Three is an auspicious number. It has powerful significance in many cultures, portending luck, happiness, faith and success. For InteleTravel, it counts the years of our faithful partnership with PlanNet Marketing as the exclusive distributor of our renowned travel agent program - and those years can be aptly described with the very same attributes of the number three - luck, happiness, faith and success.
The first year was a test of our two companies and our people - a test of our concept, yes, but also of our resolve, our characters, our abilities. How hard were we all willing to work? Would our vision and faith sustain us through the challenges of starting out? Would we stay true to our words and make the right choices?
If the first year was a test, the second year was confirmation of it all. It worked. People made money, grew personally, exceeded even their own expectations of themselves. The companies listened, built, added talent, and invested for the future. We heightened education, preparation, compliance.
With the second year as confirmation, the third year simply must be termed a celebration. At InteleTravel all sorts of records were broken and awards won. $375,000,000 in travel sold since we began with PlanNet, with the pace of sales actually doubling in 2018. Nearly $40,000,000 of that will be paid to agents as commissions as an additional (or primary) stream of household income that did not exist for them before. Forty (40) InteleTravel Ambassadors have developed such expertise that they now teach and support agents nationwide. Eighteen (18) cities hosted live Dream Maker Certification workshops showing new agents the way to success - even across the ocean in the UK, and soon Mexico. InteleTravel Quest, our annual agent convention, rocked the industry as one of its largest events of the year. The world’s leading travel brands recognized the power of InteleTravel Agents, like Funjet’s and Delta Vacations’ Platinum Agency designations, and Carnival’s amazing excellence award for Travel Agency Partner of the year (Eastern US).
By every measure our third year together was the best year ever at InteleTravel. At the same time, PlanNet has seen paralleled growth and accomplishment. What fine leadership and corporate talent has developed there. How many have risen to Gold Builder and Director and beyond, inspired by the best travel product in the world. #NoCompetition
At just three, we have all this to celebrate and be thankful for. Imagine what the future will bring. Share this historic partnership and unique opportunity that is tested and proven. Share your passion for travel. Celebrate this triumphant anniversary!