APRIL 5 - 7, 2018

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Don’t leave home without it! Be sure to drop off your Black Business Card at Registration to be entered into our cash giveaway drawing and watch the $100 bills fly during the Pep Rally and General Session!


Will you qualify as a Gold, Silver, or Bronze Builder by the 2018 National Convention in Baltimore?
Don’t miss your opportunity to be called up to the stage to be presented with your special 2018 Commemorative Convention Builder Pin. What an honor it will be! We’re excited to debut the beautiful new design - take a look!

Watch this slideshow from previous Conventions of PlanNet Builders receiving their Builder Pins! Don’t miss out on the excitement and recognition you deserve for achieving Builder status!
See you on stage in Baltimore!


Race to Director - They're On Their Way!

PlanNet Marketing


PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race,
and on their way to One-Star Director!

1.  Veronica Hodges
2.  Kendra Bennett
3.  Linda Harris
4.  Doris Gerow
5.  Yashika Drew
6.  Cophia Jackson
7.  Shannon Addington
8.  Jackie & Cayce Dye
9.  Judy Baker
10.  Tonia Simple

PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs
Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1.  Kyra Harris
2.  Seresa & Duane Crowson
3.  Latoya Chin
4.  Kwanya Martin
5.  Madeline Alexander
6.  Calvin McIntosh
7.  Charmaine Elliott Turner
8.  Nathan Newman
9.  Jassy Mc Bride
10.  Alfred Ingram




1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights...
I was born in Nigeria, came to the UK when I was three years old, and was raised in London where I currently live now. My hobbies would be my HUGE love for football, both playing and watching, and I’m looking to take up boxing soon as that is another sport I love. I'm also into TV and film, as that was the profession I was in before I became a full time network marketing professional. I’ve started acting school too as thats another passion I have, and of course I LOVE to travel.

2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
I’m blessed to be frontline to Mr. Bradley, and his personal mentoring has changed me as a person and business owner 100%. I’ve learned how to lead, how to stay calm in difficult situations, and still get the job done when things are not going well.

3. What drives you; what motivates you?
I want to be the best in what I do, and I believe I have what it takes to be the best and to help so many people on the way. I have experienced having time and financial freedom over the last three years under Mr. Bradley, so now my biggest drive is helping others experience what I have. I won’t stop until I can bring others with me.

4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
Simple answer...Donald Bradley - his grace and class and focus on his goals are very inspirational. If I can just implement only 10% of what he has taught me over the years I will still help thousands of people.

5. The three words that describe you best are:
The three words that describe me best are: humble, passionate, and adventurous

6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone what would it be?
Don't wait...that thing you know you need to do, find a way to do it NOW!

7. What does your life look like five years from now?
God willing, very nice lol, surrounded by amazing friends and family and life-long business partners…oh and Nine-Star!




Congratulations to new One-Star Director Takasha Taylor from Bessemer, AL!  Takasha says, “I enjoy traveling and sharing my experiences with others. My passion is booking groups and family trips. I have only been a travel agent for nine months, and I have been fortunate enough to have a team that has helped 100+ families. It is a must to constantly attend learning seminars to gain knowledge. The most rewarding part of working in the travel industry is helping others fulfill their travel dreams.

“I’ve fallen in love with helping other families. Motivation! Motivation! Determination! Set a goal, don’t give up, and remember your why. My goal is to become a Two-Star Director by my one-year anniversary. I am beyond excited about my accomplishments and those of my team!”




Welcome to the 20/20 Club, Shanelle Hyman! Shanelle is from Woodbridge, VA and currently lives there with her husband of almost 15 years, their four boys, and a new baby on the way, expected in August! Shanelle tells us, “My interests are my babies. I do what I do for them. I desire for them to have what I didn’t, and that’s travel! I also desire to help people. I love people. 

“My travel experiences are not extravagant. My first and only airplane ride so far was to the PlanNet Marketing Convention in Atlanta last September. We try to do at least a three-day weekend with our babies every year, but they have all been somewhat local, no more than three to four hours away in North Carolina. We did go to Massanutten for a week as a family and that was nice. To spend time away from the rush of life and enjoy each other was nice. We have seen our share of hotels but because we do have a big family, we haven’t traveled much. Now we will thanks to PlanNet Marketing!

“My experience with PlanNet Marketing and being able to be in this current position, a stepping stone to the next level, is ALL because of God! Many prayers and pushing in the midst of differences. This is so new to me. From thinking I had to work a corporate job ALL my life to support my family, to now actually seeing that I do not have to and that I WILL be able to stay home and free up time for my babies…that is HUGE. Not to mention the PlanNet Pledge. 

“The best advice I could give would definitely be to trust God. Keep at it. Don’t give up. Trust the process. 

“A fun fact about me: I have an identical twin sister!”




Welcome to the 20/20 Club, Kevine McMillan! Kevine is originally from Montego Bay, Jamaica and currently lives in Orlando, FL. She is an educator who loves helping people grow and develop into the BEST version of themselves. Her interests are teaching others how to triumph over the unexpected and create lanes outside of the box!

Kevine shares, “Prior to PlanNet Marketing, my travel experiences were limited to my childhood experiences around my beautiful island of Jamaica, my first trip into the United States which then became my home, and occasional family visits to Canada. Since being a part of PlanNet Marketing, I’ve been able to increase my traveling experiences to more locations than I’ve ever done before, with more in the future. 

“I’ve been able to achieve success with PlanNet Marketing by submitting all my plans to God and remaining humble at each stage. I’ve also kept my driving forces in the forefront, which are my amazing husband, Vincent, and our three wonderful blessings, Dominic, Iyanna and Malanna. 

“I’m a quiet person but can step out of the box when necessary - a closed mouth won’t get fed. I’ve learned that stepping out of your comfort zone is essential in achieving success. I’ve learned that you will fail, but don’t quit, keep trying, keep pushing, and you WILL have success. I’ve learned to remain coachable, never compare your success or journey with someone else’s, and find a model and copy their methods, but also put your own spin on it to make it your own. I’ve learned that not everyone will support you, but in due time, God will send the right individuals in your life to help you grow and develop. Lastly, I’ve learned that when God blesses you, he has more than you in mind. God will open doors for you so that you can bless others, and when we begin to realize that our achievements are more than ourselves, then the overflow of blessings will continue to flow.

“A fun fact about me? I guess it’s the fact that I literally eat ketchup with everything!! Lol, my husband thinks I’m a total weirdo, but it doesn’t seem to taste right without a hint of ketchup!” 




Welcome to the 20/20 Club, Jawana Thomas! Jawana was born and raised in Georgetown, a small quaint town on the South Carolina coast. She now lives in Jacksonville, FL with her husband, Retired Captain Joseph Thomas (US Navy).  

Jawana shares, “My interests include traveling, reading, sports, helping others, and spending time with family. I'm very active at Hopewell, our church here in Jacksonville, where I participate in community outreach and volunteer time at local shelters for the homeless throughout the year.  As a mortgage banker, helping families realize the American dream of home ownership has also been my passion for 28 years.    

“My travel experiences: In October we spent a week in Cabo, San Lucas. We've taken a number of cruises to the Bahamas, Jamaica, Grand Cayman Islands, and Mexico. We enjoy stateside getaways to Orlando, Key West, Myrtle Beach, Seattle, Las Vegas, and the Blue Ridge Mountains. Next stop is Germany to visit our granddaughter, Oaklee.  

“This is my first time in network marketing so I'll admit that I did not have a clue about what I was doing when I joined. I knew my husband was retiring and I wanted to take advantage of the travel savings. A phone call with Patricia Brown and I was in! Then I attended my first meeting in Jacksonville and met Mr. Donald Bradley. The following month, Mrs. Eileen Ross came to town and I really began to understand what I had at my fingertips. I'm surrounded by a group of amazing leaders that pour so much into me daily and I am so thankful for them.  
“I'm achieving success so quickly by being coachable, staying plugged in, and following the system. I realized early on that I had to take off my corporate hat and really step out of my comfort zone. Coachability has been so important for me because usually in my VP position, I was typically the one doing the coaching. So I had to move myself out of the way and follow the guidance of the experts with proven track records and documentation. Even with my busy corporate schedule, I made time for the morning IMVs, weekly calls, and my Team calls because I find that the nuggets of knowledge I receive on those calls are priceless. It is personal development at its best. Never missing an event I am qualified to attend has also been a key component to my success. I purchase my tickets as soon as they are published, because it is very important that I am a student of the business making the investment necessary to get to the next level. I've learned from experience early on that there is power in the PS3…each time I get my prospect on with an expert, the likelihood of them taking advantage of the opportunity increases, so I schedule the 3-way when my prospect confirms they will join a webinar or call. The system works! 

“I love everything about this company - the vision, the product, the support and the leadership. It is indeed the Best Place On The PlanNet!  

“Fun fact: My two sisters and I are huge Dallas Cowboys Fans. We are geared up every Sunday during football season, chatting via Facetime or text to cheer our team on. It drives my husband nuts because he is an Atlanta Falcons fan. Each year we also take a ‘sisters only’ trip to watch them play in honor of our father who also loved all things Cowboys. During our travels we've met Hall of Famers Tony Dorsett and Randy White, which of course was an honor. I'm enjoying these trips even more now that I own a travel business!”





In today’s world of technology and online marketing, we sometimes forget there are still huge opportunities to do business face-to-face!

PlanNet Marketing allows its Reps to participate in various community and small business vendor events – all you have to do is ask Compliance for permission. We want to ensure that only ONE Rep from PlanNet Marketing is hosting a vendor booth or table at each event – so permission is required.

You can share everything you would at a Launch Party or Personal Business Reception, hand out your business cards, have a laptop with you and pull up the PlanNet Marketing website, have the Compensation Plan printed out on flyers, and you can even request information from the people who visit your booth or table. Collecting prospects’ email addresses and phone numbers – and even social media info – will allow you to connect with them later on and follow up about the PlanNet Marketing business opportunity and the InteleTravel ITA!

Just make sure that while you’re there and representing our great company, you keep a few things straight:

1) Make sure everyone knows you are an Independent Representative for PlanNet Marketing. It would be misleading to use PlanNet’s logoed materials or name without our permission, or to pretend you’re an “employee” or member of corporate.

2) Be certain you are ONLY acting as a PlanNet Marketing Rep – don’t offer any other product, service or opportunity while you’re representing PlanNet Marketing. That means only offer the sale of the ITA or the enrollment of the Rep business. Nothing else – don’t offer to sell someone nail polish, health supplements OR travel! You might be an InteleTravel Agent, but at this event you are ONLY acting as a PlanNet Rep.

3) Be honest with people. Telling your prospects that this business is hard work and not “easy money” is the best practice possible! We don’t need new Reps to join thinking they can sit back, do nothing, and get paid – they CANNOT! This is a business and it takes work. Be honest about the amount of time you put into your business. You don’t have to be negative – just be realistic.

4)  Make sure to follow up. If someone has a question or concern that you can’t answer right then, make sure you write it down and ask your upline or the PlanNet S-team, and then follow up with your prospect and give them the answer. Taking a few minutes to get an answer for them will show that you value them and would make an excellent business associate. Obviously, you should also take note of anyone who is interested in buying an ITA or becoming a Rep and follow up with them too!

It can feel like a thing of the past, but vendor shows and small/local business events can be a valuable way to create a new warm market – don’t allow these events to slip by without giving them a chance!
-- Policies and Procedures Section 4.1, 4.3 and 5.8 located in your Virtual Office in the Information Center (go to Resources, then Policies and Procedures).

~Amanda Restivo, Vice President, Compliance -- 


Q:   Does PlanNet Marketing allow autoship date changes?

A:  Yes. PlanNet Marketing allows reps to do a one-time autoship date change. If you would like to change the date your payment is due, email us at or submit a support ticket through your Virtual Office. All requests must be submitted in writing. If you have any questions regarding this, call support at 470-443-9330.

~~ Sarah Muscarella, Manager of Customer Support



This giveaway is for Baltimore Convention Goers who have not won a PlanNetNOW T-shirt before.  Tell me what day you will be arriving in Baltimore for Convention - the first 5 who contact me will win a free shirt and I will bring your shirts to Baltimore with me! Email me now at and I'll let you know if you were one of the first 5 to reply!

~ LeAnn Troeckler, Chief Operations Officer


Good Friday Morning from the Marketing side of the PlanNet!

The time is almost here. We are 13 days away from our epic PlanNet Marketing 2018 National Convention in Baltimore, Maryland!

Just a few reminders....

  • Wear your name badge at all times.

  • Don't miss the Thursday 6 PM Pep Rally in the Constellation Ballroom - 2nd Floor.

  • Be early for your Friday PlanNet University classes.

  • Remember the admittance procedure for Saturday General Sessions.

We look forward to seeing you in Baltimore, Maryland on Thursday, April 5. Safe travels!

~ LisaMarie Klinger, Vice President Marketing Administration


Race to Director - They're On Their Way!

PlanNet Marketing


PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race,
and on their way to One-Star Director!

1.  Tonika Jones
2.  Rakettia Mason
3.  Veronica Hodges
4.  Veronica & Charlie Scurry
5.  Robert & Takeya Noble
6.  Carrie Williams
7.  Linda Harris
8.  Judy Baker
9.  Shannon Addington
10.  Kendra Bennett

PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs
Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1.  Rhonda Coleman
2.  Kyra Harris
3.  Kwanya Martin
4.  Seresa & Duane Crowson
5.  Latoya Chin
6.  Nathan Newman
7.  Madeline Alexander
8.  Trudel Scott
9.  Lisa Horsley
10.  Jassy Mc Bride