
One of PlanNet Marketing’s newest One-Star Directors is Shaketta Giles, from Conyers, GA. She tells us that her travel experiences consist of the Bahamas, Boston, New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Florida, and Colorado. She looks forward to traveling internationally in 2018.

Shaketta shares that she has always been interested in helping other people. It gives her joy to know that she has helped someone achieve their goals and/or improve their current circumstances.

Shaketta relates, “ am truly thankful for PlanNet Marketing. I have been successful within PlanNet Marketing by following the system; it works!! Do not change the system or deviate from the system -  it will only minimize your success. Remain coachable, listen to your upline, and definitely plug in. Each time I plug in I learn something new to help grow my business and to become a better leader. I continue to practice duplication and remain consistent.

Click here to read more about Shaketta in the March 24, 2017 edition of the PlanNetNow! Blog, where she was featured as a new 20/20 Club member. 




New 20/20 Club Member Sharonda Johnson tells us she is a proud single mother of two lovely children and was born, raised, and lives in Oklahoma City, OK. She has traveled extensively across the United States, and has been to Cancun and Canada. Her dream vacation is to visit Barcelona and Greece. She says, “Through this business, it’s going to happen!”

She continues, “I'm a huge sports fan, especially the Dallas Cowboys!  I'm a music lover, from rap to classical music, and I love helping others. I've been an entrepreneur in the beauty industry for 24 years, and the keys to my success in PlanNet Marketing are some of the keys that I took from my origin and experience in the beauty industry.

“When I started in the beauty industry, my endeavor was against the grain of what people close to me said I should do. I've always respected my family and friends for being gainfully employed and being seemingly comfortable doing so, but I wanted something different. I wanted control of my time and I love serving people and making them happy; so, against conventional wisdom with no clients or experience, I made a decision to follow my passion and the rest is history in the making. Ironically, the same was the case when I was approached about this wonderful opportunity. It was foreign to me; however, I drew from my passion to serve others.

I wanted to provide for myself and my children - a legacy income and total time freedom, which is something my vocation doesn't provide, because if I don't show up for work no income is derived. The PlanNet opportunity provides everything I've ever wanted, but I had no idea it would be in this form, and I'm so grateful to Mr. Bradley for his vision. My upline sponsors and mentors and the team of direct and sideline partners who inspire me to be better each day offer these tips for success: Be plugged in and attend all events, trainings, and calls. Be consistent to your goals - remember that this is not a sprint, it is a marathon, so patience is key. Always engage in personal development every day. Maintain a heart of servitude and most importantly of all…have fun!”




New 20/20 Club Member Doris R. Gerow is a native of Baltimore, MD and now resides in Sumter, SC. She is a graduate of Morris College and has a BS in Business Administration with a Computer Science minor. She has been a business owner for over 26 years, including owner and operator of Sumter Saver Magazines (est. 1996), Tropical Paradise Food Vendor (est. 2001), Gold Beaded Jewelry by Doris (est. 2013), and Independent Travel Agent (est. 2016)! She is the single parent of her 12-year-old daughter, Tristan Tripp. 

Doris shares, “Besides making money, my hobbies include traveling, concerts, reading, and many outdoor activities. But my love for travel and interacting with people inspired me into the partnership with PlanNet Marketing and InteleTravel. Measuring my rise to this level is based on ambition, drive, and a desire to want more by doing more. My advice to anyone who is beginning - just remember if you want it, there is no reason to quit. Just remember the reason you started. There will always be excuses, but not opportunities.

“I follow the leadership and blueprint that PlanNet Marketing has in place. I stay consistent and persistent with a never-give-up attitude. I understand creating, building and managing a business, which helps me to push harder. I am a go-getter and I will get the job done. Thank you to all my teammates, sideline partners, and my mentor, Director Yvette Green, for all of your support. And a fun fact about me: I love having fun and there’s never a dull moment with me!”



New 20/20 Club Member Philecia Thompson is originally from Bronx, NY, and now resides in Edmond, OK.  She relates that she has many interests which have turned into her passions, including health and fitness, dancing and reading.  “I absolutely get joy out of dancing and exercising. I am a girl in a tutu, having fun!  Dancing makes me feel like I am on top of the world, while reading gives me the ability to achieve and believe that anything I set my mind to is possible.” Philecia has traveled across the U.S. because of dance, and now with this opportunity, she will be able to travel internationally.  

“My success stems from my husband who pushes me daily, and our four children: two adults, Marquisha and Robert, and two younger sons, Adrion II and Aidan Thompson.  I am blessed to be the mother of some amazing children who have a strong entrepreneurial spirit.  They know exactly what I do and constantly encourage me to give it my all.  I also have the four best grandchildren whom I call my ‘4ortune’: Chosen Oné, Chance Christian, Cadence Kay Dior and Cameron Isaiah.  They give me life in an indescribable way!”

Philecia shares that the tip that has helped her the most is “getting my family buy-in, keeping them in the loop of my travel plans, meetings, and self-development.  It’s also important to do business outside of the home so you can be present for what you have planned, and everything will fall into place.  My ‘why’ pushed me to achieve 20/20 and it’s going to drive me to One-Star Director and plenty more. A little fun fact about me is that I am competitive and I love to play ‘Heads Up!’  

Congratulations to Philecia on achieving the 20/20 Club!




New 20/20 Club Member Maya Slade is a native of and currently resides in Columbia, SC.  She enjoys spending time and traveling the world with her three handsome sons and family, spending time with her best friends, taking care of her mother, watching football, and of course helping others reach their success!  She has traveled all over the world from Japan, Germany, Puerto Rico, and throughout the United States.

Maya says, “I’ve been able to achieve unimaginable success through PlanNet Marketing by first making a decision to change the way I think, committing to my commitment, staying plugged in, and being extremely coachable.  The most important tips I can offer to anyone who is trying to achieve success is to remember why you started and surround yourself with individuals who only want to see you succeed and who will hold you accountable throughout the process.

“A fun fact about me is that I was born in Okinawa, Japan, and my birth name was Mayumi Sunagawa.”  

Welcome to the 20/20 Club, Maya!




Videos, flyers and business cards – OH MY! You use these materials every day to promote your business. But where are you getting them? Are you using a PlanNet Black Business Card? Did you contact the corporate office to get your flyer approved? Did you create your own presentation or video?
We know you want the right tools to do your job WELL! We want you to have those tools. But please, PLEASE be careful! If you aren’t using a flyer that was created by PlanNet Marketing, then you must contact Compliance to get your flyer approved. If you aren’t ordering your Black Business Card from your Virtual Office, then you need to contact Compliance for approval. If you’re considering creating or using a presentation or video that wasn’t created by PlanNet Marketing, stop now – it’s not compliant!!
I promise, we aren’t trying to make life difficult for you. In fact, we’re trying to make it easier! We have business cards for sale in your Virtual Office (VO), presentations and videos in the Information Center in your VO, and if you’re hosting an event at a hotel with a Director present – we’ll create your flyer! How simple is that?

We know some people like to create their own flyers and business cards, some even like to create their own videos. The problem is, you could unknowingly violate any number of statutes or regulations affecting PlanNet Marketing’s business. These violations, although they may be relatively few in number, could jeopardize the PlanNet Marketing opportunity for all of our Reps. Therefore, Reps must submit all written sales aids, promotional materials, advertisements, websites and other literature to Compliance for approval prior to use.
Let’s work together to safeguard and promote the good reputation of PlanNet Marketing and its services.
All requests for approval of materials or websites should be sent via email to Do not distribute or use any materials that have not been approved. Do not ever use the PlanNet Marketing logo without prior approval.
-- Policies and Procedures Section 4.2 located in your Virtual Office in the Information Center (go to Resources, then Policies and Procedures).
~Amanda Restivo, VP, Compliance --



Q:  How do I know if my Rep autoship ($19.95) declined?

A:  When a Rep monthly autoship ($19.95) declines, three things take place:

1)  You get an email from PlanNet stating that there was a problem processing your autoship. 

2)  If you login to your Virtual Office, you will see a message across the top of your screen telling you the payment declined and the steps necessary to fix it.

3)  Our PlanNet Support Team will place an outbound call to you and let you know the payment declined followed by an email if they are unable to reach you.

We cannot stress enough the importance of having up to date contact information on file so we can reach you if there is a problem. Please login to your virtual office or call support at 470-443-9330 or email to update any account information.

~ Sarah Muscarella Manager of Customer Support




This week we are coming to you live from Atlanta! We have our PlanNetNOW Shirts, do you? If you can't join us, be sure to like our Facebook page to keep up on the daily events going on at our International Convention! This weekend we will recognize and learn from some of the best people on the PlanNet. Keep an eye on the Facebook page today for our question of the week in order to win a free T-Shirt!

~ LeAnn Troeckler, Chief Operations Officer


The PlanNet Marketing 2017 International "Going Global" Convention is in full swing! It's amazing to see all of the PlanNet Reps and Directors who have flown in from around the world for such a spectacular event! Day 1 consisted of Director training with amazing presentations by our Corporate leaders. Day 2 continues with a full schedule of PlanNet University training taught by the top leaders of PlanNet Marketing, followed by our blow-out pep rally to really get the motivation pumping. As I write this, today is Day 2 of PlanNet University followed by our prestigious Directors Dinner tonight in the Atrium Grand Ballroom. Tomorrow’s General Sessions are going to be the events of a lifetime. Keep checking our posts and look out for fabulous photos on Facebook and in the PlanNet NOW Blog. We want to thank everyone who has been here in Atlanta to make this our most exciting and epic event in the history of PlanNet.

~ LisaMarie Klinger, Vice President Marketing Administration


Race to Director - They're On Their Way!

PlanNet Marketing


PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race,
and on their way to One-Star Director!

1.  Roger Lillard
2.  Harold Leverett
3.  Rhonda Coleman
4.  Willie Jones
5.  Soromusu Wilson
6.  Jimease Bailey
7.  Lucretia Gordon
8.  Marwu Railey
9.  Johnnie Green
10.  Katrina Rachal and Juanita Traylor

PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs
Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1.  Nathan Newman
2.  Kwanya Martin
3.  Rachel Russell
4.  Trudel Scott
5.  Clifton Coward
6.  John Dacosta
7.  Latoya Chin
8.  Tanisha & Andrew Burke
9.  Lisa Horsley
10.  Eric & Jamila Magee



SEPTEMBER 27 - 30, 2017




Don’t leave home without it! Be sure to drop off your Black Business Card at Registration to be entered into our cash giveaway drawing!



New PlanNet Marketing One-Star Director Robin R. Loving shares with us, “Hello! I am from sunny San Diego, CA.  My hobbies are helping others in or out of business, traveling, cooking, baking for family and friends, traveling to new places, serving at my church home, meeting new people and listening to music. I began traveling in the ninth grade when I went to Mexico with my school and had to speak Spanish only! I have been to Puerto Rico, Honduras, Belize, Cozumel, St. Maarten and St. Kitts, just to name a few. I will be going to Jamaica, Barcelona, Greece, Italy, and Croatia in 2018, and everywhere I can in between!

“People want to know why I’m always smiling and how is it that I can travel all the time. I am truly duplicating what I was taught by sharing the info, plugging in, and following up with the ones who might say “I’m not interested.” They are also the ones who follow me (secretly) on Facebook and later ask me about what I am doing. When I achieved One-Star Director, some of those Naysayers became Yaysayers!

“My success with PlanNet Marketing has truly been due to prayer, coachability, being relentless and having the desire to learn more so I can be a better leader! I know that in order to become a great leader, I must first be a great follower of those who have gone before me. I have a consistent excitement about my business!

“One of my biggest tools is the fact that I challenge myself to always get to the next level. Friendly competition is great, but no one expects more from me than I do. Thank you, Mr. Bradley and PlanNet Marketing!”




Meet new 20/20 Club member Lawanda Baker. Lawanda is a native of Jackson, TN, works in Birmingham and currently resides in Alabaster, AL. An award-winning graphic designer, Lawanda is the epitome of art.  “I love art and all things creative. My artistic appetite has only enhanced my wanderlust. Being a merchant of travel has allowed me to fulfill a lifelong dream - my daughter Laila and I traveled to Paris and the south of France for two weeks.

“This is my first network marketing venture and I have gained a level of respect for an industry that I did not know really existed.” Through exercising the tenets of network marketing, Lawanda has learned to achieve success by staying plugged in and remaining coachable. 

Though she is still very much a student of the industry and has many levels to reach, she eagerly and humbly shares three tips she has learned along the way.  “Become a sponge; absorb everything you hear and see, especially if you are new to the industry, and ‘COPY’ the leader or their work patterns; DECIDE that you will become successful. Our coach, Three-Star Director Mr. Tony Fleming, tells us that leaders are not born, they decide to lead, so make the decision and DO NOT let go of your dream. No matter what, keep your dream in front of you and don’t just chase after it - catch it and hold on until it becomes your reality.”

Lawanda relates this fun fact: “Aside from being a super mom with awesome powers, traveling the world, and accomplishing tall goals in a single bound, I share my Miss Awesomeness title with my favorite super hero, Wonder Woman!”