20/20 Club



The PlanNet’s newest 20/20 Club member Wanda Childs was born and raised in the City of Brotherly Love, Philadelphia, PA. In 1994 she relocated to Claymont, DE where she currently resides. Wanda has raised two children and is actively involved in the lives of her grandson and granddaughter. She says that in addition to being a "Glam-Mom,” she is also an avid shoe collector, loves to dance, and loves to make people laugh. When she is not spending time with her family, Wanda's interests include traveling, reading, and networking to build great relationships.

She plans to achieve success at PlanNet Marketing by relying on the guidance and resources provided by her leadership: Billy Morton, Eric and Denise Clifton, and Preston and Imani Scott. Additionally, Wanda plans to collaborate with her team as they endeavor to onboard and train new members to be successful in the travel industry. Wanda has reached 20/20 status after a short time in this industry, and firmly believes that when you believe in your business and your brand, people will gravitate to it. She encourages others to share their business, be excited about it, prioritize training, and to NEVER be defeated by the "NOs” 




PlanNet Marketing’s newest 20/20 Club Member Gina Bucci is from Medford, NJ, has been married for 26 years, and has four children. She says, “The beach has been and always will be my happy place. You can find me at the Jersey shore every summer with my toes in the sand. I have always had wanderlust since I can remember. Funny thing is I was never on an airplane until I was 20!  I just always dreamt of traveling the world.  Now I can actually do it! 

“My family loves going to all inclusives in the Caribbean and Mexico, and of course we were Disney regulars when the kids were small. I actually just returned from my first trip to Europe where we stayed in Barcelona for five days and Florence for five days. My daughter is studying abroad there for the semester and there was no way she was going without me getting there to visit her! So many beautiful places in this world and I want to see as much of it as I can. 

“I truly feel blessed that this opportunity came my way. I think the passion that I feel for it helps me recruit other families into the business. My advice for anyone selling anything is be passionate about your product. It will show and make others excited to join you. When you get ‘down,’ realize that tomorrow is a brand new day.  Most importantly, don’t compare yourself to others and what they’re doing in their business.  When I get frustrated that things aren’t moving as quickly as I’d hoped, my husband will ask me “Are you in a race?”  And you know what, he’s right. I’m not in a race - just keeping my eyes on the finish line!” 



PlanNet Marketing welcomes new 20/20 Club member Johnnie Berryman. Originally from Dallas, TX, Johnnie now lives in Ardmore, OK. She shares, “ I have a diverse group of interests that include baking bread for the Women’s Shelter (my bread won two first place awards in the county), managing a successful lash salon, serving in the communion ministry, and most of all TRAVELING!  I’m the mother of one daughter and recently a widow. Building a legacy for my daughter, an only child, is of extreme importance to me. My greatest desire is to buy a condo in the Caribbean on the beach (where I will spread my husband’s ashes), as it was our plan to retire there. I have traveled extensively as a flight attendant for 17 years, seven of those internationally. Europe is my favorite destination although Australia is right up there!

“PlanNet Marketing came into my life at a time I needed something to move me forward. I read every day to learn as much as possible. Because of the great leadership and mentoring, just following the examples set before you are your recipes for success. I push myself and never miss an opportunity to help another family.

“My sincere gratitude goes to Mr. Bradley, Director Tina Pickens, Director J.P. Watkins and Coach Madeline Alexander.”




Welcome to the PlanNet’s 20/20 Club, Tisha Spencer! Tisha shares that she is from Bronx, NY and grew up in the Parkchester Condominiums. She currently lives in Capitol Heights MD, not far from DC.  Tisha says, “I have a varied lists of interests in my life!! I love a good movie with good cheese popcorn and prefer horror movies. I love to learn where things came from and why people do what they do. I love to cook and prepare meals without recipes! Once my chef instructors told me recipes were guidelines, out the window they went!

“Travel obviously is an interest of mine, and with my love of food, it makes my travel experiences so much more fun! I have been traveling since I was six; I have always enjoyed going to new places and experiencing new things in life. From culture, food, people and more, you never know what a new travel experience will bring! You don’t even have to leave your state to experience what travel has to offer. Learning about the history and culture of your own city can be exciting!

“Being an Army Veteran, I have traveled to Germany, Arizona, and South Carolina during active duty. Naturally while in these states I explored!! So far I have been to Punta Cana three times, once with my mother; to Jamaica twice; Haiti and Florida three times; Atlanta four times, and the Bahamas… and this is all within the past 23 months! And there are other states around the country and islands! My favorite is cruising, and I have three under my belt with two more planned.

“I have seen a lot and learned a lot, which is helping me achieve success with PlanNet! By learning early that everyone has different views in life, it helps me to understand them better and to figure out how to show them how this opportunity could change their lives! I have learned from great leaders to be patient, to be kind and to leverage the talents of others when you need help. One thing that I love about PlanNet is that no one is rushing you to reach a goal, but once you say, “I’m ready,” you have everyone’s support! Once I said it and mapped out a plan, I hit 20/20 in a few months, while still working a full time job, and helping new partners learn and train! A fun fact about myself, let’s see..I still call or text my mom and sisters daily. We use technology to stay in contact even though we live in three different states! Next up is a family vacation!”




New 20/20 Club Member Williemae Elery was born and raised in Sumter, SC and currently lives in O'Fallon, IL with her husband Clifton Elery. O'Fallon is a small town approximately 18 miles from downtown St. Louis, MO.

Williemae tells us, “I've always had a great interest in helping people. Growing up in a home with a mom that worked hard to raise six children, I used to imagine growing up and being able to make enough money to help poor people who were doing the best that they could but still not able to make ends meet. I met my husband in 1964, shortly after I graduated from high school. He was stationed at Shaw AFB, which is located in Sumter, SC, and we were married on May 27, 1966. Moving from one Air Force Base to another for 20 plus years gave me the "travel bug.” We were never at one location for more than four years until he retired from the Air Force in December of 1985. I also worked for the government, doing quite a bit of traveling for my job as a trainer for the Telecommunication Department. I retired in June, 2011 after working over 31 years! 
“I've been involved with several network marketing businesses and have never been very successful in any of them. I was introduced to PlanNet Marketing on July 24, 2016.  I was so excited when I heard the company was approaching nine months old. I've never been in a company in "the beginning." I attended a meeting on Monday evening, July 25, 2016 and on Tuesday, July 26th I called my friend who introduced this opportunity to me and I started singing to her "Sign me up for this opportunity.” Of all the companies that I've been involved with, PlanNet Marketing is the best. When I tell that to my friends they laugh and say, "WillieMae, you said that about the last one.” This company IS different. The leadership is the best that I've ever seen. All of the leaders are willing to help, even if you are not on their team. Mr. Bradley has created a culture in this company where there are no ‘Big I’s and Little You's.’ You are actually able to walk right up to a Director and talk with them. They are available so you can speak to or have a conversation with them. We are all treated like individuals and not just another number.

My Three-Star Director Mr. Tony Fleming and my One-Star Director Ms. Lisa Adams Horsley are the best.  They are like a breath of fresh air. They are the best leaders that I've ever had. Ms. Horsley coached me in March of this year and I won the basketball and the opportunity to attend the Directors-In-Training meeting at the Convention in Las Vegas. Her coaching is AWESOME!!! She also coached me to help me be in the 20/20 Club. I did everything that she told me to do and of course it happened just like she said it would. I am going to continue to listen and do whatever she tells me to do all the way to Directorship and even after that.

I would tell everyone to listen to their mentor and coach and do what they suggest. They are the ones with the ‘fruit on the tree.’ Listen to them and you will get ‘fruit on the tree’ also. I am on all of the calls; I attend every event that I am qualified to attend,and I read the books that my mentors suggest that I read.

I love helping people and I love having good clean wholesome fun. My best form of having fun is singing at karaoke parties. I love dressing up like I am Tina Turner and singing Proud Mary.  My husband said to me, "Don't you think you are getting too old for that?" and of course I told him no and that you are only as old as you feel. "Age ain’t nothing but a number!!”




New 20/20 Club member Christa Caldwell tells us, “To live life abundantly has always been my focus in life and the travel industry has added great value towards this mission. I am 38 years old, a wife, mother, teacher, and a travel agent. My roots are from Louisville, Kentucky where 98% of my family still resides. However, I was raised in South Orange, NJ; so I am a Jersey girl at heart. 

“I love the performing arts and love working with people, so I guess it is safe to say this is why I must love network marketing. I’ve been in the travel industry for almost four years now and I can’t let it go. When I first came into the industry, I knew that it was the industry that my spirit was calling me into. There were so many loved ones dying and I realized even more that tomorrow isn’t promised and we need to spend as much time as possible with those we love. The travel industry allows for us to do just that. Not only can you travel like an insider but you are also connected with amazing individuals and have access to a self-development program that is second to none. 

“Prior to joining PlanNet Marketing, I was in a previous travel company that taught me the basics. I was successful because I was passionate about travel but I also followed the system. When I decided to make my transition to PlanNet Marketing, I followed PlanNet’s duplicable system, which allows us all to win. I was inspired by many people, but I was the only one who could motivate me. During this time period, it seemed like everything was going crazy in my life but I continued to press through the pain because I saw the promise and I was going to get there. 

I’m so excited to be a part of this amazing company and I know this is just a pit stop for me. I had to start over in the travel industry but I am okay with that because what this company has to offer needs to be shared with everyone who will listen. It is up to us and the faith we have in our creator to live the kind of life that God designed for us. There are many vehicles that can be driven to get there but if you keep driving, eventually you will end up where you belong.”  




New 20/20 Club Member Veronica Hodges grew up in Brockton, MA and currently resides in Newark, DE with her teenage daughter and her father. She shares, “I always had a passion for traveling and was a hospitality major in college. I went into education to have a secure job with summers off as a single mom. I was a teacher for 11 years, and due to budget cuts, was let go in June. When we say have a Plan B while you still have a Plan A ...I am the evidence of why it is important. Having this business and working hard, I was prepared and able to have the choice not to look for another job.

“My vacations were always visiting family in Massachusetts and my father when he lived in Florida. Since starting in this business, I have become certified with several suppliers. I had a passport and never used it. When I came in a year ago, I was preparing for my niece’s wedding in July 2017 in Punta Cana. As an AM Resorts Master Agent, I was able to get a free upgrade and tour of the property and an amazing package deal. Now that I have my first passport stamp, I’m ready to explore the world!

“The tips that helped me are plugging into everything available to learn as you earn as well as reading books suggested by my Director. I attend our local meetings and travel to every meeting that is within driving distance. Attending big events like Eagle Weekend, Women In Black, and conferences allow you to meet and get advice from Directors and hear their success stories. That is what keeps me going, knowing I am not the only one who is a caregiver or single parent who has been between blessings at one time. I know this is the vehicle that is going to help me and my experiences can help others.

“An unknown fact about me is I am an extreme couponer and teach classes on how to do it! I enjoy cooking, couponing, am very active in my church and my sorority, Delta Sigma Theta. I volunteer and give back to the community by teaching classes on couponing, financial literacy and domestic violence awareness.”




New 20/20 Club Member Takasha Taylor says she is so excited to be a part of PlanNet Marketing! She has been married to her friend and husband, Corey Taylor, for 12 years. She says, “We have three kids. CJ is the animated silly one, Tamirea is the sporty model, and Jacoirya is the smart diva lol. We all love travel so it only made sense to join the company.

“I am also the owner of Nails & More. I make it a marketing tool to inform all my clients about PlanNet Marketing. I post deals about travel everywhere to make sure they all know where to inquire and whom to refer to. A fun/amazing fact about myself is I still can't believe I've actually helped more than 20 families. Unbelievable and so honored.”




New 20/20 Club Member Winaka Wood shared this with us, “I am from Ardmore, OK where I now reside. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Early Intervention of Childhood Development. I have been a single mother for years, but I have managed and by the grace of God we made it through. I am the mother of three handsome young men and one beautiful daughter. I am also a proud Mimi of two lovely grandsons and one grandbaby on the way. I strive daily to look more like Christ. I am looking forward to doing great things in this company to be able to help my disabled dad in a mighty way. I continue to work hard to be able to reap the benefits not only for myself, but for my family and others. I am ready for change and I believe in order to get it I have to work for it. I am up for the challenge.

“My Interests: I am interested in changing lives and preparing better lives for me and my children. I am interested in learning my new business and mastering everything in order to see great results, and I can then help get my Dad the best care and be able to help him walk again. I can also help my Mom start her business so she can be content working for herself. I also have an interest in volunteering for St. Jude’s Hospital at least once a week. While learning my new job, I am ready to travel all over the world and introduce others to the same opportunity that they too can be a part of. Overall, I am interested in making a difference.

“Travel Experiences: I have had an opportunity to travel to exciting places, which has been awesome. Some of those places are Philadelphia, Nashville and Spring Hill, TN; Atlanta; Little Rock; Houston and Kemah,TX; Panama City Beach, Sanford, and Orlando, FL;  Fort Wayne, IN; Flint, MI, and some other small towns. I am looking forward to more trips. I love to travel and with the company there are a lot of places I will be able to go and learn and earn along the way. I want others to experience the same opportunity as well, so I will introduce the business every chance I get as I move around the different cities and countries. In traveling, you meet new people and change lives all around the world.

“How I achieve success at PlanNet Marketing: I achieve success by first following the plan that Donald Bradley put together for us to follow. Second, I follow my sponsor who introduced me to the business, which just made sense. My advice to anyone would be to always remain focused, be coachable, and execute. Also, never have too much pride to go back to the drawing board when things are not working out. I can’t say it enough - remain focused in all you do. My main reason for achieving success is my “why,” and the reason I strive to work so hard. My question to any of you - what company puts together a package guaranteeing that if you get to a certain position in the company and something happens to you, your family will be taken care of, which is the PlanNet Pledge. Well, after I saw this, it made me want to dig even harder for my family as a whole. It just makes sense.

“How others can achieve success: In order to achieve success in this business, first follow the steps that Mr. Donald Bradley put into place, Second, hold on to your sponsor’s sleeve and never let go. Lastly, when things get tough, remain focused and remember why you became a part of such a great opportunity. We must never waver. #WEGOTTHIS

“Fun facts about self: I enjoy traveling the world and meeting new people and introducing them to a great opportunity that just makes sense. In my down time I love spending time with God, self and family. My main focus and fun thing to do is spend time with like-minded individuals who are seeking the same goals.  As JP Watkins stated, you must be willing to have the initiative and act now in order to get results. It is not the business that does not work, it’s you. I like spending time with individuals who understand that in order to better yourself in life, you have to be willing to change your mindset -  and it’s as simple as my favorite verse I revert to when I am in doubt: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13

This is why I do what I do!!”




Welcome Orisha Bartley to the 20/20 Club! Orisha lives in Highgate, North London and works as a London bus driver alongside her travel business. She says, “I love to travel, which was what attracted me to our amazing travel opportunity in the beginning, and getting paid to share such a product just made sense to me. Before investing in this partnership I travelled about once a year and really looked forward to my annual holiday, so now that I'm able to travel over four times a year and earn a commission back as well, is absolutely fantastic! It's really the Best Place On The PlanNet!!

“I just share, share, share. I joined this business one year and nine months ago and it's the best decision I ever made. I see the Founder’s vision and I’m with him and my team all the way. It's literally a numbers game -  everybody loves to travel, so our product sells itself. Concentrate on educating yourself. As one of our top leaders, Orlanda Moore, says, “Competence builds your confidence." Once you know the full value of what you have, all that's left to do is just talk about it! Learn as you earn - it's the right way.”




Wandra Hammond is a native Memphian who moved to Georgia in 1986. The new 20/20 Club member is a single parent and made the decision years ago to make sure that her children had everything that they needed to succeed in life. She relates, “My parents, who are deceased, provided me with the necessary tools and the knowledge to tackle anything that life would bring my way. My mother was an educator and a pianist who enjoyed playing for her church back home in Memphis. My father was the minister of two prominent churches in Memphis and was a devout servant. Faith first and decorum, which I believe in, is extremely important and goes a long way when navigating life.” 

Wandra continues, “During my corporate career I have worked many places, such as ICG Railroad, which was taken over by Norfolk Southern, IRS, Amtrak and FedEx, each place adding on to my particular set of skills. I later retired in 2014 from FedEx after 30 years of dedicated service with integrity. I am very active in my church, serving as one of the captains of the Courtesy Guild and church choir. One unknown fact about me is that I am licensed in broadcasting. Being very active in neighborhood activities and my civic duties gives me a sense of purpose.

“My decision made a long time ago was to have a plan B while my plan A was still working, but wanted it to be something that I have a passion for and could pass on to my children and grandchildren. That something turned out to be the WORLD. I began traveling and have not looked back. Since retiring, I have visited Japan, London, Dubai and Abu Dhabi, Mexico and all over the Caribbean as well as many states, taking my  children with me. My interests include jazz, Scrabble, good food, cooking, and of course TRAVEL and adventure! My dream vacation is a river cruise to Paris and Normandy, going down the Seine River aboard AMA Waterways  and a Mediterranean cruise on Regent Seven Seas…and I plan to make that a reality in the year 2018!

“The tips I would leave are to get plugged in, to stay committed, engaged and focused, and above all, embrace the process and DO NOT QUIT! Why PlanNet Marketing? Why not!! If I can leave a legacy to my family with a company that genuinely cares for people and their families, I can think of no other place that I would rather be.”




New 20/20 Club Member Sharonda Johnson tells us she is a proud single mother of two lovely children and was born, raised, and lives in Oklahoma City, OK. She has traveled extensively across the United States, and has been to Cancun and Canada. Her dream vacation is to visit Barcelona and Greece. She says, “Through this business, it’s going to happen!”

She continues, “I'm a huge sports fan, especially the Dallas Cowboys!  I'm a music lover, from rap to classical music, and I love helping others. I've been an entrepreneur in the beauty industry for 24 years, and the keys to my success in PlanNet Marketing are some of the keys that I took from my origin and experience in the beauty industry.

“When I started in the beauty industry, my endeavor was against the grain of what people close to me said I should do. I've always respected my family and friends for being gainfully employed and being seemingly comfortable doing so, but I wanted something different. I wanted control of my time and I love serving people and making them happy; so, against conventional wisdom with no clients or experience, I made a decision to follow my passion and the rest is history in the making. Ironically, the same was the case when I was approached about this wonderful opportunity. It was foreign to me; however, I drew from my passion to serve others.

I wanted to provide for myself and my children - a legacy income and total time freedom, which is something my vocation doesn't provide, because if I don't show up for work no income is derived. The PlanNet opportunity provides everything I've ever wanted, but I had no idea it would be in this form, and I'm so grateful to Mr. Bradley for his vision. My upline sponsors and mentors and the team of direct and sideline partners who inspire me to be better each day offer these tips for success: Be plugged in and attend all events, trainings, and calls. Be consistent to your goals - remember that this is not a sprint, it is a marathon, so patience is key. Always engage in personal development every day. Maintain a heart of servitude and most importantly of all…have fun!”




New 20/20 Club Member Doris R. Gerow is a native of Baltimore, MD and now resides in Sumter, SC. She is a graduate of Morris College and has a BS in Business Administration with a Computer Science minor. She has been a business owner for over 26 years, including owner and operator of Sumter Saver Magazines (est. 1996), Tropical Paradise Food Vendor (est. 2001), Gold Beaded Jewelry by Doris (est. 2013), and Independent Travel Agent (est. 2016)! She is the single parent of her 12-year-old daughter, Tristan Tripp. 

Doris shares, “Besides making money, my hobbies include traveling, concerts, reading, and many outdoor activities. But my love for travel and interacting with people inspired me into the partnership with PlanNet Marketing and InteleTravel. Measuring my rise to this level is based on ambition, drive, and a desire to want more by doing more. My advice to anyone who is beginning - just remember if you want it, there is no reason to quit. Just remember the reason you started. There will always be excuses, but not opportunities.

“I follow the leadership and blueprint that PlanNet Marketing has in place. I stay consistent and persistent with a never-give-up attitude. I understand creating, building and managing a business, which helps me to push harder. I am a go-getter and I will get the job done. Thank you to all my teammates, sideline partners, and my mentor, Director Yvette Green, for all of your support. And a fun fact about me: I love having fun and there’s never a dull moment with me!”



New 20/20 Club Member Philecia Thompson is originally from Bronx, NY, and now resides in Edmond, OK.  She relates that she has many interests which have turned into her passions, including health and fitness, dancing and reading.  “I absolutely get joy out of dancing and exercising. I am a girl in a tutu, having fun!  Dancing makes me feel like I am on top of the world, while reading gives me the ability to achieve and believe that anything I set my mind to is possible.” Philecia has traveled across the U.S. because of dance, and now with this opportunity, she will be able to travel internationally.  

“My success stems from my husband who pushes me daily, and our four children: two adults, Marquisha and Robert, and two younger sons, Adrion II and Aidan Thompson.  I am blessed to be the mother of some amazing children who have a strong entrepreneurial spirit.  They know exactly what I do and constantly encourage me to give it my all.  I also have the four best grandchildren whom I call my ‘4ortune’: Chosen Oné, Chance Christian, Cadence Kay Dior and Cameron Isaiah.  They give me life in an indescribable way!”

Philecia shares that the tip that has helped her the most is “getting my family buy-in, keeping them in the loop of my travel plans, meetings, and self-development.  It’s also important to do business outside of the home so you can be present for what you have planned, and everything will fall into place.  My ‘why’ pushed me to achieve 20/20 and it’s going to drive me to One-Star Director and plenty more. A little fun fact about me is that I am competitive and I love to play ‘Heads Up!’  

Congratulations to Philecia on achieving the 20/20 Club!




New 20/20 Club Member Maya Slade is a native of and currently resides in Columbia, SC.  She enjoys spending time and traveling the world with her three handsome sons and family, spending time with her best friends, taking care of her mother, watching football, and of course helping others reach their success!  She has traveled all over the world from Japan, Germany, Puerto Rico, and throughout the United States.

Maya says, “I’ve been able to achieve unimaginable success through PlanNet Marketing by first making a decision to change the way I think, committing to my commitment, staying plugged in, and being extremely coachable.  The most important tips I can offer to anyone who is trying to achieve success is to remember why you started and surround yourself with individuals who only want to see you succeed and who will hold you accountable throughout the process.

“A fun fact about me is that I was born in Okinawa, Japan, and my birth name was Mayumi Sunagawa.”  

Welcome to the 20/20 Club, Maya!




Meet new 20/20 Club member Lawanda Baker. Lawanda is a native of Jackson, TN, works in Birmingham and currently resides in Alabaster, AL. An award-winning graphic designer, Lawanda is the epitome of art.  “I love art and all things creative. My artistic appetite has only enhanced my wanderlust. Being a merchant of travel has allowed me to fulfill a lifelong dream - my daughter Laila and I traveled to Paris and the south of France for two weeks.

“This is my first network marketing venture and I have gained a level of respect for an industry that I did not know really existed.” Through exercising the tenets of network marketing, Lawanda has learned to achieve success by staying plugged in and remaining coachable. 

Though she is still very much a student of the industry and has many levels to reach, she eagerly and humbly shares three tips she has learned along the way.  “Become a sponge; absorb everything you hear and see, especially if you are new to the industry, and ‘COPY’ the leader or their work patterns; DECIDE that you will become successful. Our coach, Three-Star Director Mr. Tony Fleming, tells us that leaders are not born, they decide to lead, so make the decision and DO NOT let go of your dream. No matter what, keep your dream in front of you and don’t just chase after it - catch it and hold on until it becomes your reality.”

Lawanda relates this fun fact: “Aside from being a super mom with awesome powers, traveling the world, and accomplishing tall goals in a single bound, I share my Miss Awesomeness title with my favorite super hero, Wonder Woman!”  



New 20/20 Club member Richard Foster was born in Baton Rouge, LA and grew up in the small town of Angie, LA. He loves spending time with his children, ages 3, 14, and 16. He tells us that working his full time job in the oil and gas industry caused him to miss a lot of time with them. “My family and I were already taking trips a couple times a year. My oldest two boys have been involved in sports since they were younger, so we were already doing a lot of traveling! When PlanNet Marketing was presented to me by my personal sponsor and coach Mr. Phillip Rollins, there was no hesitation about my answer to join forces. My personal travel experiences have been to Hawaii, the Bahamas, Cabo, Trinidad and Tobago, Chicago, San Diego, Las Vegas, and Mexico.

“I can attribute my success to being coachable and teachable, and following the system. My coach, Mr. Phillip Rollins, has always stretched my mind daily. Although I still work full time in the oil and gas industry, I'm always plugged in. I attend all the events that I’m qualified for. I host travel parties and support my business partners.”

Richard shares, “The best advice I can give is to trust the system, trust your coach. They are there to help you get to the next level. Believe in YOURSELF that you can achieve any rank and that YOU deserve to be at the next level. I love being Involved with positive people. I love learning from different individuals. My grandfather, whom I've always looked up to, owned and operated his own pulpwood log trucks for over 25 years. One day, he and I were having lunch and I asked him how he was successful with running his own business for such a long period of time. He told me this: ‘Whatever you wanna do in life, it's up to you to make it happen. Don't worry about what other people say, just be yourself, and keep pushing.’ Those words have stood by me for years!”




Two-Star Director and new 20/20 Club member Yvette Green was born in Harlem, NY and lives in Charleston, SC. Yvette says, “My interest is to help educate as many people as possible on the why and how to truly experience and capitalize on entrepreneurship. I enjoy empowering them on how to really appreciate financial freedom, owning and building their own business. I love, love showing others it’s possible and just how powerful they really are.
“My travel experience has been awesome, with so much more to come. So far I have been blessed with traveling to Las Vegas several times, Mexico, Jamaica, Hawaii and the latest isNew York, New York...so nice they named it twice! I’m truly enjoying emptying my bucket list of travel by experiencing them first class.
“I have achieved success at PlanNet Marketing by first and foremost putting God first. I have a great appreciation for leadership, self empowerment, and always knowing when to be a student - to learn as much as possible from the leaders - when to be a leader and then lead.
“The way I achieved success so quickly is first with a BELIEF! I truly believe I have something that can change lives for the better. When I made the decision to help as many people as possible, I always remember who I am and who I am coupled with. Consistency, leadership, duplication, and building relationships equals success.  What I understand is, if I help enough people get what they want - I will always have what I NEED.”




20/20 Club member LaTeshia Campbell is from Tuscaloosa, AL and currently lives in Nashville, TN. She relates, “I am married with two handsome little boys ages five and eleven. I love to read and I love everything about high fashion. I also have a STRONG passion for fitness and a healthy lifestyle. I love to help people change their eating habits and get fit. I've been to Costa Rica, Mexico, Canada and all over the USA. I love traveling and learning about different cultures. 

“I've been very successful in PlanNet Marketing because the tools are already there. I'm a reader and I study. I pay attention to what works. I've been in network marketing before and must say this company by far outshines any other. I achieved my success so quickly by staying plugged in with my mentor LaTashia Alexander and taking the time out to learn the business for myself. I'm a process person. If it's there for me to read, then I am all over it.

“Fun fact: I love the beach. If I could build a house on an island, I would do it and call it Campbell’s Island!” 




Welcome new 20/20 Club member Cienia Railey, who was born in Harlem, NY, and raised in Jamaica, Queens with her older brother, Louis, Jr., by parents Louis and Edna Railey. She tells us, “I am a single mom to my handsome, charismatic 16-year-old son, Jaseer Greenidge, and a beautiful, intelligent and witty 14-year-old daughter, Zaniya Greenidge. We currently reside in Space Coast, Florida where I continue my career in the healthcare field. My passion for people has kept me in the medical field and my transition into the travel and marketing industry has truly been an added bonus. I have had the pleasure of traveling to various states within the U.S. and a few Caribbean islands.

“Since partnering with PlanNet Marketing, I have achieved things that I could have never imagined. The leadership and support of our partners are second to none and have truly shown me the great things that can be accomplished when we are on one accord with a common goal. The main things that have helped me gain success are my determination to obtain the tools and skills that it takes to be successful in this business; my willingness to allow others to help me…knowing that I cannot do it alone and knowing when to lean and call on others for assistance; and being humble enough to admit and understand that I do not know everything and that I can learn a great deal from each and every person in our amazing organization. Once I am given the information needed to advance my success, the next very important thing is to execute! Knowledge is power when you put it into action.

“I am a person who loves to laugh, have fun, enjoy the company of good people...and I am a foodie. I will bust out in song at any point in time and enjoy putting smiles on other people's faces. I am eternally grateful to my sponsor, Charmaine "Camet" Turner, for introducing me to this amazing business and blessed beyond measure to have the amazing team that I have. They are truly a team of champions and are very much the reason why I have gained the success that I have today. I salute you all!”