Race to Director - They're on Their Way!

PlanNet Marketing


PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race,
and on their way to One-Star Director!

1.  LaVetta Williams
2.  Chanee Anderson
3.  Lizette Oviatt
4.  Stephanie Cloutier
5.  Tanisha Brown
6.  Sharlyn Griffin
7.  Teresa Fox
8.  Catherine Small
9.  Kristin Rivers
10.  Sabrina Perryman

PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs
Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1.  Tisha DeShields
2.  Chrissey Walker
3.  Calvin Ellerbe
4.  Lori Banatte
5.  Trudel Scott
6.  Darren Vinnett
7.  Taryn Cox
8.  Jay Stuart
9.  Aquarius Jackson
10.  Shaunte Garrett




PlanNet Marketing’s 2019 Directors’ Retreat was held January 18-19, 2019 at the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas, NV. Founder, Chairman & CEO Donald Bradley, President & CFO Andy Cauthen, Chief Operating Officer LeAnn Troeckler, and Vice President of Marketing Administration LisaMarie Klinger were in attendance, along with Three-Star Directors and above.

The weekend included two-night accommodations for all Three-Star and above Directors and their guests at the gorgeous Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas. A fabulous dinner was held at the hotel on Friday night, followed by a night of fun and entertainment in Las Vegas.

On Saturday morning, Mr. Bradley led a powerful Directors’ meeting, sharing his insights and aspirations for PlanNet Marketing 2019. Following the inspirational morning meeting, everyone enjoyed the sights and excitement and all that Las Vegas has to offer.

Enjoy the photos from this ALL STAR event!




1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights...
I was born and raised in Washington, DC and currently reside in Hyattsville, MD. My hobbies include spending time with family, hanging with business partners (who now are like family), shopping, and of course traveling. In just 18 months I have been able to run through the Builder’s program, reach the 20/20 and 40/40 Clubs, and now One-Star Director with PlanNet Marketing and I am loving it!

2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
With a background in management, since joining PlanNet, this opportunity has allowed me to remain in the mode of a coach. Coaching and developing my team have helped me become more patient. It’s helped me to analyze and become more strategic with planning the next phases for organizational growth, but it has also allowed me to remain the evidence, staying the glimmer of hope to the business partner that may be faced with challenges.

3. What drives you; what motivates you?
My motivation and drive comes from a place of knowing that this opportunity can truly set people free if they remain consistent, believe in themselves, and continue to do the activity even when things seem rough. Wanting to help other families earn additional monthly income that can potentially save their household, or provide an individual power to replace their full time job (or begin building a Plan B option) is HUGE for me.

4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
I would humbly say Mr. Donald Bradley would be considered a role model of mine. It was his passion for helping his people win, the fact that he was from Baltimore, MD (where it wasn’t always a sunny day for many that grew up there), and now to see where he stands and what he stands for is so very powerful. I remember hearing him speak for the first time - it was the most passionate thing and it started to change how I viewed network marketing opportunities. The PlanNet Pledge was very generous of Mr. Bradley - I know of no other opportunity or employer who thinks that much of an individual to put something in place that helps the families attached to them.

5. The three words that describe you best are:
Self-motivated, Goal oriented, and Determined.

6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone what would it be?
Remain coachable, teachable, and humble. Stay consistent; never quit no matter how tough the road seems. Allow yourself to grow in your business regardless of your current level. Set goals, smash them, and set more! Help those around you as well - they don’t have to be direct to you but can be a sideline partner. Everyone who is a part of this opportunity is here for the same thing and everyone can use help or that extra push to get them ahead. Become your brother/sister’s keeper, pulling them as you continue to reach your next pit stop.

7. What does your life look like five years from now?
I would say that five years from now I would be earning twice my current salary and possibly considering walking away from my full time position and embracing my entrepreneurial endeavors.




PlanNet Marketing is proud to welcome LaVetta Williams to the 40/40 Club! LaVetta tells us that she joined in July of 2017 and had no idea how much her life was going to change with this opportunity. She says, “I'm well familiar with network marketing and the industry but the support was something I lacked...until PlanNet! I'm a stay-at-home mom; I retired three years ago and I've been working from home ever since.

“Before PlanNet I was with a different company and agency. I just so happened to lock arms with the amazing LaTashia Alexander and it's been heaven-sent since day one. 2018 was the best year for me as a travel agent and a marketing Rep. Being a part of the business for only one year and six months, I've accomplished more now than within my entire career span (three years). I can't thank God enough for allowing me to share my passion for travel with others and be able to provide for my family tremendously! We travel more than ever before and I'm able to help families do the exact same thing through PlanNet Marketing. It’s definitely the best place to be!  Director up next!!”




PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Troylynn Harvey to the 20/20 Club! Troylynn lives in Gautier, Mississippi with her wonderful husband and three beautiful daughters.She was born in New Orleans but was raised in Tylertown, MS. As a child, her parents would take the family to Junction City, Kansas every summer to visit her grandmother. She enjoyed traveling as a child, not knowing the impact it would have on her life as a adult.

Troylynn shares, “So far, I have been to 18 states but I promised my daughters I would take them to at least 25 states and at least two places out of the country. Although my husband does not like to travel he is very happy to see his family travel and enjoy it. I love experiencing new places, gorgeous landscapes, culture, and food, plus teaching my daughters to travel is to live. My 2019 calendar is almost full; in 2018 I had the opportunity to visit several places but two of the most memorable ones are Jamaica and Cozumel. In Jamaica, I got to travel with some amazing business partners, and I went to Cozumel with some fellow church members and we had an adventurous time!

“I have been booking our annual church summer vacation for 10 years, so it only made sense to become a travel agent; but with so many people watching me travel, they wanted to do it too. With that in mind it was easy for me to do both sides of the business.

“You have to love and appreciate what you are doing in order to be successful. Don’t try to force anything onto anyone. My motto is: you only have one life to love - live it to the fullest. I try my best to live by example for my friends, family, and business partners and also let them know I will be there for them if I am needed. Remember to write down your goals and make them happen. PS: It will not be easy, but the rewards are worth it!




PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Ericka Miller to the 20/20 Club! Ericka is originally from Connecticut, grew up in Maryland, and currently lives in Bowie, MD. She says she is a foodie, traveler, and loves to laugh. She has traveled to many places - Egypt, Morocco, backpacked across Europe, Canada, and even been to a few states! “Discovering new places is my second love - my first love would be food…an even better reason to travel…to try new foods. I truly enjoy traveling and believe it’s a good investment in oneself.

“There are three reasons I think I am successful: one being how much I love to travel, so I love this business; two being I treat it like a business and not a hobby - I do something every day to contribute to my success in this business; and three, not being afraid - not being afraid to market myself, or to reach out to people, or to succeed. I recommend that anyone wanting to succeed first realize it is not an overnight accomplishment, and two, you have to have no fear.”




With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

You, my friendly neighborhood PlanNet Rep, are POWERFUL!

Every word that you say, type, post, blog, vlog, chat, (you get the point) is a representation and extension of PlanNet Marketing.

When you’re sharing your personal opinions and feelings on your social media feed one minute, and sharing an upcoming PlanNet Marketing Business Opportunity meeting the next minute – people associate your opinions and statements with PlanNet Marketing. Is that a good thing? Or a bad thing? Depending on how you’re representin’...it could be a scary thing, a dangerous thing.

When you have a prospect who decides they aren’t interested in enrolling as a Rep nor purchasing an ITA – how do you respond? Do you wish them well and let them know you’ll still be waiting with open arms if they ever change their mind? Or do you tell them they don’t matter cuz you got bigger and better places to go and people to see?!  You said WHAT?!


Every person you meet or encounter while doing PlanNet-related business should walk away from you talking about how respectful and professional you are, and they should be amazed at your level of integrity.

You can attend every meeting, participate in every phone call, follow the PS3 system ‘til you’re blue in the face – but if you are RUDE to people – you will never come out on top.

Show respect. Be kind. Make people WONDER at your friendliness. They’ll have no choice but to keep coming back to you for your encouragement and support.

PlanNet Marketing prides itself on the quality and character of our Reps – make me proud ya’ll.

-- Policies and Procedures Section 1.1  located in your Virtual Office in the Information Center (go to Resources, then Policies and Procedures).

~ Amanda Restivo, Vice President, Compliance -- arestivo@plannetmarketing.com


Race to Director - They're on Their Way!

PlanNet Marketing


PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race,
and on their way to One-Star Director!

1.  Lizette Oviatt
2.  Chanee Anderson
3.  Stephanie Cloutier
4.  Teresa Fox
5.  Sabrina Perryman
6.  Catherine Small
7.  Keith & Dea Montgomery
8.  LaVetta Williams
9.  Johnnie Green
10.  Kristin Rivers

PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs
Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1.  LaTeshia Campbell
2.  Tisha DeShields
3.  Calvin Ellerbe
4.  Chrissey Walker
5.  Trudel Scott
6.  Lori Banatte
7.  Darren Vinnett
8.  Taryn Cox
9.  Shaunte Garrett
10.  Jay Stuart


The Best Place on the PlanNet!


Just ask any of these amazing PlanNet team members!

Send us your photo with your PlanNet Scroll and watch for another “Best Place on the PlanNet” post in a future PlanNet Now Blog!
If you don't have your PlanNet scroll, you can order one through the PlanNet store located in your Virtual Office, or you may click here: http://www.travelnetworkshop.com
Please submit your photo and location info to: support@plannetmarketing.com.




Sonic Jones was featured in last week’s PlanNetNow! as one of our newest Directors and PlanNet Marketing is proud of his accomplishment. Originally from the Bronx, New York and now residing in Atlanta, GA, he has always had a passion for music. Sonic tells us that he is the CEO of X-Factor. He has been in business for himself for 20 years and has been very successful.

Sonic has had his hands in the music and entertainment, wireless, and printing industries, and now the travel industry. With over 20 years experience in network marketing, he has built teams all across the country, and now with PlanNet Marketing is looking forward to building teams all across the world. He is a proven leader, experienced master trainer, and loves to have fun as well.

Director Jones has traveled everywhere from Mexico to Greece to Dubai. Upon joining PlanNet Marketing, Sonic asked Mr. Bradley what it would take to get his attention and he was told to "get documented as quickly as possible,” so that was the plan. He relates, "Normally I am pretty shy, but when you have a company that pays you to have successful conversations about helping people, I decided to begin talking to everybody I can. I'm looking forward to being a productive member of the team and helping as many people as possible achieve their goals within the company."




1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights...
I was born and raised in Durham, NC. Darryl was born and raised in Washington, DC. We have five handsome young men with our oldest being 32 years old and our youngest being 17 years old. We enjoy spending time with our family, traveling, reading, working out, occasionally catching a good movie, and playing some pool.

We've tried some other business projects prior to PlanNet Marketing and our success has been limited, but it has driven us to continue to find that opportunity that will literally change the financial scope for our family as well as others...and we have found it with PlanNet Marketing.

2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
PlanNet Marketing has allowed us to find out who we truly are as individuals and business owners. We understand that in order to get the success that we desire, it requires work and our success will not come overnight. Most importantly, we understand that our success is not about us, but what we can do to help change others’ lives, and once you live and strive towards those principles, your success will come.

3. What drives you; what motivates you?
What drives us is the journey that we have experienced since partnering with PlanNet Marketing. Understanding that we have changed some people for the rest of their lives, and as long as they follow the leadership of this amazing organization, their lives will be forever changed. We firmly believe that!

Life itself motivates us. Life is so precious and we understand that life is what you're given, but lifestyle is how you choose to live your life. We have always told our sons to reach for the stars and never limit yourself towards your greatness. We believe that every individual has been created for greatness, but very few act upon it, or don't have the vehicle that could literally change their lives for the rest of their life.

4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
We look at Three-Star Directors Greg & Carla Scott as role models. Drew has known Greg since he was five years old and is one of his best friends. Greg and Carla have worked their business with integrity and have been loyal to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bradley since being in the travel industry. That's a true commitment and it speaks volumes to Greg and Carla as well as what Mr. Bradley has put in place. Greg and Carla have been successful in their work careers, but more importantly have been very successful in their business, and are working this business on a part-time basis and receiving full-time benefits. That's huge! Their leadership capabilities are impeccable in the industry and we are following their lead.

5. The three words that describe you best are:
Committed, Passionate and Loyal.

6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone what would it be?
We would encourage everyone to chase your dreams and turn them into reality. Understand that you must build those solid relationships along the way and truly understand that your success is not about you, but rather whom you can help along the way. Also, understand that through your journey, life is going to happen, but don't let life happening keep you from reaching your promise. Fight through the pain, disappointment, and rejection because it builds character.

7. What does your life look like five years from now?
Living life that GOD intended us to live, enjoying our family, continuing to help as many families as we possibly can, and money never being an issue for ourselves and our family.




PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Nicole Lindsey to the 20/20 Club! Nicole is from Baltimore, MD and now resides in Duluth, Georgia. Her interests are travel, cooking and fine dining. Most of her travel experiences are solo and to the Caribbean, but she travels somewhere every month.

Jo shares, “I am achieving success first of all because when I was presented this opportunity, I researched the Founder and learned Mr. Bradley is from Baltimore like myself - and we both went to Baltimore City College High School! With that I said, ‘If he can do it, I can do it if we have some of the same roots.’ I stay very, very much plugged in. I’ve traveled alone to New Orleans a couple of times and Fort Lauderdale for a Super Saturday or Sunday just to get poured into.

“The way I have achieved success is I’m determined to learn all I can from top leaders in the network marketing industry. At my full time job I put my headphones on and listen to Holton Buggs or Eric Worre all day long, soaking up as much knowledge as possible…with a mix of Sarah Jakes Roberts to keep myself grounded.

“A fun fact about myself: I am ALWAYS, ALWAYS early. I HATE being late or cutting it close. I think I’m one of the first people at my weekly meeting. Also when I give my word I KEEP it!”




PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Kat Simpson to the 20/20 Club! Kat and her husband live in Keystone Heights, FL, which is near Gainesville. She is the mother of five and Nonna to 11, and tells us they are her main interest, in addition to traveling and serving their church with her pastor husband.

“Kat says, I began traveling internationally when my husband and I wed. He was in the military and one of our first postings was to San Vito, Italy. We were only 16 and 17 and have loved traveling ever since. Since I've become an InteleTravel agent I have been to Jamaica twice, Grand Bahama Island, on an Alaskan Cruise, and most recently to Greece and Turkey.

“My success with PlanNet Marketing has come from continuing to plant seeds and remembering to water them. The fortune IS in the follow-up.

“A fun fact: I used to sell on eBay and have sold everything from live insects to a vintage Mercedes convertible.”




PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Jo Smith to the 20/20 Club! Jo is from Gressenhall, a small village near Norwich, Norfolk, England. She says, “I am a marine biologist and I am so interested in the ocean. I love travelling all over the world, so this job is perfect.” (She sent this in to us while on holiday!)

Jo continues, “I think my main tip for recruiting is to be consistent and build relationships. Even if people don't respond, they are always watching and often will eventually respond in a positive way. Also, make helping your team achieve their goals high on your priority list.”