
PlanNet Marketing’s newest 20/20 Club Member Gina Bucci is from Medford, NJ, has been married for 26 years, and has four children. She says, “The beach has been and always will be my happy place. You can find me at the Jersey shore every summer with my toes in the sand. I have always had wanderlust since I can remember. Funny thing is I was never on an airplane until I was 20!  I just always dreamt of traveling the world.  Now I can actually do it! 

“My family loves going to all inclusives in the Caribbean and Mexico, and of course we were Disney regulars when the kids were small. I actually just returned from my first trip to Europe where we stayed in Barcelona for five days and Florence for five days. My daughter is studying abroad there for the semester and there was no way she was going without me getting there to visit her! So many beautiful places in this world and I want to see as much of it as I can. 

“I truly feel blessed that this opportunity came my way. I think the passion that I feel for it helps me recruit other families into the business. My advice for anyone selling anything is be passionate about your product. It will show and make others excited to join you. When you get ‘down,’ realize that tomorrow is a brand new day.  Most importantly, don’t compare yourself to others and what they’re doing in their business.  When I get frustrated that things aren’t moving as quickly as I’d hoped, my husband will ask me “Are you in a race?”  And you know what, he’s right. I’m not in a race - just keeping my eyes on the finish line!”