One-Star Director



PlanNet Marketing welcomes Jimease Bailey to the ranks of One-Star Director! Jimease says, “Smooches PlanNet Marketing family! I was born, raised and currently reside in Jersey City, NJ. I'm a city church gal who enjoys singing, listening to gospel music, reading a good book, baking and spending time with my husband Jay and children - Rosiland, Tiffany, Jehmese and Jehkai. Besides going to Jamaica, my travel experiences were limited to U.S. East Coast vacations. However, since becoming a part of PlanNet Marketing, I have branched out and have visited many other time zones! I can’t wait to take advantage of our FAM trips and go to Dubai.

“Once I saw the value in this business, I took it seriously and set goals I wanted to accomplish. I envisioned myself as a Director, I put myself in position to obtain it, and I followed the plan to achieve it. My success thus far has a lot to do with following the plan that’s in place. My mentors and coaches, Directors Kenny and Natalie Graham, led the way and I just followed what they told me I needed to do. Even though they live in Atlanta, I stay connected with them via phone calls, Facebook, text messages and video conferences. Here in New Jersey, I attend the meetings where I connect with Director Eric Hawkins and allow him to help guide and coach me as well. I also stayed plugged in to the conference calls and attended special events. When I began building a team, I had to replicate to them what Kenny and Natalie did for me. I stepped up and became a coach and mentor and I constantly poured into them. I not only built a team, but I developed relationships. I’m so grateful to have a team who know how to rise to the occasion and grind it out!

“My purpose in life is to help others. With my master's degree in Psychology, I have counseled and helped individuals for over 15 years. Even though I have no experience in network marketing, I love that I’m still able to help change individuals’ lives.

“Since joining PlanNet Marketing, my business partners have become family and I have traveled more. As a One-Star Director, I now have a promising future and an inheritance to leave to my children's children. To God be the glory for the things He has done!”  #NextLevel




New One-Star Director Amanda Ruggs-Owens says she loves to travel! Her interests also include college football, mentoring youth, her sorority, and making memories with her loved ones. Amanda has traveled to most of the United States, with eight states left to visit! She says, “I am still working on my list of the Caribbean Islands. As soon as Leah arrives (expecting January 2018) we are back to it! She will be my new travel buddy!”

Her tips for success are that consistency and relationships with your team are the keys. “It seems like nothing is moving, then all of a sudden the pipe explodes! Trust your process. Stay coachable! You think you know but you have no idea! I learn something new every week from my sponsor Two-Star Director Rasheba McGowan, her sponsor Three-Star Director Letoria Mayberry, and her sponsor Four-Star Director Orlanda Moore. Trust your sponsor/leadership - there is a reason you are in their organization. Obstacles come but they don't last. Your mindset can make or break you.” 




New One-Star Director Roger Lillard is originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and now resides in College Park, Maryland. Roger tells us, “I love supporting my twins Nia and Roger Lillard, Jr.  RJ plays Varsity football and Nia is in the Color Guard at Reservoir High School. I'm a huge Steelers fan and I love to travel. I have 21 years experience in network marketing and have a mad passion for the industry. Self development has truly helped me excel in this industry as well as continuously remaining humble in all my success. Staying true to yourself and building relationships will help you become successful here with PlanNet Marketing.




New One-Star Director Sonya Phillips is a native of Atlanta, GA and resides in Decatur, GA (Metro Atlanta).   She has been married for 28 years with two children:  a son, Christian, 24 and a daughter, Sydnei, 20. Both are in the business because they love to travel - they have been traveling since they were young. Sonya’s background is in Human Resources, specializing in Retirement Benefits. 

Sonya says, “I love entertaining, dancing, music, tennis and most importantly - TRAVELING! Travel is what sparked my interest in this opportunity as I was planning my daughter’s high school graduation cruise. I have traveled to Jamaica, Cayman Islands, Punta Cana, Bahamas, Mexico, Canada, and several popular destinations across the US. I plan to use this opportunity to see many more places around the globe.

“My success wasn’t quick, but I never gave up!  Reaching One-Star Director is important to my family because the PlanNet Pledge ensures my family legacy income. I’ve been able to achieve success at PlanNet Marketing by staying plugged in at all times to the daily calls, weekly meetings, leader coaching sessions, and the Super Saturday and Convention events. I don’t miss events that I’m qualified to attend. It has helped build my posture in the business and with our travel product. Keep yourself surrounded by positive and focus-driven people in PlanNet Marketing and you will push yourself to grow to new levels! Reading self development books will help as you are now leading others to gain success. I am very humbled and appreciative of my team that helped me reach this level.”




Meet new One-Star Directors Willie and Marva Jones, who live in Kankakee, IL, a suburb of Chicago. Willie tells us, “I have been married to my lovely wife Marva Jones for 31 years. We have two children: Jazzmine, 27, who is going to nursing school, and Justen, age 26. Both of our children live in California. We have three grandchildren: Jaysen, 7; Justen Junior, 3; and our lovely Miss Jordan who is 1-1/2 years old. Yes they are
our WHY!”

He continues, “Some of our hobbies are restoring old cars like my 1957 Ford Fairlane, volunteering at church, helping others…and of course travel. The key to achieving our success in PlanNet Marketing is following the right leaders. Mr. Bradley put something in place where we could not lose…we are following his plan and duplicating his system. We are continuing to plug into the weekly meetings, to the calls, to the training, and we are most of all coachable and loyal to the system. And believe you me, we could not have done it without our great team. Marva and I are so excited and humbled to see what's going to happen next!” 



“I am from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, born and raised. My family roots are from a place called Stateline, Mississippi – located in Greene County (the poorest county in the poorest state in the U.S.) I live in Bethany, Oklahoma, a suburb of OKC, and have worked for the Oklahoma City Fire Department for over 28 years. By day I put out physical fires and save physical lives – but at night I put out the Financial Fires and I save Financial Futures through the fabulous Project.

“I’ve been married for over 20 years to my lovely wife, Flecelia (Lisa) Leverett, and we have two wonderful children: a 27-year-old son, Justin, who is serving active duty in the Air Force in London, and one daughter, Ebony, who is 23 years old and lives here in Oklahoma City as well.

“I have two granddaughters: Athena, who is 6 years old, and Caliah, who is 3 years old. They are MY WHY!! - to spend quality time watching and assisting in their upbringing. Athena has been to London, Germany, Paris and the Bahamas, all by the age of 6. This business has allowed her to have a passport that is being used. I do this business so that neither of my granddaughters will HAVE TO spend EVERY summer in Stateline, Mississippi.

“The key to achieving success in PlanNet Marketing is to remain Coachable. The path has already been laid straight. Just follow the yellow brick road and you WILL make it to see the Wizard, Mr Donald Bradley. Also having the rest of the Core Values – Loyalty, Documentation, Competitive Spirit,Accountability, Accessibility, Transparency & Focus.

“We all have a plan to achieve our financial goals in life. Some plans work faster than others. Mine was to join the Fire Department young, retire young and enjoy life. Well, those things are coming to pass, but not as fast as I wanted them to come. With the GREAT Opportunity of PlanNet Marketing and InteleTravel, I see my wife and myself retiring in less than 3 years!!!”




One of PlanNet Marketing’s newest One-Star Directors is Shaketta Giles, from Conyers, GA. She tells us that her travel experiences consist of the Bahamas, Boston, New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Florida, and Colorado. She looks forward to traveling internationally in 2018.

Shaketta shares that she has always been interested in helping other people. It gives her joy to know that she has helped someone achieve their goals and/or improve their current circumstances.

Shaketta relates, “ am truly thankful for PlanNet Marketing. I have been successful within PlanNet Marketing by following the system; it works!! Do not change the system or deviate from the system -  it will only minimize your success. Remain coachable, listen to your upline, and definitely plug in. Each time I plug in I learn something new to help grow my business and to become a better leader. I continue to practice duplication and remain consistent.

Click here to read more about Shaketta in the March 24, 2017 edition of the PlanNetNow! Blog, where she was featured as a new 20/20 Club member. 




New PlanNet Marketing One-Star Director Robin R. Loving shares with us, “Hello! I am from sunny San Diego, CA.  My hobbies are helping others in or out of business, traveling, cooking, baking for family and friends, traveling to new places, serving at my church home, meeting new people and listening to music. I began traveling in the ninth grade when I went to Mexico with my school and had to speak Spanish only! I have been to Puerto Rico, Honduras, Belize, Cozumel, St. Maarten and St. Kitts, just to name a few. I will be going to Jamaica, Barcelona, Greece, Italy, and Croatia in 2018, and everywhere I can in between!

“People want to know why I’m always smiling and how is it that I can travel all the time. I am truly duplicating what I was taught by sharing the info, plugging in, and following up with the ones who might say “I’m not interested.” They are also the ones who follow me (secretly) on Facebook and later ask me about what I am doing. When I achieved One-Star Director, some of those Naysayers became Yaysayers!

“My success with PlanNet Marketing has truly been due to prayer, coachability, being relentless and having the desire to learn more so I can be a better leader! I know that in order to become a great leader, I must first be a great follower of those who have gone before me. I have a consistent excitement about my business!

“One of my biggest tools is the fact that I challenge myself to always get to the next level. Friendly competition is great, but no one expects more from me than I do. Thank you, Mr. Bradley and PlanNet Marketing!”