Race to Director - They're On Their Way!

PlanNet Marketing


PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race,
and on their way to One-Star Director!

1.  Greg Doctson

2.  Charles Kindred

3.  Sandra Myricks

4.  Cheryl Clemons

5.  Rachel Russell

6.  Jacqueline Pickett

7.  Clifton Coward

8.  Elliott George

9.  Tanisha Burke

10.  Adrin Smith

PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs
Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1.  David Washington

2.  Donn and Tawanda Shamley

3.  Yvette Green

4.  Trudel Scott

5.  Greg and Carla Scott

6.  Joy Lovett Dawkins

7.  Velecia Middlebrooks

8.  Shaquana Cuttino

9.  Nathan Newman

10.  Lawrence Hawkins



Your business builds from events - and a PlanNet Convention is one event you don't want to miss! Your Corporate Team, Marketing Directors, and Field Leaders want to give you the benefit of their experience, motivation, and the business tools and education you need to blast your business off the PlanNet!
The PlanNet Marketing 2017 National Convention USA will take place Thursday-Saturday, April 6-8, 2017 at Bally’s & Paris, Las Vegas, Nevada! Register Today from your Virtual Office!
$149 Registration good only through February 28, 2017!

The PlanNet Marketing 2017 International Convention Europe will take place on Friday-Saturday, April 28-29, 2017 at the beautiful Grosvenor House in London. Register Today from your Virtual Office!
$149 Registration good only through February 28, 2017!


20/20 Club Member and Director-in-Training Shakarna Chapman was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY; she has one son who is 23 years old.  After her son graduated from Johnson & Wales University and moved to Charlotte, NC where he is currently working as a chef, Shakarna decided to start a new life in Aberdeen, MD. She shares, “Because I supplemented my income and became a travel business owner, I was able to pay off my house and I am officially a homeowner here in Maryland. This opportunity has truly been a blessing in disguise, which is why it is my duty to share this life-changing opportunity with others.” Shakarna loves spending time with her son, traveling and helping people. Her passion is to help people earn, save, and experience more, which aligns with the guaranteed time, personal, and financial freedom that PlanNet Marketing provides. She says, “This business chose me.”

Shakarna relates that her first real travel experience was a trip to Jamaica when she was 32 years old. Visiting there opened her eyes and changed everything for her, as this was her first “real” vacation that didn’t require a trip to Auntie’s house in North Carolina, sharing a bed, or sleeping on the floor or the couch! She tells us that she thought the views from her Auntie’s back porch were beautiful; but the world outside her concrete jungle was truly breathtaking. She says, “The feeling I had just taking it (Jamaica) all in was indescribable and I knew I never wanted to lose that feeling. I also owed it to my son to experience the same.”

After that first eye-opening trip, Shakarna tells us, “I have traveled to over 10 exotic countries, 37 of the 50 states, all of the US Virgin Islands, taken cruises, been on different excursions such as white water rafting, ziplining, snorkeling, parasailing, hiking, taken a helicopter through the Grand Canyon, seen hot springs, waterfalls…you name it I've probably done it. In this business if you are not having fun you are doing something wrong. My motto is: You have one life to live and one life to travel!” She also says she has the natural ability to make people laugh without trying!

On her PlanNet Marketing success: “I am already witnessing the success happening so quickly with my team, of whom I am so proud.  I became a member of the 20/20 Club and Director in Training all in the same weekend. My team has remained coachable and allowed me to mentor them. A fire has been lit in me and now it is blazing through the forest (my team) as evidenced by the promotions that are taking place! Bronze Builder, Silver Builder, and Gold Builder...I could not have done it without them. Nothing can put that fire out; I am producing Directors! They have reached their success so quickly because of their will, their drive, and their hunger. It is refreshing attracting like-minded individuals.”

“My greatest satisfaction simply comes from helping others achieve their destined levels of success. My business grows through the relationship I have with my clients, my team, and my mentors. The fire that I have is contagious and I am thankful to attract like-minded individuals who are determined to win for their families. I truly believe in leading by example; if I expect my team to stay plugged in and remain coachable, I have to do the the same. Consistency is key! I am committed to being accessible to my team. I strive to be the servant leader, the evidence, and the inspiration that Mr. Orlanda Moore and Mrs.Natalie Graham have instilled in me. I thank and appreciate them! We are here to serve...one team...one mission...one vision.”


The PlanNet Marketing Super Saturday in London, England was absolutely amazing!  It was officially the biggest single event ever in Europe for PlanNet Marketing, with nearly 300 people in attendance. It’s always a blast when Donald Bradley comes to town!

The UK’s Taryn Cox kick-started the event, bringing up Toby Dacosta, who did an amazing job presenting the fun travel side of our business. He then introduced his brother and fellow Director John Dacosta as well as Andre Sinclair, who was presented with his One-Star jacket. David Dacosta closed out the meeting, but not before being awarded another star for becoming the first Three-Star Director in Europe!

It was also fun to be streaming live and saying hello to the other cities around the world, and we are definitely looking forward to the next one!

Thank you to Director David Dacosta for submitting this recap and photos!


Director Lynn Hendricks says, “I attended the Baltimore Super Saturday event on January 7, 2017 and it was DYNAMIC. I was originally scheduled to attend the Atlanta event but when it got cancelled due to inclement weather, Friday morning I packed a bag and headed to Baltimore! I remembered Mr. Bradley saying, "Never miss an event you're qualified to attend,” and since I was qualified to attend Super Saturday, I wanted to make sure I attended one!

“The PlanNet Marketing family in Baltimore welcomed me with open arms and the event was exciting, uplifting, educational, powerful, and impactful! The knowledge that was shared is invaluable, and there was a sense of camaraderie that enveloped the room. If I wasn't already part of PlanNet Marketing, that event alone was enough to show me I was in the best place on the PlanNet!”

Thank you to Director Lynn Hendricks for submitting this recap and photos!


Q: How do I find upcoming events specific to my region for PlanNet Marketing?

A: Check out our new Upcoming Event Search Engine on your Virtual Office Dashboard!!

Simply enter the City or State abbreviation and click Search for any location-specific events taking place in your area. A list of events for that location will show on the left - click a specific event for complete information. You may still search within the Calendar and by clicking Events as well.

~LeAnn Troeckler, PlanNet Marketing Chief Operations Officer leann@plannetmarketing.com


Events Shape Our Lives!

Are you a sports fan? Do you just LOVE to attend basketball, baseball, football or hockey games live and in person? My husband LOVES hockey – he watches his team religiously on TV, and when they aren’t playing, he watches other teams. It doesn’t matter that he’s at home, in the living room, lounging – he’s wearing a jersey, sporting his team’s colors. He also can get LOUD. Now, my husband is a loud guy anyway – he’s Italian, hot-blooded, and his “inside voice” is louder than some people’s yelling, but on hockey nights things can get crazy ‘round here, folks.
When my man and I were dating, I tried watching hockey with him (gotta show the interest ladies!) but it just never caught my attention or captivated me the way it did for him – until I bought him St. Louis Blues hockey tickets for Christmas one year. Our son cried because he didn’t get to go along. These tickets were not right on the ice, but we had a nice view – and I found myself standing and screaming with all the other blue-bleeding fans in that arena. The atmosphere was incredible. This live event brought life to an otherwise boring game (to me). It also brought understanding. I didn’t know the rules of hockey. But sitting beside my husband, the hockey expert, surrounded by the sounds of sticks slapping a puck across the ice, wearing my brand-new home team stocking cap – I wanted to know more! I asked questions, I kept my attention on that tiny black puck sliding around the ice, I learned so much in that brief time!

Attending that LIVE EVENT put me in a position to absorb more about hockey than I ever had, or probably ever will! Now, when I watch on TV (because let’s face it, during hockey season at my house, there are times you just can’t avoid watching – my hubby and son love it) I know what’s going on. When the boys are yelling at a call they think unfair, I actually understand what they’re talking about. I’ve gained a knowledge and an insight I didn’t have before. Honestly, I didn’t even realize what a fun, exciting game hockey was before that event. I had seen it, heard about it, I even tried to like it, but I hadn’t EXPERIENCED IT for myself until that live, in-person game. It was a turning point.
Ok, so this is an article about PlanNet Marketing – not ice hockey. Let’s get to the point, right? If you have never attended a live, in-person event with PlanNet Marketing, then you don’t know what you’re missing. You might have seen pictures and videos from events past, maybe you heard from a friend of a friend about the excitement they felt in attendance, you might have even tried watching on Facebook Live during the 2016 PlanNet Marketing National Convention in Atlanta. But you just couldn’t get into it. You don’t understand all the hype. You got bored watching after 20 minutes and went back to work. 

You need to EXPERIENCE the 2017 PlanNet Marketing National Convention in Las Vegas or London for yourself!
Once you’re there – you won’t regret it. The atmosphere will be electric, the excitement palpable. There will be an abundance of opportunities to sit in a smaller classroom setting with the experts (PlanNet Marketing Directors) and learn about building your business in ways that you’ve never imagined. You’ll sit in rapture and soak it all in, gaining knowledge and insight you didn’t have before. You’ll realize what a fun, exciting business this is and you’ll WANT to know more, and do more. You’ll watch award winners march across a stage to thousands of screaming team members and you’ll take note of how you too can achieve those goals. Next year, it’ll be you up there, waving and smiling as you accept your award.

These events are so much more than motivation and networking (although that happens too). These events are experiences you will never forget. Maybe you want to be interested, but you're just not there yet. These events will make this business real in a way that it wasn’t before; it will open your eyes to the possibilities at your fingertips.
Don’t sit on the sidelines in 2017 – visit your Virtual Office today and sign up to attend the Las Vegas or the London 2017 PlanNet Marketing National Convention events – or go to both! These are once in a lifetime experiences that you’ll never forget.
~Amanda Restivo, Vice President, Compliance --  arestivo@plannetmarketing.com

Race to Director - They're On Their Way!

PlanNet Marketing


PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race,
and on their way to One-Star Director!

1.  Greg Doctson

2. Charles Kindred

3. Cheryl Clemons

4. Sandra Myricks

5. Jacqueline Pickett

6. Carmine and Lola Robinson

7. Rachell Russell

8. Clifton Coward

9. Elliott George

10. Marvin and Ingrid Fordham

PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs
Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1. David Washington

2. Donn and Tawanda Shamley

3. Trudel Scott

4. Yvette Green

5. Greg and Carla Scott

6. Velecia Middlebrooks

7. Joy Lovett Dawkins

8. Shaquana Cuttino

9. Nathan Newman

10. Lawrence Hawkins



Meet PlanNet Marketing’s newest One-Star Director - Bea Picou! Bea tells us that she grew up in a small town in the mountains of North Carolina, but has called Birmingham, AL her home since college graduation. She spent the first half of her professional career in healthcare marketing and administration.  At age 36 she started her own billing and collections business for physicians, servicing clients all over the US.  When she turned 50, she sold her business and quickly sold herself out of a job. She states, “Thanks to the network marketing industry I found a new career and have been a student of the industry now for four years. I also teach online marketing for network marketing professionals.”
Bea continues, “I am a weekend warrior, even at age 55, but mainly on a sailboat. I race sailboats for fun and have won a few Regattas at local clubs in both large 30+ foot yachts and small dinghy class boats. But my passion for 2017 is launching my online ministry, http://247365LIFE.com. I think 95% of people’s success in anything, and especially network marketing, is tied to their mindset. And the tools and resources needed to teach, train and change mindsets are laid out in the greatest business book ever written - the Bible. This ministry is about changing people from the inside out, creating a path to success and victory in all areas of life. It’s about overcoming fear and doubt - the greatest killers to any career, and especially network marketing that is filled with ups and downs.

I have traveled many places in my years, but of course one of my all time favorites is Disney, especially Star Wars Land (I am a Star Wars fanatic). In 2016 I did the Star Wars Half Marathon with my family. One of my most memorable trips was when a group of us from my sail club chartered a sailboat for a week in the BVIs. And since I love sailing, I just had to go to San Francisco to watch the America’s Cup live. I’ve been all over the country, Canada and Mexico.  Switzerland is my next target. I have a ton of hobbies…too many really. I think it’s good to take time out from business and rest and clear your mind - as Stephen Covey says, “sharpen your saw.” I raise bonsai trees handed down to me from my mother. I have some that are now close to 70 years old. I also play the Great Highland bagpipes!

To achieve success at PlanNet Marketing I think five things are key: 

  1. Great leadership from your upline 
  2. Always teaching and training your team
  3. Never stop recruiting, no matter what your rank
  4. Keep learning new skills and improving your current skills (this is a profession)
  5. Duplication (#s 6 through 1,000 are also duplication!) 


PlanNet Marketing welcomes Cheryl R. Clemons to the prestigious 20/20 Club! Cheryl was born in Chicago, IL and currently resides in Edmond, OK. Her many interests include her love of music, and she performed her first piano recital at age eleven! She has competed in the Hal Jackson Talented Teens Pageant and was awarded the Miss Congeniality title.  She shares, “I enjoyed being on the best track team at John Marshall High School, where we hold the record for most consecutive state championships won and I held the state record in the two mile run.” Cheryl was named Iron Woman 2016 of PlanNet Marketing. “Running, reading my Bible, and writing original poetry to my special friend are my “peace of mind” moments.”

Cheryl continues, “I enjoy being a mother and grandmother; I have four beautiful daughters, one foster daughter and two foster sons (one who transitioned to glory in 2014), four handsome grandsons and one beautifully talented granddaughter! My newest achievement is the leading role as Mrs. Jerry in a Christian-based stage play, “A Black Woman’s Attitude and the Men That Want To Love Us," which will debut on March 4, 2017 in Oklahoma and will be touring soon. I asked my siblings to help me tell some fun facts about me. Their response was to tell you that I am freaking awesome and that will sum it up! I am the fourth of 11 children; the ‘Illustrious Eleven’ is what we are called.

“I have traveled to 28 different states. I went to Mexico on my first cruise, where my cousin and I nearly got left in Progreso, because I wanted to purchase a hand painted purple plate. When I want something, I stick around til the finish. Director is next!”

Cheryl explains her success with PlanNet Marketing: “My success comes first from our amazing founders, Mr. and Mrs. Bradley; my parents for instilling a strong faith and belief in what God has promised me: that I can do all things through Christ, no boundaries; also, my angel and cousin Cynthia Burrough for introducing me to the industry.  She is my push and part of my why. Success comes from following the PS3 system and staying engaged. After listening to our #1 income earner tell the story of the three frogs in the ditch, I began to turn a deaf ear to all the naysayers! Our #2 income earner gives a positive affirmation of people over profit. My sponsor, Two-Star Director Melodie Washington says "quitting is not an option” - as long as you are in the race you have a chance to WIN!”

“This industry is a team effort; and although we are truly in business for ourselves, we are not not by ourselves. If I help others achieve their goals, by default I will attain mine. If I want to get there quickly - I go by myself. If I want to go far - I go with a team. So I must give credit to the best team PlanNet has; their support keeps me pushing to be a better leader, because they deserve it. Self-development through reading relevant books is key. Mr. Bradley says reading a minimum of 30 minutes a day will develop the leader in you, so I read in constant pursuit to better myself! 

“There are many components to being successful; we have some great leaders we can copy. I say “learn to copy the right cat” but as One-Star Director Mr. Aquarius Jackson says, move cat quick!


Houston Texas Super Saturday! Oh my goodness! Newly crowned Four-Star Director JP Watkins hosted an emotionally charged event! Team members came from as far as Columbia, MO and Memphis, TN to attend! We saw jackets presented to Houston's newest One-Star Directors Madeline Alexander and Amy Uribe! We also witnessed the pinning of the the newest Three-Star Director, Tiffany McIntosh!  And let's not forget the rousing ovation given to Director Watkins for being the first female in PlanNet Marketing to hit the rank of Four-Star Director! Tears, smiles, laughs, hugs, training, and new partners made this a day that Texas won't forget anytime soon!

Thank you to Director Amy Uribe for submitting this recap and photos!