Race to Director - They're on Their Way!

PlanNet Marketing


PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race,
and on their way to One-Star Director!

1.  Rachael and Michael Young
2.  Shelia Provo
3.  Kat Simpson
4.  Akua Pippins
5.  Catherine Netter
6.  Coreatha Knox
7.  Willie and Cordella Cooper
8.  Desiree Morrison
9.  Tanya Collins
10.  Natalie Brown

PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs
Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1.  Calvin Ellerbe
2.  Darren Vinnett
3.  Shaketta Giles
4.  Abi Jenkins
5.  Robin Loving
6.  Renelda Victor
7.  Rhea Perry
8.  Taryn Cox
9.  Elliott George
10.  Tanisha Brown




Huge congratulations to the PlanNet for a history-making first four years in business! Words could never express the gratitude I feel when I think of what we have accomplished together. I would like to take a moment to express my sincere thanks and congratulations to each and every one of you for making this the most amazing time in my entire business career. I have never felt more accomplished or been more proud of a group of business professionals as I am of you.

I also would like to take this moment to make certain that we don’t mistake this, which is only the beginning of success, for the real success that we are going to achieve in the future. This is truly only the beginning. The best has yet to come.

Since you are all helping me to live my dreams, I pledge to spend the next several years of my life helping you to live yours. Happy Fourth Year Anniversary !!!!!

Donald Bradley
Founder & CEO




Happy FOURTH Anniversary, PlanNet Marketing Reps!

It is often said, “Time flies when you’re having fun!” And it does! As we enter our fifth year in business, it is amazing how these past four years have just flown by!

The planning and launch of PlanNet Marketing were not a gamble. It was not a “Let’s see if this will work” scenario.  It was inspired; it was intentional. Vision + experience + planning + management (and a whole bunch of other stuff) equals success. 

Just over four years and a few months ago, Founder Donald Bradley revealed his inspired vision. There were a host of key components included in that vision, the combination of which would go together to create this moment. (Just for the record, we’ll celebrate this Fourth Anniversary for a few minutes, but then it’s roll up the sleeves and back to work! 2020 will be monumental!)

We again wish to acknowledge those who have contributed to PlanNet’s successes these past forty-eight months. It takes no less than a total team working in harmony, and we have the finest.

PlanNet Marketing benefits greatly from an exemplary group of Director leadership! Just look around you! And there are Directors-in-Training now numbering in the hundreds! Following are literally thousands of Bronze, Silver, Gold,and Gold PLUS Builders contributing to the success of PlanNet Marketing.

Our corporate team is peerless! COO LeAnn Troeckler; VP, Marketing Administration LisaMarie Klinger; VP, Compliance Amanda Restivo; Manager of Support Sarah Muscarella; and a growing Support Team, the finest to be found anywhere! What an outstanding job they continue to do, maintaining a fast-growing corporate operation.

PlanNet Marketing is ever grateful for our partnership with InteleTravel. They are simply the best in the world in delivering and supporting an independent travel agency business, and rightfully recognized magna cum laude in the travel industry. President James Ferrara leads an incredible corporate team, and the travel products and support services they provide internationally are truly outstanding.

Our Founder and Chairman Donald Bradley’s vision launched this enterprise, and his vision continues to motivate and challenge us every day. His passion and plan have come together:

  • The finest travel product to be found anywhere, and by any standard.

  • A financial opportunity that provides NOW income, and as importantly, sustained financial security for years to come.

  • An exciting compensation plan that funds that financial opportunity.

  • Recognition, respect, and acknowledgement for the Reps in the field – capitalizing on their infinite skills / listening and hearing them!

  • A field support team (we call them the “S-Team”) that is trained, courteous, and professional – not just giving answers to the questions, but showing people where to find the answers.

  • Training in all aspects of the business, and for personal development.

  • Communications – frequent, accurate, straightforward, and relevant.

  • Compliance – It’s necessary, and good for everyone to follow the rules.

  • A company that’s managed as a business should be – by the highest principles and standards.

  • And finally – Fun! Unique travel experiences! Memorable events! A culture of good people doing good things.

We are where we are today because of decisions made yesterday, and we will be where we will be tomorrow because of decisions made today.

Thank you for being a part of this business. Happy Fourth Anniversary, PlanNet Marketing!

Andy Cauthen
President & CFO



Happy PlanNet Marketing and InteleTravel Partnership
FOURTH Anniversary, PlanNet Marketing Reps!


On the momentous occasion facing us this Saturday, October 26, 2019, the fourth anniversary of the historic partnership between PlanNet Marketing and InteleTravel, I’ve been thinking about other things that take four years. 

Leap year. The Olympic Games. The World Cup. American high school or university. An Honours Degree in Scotland. The recent renovation of Big Ben in London. The Battle Star Galactica TV series. The entire lifespan of a guinea pig. Countless success stories of famous brands in business and cultural celebrities. All of these are impressive, but not all see that next, fifth year (poor guinea pig). I propose we can look at the real achievements of our fourth year together and see the rock-solid foundation for many years of success to come. 

2019 was another record breaker in travel sales for InteleTravel Agents, doubling sales for the third year in a row. That means InteleTravel has grown to be a quarter-of-a-billion-dollar travel company, one of the largest in the world. Just this year, over $12,000,000 in commissions was paid out to agents, with a record-shattering recent month distributing over $2,000,000. We invited agents on 15 exclusive FAM and learning trips. Over 20 cities hosted dream maker events ... plus two in Mexico and four in the UK. Top Agents and Ambassadors (of which there are now over 80 serving across the world) were invited to the Pinnacle Top Seller Summit. Other agents learned how to sell to millennial travelers onboard our Project NeXtGenCruise or competed in our Boot Camp inside CLIA Cruise360. UK Agents celebrated a phenomenal year of recognition by ABTA and became the largest home worker agency in the UK, at the first InteleTravel Quest (ITQ) UK held in Scotland. And of course, nearly 2,000 InteleTravel Agents celebrated and learned at the award-winning ITQ International aboard Norwegian Epic. 

In fact, InteleTravel garnered dozens of awards in 2019, including Platinum, Diamond and President’s awards from a host of top travel brands, and not one but TWO Travel Weekly Magellan Awards honoring “The Best In Travel” and recognizing our agent education programs and overall innovation.  That’s fitting because if our 28-year history tells us one thing, it’s that education is the key. (So where will you be next February? At Caesar’s Palace, Las Vegas, at the most important learning event of the year, ITQ 2020 with 100 Travel brands, 195 hours of workshops and classrooms, pre/post FAMs and all sorts of Vegas-style surprises - with 5,000 fellow InteleTravel Agents!)

Our fourth year together brought even more technology enhancements, because that investment in our agents and the tools to support them is never-ending. Now we have exclusive hotel discounts, city locations for car rental, and more. 

We did all that - in one year - together. And we are only four years old. Not pausing too long to rest on our accomplishments, I see these goals for our partnership for Year Five:

  1. Renew our vows to each other. These two companies are a pair for the history books. 

  2. Affirm the evidence and the excellence of your product. #whatcompetition

  3. Achieve our best selves. 

As Thanksgiving approaches, I don’t think it’s inappropriate to share that I wake up every morning and count each of you among my blessings. I am also profoundly grateful for the extraordinary talents of the Directors of PlanNet Marketing, your corporate team, our partners Donald Bradley and Andy Cauthen, and the amazing superheroes that are the staff and executives of InteleTravel. 

If this is four, just imagine where we will be at five! I bet you know someone who deserves to know about our year. 

James R. Ferrara




Double Diamond Ring Wearers are on an annual track of $1,000,000
Diamond Ring Wearers are on an annual track of $500,000.


Ruby Ring Wearers are on annual track of $250,000.


Sapphire Ring Wearers are on an annual track of $100,000.


Five-Star Directors must achieve 4,000 active ITAs in their downline to receive the Presidential Rolex Watch.


“VIVA LAS VEGAS” CONTEST 2020 - Standings as of October 24, 2019

“Viva Las Vegas!”
September 23 - December 1, 2019
Top Weekly Income Earners!

Every week, starting with the commission cycle that runs from September 23 - September 29, 2019, we will post the Top 100 Weekly Income Earners in your Virtual Office. These totals will accumulate weekly through the commission cycle that ends at 11:59pm ET, December 1, 2019.

The income on these reports will be determined by weekly income only.

Each winner will receive a two-night stay for you and one guest at the Venetian in Las Vegas, January 17-19, 2020!

In order to qualify you must be in one of the following categories:

Top 30 Gold-Plus Members
Top 25 One-Star Directors
Top 10 Two-Star Directors
Top 10 Three-Star Directors
Top 5 Four-Star Directors

* You will finish the contest in the rank in which you started; for example, if you are a Gold Plus member now and you promote to One-Star during the contest, you will be included in the Gold Plus winners category. You must become a Gold Plus Member during the contest period to participate. Not responsible for transportation to and from Las Vegas.
OCTOBER 24, 2019

Four-Star Directors
Marcella Emily Burge
Chanelle and Terry Fry
Felicia Miles
Letoria Mayberry
Latashia Alexander

Three-Star Directors
Lucy Welch
Jennifer Smith
Antoinette Jones
Melodie Washington
Louise Gatland
LaTeshia Campbell
David Dacosta
Sarah Boulter
Ferne Sapp
Patricia Johnson

Two-Star Directors
Rachael Lalji
Samuel Church
Kieran Rushbrook
Catherine Bray
Hannah Parker
Nina Jackson
Chrissey Walker
Kenneth Graham
Lorie Banatte
Kyra Harris

One-Star Directors
Kayla Lewis
Brigitte Harding
Alicia Calascione
Denesha Bailey
Robert Noble
Danielle Kedward
Jron Brailey
Abi Jenkins
Ashley Gibbs
Dukshini Prashanna
Stephanie Cloutier
Uchechi Tarver
Kenzie King
Devon Goins
Tanisha Brown
William Padmore
Donna Susor
Jenna Burns
Hayley France
Dexter Grier
Kim Del Monaco
Jane Haynes
Thomas Lovelace
Dennese Hopson
Liz Estrada

Gold Plus
Mario Falcone
Joanna Bacon
Tyson Sedlacek
Lucy-Anne Rusk
Esme Burge
Tanya and Frank Irvin
Jehane Thomas
Laura Joyce
Tracy Searle
MaryEllen Poellnitz
Arturo Cummings
Tracie Fawcett
Rashida Jones
William Baskerville
Patrina Burrell
Quiana Butler
Josephine Mullally
Kirsten White
Grace Hopkins
Hayley Light
Remedios Richardson
Becky Hayes
Megan Hughes
Renee Davis
Patricia Means
Teresa Bogans
Jacquelyn Core
Rachael Mckeown
Melanie Thomas
Carrie Doyle


Race to Director - They're on Their Way!

PlanNet Marketing


PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race,
and on their way to One-Star Director!

1.  Rachael and Michael Young
2.  Remedios Richardson
3.  Shelia Provo
4.  Catherine Netter
5.  Kat Simpson
6.  Natalie Brown
7.  Desiree Morrison
8.  Akua Pippins
9.  Tanya Collinsn
10.  Willie and Cordella Cooper

PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs
Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1.  Brigitte Harding
2.  Darren Vinnett
3.  Calvin Ellerbe
4.  Michelda K. Johnson
5.  Shaketta Giles
6.  Abi Jenkins
7.  Robin Loving
8.  Taryn Cox
9.  Renelda Victor
10.  Rhea Perry



“Viva Las Vegas!”
September 23 - December 1, 2019
Top Weekly Income Earners!

Every week, starting with the commission cycle that runs from September 23 - September 29, 2019, we will post the Top 100 Weekly Income Earners in your Virtual Office. These totals will accumulate weekly through the commission cycle that ends at 11:59pm ET, December 1, 2019.

The income on these reports will be determined by weekly income only.

Each winner will receive a two-night stay for you and one guest at the Venetian in Las Vegas, January 17-19, 2020!

In order to qualify you must be in one of the following categories:

Top 30 Gold-Plus Members
Top 25 One-Star Directors
Top 10 Two-Star Directors
Top 10 Three-Star Directors
Top 5 Four-Star Directors

* You will finish the contest in the rank in which you started; for example, if you are a Gold Plus member now and you promote to One-Star during the contest, you will be included in the Gold Plus winners category. You must become a Gold Plus Member during the contest period to participate. Not responsible for transportation to and from Las Vegas.
OCTOBER 18, 2019

Four-Star Directors
Marcella Emily Burge
Chanelle and Terry Fry
Letoria Mayberry
Felicia Miles
Latashia Alexander

Three-Star Directors
Lucy Welch
Jennifer Smith
Antoinette Jones
Melodie Washington
Sarah Boulter
Ferne Sapp
David Dacosta
LaTeshia Campbell
Patricia Johnson
LaVonda Thornton-Bush and Darryl Bush

Two-Star Directors
Rachael Lalji
Samuel Church
Kieran Rushbrook
Hannah Parker
Nina Jackson
Kyra Harris
Kenneth Graham
Lorie Banatte
Kristin Rivers
Leinahtan Gaiter

One-Star Directors
Brigitte Harding
Kayla Lewis
Tanya and Frank Irvin
Devon Goins
Alicia Calascione
Esme Burge
Danielle Kedward
Denesha Bailey
Dukshini Prashanna
Abi Jenkins
Stephanie Cloutier
Jron Brailey
Robert Noble
Kenzie King
William Padmore
Ashley Gibbs
Thomas Lovelace
Dexter Grier
Uchechi Tarver
Kim Del Monaco
Dennese Hopson
Donna Susor
Jane Haynes
Tracey Dillon
Angelica Turner

Gold Plus
Mario Falcone
Joanna Bacon
Lucy-Anne Rusk
Tyson Sedlacek
Arturo Cummings
Tracie Fawcett
Laura Joyce
Rashida Jones
Jehane Thomas
MaryEllen Poellnitz
Tracy Searle
William Baskerville
Kirsten White
Patrina Burrell
Hayley Light
Carrie Doyle
Josephine Mullally
Megan Hughes
Martha Jane Bradford
Percell Dickson
Melanie Thomas
Jacquelyn Core
Rachael Mckeown
Heather Wooden
Michael Mckeown
Patricia Means
Jessica Leaming
Catherine Netter
Talitha Harding
Tash Margetson



July 30 - August 2, 2020
Rates start at $199 pp/pn!

We are pleased to announce a New, Exclusive PlanNet Escape hosted by Founder & CEO Donald Bradley – El Dorado Casitas Royale, a five-star, gourmet inclusive, luxury spa resort in Mexico’s breathtaking Riviera Maya! For booking information, please email: escapes@plannetmarketing.com and be sure to check out the resort website at https://www.eldoradosparesorts.com/casitas-royale.




Meet new One-Star Director Quiana Butler! Quiana is from Miami, FL, but currently resides in Lawrenceville, GA. She tells us that she has a social media consulting business where she assists business owners with successfully profiting online through branding and marketing. She loves helping others and enjoys spending time with her family!  She says, “Since starting with PlanNet Marketing, I have traveled some, but not much, due to discovering I was pregnant with my second child! I basically have been pregnant my entire time in the business! But I was able to visit Cancun and Punta Cana, back to back! I didn’t even have a passport until I started my travel business! 

“I have been achieving success by instilling the vision into my team and setting the example that if I can work this business pregnant, work a business outside of this one, and care for a family of three, that they can do it to with NO EXCUSES. I don’t believe in excuses; I just believe in my goals and desires! That’s what has pushed me! I love that I am able to help families leave legacies through an industry everyone loves…TRAVEL! As far as tips and techniques, it’s imperative that if you use social media that you GO LIVE and interact with your audience/friends on Facebook or Instagram. You don’t have to ‘sell,’ but definitely connect and be relatable! I would also say step out of your comfort zone, otherwise known as your broke zone! Being uncomfortable will take you places you’ve never dreamed of. My final tip would be to never lose sight of your WHY! It doesn’t matter how hard it gets and it doesn’t matter how tired you are. You just have to get it done! Your goals don’t care about your problems! 

“What helped me achieve success so quickly was me being coachable, leveraging leadership, and of course my amazing team! I encourage everyone to stay plugged into calls and meetings, consistently work on self development, and ask questions. 

“A fun fact about me that a lot of people don’t know is that I can sing! 

“I am really grateful to be a part of such an amazing company and looking forward to elevating even more.”




New One-Star Director Troylynn Harvey is from Tylertown, MS and resides in Gautier, MS with her husband and three daughters. She tells us that her pastimes are traveling, shopping, and spending time with her loved ones. She says, “I go on many vacations throughout the year. My favorite trip was to Denver, Colorado with my daughters and other travel agents, although the most exhilarating expedition was to Punta Cana with a group of my friends.

“I am moving on successfully in PlanNet Marketing because of teamwork. My goal is for everyone on my team to get to their next level…and for the beginners out there - you just need to persevere and be persistent.”