Top 5 PlanNet Marketing Income Earners: “Leaders Among Leaders”

4-Star Director Shedrick White

4-Star Director Shedrick White attributes his success to a few simple principles and philosophies, which he shares here: “Find a need and meet it, find a hurt and heal it, find a problem and solve it. Through this business we have the ability to serve people. Service to many is what leads to greatness. You can have anything in this world you want by simply helping enough people get what they want."  

“Model what you want your team to do... be a ‘do-it-first leader,’ be the example. Don't tell your team what to do, simply model and show them what to do. 

Director White’s passions are working with his team and building his business, reading empowering books and self-development, traveling with good friends, going to a great spa, attending live sporting events when time permits, listening to live music, and attending plays. He has traveled extensively throughout most of the cities in the United States and loves to visit any place tropical and warm… the Caribbean, Mexico, Jamaica, and the Bahamas.

Shedrick White is a native of Columbus, Ohio and currently resides in Atlanta, GA.


3-Star Director Orlanda Moore

3-Star Director and PlanNet Marketing Founders Club member Orlanda Moore comes from a very humble beginning. From a small town called Century, FL he always had big goals and dreams. 

He spent his entire young adult life serving our country.  After 22 years of military service, fighting for the freedoms that we enjoy in the U.S. and abroad, he now fights for financial freedom. His weapons of choice are the travel and network marketing industries,which he has been a part of the past nine years.

Orlanda trained, coached, and developed America’s sons and daughters as a United States Army Drill Sergeant.  He now trains, coaches, and develops leaders and individuals who desire to win for their families. 

He fully understands and believes that not a single person can achieve anything of greatness alone. It’s all about empowering others. Known for his focus and self discipline, Orlanda’s motto is: I don’t make excuses, nor do I accept them. 

Orlanda is a single parent and currently resides in Huntsville, AL  with his two children.


3-Star Director Ann Jones

3-Star Director Ann Jones is a native Washingtonian who now resides in Bowie, MD. She is happily married for over 30 years to Daryl Jones and has two adult boys. Her husband and children have been completely supportive of her business journey. Ann’s role model was her mother, a corporate executive, a strong leader with a passion for helping the community. Ann has been called the ultimate professional who always strives for excellence in all she does.

Prior to joining the network marketing industry, Ann built a career as an IT professional where she led the  implementation of large and high profile projects costing in excess of $10 million.  She has trained thousands in the corporate world and presented plans to Board members and several times to a congressional subcommittee.

It was only natural for her to excel in network marketing with these talents. She is an accomplished trainer, presenter, recruiter, builder, and a technical guru. Not only does she have a strong work ethic, she loves to have fun.  Whether it is bowling, watching movies, playing games, or going to a party . . . Ann can keep you laughing and having a good time . . . just ask some of her team members!

Ann loves to travel and has visited several incredible places - Paris, Costa Rica, Mexico, and many islands in the Caribbean. With her love for travel, she started her travel/network marketing business in 2005. Two months after enrolling, she quit her six-figure federal government job. Ann is a risk taker, but she also knows how to make a quick decision when she knows that something makes perfect sense.

Director Jones joined PlanNet Marketing on October 26, 2015 and became a 1-Star Director on the first day . . . a 2-Star Director 20-days later . . . and a 3-Star Director 20-days after that! She is a Pioneer and Founders Club member and received the Sapphire Ring in her first 60 days. She attributes her quick success to the following key ingredients:

  • Success Principle #1:  Build For A Purpose Greater Than You.  Having a purpose is the great overcomer because it changes how you think, which changes your attitude and how you act. You don’t think can’t.  Instead, you think must. It is only then that you begin to believe and see yourself already there. Your clear vision becomes the roadmap that unlocks the door to your future.  Everything else is just a job with you performing tasks. There is a difference between interest and commitment.  When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when it’s convenient. When you’re committed to something.  You accept no excuses; only results!
  • Success Principle #2:  Find a Coach/Mentor and Duplicate Success.  Trying to figure it out by yourself and adding your own creative touches to do it your comfortable way will leave you comfortable and broke. Find a coach and mentor who has experienced what you want to accomplish and is willing to teach you. Execute the advice given. When I first entered network marketing, I was so uncoachable. It was not until I decided to follow the advice given (without question), that I began to experience record breaking growth. There is a saying “It’s okay to be a copycat, so long as you copy the right cat.” I became a great copycat. In the moments that I did not have a mentor/coach, I simply copied what I saw the great leaders doing. I became a master copycat.
  • Success Principle #3:  Pay The Price For Success.  The price for success is time. Many of us are unwilling to pay a small price of our time to gain more time to free ourselves. I knew that if I could get more of my time back, I could . . . have more . . . do more . . . and help more.  In essence, have a greater impact that was bigger than myself – my Purpose. Successful people know that to have anything that you want in life (e.g., promotion, more money, a new home), a price must be paid. It is only when you decide to pay the price that your wish can become a dream fulfilled.
  • Success Principle #4:  Success Requires Action and a Strong Work Ethic.  There is a quote by Abraham Lincoln that states “Good things come to those who wait, but only those things left by those who hustle.”  My mom instilled a very strong work ethic in me at a very early age.  She taught me to not look for handouts, but to be the person who can give handouts and lift ups.  It is only in the dictionary where success comes before work. Success is hard, but being broke is harder. When you do more than what is expected, it is only then that you can rise above the crowd and soar like an eagle.

Ann has always been a go getter and a follower of the Most High, saying, “Yes, it is a personal relationship that nothing can get in between.” She says that she has truly been blessed and today she lives to be a blessing to others.


3-Star Director J.P. Watkins

Three-Star Director JP Watkins is PlanNet Marketing’s first Director from the state of Texas, a six-figure Top 5 income earner, and the number three female earner on the PlanNet!

A native of Dayton, OH,  Ms. Watkins is called the “Director Diva” and the “Freedom Fighter.” She is a beloved daughter, sister, aunt, motivational speaker, business coach, mentor, entrepreneur, top industry network marketer and a proud member of the Eastside Church of Christ in Forney, TX.  And… she loves to cook!

Director Watkins is a graduate of both Southwestern Christian College and Texas Southern University where she served as Miss Texas Southern University 95-96 and went on to represent all HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) as Miss Collegiate African American 96-97 featured in Ebony magazine. She is passionate about women’s empowerment, proudly wearing the badges of strength, faith, character, conviction, honesty and courage when it comes to empowering women to stay true to who they are - without compromise.

Corporate America and JP parted ways in 2014, when she was laid off with over a decade’s experience as a property manager and national sales trainer. She opted never to turn back, hired herself, and as they say in Texas, she “took her destiny by the horns!” Director Watkins offers this advice, “ I did not become successful over a short time -  it's been a seven-year grind, working on myself just as hard as I work the business. The personal development is first! Many try to cut down trees with a dull axe. We must sharpen it first, then cut down the trees. Three keys things are personal development, listening to coaching and mentorship, and having an amazing and consistent work ethic. 

Clearly define your 'WHY' and master the PS3!  3-way calls are completely under-practiced. And people are holding back their success not doing them. Third party validation is key and essential to buy in. Lastly stay positive and raise your belief! Don't sweat the small stuff. Know who you are and whose child you are. Remember it's all part of your journey. And it can happen for you.” 

In addition to her enviable work ethic and determination, JP attributes her success to her God, her mentor Mr. Donald Bradley, her parents and her amazing team!


3-Star Director Eileen Ross

3-Star Director Eileen Ross is originally from Detroit, Michigan, and has resided in Atlanta, GA for the past 16 years. Eileen says,” I have an amazing son, Camren, and he is a graduating high school senior on his way to college!”

Eileen continues, “I love to TRAVEL (go figure!) and I also like to exercise, dance, read and I love the outdoors!!  My travel experiences include many of the Caribbean islands (Bermuda, Aruba, Turks & Caicos, St. Martin, St. Thomas, Cayman Islands), several Mexican destinations (Cancun, Mazatlan, Cozumel, Cabo San Lucas, Cuernavaca), Jamaica as well as Madrid, Spain and Cannes and Monaco, France.”

Director Ross says, “My success in PlanNet Marketing stems from my desire to help others. It started with realizing that my love of travel can be realized by being a part of the travel industry and educating myself on destinations and niche markets.  It then evolved into understanding the income potential of helping others plan their dream vacation and then it occurred to me that so many others would LOVE this same opportunity!!  Sharing is caring and I am passionate about everyone I meet to "come out of the ordinary" and realize that you were born to have an extraordinary life!!  This business has allowed me to meet and work with some amazing people and set the stage for the legacy company we are on our way to becoming!”



Sunday Night's Conference Calls - The Smart Way To Start Your Week!

Every Sunday: The PlanNet Pulse: News and Updates To Start Your Week

Grow your business with the PlanNet Pulse followed by the Opportunity Conference Call! (see below)

Every Sunday night – 9:00 pm Eastern/8:00 pm Central

Join the call for the latest announcements, updates, promotions and breaking news from Founder and Chairman Donald Bradley and CEO & President Andy Cauthen and PlanNet Marketing Field Leaders!

Call 641.715.3610 Pin 377045#

Hear From PlanNet Marketing’s Top Earners!

Don’t Miss these important calls. Hear from the top income earners inside PlanNet Marketing. Learn about a company that is teaching business professionals how to improve their quality of life by maintaining their network and increasing their net worth. You learn from the best each week!

Q of the Week!

Each week we will provide a commonly asked support question and answer.

How do I see my complete Matrix Tree?
Go to genealogy and change the view to placement, then choose all levels and build the report.
~LeAnn Troeckler, PlanNet Marketing Chief Operations Officer --

Compliance Tip of the Week

Each week we will provide a compliance tip of the week to help ensure that your PlanNet Marketing business remains in good standing.

Offer support and encouragement!
PlanNet Marketing prides itself on the quality and character of its Independent Representatives (that's YOU). Together we can ensure excellence throughout our organization. Every PlanNet Marketing Rep is expected to be respectful of every person met while conducting PlanNet related business. We expect you'll conduct yourself and your business in an ethical, moral, legal, and financially sound manner, not engaging in anything that would give PlanNet Marketing a bad reputation, or anyone involved.

Be positive and uplifting with one another - negativity doesn't help anyone. Giving your team and customers support and encouragement is the single best service you can offer in this business. The Company's Code of Ethics can be found in our Policies and Procedures, located in your Virtual Office in the Information Center (go to Resources, then Policies and Procedures)
~Amanda Restivo, Manager of Compliance --

In This Week's PlanNetNow...

Fort Lauderdale, FL

Fort Lauderdale, FL

This week's PlanNetNow blog is highlighted by the phenomenal Eagle Weekend 2016 in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Watch the slideshow with over 70 photos of this amazing and inspiring event. Also this week you will find:

  • Eagle Weekend 2016
  • Announcing the Spanish PlanNet Business PPT Presentation
  • PlanNet Marketing Rep Escape: Cancun, Mexico
  • Q of the Week
  • Compliance Tip of the Week
  • The Weekend and Beyond!

Eagle Weekend 2016

Ft. Lauderdale, Florida


The events kicked off last Friday evening with our Director/Director in Training Reception at the Bahia Mar in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. We had a spectacular gathering with our Directors and were happy to meet and greet our newest Directors in Training. What a great way to introduce them to the PlanNet family.

Session One kicked off at 8:00 am on Saturday morning with a one-on-one “Moment with a Mentor – Gold Builder.” This was a Director in Training event only. Each DIT had the opportunity to sit down face to face with our mentors and ask any question about the PlanNet business, their growth to Directorship, what it takes to succeed… anything they wished to ask.  Our team of mentors did an outstanding job with the challenging questions that were proposed to them. Many thanks to our mentors: Donald Bradley, Andy Cauthen, Shedrick White, Orlanda Moore, Ann Jones, Eileen Ross and JP Watkins.

Session Two consisted of three outstanding presentations. Shedrick White started off with his version of “Network Marketing - - A Better Way,” followed by Orlanda Moore’s presentation of “40 Days and 40 Nights”. Both presentations received standing ovations for the enlightening, motivational and informative information that was presented. A powerful finale was presented by Donald Bradley. His strong and detailed message to everyone was the challenge to become a “shark!” Wow, we all left the room mesmerized.

The afternoon wrapped up with presenting Shedrick White his much deserved and well-earned Presidential Ruby Ring. Congratulations Shedrick for your outstanding achievement to Four Star Director and also an income earner of $20,833 a month, on an annual track of $250,000 a year. Way to Go Shedrick! We are so proud of you for all that you do!

Session Three - “The All White Affair.” As the evening rolled in, all 286 of us decked out to the nines in our ‘white attire,’ boarded the Mussett yacht and were greeted by Deborah and Donald Bradley. Deborah planned the most amazing evening for everyone. We had an incredible dinner under the stars and we didn’t let a little rain stop us. Everyone was dancing and singing and celebrating how grateful we are for PlanNet Marketing (not to mention we also celebrated Donald’s birthday with a Happy Birthday rendition by all). The memories are something we will all have for a lifetime.  Many, many thanks to everyone who attended this monumental occasion with PlanNet Marketing. We are already looking forward to next year’s event!
~ Submitted by LisaMarie Klinger, Manager of Marketing Special Projects

PlanNet Marketing Rep Escape : Cancun, Mexico


PlanNet Marketing Rep Escape

Cancun, Mexico

Barcelo Maya Palace Deluxe All-Inclusive Resort

Sunday, October 2 - Thursday, October 6, 2016

A fantastic property for the PlanNet group!

You will love the Barcelo Maya Palace Deluxe. Not only is it a fantastic property, but the Cancun airport is very easy to get to from many airports in the US. This resort boasts beautiful beaches along the crystalline waters of the Mayan Riviera, as well as three swimming pools, including one that is adults only. Focusing on quality, all its rooms are junior suite deluxe or suites offering every comfort to make your stay a unique experience. Additionally, guests will find everything they want at any of the six restaurants and four bars located throughout the resort. (Note that reservations are required at some of the restaurants. Guests may enjoy the stocked mini bar in their room (included) as well as non-motorized water sports. And at night come out to enjoy the hotel’s vibrant night life: live shows at the Monte Alban Theater and Jaguar’s Nightclub. The hotel has been awarded the 4 Diamond rating by the AAA, important recognition that rewards the resort’s quality and luxury.

Trip Details:

  1. Trip Dates – Sunday, October 2, 2016 check-in through Thursday, October 6, 2016 check-out.

  2. PlanNet Group has secured a room block at Barcelo Maya Palace Deluxe at special rates. You may make your reservation at any time (with the hotel reservation form, see below) up until Monday, June 20th to guarantee availability. Once the block of rooms is sold out, rooms may be booked at current rates based on availability.

  3. Rates: 4 Nights: $522.08/per person double occupancy. (All meals and drinks are included as well as transfers to and from the airport.) The cost for travel insurance will be $59.99/person for trips up to 4 days, land only and $79.99 if your trip includes air.  

  4. For Hotel Reservations:
    PlanNet Rep must complete Hotel Reservation Form by Monday, June 20th (click here to download the form,) and either: 
    • send by email to:

    • or call to book directly with Stephanie at: 305-788-8208

    Book early! A $100 deposit is required. The balance will be billed to your credit card on Monday, June 20, 2016.

  5. Check in time on Sunday, October 2nd is 3:00 PM.
    Check out time is on Thursday, October 6th is 12:00 PM.

  6. Cancellation penalties begin June 27, 2016.

compliance tip of the week

Use of Sales Aids

Did you know that to promote the Rep business PlanNet Marketing offers, a Rep must use only approved sales aids and support materials produced by PlanNet Marketing? If a PlanNet Marketing Rep develops their own sales aids and promotional materials (which includes Internet advertising), they may unintentionally violate any number of statutes or regulations affecting the PlanNet Marketing business.

Please submit all proposed written sales aids, promotional materials, advertisements, websites and other literature to the Company for approval prior to use. Policies & Procedures. 4.2.

~Amanda Restivo, Manager of Compliance

The Weekend and Beyond!

  • Super Saturday Events - Charlotte NC, Philadelphia PA, Baltimore MD, Raleigh-Durham NC, Columbus OH

  • Sunday 9:00 pm EST – State of the Union – PlanNet Marketing Locker Room Call – Founder & Chairman – Donald Bradley, CEO & President Andy Cauthen, and James Ferrara – Inteletravel President.
    Dial In: 641-715-3610 Pin: 377045

  • Sunday 9:30pm EST – Opportunity Conference Call – Hear from the top income earners inside PlanNet Marketing.
    Dial In: 641-715-3610 Pin: 377045#

  • The Morning Call - A Daily Dose of Inspiration, Motivation & Education
    Every Monday - Friday Morning @ 8:00 am EST.

    Dial in:  641-715-3610 Pin: 377045.
    In case you missed it: Morning Call Playback  641-715-3609 Pin 377045

  • Check your Virtual Office Calendar for PlanNet Marketing events happening this week.

  • Monday – Huntsville, AL.

  • Tuesday - Inteletravel Webinar
    PlanNet Events in: Orlando FL, San Diego CA, Newark NJ, London UK, Baltimore MD, Atlanta GA

Thursday - Inteletravel Teleseminar
PlanNet Events in: Houston TX, Ft. Lauderdale/Miami FL, Greensboro NC, DC/MD/Virginia, Dallas TX, Ontario CA

We are proud to announce the PlanNet NOW! Blog

This all-new weekly blog will contain the latest news and notes, recognition, announcements, and much more. Stay tuned each week for updates and important information that you need to manage and grow your PlanNet business!

Scroll down for:

March Madness Winners
PlanNet Mobile App
PlanNet Marketing 2016 National Convention
InteleTravel Disneyland Event
PlanNet Marketing UK Rep Retreat
Q of the Week
Compliance Tip of the Week

The PlanNet Mobile App has arrived!

We are very excited to share this new marketing and business tool with you.  We know it will have a tremendous impact on your business - keeping you in touch with your team and giving you information that will help you grow your business.

Simply visit the either the Apple App Store link, or the Google Play Store link, depending on your type of mobile device. Type in “PlanNet Marketing,” and you’ll see the icon. Install.

PLEASE NOTE: After you purchase your Mobile App, you must return to your Virtual Office home page before you can log in to the App.

Once you have installed the App, open it and you will be prompted to login. Login by using your Virtual Office username and password to log in.

You may purchase the PlanNet App today through your Virtual Office. The cost is $1.00 for the first month, then $4.95 monthly thereafter.

Click here to view instructions on how to use the app:

If you have any questions, please call PlanNet Support: 470-443-9330. Don’t wait! Get this important business tool today!

InteleTravel Disneyland Event


Hotel accommodations for the 3 nights
1 Day of InteleTravel Marketing & Supplier Training -- 1 Full day in Disneyland park
1 Day tour of Anaheim & popular attraction -- Daily Breakfast, 1 Group Lunch & 1 Executive Dinner
Studio Suite Accommodations At Springhill Suites


$399 Per Person Double Occupancy
Single Rate: $699 -- 3rd Guest: $299 -- 4th Guest: $299

Click RESERVE YOUR SPOT NOW for more information and to purchase tickets.

PlanNet Marketing UK Rep Retreat

PlanNet Marketing UK Rep Retreat

Four Seasons Ritz Hotel & Spa
Lisbon, Portugal -- July 7 - 10, 2016

Four Seasons Hotel Ritz Lisbon Rises from one of Lisbon's seven hills and is one of the most prominent modern landmarks of the city. It is located in the heart of the city within walking distance from the historic "old town". With its 18th century replica furnishings and museum calibre collection of contemporary Portuguese art, the Hotel reflects historic Portugal's nobility and charm. Of the 282 oversized guest rooms and suites, 272 have private balconies with magnificent views of the Eduardo VII Park and the city. They are all equipped with high-speed access to internet and dual telephone lines. The recently Ritz Spa offers relaxing views over the garden and the Eduardo VII Park. It features an indoor lap pool and a pool lounge area; multi-functional treatment rooms with private showers; a relaxation room, sauna, steam as well as an ice fountain. On the rooftop of the Hotel and offering breath-taking views over the city and the Tagus River the Fitness Centre provides its guests with 700m2 of exclusive facilities. Four Seasons impeccable service anticipates every need to ensure a comfortable stay.

Trip Details:

  1. Trip dates – Thursday, July 7th check-in; Sunday, July 10th check out.

  2. PlanNet Group has secured a room block at the Four Seasons Hotel in Lisbon at special rates. You may make your reservation at any time up until the June 7th cut off date if rooms are available in the room block. Once the block of rooms is sold out, rooms may be booked at current rates based on availability.

  3. Included – Room and VAT (6%) and breakfast buffet Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Wi-Fi included.

  4. Rates:
    £192.78 per room per day double occupancy / £578.34 for 3 days
    £192.78 per room per day single occupancy / £578.34 for 3 days
    250 € per room per day double occupancy / 750 € for 3 days
    250 € per room per day single occupancy / 750 € for 3 days
    $274.20 per room per day double occupancy / $822.60 for 3 days
    $274.20 per room per day single occupancy / $822.60 for 3 days

  5. For Hotel Reservations:

    1. PlanNet Rep must complete Hotel Reservation Form by June 7th (click here to download Form,) and either:

    2. Book early - Your credit card will not be charged until June 7, 2016.

  6. Check in time on Thursday, July 7th is 3:00 PM. Check out time on Sunday, July 10th is 12:00 PM.


Q of the Week!

Each week we will provide a commonly asked support question and answer.

How do I reactivate my PlanNet Rep Account?  
You can reactivate your PlanNet Rep account by logging into your Virtual Office and clicking on "Manage my Autoship." Once you are viewing your Autoship, click on "edit to update the card" info. Once the information is updated, click the check box that says "process my payment the next business day." When you are back to the autoship screen, press the "activate" option next to the billing information. You may also call support at
470-443-9330 to process your payment immediately.

~ LeAnn Troeckler, PlanNet Marketing Chief Operations Officer --

Compliance Tip of the Week

Each week we will provide a compliance tip of the week to help ensure that your PlanNet Marketing business remains in good standing.

Help others be successful!
If you want to be a success in your business - help others be successful too! If you see a friend post something in social media that you know is against company policies - send them a private message or private text with a friendly reminder about our rules. They'll be so glad you were willing to approach them with honesty and integrity! To take a look at the PlanNet Marketing Policies & Procedures, please go to your Virtual Office, Information Center, Resources, Policies and Procedures.

~ Amanda Restivo, Manager of Compliance --