greater is coming and it’s my obligation to help as many families as possible. Shahiem Grant, One-Star Director, Baton Rouge, LA

My name is Pamla Mitchell, Gold Builder, and I am from New Orleans, LA now residing in San Antonio, TX. I am very thankful for this Business because it has opened my eyes to so many opportunities for myself and grandkids. Thank you PlanNet for allowing me Growth within myself.

It's no surprise that we give thanks for this exceptional opportunity Mr. Bradley affords us. Still, what I truly treasure are the unexpected relationships gained once I decided to treat my business like a business and not a travel discount program. The invaluable coaching, mentoring, and unwavering support of the team, peers, and leaders in this organization is unmatched. The joy, laughter, prayers, and even tears shared among my sisters and brothers in success have fulfilled me more than I could have imagined! I love every one of you on the PlanNet! Ellen Powell, Director-In-Training, Indianapolis, IN

I am Thankful for another year of family, another year of health, another year of growth, another year of self-discovery! Charles Kindred, Two-Star Director, Litchfield Park, AZ

I am Thankful for obtaining my entrepreneurship rights. PlanNet Marketing is the vehicle that affords me the positioning for my visions, passions, and changing lifestyle to become manifested in real time. I feel secure in establishing a generational legacy! Most importantly, the generations in front and behind me now will be rewarded with the seeds of harvest. R.I.C.H. = Realize It Can Happen! Michelle J. Carr, Director-In-Training, Lithonia, GA

I am so thankful for having an opportunity to be a part of something that is changing lives. I am also thankful for our amazing S-Team! The friendships and relationships that are being built because of such a wonderful company are hard to find and I am grateful to experience this. LeAnn Troeckler, Chief Operating Officer, PlanNet Marketing, Staunton, IL

I would like to thank God for blessing me with this amazing opportunity. I’m thankful for my handsome son, my family, and this opportunity. Thank you, PlanNet Marketing. Tykeyia Shelton, Gold Builder, Atlanta, GA

I am thankful for this opportunity to make a financial change in my life as well as others! Summer Lee, One-Star Director, Greenville, SC

My name is Crystal Bodie Smith, Gold Builder, of North Carolina by way of New York. I am initially thankful for the vision of the Founders of PlanNet Marketing, Donald and Deborah Bradley. I am very thankful for their heart for people and their desire to see families win by making it, saving it, and investing it. This system they set in place for personal and professional growth and wealth building is phenomenal. I pray that they receive a 100-fold blessing back in every area of the lives of their whole family.


I am thankful for each and every person that makes this great company thrive. We have had four wonderful years, with many more to come! Sarah Muscarella, PlanNet Marketing Manager of Customer Support, Jerseyville, IL

I am thankful for this beacon of hope called PlanNet Marketing, which has not only provided me with a means for a better life, but also a community where I feel a strong sense of belonging. Denesha Bailey, One-Star Director, Kingston, Jamaica

Thankful for the opportunity to leave a LEGACY!! Jennae Pitts, Director-In-Training, Waldorf, MD

I am Thankful for you! Happy Thanksgiving!! Natalie Alexander, Two-Star Director, Atlanta, GA

I'm thankful for my family and the opportunity that PlanNet Marketing has given me to become a better version of myself. Umeka Evans, Gold Builder, Dublin, OH

I am grateful for everything this business has given me. A bigger bank balance, more travel, a positive mindset and a new bunch of like-minded friends. Rachael-Casey Mckeown, Director-In-Training, Sunderland, England

Not only am I thankful for the family I have with my husband, but I’m also thankful for business partners I now call family in PlanNet. God is truly good! Amanda Ruggs-Owens, One-Star Director, Mobile, AL

I am thankful for all the life experiences I’ve been blessed to be a part of, including PlanNet Marketing. Being a mentor, daughter, mother, wife…and even now a widow, God has still been good to me and for that I celebrate this season of Thanksgiving. Jacquelyn DeLane, Director-In-Training, Chicago, IL

I am thankful for my three amazing daughters, Shiyanne, Shaniya and Madison!! Saneka Nelson, Gold Builder, Wake Forest, NC.

I am beyond grateful for my family, ESPECIALLY my two little boys. Words cannot express what they mean to me. To make things beyond better, I have found PlanNet Marketing, this is the answer to helping me take care of my boys, so they will want or need for nothing! I am also so very grateful that I have grown personally and professionally over the past year and I have been able to help others begin to reach their goals and dreams, just because of PlanNet Marketing. Diahn-Maria Ellis, One-Star Director, Jamaica

Thank God for this amazing place called PlanNet Marketing, and the opportunity that it has afforded to all of us. I am so thankful for life and life more abundantly! God Bless the PlanNet! Sidyetta F. Brown-Thomas, Director-In-Training, Baton Rouge, LA

I am thankful for the chosen 'family' I have gained with this business. Kenzie Wright King, One-Star Director, Liberty, UT

I am thankful to have my family, friends and my children always supporting me. Jodi Doolen, PlanNet
Marketing Customer Support Specialist, Roxana, IL

My name is Tracy McCain, Director-In-Training and I'm from Charlotte, NC. I’m Thankful for my husband, my kids, my grandkids, and my entire family. I'm also Thankful for PlanNet Marketing. Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Bradley, for this Opportunity. Thank you, Eileen Ross, for everything.... Thank you, Shaketta Giles, for Introducing me to the Best Place on the PlanNet...I'm thankful for the leadership and staff.

I'm thankful to God giving me and my family another Thanksgiving to get it right. Tiffany Ingram, Gold Builder, Forney, TX


I am Thankful and Grateful for my family, Thankful for my business and Thankful for what all God has done for me!! Latrice Jones, One-Star Director, Bessemer, AL

Thank you for this opportunity! My name is Kimberlee Felder, Gold Builder, and I reside in Summerville, SC. I thank God that Mr. Bradley had a vision that allows me to take care of my three special needs children from home!

I am thankful for the ability to support my children through life changes. This opportunity has shown them a strength in me that would have taken much longer to achieve without PlanNet Marketing. I look forward to further success for everyone! Nacole McCain, One-Star Director, Jacksonville, FL

James Montgomery III, Gold Builder out of Lexington, KY. I'm thankful for PlanNet Marketing providing a vehicle for me to dream again. I'm thankful for the opportunity to live the life I really want to live and not have to settle for something less

I am so thankful for my PlanNet village and the founder and CEO of this amazing vehicle. We are definitely in the right place, right time, and right opportunity!!! 2020 is definitely our year of momentum…. Kellie Ridgeway, One-Star Director, Atlanta, GA

My name is Seymour Cameron, Gold Builder with PlanNet Marketing. I live in Northwest London UK. I am thankful for the new relationships that are built from this opportunity; people who were strangers have become family and we all now continue to learn and grow together.

Thankful for the opportunity! Nicora Cotton, Gold Builder, Charlotte, NC

Time Freedom. Tanisha Brown, One-Star Director, Atlanta, GA

I am thankful for health, love, all the blessings that have been bestowed upon me and the many people who started off as business partners and turned into family! Thank you for your strength, love and leadership! Cornessa Samuels, Gold Builder, Birmingham, AL

I'm thankful for my two boys, Landon and Kaden. They give me hope! They believe in me and push me to the next level, not just as a mom but also in this business, and I am forever grateful. Erica Ledet, One-Star Director, Shreveport, LA

I am thankful for someone taking the time to speak enough words to us over four years ago which changed our lives forever. Going to places we only dreamed of and money to pay for it all. Thank you, Lord. Elbert and Patricia Jones, Director-In-Training, Compton, CA

I am thankful for life and the chance to change my family’s future. Orisha Bartley, One-Star Director, London, UK

Thankful for a community of loved family, friends, and partners who have become part of my extended family. Relationships are a treasure. Tandisizwe Rhone, Two-Star Director, Los Angeles, CA

I am grateful that in June of 2016 God placed PlanNet Marketing in my path! The personal growth that I have gotten has been life-changing. PlanNet Marketing will be a viable part of my family for years and years to come! Dennette Welch, Gold Builder, Baton Rouge, LA

We Are First Thankful To God For Waking Us Up And Allowing US The Opportunity To See Another Day. We Are Thankful For Our Children, Friends And Family! We Are Thankful For Donald And Deborah Bradley And PlanNet Marketing For Giving A Platform To Not Only Change Our Lives But The Thousands Of Lives That Are Attached To Us! Last But Not Least, We Are Thankful For Our Team That Gets On The Battlefield And Fights For Their Families’ Freedom Daily! Tiffany (Four-Star Director) and Calvin (Two-Star Director) McIntosh, Katy, TX

I am thankful for my family. Joslyn Guster, Director-In-Training, Decatur, AL

I’m eternally thankful and grateful to Mr. Donald Bradley for never giving up and creating something that would help free my family and so many others. Because of his Vision and Courage, we have a vehicle that will continue to impact lives in a positive way long after we’re gone. Maya Slade, One-Star Director, Columbia, SC

I am Thankful for Life, Health, and Strength. I am Thankful for this PlanNet Marketing opportunity for allowing me the ability to be an entrepreneur! I am thankful for the VISION of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bradley. PlanNet Marketing is allowing families and myself to Dream again!! Arshundria Brewster, Gold Builder, Birmingham, AL


I’m Thankful for my Family and Friends. Troylynn Harvey, One-Star Director, Gautier, MS

Lynette Pilgrim, Gold Builder from Brooklyn NY. 20/20 Gold Plus member. My word is FAMILY!!

I am thankful to have an opportunity that will continue to enhance my life and all the lives that are attached to me. To be able to leave a true inheritance to my children's children. Mike Banks, One-Star Director, Riverview, FL

Hi my name is Danielle Winston, Gold Builder, from Pittsburgh, PA, residing in Windsor Mill, MD. I am thankful for my blessings from God, family, friends and support from my AMAZING leadership and Business Partners.

I would like to say I am incredibly thankful for all the friendships I have made through this one-of-a-kind business. Hannah Parker, Two-Star Director, Derby, GB

I'm thankful for my life, health, and strength. I'm forever grateful for this wonderful business opportunity and my team and all they have accomplished this year in business. I'm thankful that my direct sponsors, Kevin and Tasha Tezeno, saw enough in me to introduce me to this opportunity and my wonderful directors, Korrey and Latashia Alexander, for their leadership! Continued success for us all because we are the best on the PlanNet! Chantel Medford, Director-In-Training, Mansfield, TX

My name is Lekia Wallace, Two-Star Director. I currently reside in Childersburg, AL. I am most thankful for my kids. They have been my reason for being so focused and driven in this business. Thank you also to Mr. and Mrs. Bradley for giving us the vehicle to produce such an amazing dream.

I am so very thankful for every day I wake up and get to live this life. What an amazing place to live – our big, beautiful Earth. I am thankful for the freedom to live life as I choose, to seek adventure, and to be purposeful. I am thankful for the comforts of home as well as the risks of the unknown. I am thankful that I continue to learn and grow every step of the way. Amanda Restivo, PlanNet Marketing VP, Compliance, East Alton, IL

I am thankful for the Legacy this company has allowed me to leave behind!! Thank you PlanNet. LaVetta Williams-Hester, One-Star Director, Mauldin, SC

I thank God for a supportive family! I am blessed to have a spiritual family, a large biological family, and a business family with PlanNet Marketing. The amazing leadership makes it exciting to grow, to serve, and most of all experience a life worth living. Loretta Young Beoh, Director-In-Training, New Orleans, LA

I am grateful for so much – family, friends, health…but I'm also especially grateful for this opportunity to build a business that will provide legacy income for my family long after I am gone. Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Bradley, for what you have provided for all of us. I'm truly grateful. Cathi Bray, Three-Star Director, Manville, TX

My name is Stephanie Cole-Brown, Gold Builder, straight out of Kingston, Jamaica! I'm thankful for the chance I have been given to create a legacy for myself and my family!

As I reflect on this last year, I must say I am most Thankful and grateful for the vision of Mr. and Mrs. Bradley. To have this amazing opportunity, to own my business, to travel, to connect with people I would have never had the opportunity to meet prior to PlanNet. It’s changed my life and it’s changing the lives of people around me. What an honor it has been to be a part of this family... so Thankful! Elizabeth “Prissy” Huntley, One-Star Director, Mont Belvieu, TX

My name is Sarah Garrett, Gold Builder (and Gold Plus), Shrewsbury UK. I am thankful for our incredible leadership team, lifelong friends, and consistent support and guidance. I am forever thankful for the founders at both PlanNet and InteleTravel and everyone who helps push us forward.

We are grateful for Faith, Family and Finances. PlanNet Marketing has allowed us to live an Amazing Life. Happy Thanksgiving! Walter and Tiffany Powell, Four-Star Director, Ruby Ring, Houston, TX

I'm grateful for my life, love (given and received) and good health. Sandy Myricks, One-Star Director, Los Angeles, CA

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Sending warm, heartfelt wishes from our home to yours. Tina Salumu, PlanNet Marketing Support Specialist, Ft. Collins, CO

I am thankful for being surrounded by some incredible people, who push to do better, for higher goals and higher vibrations. I am thankful for life; life is a gift and I don’t plan on wasting it. I am thankful for the days I made it through, when I didn’t think I could, without knowing where I am going. I am thankful for the heart of our company to be focused on us and our future and excited about where I am going. You should never fear the unknown; even strangers often end up becoming the best of friends. Embrace the things that scare you! When life is sweet, say thank-you and celebrate, and when life is bitter, say thank-you and grow. Lorna Tillett, Gold Builder, Derbyshire, UK

I am so thankful for Mr. and Mrs. Bradley for this business opportunity where I can control my own financial stability and lifestyle. Thomas Lovelace, One-Star Director, Douglasville, GA

I’m thankful for the ability to help people live by their dreams and not by their circumstances. LaNesa Spence, One-Star Director, New Castle, DE


Make it a habit to tell people thank you…to express your appreciation sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return. Truly appreciate those around you, and you'll soon find many others around you. I am truly Thankful for all of my family, friends and coworkers, and for my health. Jackie Weber, PlanNet Marketing Support Specialist, Staunton, IL

I am THANKFUL for the vision of PlanNet, Leadership with integrity, Influence, Family, and Jesus Christ who is the head of my life, and who has strategically partnered people with me to come alongside, as I fulfill my God-given earthly assignment and help others to do the same...for my good, God’s glory, and the growth of the kingdom! Happy Thanksgiving! MaryEllen "MP" Poellnitz, One-Star Director, Stone Mountain, GA

I am thankful for this once in a lifetime opportunity! Channing Wells, Director-In-Training, Raymond, MS

I am thankful and feel blessed to have family and friends. I am blessed and thankful to be alive! I am thankful to God for keeping me and putting me in the position to receive all that HE has for me. I am thankful for PlanNet Marketing – the vehicle to my Freedom! I am also thankful for the people that this business brought into my life. I am thankful to be a catalyst for others to attain their goals and to dream again. Michael Pratt, One-Star Director, Upper Marlboro, MD

I am blessed, thankful and grateful for my family, friends, and PlanNet Marketing family. Mayra Pena, PlanNet Marketing Support Specialist, O’Fallon, IL

I am so thankful for my family, my PlanNet family, and our Amazing Team. I am so thankful that PlanNet Marketing has given me the finances to be able to invest into my family in the absence of my late husband (Willie Jones). We thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bradley. Marva Jones, One-Star Director, Fontana, CA

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I can honestly say that finding PlanNet has been one of the best opportunities I could've NEVER imagined! What a blessing this business has been to my household. I stumbled upon this amazing opportunity when I was laid off in 2017 and it has quickly become my wealth strategy and I will never have to rely on a single source of income. I now have access to multiple streams of income without the hassle of multiple jobs. I am truly grateful for Mr. and Mrs. Bradley's vision and dedication to us all! Jervel Hawkins, Gold Builder, Atlanta, GA

I am so thankful for being given this chance to get involved with PlanNet – it really is amazing! I love all the opportunity it offers and can’t wait to hit my One-Star. Angie Davies, Director-In-Training, Kidderminster, UK

I am thankful for my family, friends, current business partners, future business partners, mentors, leaders, and last but not least, the founder of PlanNet Marketing, Mr. Donald Bradley. Tru’Kessa Scott, One-Star Director, Madison, AL

I am Thankful for this Amazing Opportunity – it allowed me to fulfill my Father's Dream of Travel before he passed away in December 2018. The Memories will remain forever in my heart and keep me Reaching for the Stars – I am Forever Grateful. Melissa Taylor, Director-In-Training, Buchanan, TN

As we look over the year 2019, my wife and I are thankful for each other. Our family suffered some ultimate tragedies in 2018 with the loss of our son and my wife's mother, my mother-in-law. Unfortunately, through times of adversities, marriages sometimes suffer, but with God in our marriage and our unwavering faith, we have become stronger and more in love with each other and for this reason we are so thankful that God blessed us with each other. Allen and Jeannette Childs, One-Star Director, Cibolo, TX

I am THANKFUL for good health, the opportunity to wake up daily, and help another family change their lives, and the amazing partnerships formed in our PlanNet family! Happy Holidays! Darryl Jenkins, One-Star Director, Hyattsville, MD

Relationships – family, business associates, friends, and neighbors. I am blessed and so very thankful for the wonderful people in my life. I am fortunate to have the best! (I am also thankful for my dog, my pickup truck, and my new DeWalt 15-amp portable table saw with the optional carbon blade.) Andy Cauthen, PlanNet Marketing President & CFO, Collinsville, IL

We are extremely thankful for this amazing opportunity that is helping so many families live their wildest dreams. We are thankful for the tremendous personal growth and genuine relationships this opportunity has afforded us. Lastly, we are Thankful for the countless families that we get to help achieve their goals and experience their dreams as they create legacies for their families. Remus and Alisha Blair, Three-Star Directors, San Antonio, TX

I am thankful to God for life and family, health and strength, and to be surrounded with good people who are constantly going after their dreams. Johnese N. Lipston, Gold Builder, Baker, LA

Life is so short and precious, be thankful for your family. Bea Picou, Three-Star Director, Birmingham, AL

I am thankful for good health, my wonderful husband and beautiful daughter, my family, my PlanNet Marketing family, and PlanNet Marketing business. Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday season. Thomasena Washington, Director-In-Training, Charlotte, NC


We are always thankful to God for blessing us with good health, and to have wonderful family and friends in our lives. This year we are thankful for the opportunity to help so many families achieve the freedoms that they desire. Donn and Tawanda Shamley, Three-Star Directors, Conyers, GA

I am thankful for life! I am thankful for the ability to have a new opportunity to reset and be better today than I was yesterday! I am thankful for Family whether it’s blood or not! More importantly I'm thankful for the entire PlanNet Marketing Family! Siobhan J Boyd, Director-In-Training, Rock Hill, SC

I am thankful for my loving family and for the new family that I have through PlanNet Marketing. Angela Pierce, One-Star Director, Hattiesburg, MS

I am thankful for family and forgiving. I am thankful to have family to love and fellowship with. I am also thankful for being forgiven and being able to forgive and second opportunities! Celena Williams, Gold Builder, Dacula, GA

We have so much to be thankful for. We have a beautiful little girl who just celebrated her second birthday and the three of us are surrounded by constant love and support from our very involved family. We are fortunate and eternally grateful to have a home, good food to eat, access to healthcare when we need it, and two working vehicles to get us where we need to go. We both have good jobs to sustain our livelihood while we are building our business on the side and are forever thankful for PlanNet Marketing and our amazingly supportive team. Chelcie and Matt Beadnell, Director-In-Training, Milford Center, OH

I am grateful for everything this company has done; it’s a blessing being part of PlanNet Marketing and I am also grateful for my family, including my PlanNet family! Wendy Villegas, PlanNet Marketing Support Specialist, Granite City, IL

Giving thanks to my entire team who models a grateful heart and spirit at all times. To give thanks is from the heart, to receive thanks is from the soul, have a balance of both. May each and every one of you be Blessed in the mind, body, heart, spirit and soul. Shontina Gladney, One-Star Director, Milwaukee, WI

My name is April Collins-Fikes, Gold Builder, I reside in Wylie, Texas. I'm originally from Jasper, Alabama.I am thankful for a good, healthy, and a steady life. I am grateful for a beautiful family. I am also thankful for loving, caring and hustling business partners. Thank you all for blessing me with this great opportunity. To God be the Glory!

I have so much to be thankful for, my family, my health and PlanNet Marketing. Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bradley, for your vision and seeing it to fruition. Thank you, Shedrick White, for making the phone call. Trudy Scott, Two-Star Director, Smyrna, GA

I am thankful for divine health, protection, provision, and guidance in everything that concerns me and my loved ones! DeVette Davenport, Gold Builder, Antioch, TN

My name is Lorie Banatte, Two-Star Director, and I currently reside in Scotch Plains, NJ. I am so thankful for God's grace and mercy as he continues to watch over us and sustains our lives. I am grateful for the purpose that He has for me to change many lives, all for His glory through the vehicle of PlanNet Marketing. Thank you, Mr. Bradley, for your obedience to follow through your God-given vision, to serve and to lead from the front as thousands of families' blessings are attached. I am grateful that my family will continue to benefit from the fruit of my labor for generations to come, all because of one decision to take that leap of faith. Thank you!

My name is Tiffany D. Harris and I am a Director-in-Training currently residing in Port St Lucie, FL. I am thankful for this business because it allows me the freedom to take my work on the road when my husband gets assigned to another base. I am thankful for friendships, I am thankful for my 11-month-old, and I am thankful for family.

I am thankful PlanNet Marketing and the phenomenal Visionaries and Founders, Mr. Donald Bradley and Mrs. Deborah Bradley. I am thankful for the entire PlanNet Marketing Corporate Team and Staff. I am thankful and grateful to be able to serve the entire PlanNet Marketing family. I am PlanNet Proud. Kwanya Martin, Two-Star Director, Mableton, GA


I am thankful for the creation of this life-changing opportunity. I am also grateful for the new family that I have gained through this business!! Simone Mosley, Director-In-Training, Mobile, AL

First, I’m so thankful for God’s Grace and Mercy. Also, I’m grateful for health and a supportive, loving family and friends to share our Amazing PlanNet Opportunity! David Washington, Three-Star Director, Charlotte, NC

Life has graced me with so many things for which to be thankful. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness has fueled my thankful space. I thank God for a loving wife and family who truly support me on this journey to change 1,000 lives. Happy Thanksgiving to all! Arturo M. Cummings, Director-In-Training, Jacksonville, NC

I am thankful for Mr. Bradley’s vision, as it is allowing me to help more people than I could imagine in a short period of time. Charmel Holland, One-Star Director, Edmond, OK

I am THANKFUL for my life, my family, and the opportunity provided by PlanNet Marketing to help families!! Thank you, Mr. Bradley, for your vision! Karen Johnson David, Gold Builder, Ellenwood, GA

I would like to say that I am thankful to God for life, health, and strength, my wife, Rhonda L.B. Griffin, for introducing me to this business, and of course Mr. and Mrs. Bradley for this awesome vehicle to create generational wealth for my family. And for PlanNet Marketing for giving me the opportunity to become debt-free! Myron W. Griffin, One-Star Director, Austell, GA

I am very thankful for abundant life, unconditional love, and the vehicle of PlanNet Marketing. All three have given me innumerable opportunities to come in contact with people all over the world, helping them to begin their journey of financial, personal, and time freedom. And of course, PlanNet and InteleTravel family, I'm thankful for each of you – One Team – One Dream. Phyllis Alexander, Director-In-Training, Akron, OH

Firstly, I am thankful for being alive, for my family, and for good friends. I am also thankful for the gift of Free Enterprise that affords the opportunity to participate in this blessing of a company, created by an incredible man, Mr. Donald Bradley. Richard Smith, One-Star Director, Flourtown, PA

Thankful for my health, my family, my go-getter mindset, and my network of amazing people! Niya Brown Matthews, Gold Builder, Atlanta, GA 

I am thankful for this amazing opportunity that is changing my life and my family’s lives!! Love knowing I am leaving my family a legacy!! Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Bradley! Shannon Addington, One-Star Director, Dayton, TX

We are most thankful this year for not only our family, but also every single person who is reading this, our PlanNet Marketing Family! Because in this company, we have been given a home with all of you! Chad and Brandy Belford, One-Star Directors, Baytown TX

I am so thankful for my daughter, both of my parents, my sister, family, lifelong friends and PlanNet Marketing! God just keeps on blessing me, so I truly don’t have enough space to share all that I am thankful and grateful for!! Happy Thanksgiving to all!! Patricia Johnson, Three-Star Director, Johns Creek, GA

I am grateful this year to PlanNet Marketing for giving our family a vehicle to work our way out of debt. We’ve never seen a light at the end before – only a pile of debt continuing to grow. Deep gratitude to the Bradleys and the pioneers of this company that have led the way. Cindy Bruggeman, Four-Star Director, St. Henry, OH

I’m obsessively thankful for life, my Family, Belief, Mr. and Mrs. Bradley’s vision, my amazing leadership team and my entire organization!! Happy Thanksgiving PlanNet Family!!!! Rachel Russell, Three-Star Director, Harrisburg, IL 

I am so grateful for those who have supported me and warmed my heart during some very challenging times. I give thanks for those times, for they have blessed me with so many valuable lessons and insight! I appreciate that in the midst of overwhelming uneasiness I was able to find and hold onto a modicum of grace. In every misfortune there is some fortune! Ernestine Ray, One-Star Director, Sunrise, FL


On behalf of the Dent family we’re truly thankful for the PlanNet Marketing opportunity which allows us the ability to build lifelong Legacy! Christopher Dent Sr., One-Star Director, Missouri City, TX

I am Thankful for PlanNet Marketing, as I will be able to retire from corporate America before I turn 40! I am also thankful for being able to leave a legacy business for my son. Shaketta Giles, One-Star Director, Conyers, GA

I am thankful for the well-being, love and support of “my village,” and to live in a society where there is free enterprise to create an abundance of wealth! Nina Vital, Two-Star Director, Atlanta, GA

I am extremely grateful for each and every one of you who dared to believe in this vision. This is a season of gratitude and I would encourage everyone to get ready for PlanNet Marketing 2020. I truly believe that this will be my best year in business in my entire career. I am excited about sharing this life-changing season with all of you. Although I am grateful for the blessings that we are now receiving, I am preparing for a season of harvest in the upcoming years. Let’s continue to stay humble and keep growing. It is truly our time; this is just the beginning!!! Donald Bradley, Founder, Chairman & CEO

“VIVA LAS VEGAS” CONTEST 2020 STANDINGS - November 27, 2019

“Viva Las Vegas!”
September 23 - December 1, 2019
Top Weekly Income Earners!

Every week, starting with the commission cycle that runs from September 23 - September 29, 2019, we will post the Top 100 Weekly Income Earners in your Virtual Office. These totals will accumulate weekly through the commission cycle that ends at 11:59pm ET, December 1, 2019.

The income on these reports will be determined by weekly income only.

Each winner will receive a two-night stay for you and one guest at the Venetian in Las Vegas, January 17-19, 2020!

In order to qualify you must be in one of the following categories:

Top 30 Gold-Plus Members
Top 25 One-Star Directors
Top 10 Two-Star Directors
Top 10 Three-Star Directors
Top 5 Four-Star Directors

* You will finish the contest in the rank in which you started; for example, if you are a Gold Plus member now and you promote to One-Star during the contest, you will be included in the Gold Plus winners category. You must become a Gold Plus Member during the contest period to participate. Not responsible for transportation to and from Las Vegas.
NOVEMBER 27, 2019

Four-Star Directors
Marcella Emily Burge
Chanelle and Terry Fry
Felicia Miles
Letoria Mayberry
Latashia Alexander

Three-Star Directors
Lucy Welch
LaTeshia Campbell
Sarah Boulter
Antoinette Jones
Louise Gatland
Melodie Washington
David Dacosta
Jennifer Smith
Ferne Sapp
LaVonda Thornton-Bush and Darryl Bush

Two-Star Directors
Rachael Lalji
Samuel Church
Kieran Rushbrook
Catherine Bray
Nina Jackson
Hannah Parker
Danielle Farmer
Clifton Coward
Lekia Wallace
Sonya Barnes

One-Star Directors
Kayla Lewis
Brigitte Harding
Alicia Calascione
Robert Noble
Abi Jenkins
Denesha Bailey
Danielle Kedward
Dukshini Prashanna
Jron Brailey
Uchechi Tarver
Tamarian Maddox
Angelica Turner
Christopher Vance
Tanisha Brown
Kenzie King
Dennese Hopson
Stephanie Cloutier
Ashley Gibbs
Hayley France
Michelda K. Johnson
Jane Haynes
Donna Susor
Tracey Dillon
Dexter Grier
Kim Del Monaco

Gold Plus
Mario Falcone
Lucy-Anne Rusk
Joanna Bacon
Esme Burge
Jehane Thomas
Grace Hopkins
Stuart and Laura Joyce
Arturo Cummings
Pethral Daniels
Jessica Leaming
Catherine Netter
Tanya and Frank Irvin
Charlotte Howard
Rashida Jones
Rachael Mckeown
MaryEllen Poellnitz
Quiana Butler
Allen & Jeannette Childs
Patricia Means
Etashate Hollins
Renee Davis
Tracie Fawcett
William Baskerville
Becky Hayes
Josephine Mullally
Tracy Searle
Megan Hughes
Patrycya Williams
Coreatha Knox
Miss Tracey Sturt


Race to Director - They're on Their Way!

PlanNet Marketing


PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race,
and on their way to One-Star Director!

1.  Rachael and Michael Young
2.  Natasha Edwards
3.  Jessica Leaming
4.  Kat Simpson
5.  Tanya Collins
6.  Patrycya Williams
7.  Willie and Cordella Cooper
8.  Desiree Morrison
9.  Grace Hopkins
10.  Sandra Reynolds

PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs
Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1.  Calvin Ellerbe
2.  Robin Loving
3.  Darren Vinnett
4.  Shaketta Giles
5.  Rhea Perry
6.  Renelda Victor
7.  Esme Burge
8.  Alicia Calascione
9.  Elliott George
10.  Erinn Elzie




Calling all Agents to a special joint presentation on what’s in store in 2020 for the best opportunity on the PlanNet and “the original travel agency at home” – in Mexico.

Join Andy Cauthen, President of PlanNet Marketing, and InteleTravel executives as we review the product, answer FAQs, and plan for the biggest campaign yet in Mexico.

Are you invested in success in Mexico? Could you profit from an update on the travel product?  Do you want to have a voice and be part of the plan for 2020?
Then you do not want to miss this one-time only event!



PlanNet Marketing 2020 International Convention
Thursday - Saturday -- September 24 - 26, 2020
Gaylord Palms - Orlando, FL
Register now through Tuesday, Dec. 31, 2019 for just $199!
Limited to 2,000 Additional Registrations
Purchase tickets in your VO now and save!

ATTN: NEW REPS! Register for only $169
New Reps have 30 days from their sign-up date to register for the discounted price of $169 per person! Tickets can be purchased in your Virtual Office.

“VIVA LAS VEGAS” CONTEST 2020 STANDINGS - November 22, 2019

“Viva Las Vegas!”
September 23 - December 1, 2019
Top Weekly Income Earners!

Every week, starting with the commission cycle that runs from September 23 - September 29, 2019, we will post the Top 100 Weekly Income Earners in your Virtual Office. These totals will accumulate weekly through the commission cycle that ends at 11:59pm ET, December 1, 2019.

The income on these reports will be determined by weekly income only.

Each winner will receive a two-night stay for you and one guest at the Venetian in Las Vegas, January 17-19, 2020!

In order to qualify you must be in one of the following categories:

Top 30 Gold-Plus Members
Top 25 One-Star Directors
Top 10 Two-Star Directors
Top 10 Three-Star Directors
Top 5 Four-Star Directors

* You will finish the contest in the rank in which you started; for example, if you are a Gold Plus member now and you promote to One-Star during the contest, you will be included in the Gold Plus winners category. You must become a Gold Plus Member during the contest period to participate. Not responsible for transportation to and from Las Vegas.
NOVEMBER 22, 2019

Four-Star Directors
Marcella Emily Burge
Chanelle and Terry Fry
Felicia Miles
Latashia Alexander
Letoria Mayberry

Three-Star Directors
Lucy Welch
LaTeshia Campbell
Sarah Boulter
Louise Gatland
Antoinette Jones
Melodie Washington
Jennifer Smith
David Dacosta
Ferne Sapp
Damien Goins

Two-Star Directors
Rachael Lalji
Samuel Church
Kieran Rushbrook
Catherine Bray
Nina Jackson
Hannah Parker
Danielle Farmer
Clifton Coward
Sonya Barnes
Lekia Wallace

One-Star Directors
Kayla Lewis
Brigitte Harding
Alicia Calascione
Robert Noble
Abi Jenkins
Denesha Bailey
Danielle Kedward
Dukshini Prashanna
Jron Brailey
Uchechi Tarver
Tanisha Brown
Kenzie King
Christopher Vance
Stephanie Cloutier
Angelica Turner
Dennese Hopson
Ashley Gibbs
Michelda K. Johnson
Jane Haynes
Tracey Dillon
Tamarian Maddox
Hayley France
Donna Susor
Dexter Grier
Kim Del Monaco

Gold Plus
Mario Falcone
Lucy-Anne Rusk
Joanna Bacon
Esme Burge
Jehane Thomas
Stuart and Laura Joyce
Grace Hopkins
Arturo Cummings
Tanya and Frank Irvin
Pethral Daniels
Rashida Jones
Catherine Netter
MaryEllen Poellnitz
Charlotte Howard
Jessica Leaming
Rachael Mckeown
Allen & Jeannette Childs
Patricia Means
Renee Davis
Quiana Butler
Etashate Hollins
Tracie Fawcett
William Baskerville
Tracy Searle
Josephine Mullally
Megan Hughes
Patrina Burrell
Becky Hayes
Tash Margetson
Coreatha Knox



PlanNet Marketing is proud to welcome Kayla Lewis to the 80/80 Club! Kayla is from Sandusky, Ohio, where she currently resides. She shares, “My interests include TRAVELING (lol) and spending time with my family and friends. I'm also a nurse at the Ohio Veterans Home here in Sandusky; I enjoy taking care of and helping others.

 “I have traveled to the Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Cayman Islands, Cozumel, and numerous places within the actual US. If I could give some tips it would be to post, post, post…add new people to your social media sites daily, and go on vacations and enjoy those benefits!! People see you having fun and they are going to want to have fun as well.

I have had NO marketing experience whatsoever. I have been a waitress since I was 17 but that's it. The Travel Squad has given me some awesome leaders and I hope to follow in their footsteps one day! If you are led by success, there is no reason why you yourself shouldn't be successful as well. Traveling is my passion and I've been thankful to make it my business!




PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Alycia Moore to the 20/20 Club! She shares, “I am Alycia Gardner Moore, a native of Los Angeles, and still residing in Los Angeles County in Southern California. My late parents, natives of Atlanta and Alabama, took the infamous Route 66 migration in the 1950s to pursue small business ownership on the West Coast. Always a bookworm, I curled up in the back seat with Nancy Drew books during the family road trips that ignited my love for travel. I found it fascinating when I married my husband that he not only had a passport, he had an international driver’s license! I obtained my first passport to travel with him to Australia for business. Putting myself through college, I had so often bypassed opportunities for travel to continue working.

“After we became a family of four, we did once-in-a-lifetime trips to London, Paris, Canada, Cozumel, and a perspective-changing trip to Brazil with my buddy Helen Nicholson, who a decade later, I am thrilled to say, sponsored me into this business. (Thanks Helen!) My daughter caught her travel bug in college, arranging another once-in-a-lifetime trip to Thailand with her HBCU classmate, her mom, and me! I never would have dreamed that through the benefits of this business, in just my first two years, I would have traveled back to Paris with my daughter, back to Cozumel with my husband and both kids, and added trips through several more US states, plus Ensenada, St. Barth, Puerto Rico, Belize, the Bahamas, and Cuba!

“Yep, at first, I was all about the travel, tripled our initial investment in my first week just rebooking upcoming hotel stays, started booking our business travel and a few clients. Yet, curious about the marketing business, I left that option open. Team building started rather organically, in spite of everything wrong I was doing – sure I made a list, but I tossed out a text blast so unnatural that a friend called to alert me I must have gotten hacked!!

“Curious, I found myself extending travel to catch a meeting in Atlanta, a same-day turnaround to Women in Black in Texas, Blackout in California, both ITQ conventions, and I began to rank up! Bronze by my first PlanNet Marketing convention, and Silver by the next. I reached Gold Builder during PlanNet’s Third Anniversary event in Anaheim, and have consistently added one business partner each month since, including five during March Madness, qualifying me for Mr. Bradley’s coveted baseball! I hit 20/20 Club during the current 40/40 run, and maintained Gold Plus in time for my third PlanNet Convention!

“While my amazing upline Directors were all over 2000 miles away in Atlanta, they somehow found ways to connect and mentor me as they continued to rise in success, grabbing stars along the way. Thank you to Directors Eileen Ross, Patricia Johnson, and Keith and Dea Montgomery. So grateful for my amazing upline Director Rochelle Montgomery and numerous sideline directors in California who have reached out, embraced, and inspired me, including Tandisizwe Rhone, Sandy Myers, Eric and Dejoire Benson, Robin Loving, and Charles Kindred. I am grateful for the camaraderie and helpful conversations extended by so many other stellar leaders. As a legal consultant, never in my years of corporate life have I found a culture where everyone I have reached out to wants to see me grow and win. I am grateful to Mr. Bradley for providing the vehicle to introduce this opportunity and for those who choose to begin their journey in this business with me. Now, my goal is to pay it forward and help those who reach out to me to grow, to win.

“One of my sideline sisters in success once asked me what was behind my growth in business partners. I shared 3 Ps: Patience, Pipeline, and Posture. I’d like to add one more ‘P’ - Proximity. Whatever your goals are in this business, find someone who is doing it next level and do whatever you can to be in proximity. Stay for that meeting after the meeting. Dial in for that 6 am boot camp. Volunteer to drive visiting leadership around town. Caravan your team to events and introduce them. Make your way to that event with our Founder. The sideline relationships you gain at conventions and meetings can help leverage your reach to guests across the country. Be the one who reaches out to those name-tagged guests in proximity to you – you too are an integral part of the big PlanNet team. Catch those high level leadership nuggets. When they move, you move. What they read, you read. Find and copy the cat that's right for your goals.

“A few fun facts about me are I love to crochet, to oil paint, and every now and then, I get a little check in the mail from a couple of television episodes I was lucky to have acted in back when I was about 8 years old! Yep, I knew a thing or two about residual income! One is when I appeared as a friend of Buffy and Jody named ‘Albertine’ in Family Affair. Learning the basics of chess for that roll to ‘beat Mr. French’ started my love affair with board games - Monopoly is still my favorite!”




PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Debbie Williams to the 20/20 Club! Debbie tells us that she is a wife, mom of seven, and the grandmother of five. She works in corporate America and also serves on her town council in Clover, SC.

Debbie says, “I love helping people win and I love to play basketball and bowl. Since starting my business, I have been able to travel more than I have ever traveled before with my family and my friends, and having that time freedom to do whatever we desire.

“I am achieving success with PlanNet Marketing by showing up for my success, letting the top leaders know my goals, learning and studying our business, staying consistent and persistent, and following the leadership.”




1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights...
I was born and raised in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. I am a husband, a father of two, one son and one daughter, and a Paw Paw to two granddaughters. I am a 30-year veteran of the Oklahoma City Fire Department. I enjoy family time, coaching/watching youth basketball and track and field. One past business highlight, of course, was hitting the Director level. But the greatest highlight was CREATING a One-Star Director!

2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
My personal growth in the business has been enormous. I have expanded my own leadership ability as well as the ability to develop the leaders around me.

3. What drives you; what motivates you?
I am driven NOT by my own success, but by the success of others! It's always motivational to see people reach their level, as well as seeing the light in a guest's eyes when they hear the information first hand.

4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
There are multiple people I would consider role models. James Brown (Godfather of Soul), Jackie Robinson (Major League Baseball), and Mr. Donald Bradley (Founder/CEO). Each of these men were pioneers in their field of expertise. They changed the face of their respective industries for all who followed!

5. The three words that describe you best are:
Loyal, Dedicated and Servant.

6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone what would it be?
The best advice I can give to anyone is to commit to a goal, find someone who has achieved THAT goal, follow THAT person to your successful acquisition of said goal. Simply put, find a mentor and follow them!

7. What does your life look like five years from now?
Five years from now, in 2024, I will be financially free. I will have created generational wealth for myself and my family and countless other families that chose to follow me as I follow my leadership and Mr. Bradley. PlanNet Proud!




"It's Not The Money That Matters, It's How
You Use It That Determines Its True Value!"

Money is important! PlanNet Marketing is committed to your success. We want you to live life the way YOU want to live it, to achieve financial security on your terms, and to improve your life and the lives of others. Becoming a Rep provides a lot of people with some extra income on a recurring basis. 

However, you gotta mind your money folks. When you’re enrolling another Rep or selling an ITA – please do NOT pay for their Rep account or ITA at-home travel agency. Please DO NOT accept cash or money from others and put your card on their account. Please, please do not EVER get involved in the money portion of these business transactions.

PlanNet Marketing and InteleTravel both require that customers purchase directly from that company. There are many reasons we have and enforce these rules regarding money. But let’s just suffice it to say – MONEY can be MESSY!


If you choose to purchase Rep accounts or ITA at-home agencies for others, you risk losing your Rep business with PlanNet Marketing. It’s against the rules and it can give the appearance of fraud within your downline.

If you have specific questions about these rules or you need assistance with a prospect who is struggling to use their own pay method – please contact PlanNet Marketing directly at Support@plannetmarketing.com  or by calling 470-443-9330.

 -- Policies and Procedures Section 4.1, 5.9 & 8.3 located in your Virtual Office in the Information Center (go to Resources, then Policies and Procedures).

~Amanda Restivo, Vice President, Compliance -- arestivo@plannetmarketing.com


Race to Director - They're on Their Way!

PlanNet Marketing


PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race,
and on their way to One-Star Director!

1.  Rachael and Michael Young
2.  Natasha Edwards
3.  Kat Simpson
4.  Jessica Leaming
5.  Desiree Morrison
6.  Tanya Collins
7.  Patrycya Williams
8.  Willie and Cordella Cooper
9.  Anne Darnton
10.  Alexander and Yasheda Sullivan

PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs
Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1.  Calvin Ellerbe
2.  Shaketta Giles
3.  Darren Vinnett
4.  Robin Loving
5.  Rhea Perry
6.  Renelda Victor
7.  Tanisha Brown
8.  Erinn Elzie
9.  Elliott George
10.  Taryn Cox