Race to Director - They're on Their Way!

PlanNet Marketing


PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race,
and on their way to One-Star Director!

1.  Richard Smith
2.  Kim Del Monaco
3.  Johnnie Green
4.  Tanya Collins
5.  Nacole McCain
6.  Rachael and Michael Young
7.  Desiree Morrison
8.  Hannah Finamore
9.  Tamarian Maddox
10.  Ebony and Gary Waugh

PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs
Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1.  Calvin Ellerbe
2.  Elliott George
3.  Taryn Cox
4.  Aquarius Jackson
5.  Robin Loving
6.  Arien Ragster
7.  Darren Vinnett
8.  Jay Stuart
9.  Kenneth Graham
10.  Marwu (Cienia) Railey




PlanNet Marketing is very proud to announce that Director Eileen Ross has achieved Five-Star Director! To reach this high level of achievement, a Five-Star Director must have 4,000 active ITAs in their downline. Eileen joins Five-Star Directors Shedrick White, Orlanda Moore, and Natalie Graham as the fourth member of this elite club.

Director Ross shares, “I have one word that I always use as I accomplish milestones in this journey with PlanNet Marketing, and that word is “SURREAL”! I never could have imagined in a million years that this would be my story: a lower middle class girl from the inner city of Detroit, with a college education but no college diploma, would go on to become a multiple six-figure income earner as an entrepreneur with a travel business and running the business from home!

“There are also three words that helped me accomplish what appeared to be the impossible: belief, consistency, and a system (and all go along with work ethic). I already believed in my amazing mentor, Mr. Donald Bradley, but I had to learn to believe in me as much as he did!  Consistency played a very large factor in accomplishing the goals set, because if you “start and stop” your business, you “start and stop” your progress! When I got out of my own way and followed the very simple system already in place, I truly began to have FUN and master the mundane!  And I never suffered from work ethic, so I merely put it into overdrive because my life and my son’s life depended on it!

“Without the guidance and mentorship of my coach, Mr. Bradley, along with my incredible leaders in my organization, specifically Donn and Tawanda Shamley, Patricia Johnson, Kwanya Martin, Robin Loving, a host of others, my team as a whole, the wonderful sideline partners and friends that I am honored to be in business with, and of course, the PlanNet Marketing S Team and the InteleTravel team, none of this would be possible!

“The best is truly yet to come!”






New One-Star Director Lisa Knight tells us that she is a single mum of three from Wellingborough, UK. When she was younger, she had no real interest in travel but when she got a passport five years ago and went on her first proper holiday to Egypt, she found herself hooked. She says, “It was something I wanted to do more of, but time and money were always an issue. I would save up to put deposits on holidays and pay them off over seven to nine months, have an amazing time, come home and repeat the cycle.

“I came across PlanNet in June 2017 and I saw it as a way to travel more with my children. I managed to break that earlier cycle and last year we enjoyed nine holidays abroad (Berlin, Thailand, New York, Malta, Mexico, Amsterdam, Budapest, Iceland and Norway) without having to worry about deposits and payment plans. We're only in April and have already been away four times this year, and my 2019 calendar is filling up fast. It's not all about the travel and the money. This business has also allowed me the time freedom to take my eldest daughter out of full-time education and homeschool her. This has had a really positive impact on her personal growth and confidence.

“My advice to anyone working towards Directorship - be real, be you, and be there for your team. It doesn't matter if they're a Rep or a Gold Builder, you never know how they'll grow with the right support and encouragement.”




PlanNet’s new One-Star Director Rochelle Montgomery was born in Chicago, Illinois. Her parents moved to California when she was a young girl and she has spent most of her life in southern California – Los Angeles, Santa Monica, and now San Diego, where she has lived for about a year and a half. She is a proud mother of three amazing adult children.  Her son, James, is a Gold Builder himself in her organization and she shares that he has been her rock and is one of her strongest champions in this journey.

Rochelle says, “I am a retired attorney and now a travel entrepreneur. I love to travel. I am an avid reader. I enjoy all types of dance and, whether I am cooking or eating, I am obsessed with delicious food. As a matter of fact, I am such a foodie, I travel just to experience food culture in different places. I study food and for about six years, I owned a catering business. Another fact some may find surprising is that while I enjoy many types of books, I am most of all a fan of mystery novels and Marvel and DC comics (there are times you can find me in full costume at events like Comic-Con). In addition to these activities, I am an amusement park fanatic!!! Disney, of course is a favorite, but I can close down any roller coaster park at any time!

Travel has been an integral part of my life as long as I can remember. As a child, I recall many road trips by car and train. Sometimes we traveled because my family was in crisis, sometimes for fun.  But whatever the reason, I always embraced the adventure and excitement of experiencing a new place. Then, the summer after my sophomore year of high school, I had a travel experience that changed my life. As an inner-city high school student, I had the opportunity to travel with a group of students to East Africa. During that trip, we visited London, Malta, studied for four weeks in Kenya and took a two-week safari through Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania. That experience taught me the value of travel, helped me gain greater awareness of and pride in my own culture, and showed me how travel creates a universal experience that can be shared with anyone.

“Since that time, I have made travel a priority in my life as well as for my family. I have been a single mom for most of my children’s lives. It has always been very important to me that my children be exposed to as much of the world as possible, and have traveled to almost every state in the United States. I have also had the pleasure of experiencing the culture of Mexico, the island life of the Caribbean, the breathtaking beauty of Japan, the Olympics in Brazil, as well as the splendor, architecture, history and cuisine of many countries in Europe, Greece, and the Mediterranean. One thing I know for certain is that these experiences are just the tip of the iceberg! Travel will always be a regular part of my life.

“I was introduced to PlanNet Marketing by my dear brother-in-law, Keith Montgomery, who sponsored me into the business. At the time, I was very excited about the travel opportunities. So, for many months, after joining the business, all I did was travel. Then, after meeting great leaders like Eileen Ross and attending my first convention, I began to understand the power of this company and how I could change not only my life, but the lives of the people I touch. In my life, I have had many successes: I have amazing, passionate, and giving children; I had an extremely rewarding career; I have owned other businesses and have led volunteer organizations; I have run marathons; I have overcome life-altering injuries, and I am a cancer survivor. But at no point in my career or in my other ventures have I ever experienced the genuine care, support and quality of leadership that we have here in PlanNet Marketing.

Mr. and Mrs. Bradley have created a company based on the highest standards of excellence and the genuine desire to help communities of people improve their lives. The combination of those principles has created a winning culture where leaders readily share their knowledge and support with anyone who is willing to learn. I realized many, many years ago that no one succeeds in a vacuum. The phenomenal team culture here at PlanNet is responsible for my success.

We are always reliant on or indebted to mentors, people who support our work, or someone who has paved the way. During my two and a half years with PlanNet Marketing, I have learned from great leaders like Eileen Ross, who made me truly evaluate my willingness to be coached, follow example, and take action without excuses. I have been mentored by the brilliant Patricia Johnson – whose ‘super power’ is understanding exactly what people need to succeed, then doing whatever it takes to help them find it in themselves. Under Director Johnson’s mentorship, I learned how to lead a team, how to push through adverse circumstances. and how to build relationships with prospects and business partners. Once I embraced the coaching and mentorship of Directors Ross and Johnson, my work became more focused, I became more confident. and my business began to take off. I have also benefited by the support of other wonderful leaders. With a list too long to mention here, I would like everyone to know how appreciative I am of the generous support of sideline Directors and business partners throughout the country, but particularly here in California. They embraced me with open arms and imparted wisdom and support in ways I never expected. Everyone seemed to rally around me to say, ‘As long as you are pushing, we will push with you.’  Finally, I would never have attained this position without the hard work and support of my tenacious team! We are a close-knit group of people who enjoy doing business with each other. We thrive on growing and being stretched. We learn from each other and we have fun. Any success I have achieved, or will achieve, is their success.  

“Now that I have become a Director, I realize this is just the beginning of my journey. I am committed more than ever to replicate everything I have learned so that I can enrich and empower the lives of as many people as possible. Thank you PlanNet Marketing for helping me find my purpose.”




PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Crystal Bell to the 20/20 Club! Crystal was born and raised in the little midwest city of Akron, Ohio; in 2013 she moved to a much bigger midwest city , Indianapolis, Indiana! Crystal says that she has varied interests and says, “I absolutely love shopping; I've been thrift/consignment shopping since I could walk! I also enjoy taking road trips which probably comes from driving cross-country with my family as a child. I enjoy playing drums, discovering new music, singing, cooking, and reading.

“I'm so grateful for the amazing opportunity to be able to travel more with my business, which was a huge draw to becoming a business owner!! I travel frequently domestically and took my first trip abroad to Nassau, Bahamas last fall with Carnival Cruise Lines!! I had such an amazing time, enjoyed the company of family, made several acquaintances from around the world, gained a few pounds, and completely caught the cruise bug!!!

“I attribute any of the success that I've had with PlanNet Marketing as a result of following the direction of my upline leaders as well as following the proven system that PlanNet Marketing has in place. As for tips that I can pass along, I'd say by all means be your genuine self and do not attempt to recreate the wheel - the very proven, successful, positively impacting, life changing wheel!! Also important: building relationships with my business partners. Many have stated that they feel more like family and that makes me feel good; I didn't feel like ‘just a number’ when I started and I make every effort to emphasize this as being a part of our culture at PlanNet - making everyone know they have a place and a home here!

“Not many people know that I have practiced American Sign Language since grade school. I took ASL in college and still use it today. I enjoy being able to communicate with the deaf community and even provide translation on occasion for the County Prosecutor’s Office where I work.”




PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Shiquita Steadman to the 20/20 Club! Shiquita was born and raised in Chester, SC where she currently resides. She works full time as a Registered Nurse Care Coordinator at the VA. She shares, “I only work my travel business part time. I’m married and have six children. I love traveling, decorating, cooking, eating and trying new foods. I have traveled to Punta Cana, Bahamas, Cancun, Las Vegas, Miami, Detroit, Washington DC, Houston, Tampa, and numerous other places in the United States.

The key to being successful is to be consistent. It took me a while to come out of my comfort zone. I don’t like talking to people and feeling like I’m selling them something. Once I changed my mindset and realized that this business is life changing and that I’m not selling anything, I’m teaching others how to be entrepreneurs and how to be successful…I took that and ran with it!! That success came from being consistent, maintaining confidence, setting goals, and doing whatever it takes to achieve those goals.

“And a fun fact about me? I love onions and garlic LOL.”




1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights...
I was born and raised in Norfolk, VA but currently reside in Lawrenceville, GA. I am a mother of three children, ages 22, 19 and 15.

2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
Since joining PlanNet, I was an introvert and completely too shy to even talk to people. Now, I am totally extroverted and you can definitely expect our conversation to lead to something related to TRAVEL!! This business has allowed me to build relationships that lead to nothing less than SUCCESS because it extends beyond SELF!! For this, I am forever grateful for being a part of this business.

3. What drives you; what motivates you?
My children and my team motivate me every day because I realized this business is bigger than me!! I’ve always had a desire to live and travel the world but I never knew how I could do just that without dedicating myself to a job or sacrificing time with family…and then came PlanNet! I’m on a mission to help as many single parents and millennials alike to live their desired lives through the platform of travel!!

4. The three words that describe you best are:
Selfless, Ambitious, Optimistic

5. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone what would it be?
Never give up simply because there are bumps in the road or things did not happen the way you intended them to and at the pace you wanted them to! Trust and believe that I was nervous and scared at the same time about network marketing because it was unfamiliar to me and I assumed it required me to sell or convince someone to do something — I was WRONG! Travel sells itself and being the product of the product sells even more! Just believe in yourself regardless of the lack of comments, shares, or support in your business. Everyone has a ‘time’ and yours will come!!

6. What does your life look like five years from now?
I definitely plan on being at least a Five-Star Director, have completed law school, and have placed my children in the position to retire themselves before their 30s!



Like to Get Creative?

There are so many amazing things you can say about PlanNet Marketing, but we do have some rules. Soooo, if you want to create an eye-catching Facebook post or a beautiful flyer, what can you say?

1) Opportunity. Talk about being a Rep with PlanNet Marketing, duh! Go ahead and tell the world about how you are personally experiencing personal freedom, financial freedom and time freedom. We love those posts! Tell the world how to "Design your amazing, ideal life through a lucrative home based business model where YOU are in control!"

2) Product. Talk about the InteleTravel ITA. It's your product, so sell it. Make sure you don't talk about agent pricing or perks though. When you talk about the ITA, you should talk about selling travel, earning commissions (on those sales) and learning about the travel biz! It's as simple as that. "It's rewarding. It's social. It's fun. It's TRAVEL and you can own it!"

3) Background. Feel free to share information and statistics about PlanNet Marketing and our Founders! We have some great info about our company right on our website, and also in our presentation. You can also share info about InteleTravel and their leaders.


4) Income and Disclosure. Feel free to talk about the income potential that PlanNet offers, but please note that ANY TIME we talk about money, we need to reference the PlanNet Marketing Income Disclosure Statement. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is very serious about providing consumers with accurate and complete information about earnings before that consumer makes a purchase. In our industry, it's super important to safeguard our business by always disclosing complete earnings potential as shown on the PlanNet IDS. All you have to do is include a link to that page with your online post -- https://www.plannetmarketing.com/en-us/Income-Disclosure.

As always, we want any personally created flyers or marketing materials to be reviewed and approved by PlanNet Marketing compliance.

But remember – it is not compliant to use the PlanNet Marketing name or logo on your flyers, videos, or presentations. Only materials and websites created by PlanNet Marketing may display our name and logo.

-- Policies and Procedures Section 4.3 located in your Virtual Office in the Information Center (go to Resources, then Policies and Procedures)

~Amanda Restivo, VP, Compliance --  arestivo@plannetmarketing.com


Race to Director - They're on Their Way!

PlanNet Marketing


PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race,
and on their way to One-Star Director!

1.  Lisa Knight
2.  Johnnie Green
3.  Tamarian Maddox
4.  Tanya Collins
5.  Joy Simpson
6.  Desiree Morrison
7.  Richard Smith
8.  Rachael and Michael Young
9.  Caitlyn Hull
10.  Ebony and Gary Waugh

PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs
Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1.  Danielle Farmer
2.  Aquarius Jackson
3.  Calvin Ellerbe
4.  Darren Vinnett
5.  Elliott George
6.  Arien Ragster
7.  Kenneth Graham
8.  Taryn Cox
9.  Robin Loving
10.  Marwu (Cienia) Railey




What an amazing event! Founder Donald Bradley's Six Figure Success School in Atlanta, GA last Saturday, April 13th was SOLD OUT!  The event showcased these outstanding PlanNet Directors who received their Double Diamond, Diamond, Ruby and Sapphire Presidential Rings. PlanNet Marketing is proud to share the success of these exceptional leaders. Six-Star Director Shedrick led the way as he was presented with the Double Diamond Ring for being on track to earn $1,000,000 a year!  


Five-Star Director Natalie Graham is the first female recipient of the Diamond Ring (on track to earn $500,000 a year) and Three-Star Directors Greg and Carla Scott received their Ruby Rings (on track to earn $250,000 a year).


Receiving Presidential Sapphire Rings for being on track to earn $100,000 a year are: Three-Star Director Korrey Alexander, Three-Star Directors Nate and Kim Newman, Three-Star Director Rachel Russell, Three-Star Directors Duane & Seresa Crowson, and Two-Star Director Shaquana Cuttino.
Huge congratulations to these All-Star Directors!


Click here for a video of Shedrick’s remarks upon receiving the Double Diamond Presidential Ring and please enjoy the slideshow from this fabulous event!

Career Level Earnings are not typical. For detailed information about average Rep earnings, please view our Income Disclosure statement here.




100 March Madness Winners were invited to a pre-event, personal, private meeting with our Founder, Chairman & CEO, Mr. Donald Bradley. Those 100 winners plus their guests were then treated to box seats with their own private suite and a full array of food and beverages while enjoying the Atlanta Braves vs. the New York Mets on Saturday evening April 13. Enjoy these photos from this exciting event!