Race to Director - They're On Their Way!



Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race, 
and on their way to One-Star Director!

1. Melissa Collins

2. Calvin Ellerbe

3. Sandra Myricks

4. Amy Uribe

5. Greg Doctson

6. Remus and Alisha Blair

7. Cheryl Clemons

8. Jacqueline Pickett

9. Marvin and Ingrid Fordham

10. Charles Kindred


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs
Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1. Donn and Tawanda Shamley

2. David Washington

3. Trudel Scott

4. Joy Lovett Dawkins

5. Greg and Carla Scott

6. Didier Gelard

7. Yvette Green

8. Shaquana Cuttino

9. Velecia Middlebrooks

10. Nate Newman



Each year on the fourth Thursday in November, Americans gather for a day of feasting, football and family. We can trace this historic American Christian tradition to the year 1623. After the harvest crops were gathered in November, Governor William Bradford of the Pilgrim Colony, Plymouth Plantation, in Plymouth, Massachusetts proclaimed: "All ye Pilgrims with your wives and little ones, do gather at the Meeting House, on the hill… there to listen to the pastor, and render Thanksgiving to the Almighty God for all His blessings."

Thanksgiving should be a holiday in which we, as individuals, focus on our past, our present circumstances, and future endeavors and give thanks. It should be a day to slow down for a few hours, join hands with our family and friends, and truly reflect on how blessed many of us are. 

Please take a moment to read some of the many things your teammates in our PlanNet Marketing family are thankful for ~

I'm thankful for this amazing Company, my 4 Star Director Mr. Orlanda Moore, my Sponsor
Ms. Shaquana Cuttino, my Lifelines Natalie Graham, Keda Mason, a wonderful team Jasmine Gray, Montrell Woods-Paul, Jessie Shepherd, Melitta Ruffin-Williams, Tynesheia Williams-Hodge, Twanda Woods-Williams, Cerquita Jones, Sherice Lee, Demetrica Johnson, Arenedra Dotson, Lydia Hankins, and Latonya Veal and my Why's, my babies Jaylon and Braylon. I thank God for blessing me with each of you!!!
Natalie Hawkins, Gold Builder, Zachary, LA
Coming from a previous travel opportunity, I am thankful for " Fulfilled Promises". We were promised override travel commissions at certain levels attained, however it never came to fruition in my previous company.
Tim Brown, Gold Builder, Huntsville, AL
So Thankful for the Bradley’s supplying a vehicle for me to supplement my income during a forced retirement. Also, thankful for so many lives that have been changed by this Travel opportunity.
Ima Wideman, One-Star Director, Forney, TX
I would have to say I am Thankful that the Lord brought me to the PlanNet Marketing Family. I have been blessed emotionally, and financially. I look forward to many prosperous years together. 
Melissa Collins, Gold Builder, Conroe, TX
There are several things I am thankful for. The first and foremost thing I am thankful for is My God for giving his son. I am thankful Jesus gave his life for me to be able to have life abundantly, this side of heaven! Another year with my beautiful Mother two time cancer survivor, my Father, survivor of a double bypass, my siblings, children and grandchildren. I am thankful to Mr. and Mrs. Bradley for this amazing opportunity PlanNet Marketing, to meet and learn professional tools that I am able to apply in everyday life from some incredible people. Experience and create unforgettable memories.
Cheryl Clemons – Gold Builder, Oklahoma City, OK

"I am grateful that I know I am truly in the right place at the right time and had the wisdom and courage to 'Take the Shot!'  I am thankful for Mr. Bradley, his vision and commitment, the amazing leadership and support team, as well as the countless individuals who have enriched my life. I am able to live my life on purpose, with a spirit of expectancy, and help others believe again. 
Valencia Tolbert – Gold Builder, College Park, MD
I'm so thankful for the opportunity to be with these two companies in the beginning of their partnership. I'm excited for the future for my family and PlanNet Marketing. The support that my family gives to each other in pursuing our individual passions has always been instrumental in the bond that we share. And, for these two reasons, I can truly say I'm grateful!
Maria Kelley, Gold Builder, Lithonia, GA
Whether we are rich or poor, we have less or more, we thank God because he is in control. Therefore, Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Let’s all remain blessed!
Tina Salumu, Support Specialist PlanNet Marketing, Fort-Collins, CO
What comes to my mind is I AM thankful for God's Grace to serve! Happy Thanksgiving,
Sheila Snipes, Gold Builder, Stafford, VA
I am always thankful that the Lord has kept my family physically and mentally healthy another year. I am particularly thankful this year for Donald and Deborah Bradley for creating a company where we can all win for our families and be a blessing to others. Happy Thanksgiving!
Tawanda Shamley, One-Star Director, Conyers, GA
I am so thankful and blessed that God wanted the very best for me and brought me PlanNet Marketing. I have witnessed countless confirmations that I am right where I'm supposed to be. It's so amazing to be surrounded by people who are loving, supportive, intelligent, focused and strong entrepreneurs. Last but not least I am thankful for Donald Bradley trusting in the Lord and having the faith to step out on his own to bless so many. Peace and blessings to all.
Tanisha Burke, Gold Builder, Rockledge, FL
I'm thankful for you, LisaMarie. You are a wonderful servant leader and I appreciate you.
Thank you for all you do.
Gail S. Johnson, Gold Builder, Lithonia, GA
I am thankful that God has blessed me to be a blessing to many others. Great health, great wealth and a great life.
Melodie Washington, Two-Star Director, Atlanta, GA
I'm thankful for life and all it has offered me in 2016!
Justin Stone, Support Specialist PlanNet Marketing, Seminole, OK

What I am truly Thankful for is a REAL opportunity to WIN!! Some opportunities offer the "pie in the sky" dream, but Mr. Bradley and the PlanNet Marketing Leadership offer a real real opportunity for everyone to win!!! The more people I share this opportunity with, and the more they share, and they share and they share, We all win! I am thankful for the whole PlanNet Marketing family!
Harold Leverett, Gold Builder, Oklahoma City, OK
I am thankful for my family, friends and my PlanNet family and friends. I am thankful to have been blessed with the opportunity to work alongside Donald and Deborah Bradley. I am thankful for our Customer Support Team here at PlanNet that feels like family, that I rely on every day.
LeAnn Troeckler, Chief Operations Officer, PlanNet Marketing, Staunton, IL
First and foremost, we are thankful for our life, health and strength.  Secondly, we are eternally grateful and thankful for Mr. Bradley's vision/dream and Mrs. Bradley's support of him pursuing the dream.  Lastly, but most definitely not least, we are thankful for the relationships that we have gained as a result of being a part of this great movement.  The journey has not always been easy, but it has been so fulfilling and rewarding.  It is such an amazing feeling to share an opportunity with others that could potentially change their lives!  We wish everyone on the "PlanNet" a very safe and Happy Thanksgiving.
Bernard and Cynthia Hampton, Three-Star Director, Miami, FL
Hey Want To Say I'm Thankful For Life! I Am Thankful That God Has Used Me To Impact Lives and help Others live Their Lives On Purpose! I am Thankful for My Family,My Team, My Sponsor JP Watkins! I Am Thankful For Donald and Deborah Bradley, Andy Cauthen, LeAnn Troeckler, James Ferrara And Their Vision! I’m Thankful And Grateful For PlanNet Marketing!
Tiffany McIntosh, Two-Star Director, Copley, OH
I joined this business on July 26, 2016 and I launched on August 8, 2016 becoming a Bronze Builder on the same day, then September 1, 2016, I hit Silver, and October 17,  2016, I hit Gold.  All I can say is Thank You to the Bradleys, to Mrs. Bradley for sharing her husband with all of us and for understanding the time it take to run a successful business.  To Mr. Bradley for having the vision and the platform. I have never moved thru a company this fast, and to be able to work my way to financial freedom, I am forever thankful.
Niccole Bowles, Gold Builder, Garfield Heights, OH

We are Thankful for life, health and strength, our family and friends. We are Thankful that God allowed us to see another day. We are thankful for being a part of an amazing organization which has and is still changing our life.
Joey and Pamela Jackson, Gold Builder, Stockbridge, GA 
I am thankful for my supportive, loving family, friends, this wonderful company I work for and all the tremendous people that make the dream possible. I could not be more blessed than I am right now. I love you all!
Sarah Muscarella, Supervisor of Rep Support, PlanNet Marketing, Marinette, WI
We are definitely thankful for our family and friends that have become our family!
Edmond and Deneene Brown, Gold Builders, Fayetteville, GA
I am thankful for the gift of life!
Monique Randall, Gold Builder, Mitchellville, MD
We are truly thankful for our family, faith, life, health, genuine relationships, our amazing team, and the opportunity to be connected with the members and leadership of PlanNet Marketing. 
Shontina Gladney, Gold Builder, Montgomery, IL
I am truly thankful  for my daughter, it's because of her WHY I will always be pushing for the WIN.  She has given me a purpose. Thank you Lord for my big WHY and for Mr. Donald  Bradley and his vision.
Dinea Mahoney, Gold Builder, Baltimore, MD
I am thankful for PlanNet Marketing for so many reasons.  It's impossible to name all of what I have been blessed with but to name a few we have the absolute best culture here. I have never felt so much love and support from upline, downline, sideline, and even the corporate staff.  Everyone is willing to help no matter if a commission check is attached to it or not.  I am also thankful for the leadership, we have do it first leaders that are truly paving the way and not forgetting about us and sharing their amazing success tips.  I am thankful for Mr. Donald Bradley and his vision of prosperity and his spirit of excellence, it is truly contagious!  I am thankful for the future that I see with PlanNet Marketing and can't wait to see what the next several years have for me and my family for generations to come!
Lavonda Thornton, One-Star Director, Houston, TX
I am always thankful for my amazingly supportive family and this year I am also thankful to be a new member of the PlanNet Marketing family.  Everyone from Corporate to our awesome Reps in the field have welcomed me with open arms, making each day a true blessing.
Angela Geisen, Support Specialist PlanNet Marketing, Godfrey, IL

My dad used to say, 'We have so much to be thankful for,' and we do! There are a lot of number ones on my list - like a loving wife, family, friends, health, a great business and corporate team, and the simple comforts of life. But ranking way up there, I am thankful to be living in the USA, and the freedom and liberties afforded us. And we are able to do so because of the men and women of our military, active, veterans, and those who have left us - who have fought to defend those freedoms and liberties. God bless them all.
Andy Cauthen, PlanNet Marketing President and CEO, Collinsville, Illinois
I am thankful for PlanNet Marketing, Donald Bradley, his vision, and the opportunity to be a part of this amazing company. I am also thankful for Andy Cauthen, LeAnn Troeckler and the entire leadership and support team. Last but not least, James Ferrara and InteleTravel. I am thankful for my team and their families. I am thankful for my family for being so supportive and understanding during my PlanNet Marketing run. Happy Thanksgiving.
Trudy Scott, One-Star Director, Atlanta, GA
Most importantly, I am thankful for life, health and strength. I am thankful for my wonderful parents, Bernard and Cynthia Hampton, who brought me into this world. Thank you for leading, guiding and supporting me with everything I do. I am thankful for my amazing husband and kids. Thank you for being patient and understanding when I am away from home working to better our lives. I am thankful for my sister, Aarika Hampton. Thank you for being my best friend and accountability partner. I am thankful for Mr. Shedrick White. Thank you for taking me under your wing, pushing me out of my comfort zone and showing me how to make it to the top. I am thankful for all of my business partners. Thank you for helping me to live my dream life.  And last, but not least, I am thankful for Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bradley. Thank you for your incredible vision and giving me the opportunity to own my own business and be financially free! THANK YOU!
Ashley Hampton, One-Star Director, Miami, FL
Thankful for Mr. Donald Bradley for making his vision a reality. Many lives have been and are being changed with this opportunity. Thankful for my coach and mentor Ms. Eileen Ross. You have made yourself available to me and supported me, even during moments that you designated for yourself and your family. Thanks for listening when I needed to vent and for pushing me when I needed to be pushed. Thankful to my sponsor Ms. Velecia Middlebrooks for the support and encouragement. Thankful to ALL directors and sideline business partners for the nuggets that have been shared with me. Thankful to Mr. Ferrara for the impeccable product you have provided us with. Thankful for my team, Team Elite, for believing in me enough to partner with me. I would not be where or who I am without you! Last but not least, thankful to my family, my riders, for their love and support. Without you by my side, my journey thus far and to come would not be possible.
Catherine Small, Gold Builder, Charlotte, NC
I am thankful for my two boys and I have been so blessed to be a part of the best place on the PlanNet! Here is to a great 2017!
Jennifer Jeffries, Support Specialist PlanNet Marketing, Godfrey, IL
I'm so very thankful for Thankfulness! An attitude of gratitude can change relationships, situations, even your perspective on life. This entire month I'm greeted with daily "thankful" posts in my social media feed. What a refreshing choice. It's easy to complain, to blame and to get upset - but thankfulness creates positivity and contentment wherever it goes.
Amanda Restivo, Manager of Compliance PlanNet Marketing, East Alton, IL

I am so thankful for everyone I have met in this incredible journey of changing lives! Being able to help bless families with freedom and memories is priceless! 
Amy Uribe, Gold Builder, Galveston, TX
Just thankful for the blessing that is PlanNet Marketing!
Cynthia Shelton, One-Star Director, Atlanta, GA
I am thankful for being blessed with an opportunity that will allow me to retire early from corporate America by gaining financial freedom through a home-based business! Thank you so much for your vision Mr. and Mrs. Bradley!
Erinn Elzie, One-Star Director, Charlotte, NC
I’m thankful for the leadership and honesty from PlanNet Marketing.
Cassandra Davis, Gold Builder, Harvest, AL
I am thankful to be a part of a company that gives the average person a chance to live out their dreams with a vehicle to make those dreams a reality. I am thankful for the life-changing relationships that I have been blessed to build with PlanNet Marketing both business and personal, and I am truly thankful for my three lovely daughters and grandson who make life truly worth living.
Robert Michael Banks, Jr, One-Star Director, Baltimore, MD
I would like to say that I am thankful that God put not only this opportunity in my path, but the people who are looking for a business to supplement their income, and the leadership who are training, coaching, and teaching us how to be successful in this industry!  Thanks.
Carlisa Jones, Gold Builder, Baltimore, MD
PlanNet Marketing is a great vehicle to ride to a brighter future. I am truly blessed to represent Inteletravel and PlanNet Marketing.
Lisa Ritchie, Gold Builder, Peck Slip Station, NY
There is one word I have that describes how I feel about PlanNet Marketing, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bradley's vision and this opportunity to help change not only my life but the lives of others... Grateful! Wishing you and yours a wonderfully blessed Thanksgiving.
Wandra M. Hammond, Gold Builder, Decatur, GA
I'm thankful that I can go out every day and talk with people about another way to live. 
Tony Fleming, Three-Star Director, Smyrna, GA
I am thankful for my support system: a circle of family, friends and business partners.
Joy Dawkins, One-Star Director, Atlanta, GA

I am thankful for so many things. I am most thankful for my relationship with God, my family and my friends. I also am thankful for opportunities that come my way and so I am thankful for PlanNet Marketing.
Lisa Hawkes, Gold Builder, Baltimore, MD
The world is round and the place where it seems like the end is only the beginning. Be thankful today!!
Walter & Tiffany Powell, Three-Star Director, Atlanta, GA
The Magees are thankful for Mr. and Mrs. Bradley creating an opportunity for people to be in position to truly win in this industry with people who generally love working together with synergy, regardless if they are upline or sideline! It's a pleasure and an honor being a Director with PlanNet Marketing! We are blessed and very thankful!
Eric and Jamila Magee, One-Star Director, Shorewood, WI
Sooo...thankful to know. The place to be happy is here. The time to be happy is now. The way to be happy is to help make others happy.
Cynthia Leftwich, Gold Builder, Detroit, MI
So blessed and thankful to be able to provide another way of life for my family; teaching my children that there is so much more in the world to explore. My God first, family second, and everything else will fall into place.
Amanda R Owens, Gold Builder, Mobile, AL
I am most thankful for the "time" that God is allowing me to be here on earth.  Everyday that I am granted gives me another chance to be a better mother, sister, daughter, cousin, niece, aunt, friend, business partner, and leader.  Oh...and of course a better network marketer and travel agent must be included!
Angela Miller, Gold Builder, Little Rock, AR
Some of the things I am most thankful for in being a part of PlanNet Marketing is the opportunity to help others along with driving in another source of income in my home. As being a single mom of nine kids, the PlanNet Marketing vehicle has allowed me to offer not only my three biological children but also my six foster children an experience in traveling all over the world. I am truly thankful for PlanNet Marketing and I am looking forward to many more years of growth.
Nikki Jackson, Gold Builder, Tomball, TX

I am grateful for family, options and change.  
Tonya Parker Fulwood, Gold Builder, Upper Marlboro, MD
I never thought I could earn residual income and be able to grow my business in a short period of time, for this I am thankful.
Shaketta Giles, Gold Builder, Atlanta, GA
PlanNet Marketing has been one of the best decisions I have ever made! Working for corporate America for several years for someone else and now to be an actual business owner has truly been life-changing!
Jassy Mc Bride, One-Star Director, Smyrna, GA
I am thankful to be partnered with Leaders who go beyond just caring that families can reach financial security, these Leaders actively and consistently work to make sure that everyone who wants to win for their families can do so at PlanNet Marketing.
Tandisizwe Rhone, Two-Star Director, Los Angeles, CA

Needless to say, there's a list of things that I'm thankful for. First of all, I'm thankful for life, good health,and strength. I'm thankful for my amazing children who are the love of my life. I'm thankful for great relationships. I'm definitely thankful for our Founder and Visionary, Mr. Donald Bradley and Mrs. Deborah Bradley. I’m thankful for the entire PlanNet Marketing family.
Orlanda Moore, Four-Star Director, Huntsville, AL
When I think of this season of Thanksgiving, I have to take time to truly thank my Savior for such an amazing opportunity. I am so thankful and appreciative for the PlanNet Marketing opportunity, for our Founders and visionaries Donald and Deborah Bradley. I am grateful for the entire PlanNet Marketing and InteleTravel support teams, Reps and Directors who help and support to make this the most amazing opportunity on the planet. I am so appreciative and thankful for my amazing leadership team… each and every Director in my organization from the bottom of my heart. Thank you.
Shedrick White, Four-Star Director, Atlanta, GA
Life is a blessing! I am grateful for my amazing family, friends and PlanNet Marketing family. Without you all I wouldn’t be able to enjoy all the pleasures this wonderful life has to offer.
LisaMarie Klinger, Manager of Marketing Special Projects, Fort Myers FL
I’m thankful for a home…for a place where I can do business with some of the most amazing people on the PlanNet and live out my dreams!  Thank you Mr. Donald Bradley for caring enough to lead the way to freedom.  Thank you God for an opportunity to make a difference! I am...Thankful!
Ferne Sapp, Three-Star Director, Atlanta, GA
The things I'm thankful for: 1) The strong bonds of love and respect within and among my family; 2) air travel; 3) living in this place, at this time in history; 4) chocolate ice cream; 5) a hot shower; 6) I've been to Africa, touched the Leaning Tower of Pisa, walked on Machu Picchu, seen the Northern Lights within the Arctic Circle; 7) the unquenchable love of my daughter; 8) nailed that skydive landing; 9) my tribe; 10) God's mercy.
Sandra Myricks, Gold Builder, Victorville, CA
I am Thankful for the PlanNet Marketing powerful opportunity and of course the field leadership as well as the corporate leadership teams.  I am Thankful for the ENTIRE PLANNET FAMILY!
Kwanya Martin, One-Star Director, Atlanta, GA

I'm thankful for my relationship with God, daughter, family, friends and my PlanNet Marketing team and family. I'm thankful to have the opportunity to help change people’s lives around the world. I'm thankful for this business opportunity that has connected me to so many people that have blessed me with their wisdom, training and relationships. These relationships have enriched my life in so many ways. I'm thankful for the ability to travel the world and help others to fulfill their dreams and goals to travel. I'm thankful for just being alive!
Letoria Mayberry, Two-Star Director, Huntsville, AL
I am thankful for not having to rely on anyone else, but having the opportunity to take control of my future, take control of my destiny, take control of the legacy I leave for my kids and my future grandkids. I'm forever thankful for the vision of Mr. Donald Bradley and the leadership of Mr. Orlanda Moore and Mr. Gregory Scott for putting in place a duplicatable system so not only can I be successful, but I am able to empower loved ones and complete strangers alike to win for their families as well!
Lynn Hendricks, Gold Builder, Atlanta, GA
I'm so thankful of being blessed and highly favored. Thankful for my family, PlanNet Marketing family, my Leadership and most of all I'm thankful that I'm not the same person I was a year ago!
Jackie Pickett, Gold Builder, Waldorf, MD
I am thankful for the leadership of the organization and how they pour into all of us and I am thankful for my expanding vision of myself and my possibilities!
Anita Jackson, Ozone Park, NY
I am thankful for the opportunity to positively affect so many lives.
Timothy Brown, One-Star Director, Lithonia, GA
We are thankful for what this business is doing for our family and the others that we have shared it with, in travel, additional finances, and personal development.
Rachael & Michael Young, Gold Builders, Duluth, GA
I'm so grateful to God for introducing me to PlanNet Marketing. This business has given me the opportunity to grow into my best self. God is creating my greatness using this business. I'm being pushed and stretched spiritually and mentally. I've had to see the truth of who I am in order to move towards who I am to become. I'm grateful to my sponsor, Zelma McKinney, for loving me enough to push and stretch me in every area of my life. I'm grateful to Mr. Donald Bradley for loving me enough, even though he hadn't met me, to build a vehicle so me and my family can win. I'm grateful he chose the corporate staff to assist him in building this vehicle. I'm grateful to all my upline, sideline, and downline partners. We are truly one PlanNet Marketing family. One band, one sound. I won't let anyone down. I will win for us all!
Melinda Brown, Gold Builder, West Dundee, IL
I started my travel agent business in December 2015; it's one of the best decisions I've ever made! It's given me the platform to earn more income on top of my current salary, in turn has allowed me to be able to pay off bills, buy groceries, purchase gas, enjoy discounts in all that is related to the generous world of travel, as well gain control of my saving. I always knew I wanted to be my own boss, but this opportunity is paving the way for a very prosperous future, changing me progressively in all areas of my life. PlanNet Marketing has helped me to believe in my dream of becoming a millionaire again while being able to enjoy my passion ~ travel!"
Reona Burl, Alexandria, VA

I want to send a very special heartfelt thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bradley for all that they have done and the phenomenal platform that has been created.  A very special thank you to my sponsor, Ms. Ann Jones and to all of the Founding Directors for providing a positive life-changing environment!  God bless and so grateful, 
Ms. Adrian D. Ferguson, Montgomery Village, MD
I'm thankful for Donald Bradley and his vision and Andy Cauthen for the partnership with Mr.  Bradley.  Thankful for my upline team beginning with Eileen Ross and Tawanda Shamley, not to mention I’m  thankful to my team for trusting and believing in me.  And most importantly my family for their patience and understanding when I'm busy with the business.  Love you all.  Can't wait for next year!!!!
Courtney Watkins, College Park, GA
I am thankful for PlanNet Marketing because this time last year my circle was small. I was not sure that I could…never believing that I would… silently resting on my dreams....prayed up but looking down. Today my circle is global; I am certain that I can...know that I will...I've got my dreams by the coattail! I'm prayed up…looking up...I am proud to say that the last few months with this business opportunity have been the most transformational months of a lifetime for me! And for that I am thankful!
Lawanda Baker, Alabaster, AL
Marcus and LaFlower Bowie are thankful for our faith, family and friends. We also give thanks for PlanNet Marketing because it has given us a new life in Network Marketing and a chance to truly change our lives for generations to come.
Marcus & LaFlower Bowie, Gold Builders, Richmond, TX
I'm thankful for God to grace me with the blessings of abundant life. Thankful for Donald Bradley’s vision and creation PlanNet Marketing!!!!
LaDonna Spratley, One-Star Director, Decatur, GA
I am very thankful for many things this year. I am thankful for Michael Marczak for loving me and giving the support I need no matter what. I want to thank Donald and Deborah Bradley for taking that chance and allowing me to be a part of it. I want to thank James Ferrara who teamed up with PlanNet and allowed me to open my mind to the possibilities of travel and freeing people who are open-minded and ambitious. Lastly, I want to thank Team Limitless and Tiffany McIntosh for being my family. They say that family is not always blood and I know that this new family loves me and wants us all to succeed. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone’s family. Love,
Pasqualina DiVito, Parma, OH
I am thankful for my success coach, Joy L. Dawkins for her leadership and patience.
Celestine 'Celeste' Christie, Gold Builder, Conyers, GA
Thank God!!!
Donald Bradley, Chairman & Founder -  PlanNet Marketing, Atlanta, GA

Race to Director - They're On Their Way!



Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race, 
and on their way to One-Star Director!

1. Shaunte Garrett

2. Melissa Collins

3. Calvin Ellerbe

4. Sandra Myricks

5. Amy Uribe

6. Greg Doctson

7. Cheryl Clemons

8. Jacqueline Pickett

9. Marvin and Ingrid Fordham

10. Charles Kindred


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs
Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1. David Washington

2. Donn and Tawanda Shamley

3. Trudel Scott

4. Greg and Carla Scott

5. Joy Lovett Dawkins

6. Didier Gelard

7. Yvette Green

8. Shaquana Cuttino

9. Velecia Middlebrooks

10. Nate Newman



CEO and Founder Donald Bradley is proud to announce the addition of Bermuda and St. Kitts and Nevis.

Welcome Bermuda and St. Kitts and Nevis to our Caribbean team!  PlanNet Reps will sell the InteleTravel Independent Travel Agency, with all monetary transactions and commissions shown and paid in US dollars. Each Rep will also receive the valuable Paylution Pay Portal and its real-time Hyperwallet, which allows for timely and efficient payment/commissions processing and management. Here we grow! 

Bermuda is a British Overseas Territory in the North Atlantic Ocean with a population of approximately 61,000. Hamilton is its capital and largest city. Its first capital, St. George's, was established in 1612 and is the oldest continuously inhabited English town in the New World. Although usually referred to in the singular, the territory consists of 181 islands.  

Bermuda's economy is based on the insurance industry and tourism, the two largest economic sectors. Most commercial activity revolves around the tourist industry. Bermuda’s pink sand beaches and clear, blue ocean waters are popular with tourists. Many nearby reefs are readily accessible from shore by snorkelers and scuba divers can explore numerous wrecks and coral reefs in relatively shallow water with virtually unlimited visibility. There are a number of sightseeing attractions. Hotels and restaurants, golf courses, and tour companies all cater to the constant influx of visitors (84 percent of whom come from the United States).

The Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis, also known as the Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis, is a two-island country in the West Indies with a population of approximately 56,000, separated by a shallow 2 mile channel known as “The Narrows.”  The country is a Commonwealth realm, with the British monarch as head of state.The capital city is Basseterre on the larger island of Saint Kitts. Saint Kitts and Nevis were among the first islands in the Caribbean to be settled by Europeans. Saint Kitts was home to the first British and French colonies in the Caribbean, and thus has also been titled "The Mother Colony of the West Indies.”  

St. Kitts is dependent upon tourism to drive its economy. As tourism grows, the demand for vacation property has increased. Many of its former sugar plantations are now inns or atmospheric ruins. St. Kitts, is dominated by a dormant volcano, is home to a crater lake, green velvet monkeys, and is crisscrossed with hiking trails. In hopes of expanding tourism, St. Kitts hosts the annual St. Kitts Music Festival.

Save Now! Register for PlanNet Marketing's 2017 National Convention for only $99!

Registration for the PlanNet Marketing 2017 National Convention USA is now LIVE in your Virtual Office!

"Go For The Gold" and Save Big This Month!
Online Registration is only $99 per person through November 30th! Registration increases to $149 per person on December 1st!


Next year's convention - "Go For The Gold" - will be held Thursday through Saturday, April 6-8, 2017 in exciting Las Vegas, NV! 

Featured will be an exciting Pep Rally, 24 Classes at PlanNet University, Directors' Dinner and Awards, and General Sessions that will be the best on the PlanNet!

Your business builds from events - and this is the one event you don't want to miss! Your Corporate Team, Marketing Directors, and Field Leaders want to give you the benefit of their experience, motivation, and the business tools and education you need to blast your business off the PlanNet!

Special Hotel Rates at Bally's and Paris!

PlanNet Marketing has made special arrangements with both Bally’s and Paris hotels for our event. The hotels are connected with easy access to the Bally’s Convention Center and the PlanNet Marketing 2017 National Convention USA. You may make your Bally’s or Paris room reservations at PlanNet Marketing’s special rates (double occupancy) and there are several options and room rates for your selection.

CLICK HERE to book your hotel reservations online.

PlanNet Convention 2016 Rewind!

You don't want to miss the fun, the excitement, the networking, or learning more about this incredible business that can change your life!

Register for the PlanNet Marketing 2017 National Convention today from your Virtual Office!

Q of the Week

Q:   How do I purchase the PlanNet Marketing Mobile App?

A:   Log into your PlanNet Marketing Virtual Office. Go to My Business, then Make a Purchase. Purchase the Mobile App and then return to your Virtual Office Dashboard to activate the subscription. On your mobile device, download the app from the app store. The links to the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store will be emailed to you after your purchase. You can also purchase the Mobile App during the Rep sign-up process.

~LeAnn Troeckler, PlanNet Marketing Chief Operations Officer -- leann@plannetmarketing.com

Compliance Corner

‘Tis the Season...with Thanksgiving, Christmas and the New Year right around the corner, you should head to your Virtual Office today to make sure all of your personal contact information and taxpayer information is up to date. 
As a Rep with PlanNet Marketing, it’s your responsibility to provide us with up-to-date information concerning you and your business. 
Shortly after the New Year, PlanNet Marketing will be sending a 1099 tax form to all those Reps who earned $600 or more USD in 2016. It is your responsibility to provide a valid Social Security or Taxpayer ID number and to pay local, state and federal taxes on any income generated as a PlanNet Marketing Rep. 
Reps living outside the United States must complete a Form W-8BEN (available in your Virtual Office under Resources) and email a completed, scanned copy to compliance@plannetmarketing.com by January 31, 2017. By signing Form W-8BEN, the foreign Rep is certifying that he or she is not a U.S. person/resident. 
PlanNet Marketing is looking forward to another wonderful holiday season with our Reps and a very Happy New Year!
-- Policies and Procedures Section 5.7 & 6.1, located in your Virtual Office in the Information Center (go to Resources, then Policies and Procedures).

~Amanda Restivo, Manager of Compliance --  arestivo@plannetmarketing.com

This Weekend and Beyond

Super Saturday Events - Birmingham, AL -- Charlotte, NC -- St. Louis, MO

Saturday Event - Orlando, FL.

Super Sunday Event - Nashville, TN

Sunday PlanNet Pulse Call - 9:00 pm ET - Founder & Chairman Donald Bradley, CEO & President Andy Cauthen. Dial In: 641-715-3610 Pin: 377045#

Sunday Opportunity Conference Call - Sunday 9:30pm ET - Hear from the top income earners inside PlanNet Marketing. Dial In: 641-715-3610 Pin: 377045#

Monday - Friday: The Morning Call - A Daily Dose of Inspiration, Motivation & Education
Every Monday - Friday morning @ 8:00 am ET. Dial in: 641-715-3610 Pin: 377045#.  In case you missed it: Morning Call Playback: 641-715-3609 Pin: 377045#

Monday Events - Huntsville, AL -- Charleston, SC -- Columbus, OH -- Richmond, VA --
Milwaukee, WI

Monday Webinar - PlanNet Marketing Opportunity Webinar Every Monday Evening (Register online thru your Virtual Office) 

Tuesday Events - Akron, OH -- San Diego, CA -- Baltimore, MD -- Atlanta, GA -- Newark, NJ --
Winston-Salem, NC

Tuesday Call - Opportunity Conference Call – Hear from the top income earners inside PlanNet Marketing. Dial In: 641-715-3610 Pin: 377045#

Tuesday Webinar - InteleTravel Webinar

Wednesday Call - Opportunity Conference Call – Hear from the top income earners inside PlanNet Marketing. Dial In: 641-715-3610 Pin: 377045#

Thursday Events -  Houston, TX -- Ft. Lauderdale/Miami, FL -- Dallas, TX -- Baltimore/DC/Virginia -- Ontario, CA

Thursday Call - Opportunity Conference Call – Hear from the top income earners inside PlanNet Marketing. Dial In: 641-715-3610 Pin: 377045#

Thursday Podcast - Weekly Updated Inteletravel Podcast

~LisaMarie Klinger, Manager of Marketing Special Projects -- lklinger@plannetmarketing.com 

Race to Director - They're On Their Way!



Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race, 
and on their way to One-Star Director!

1. Andre Sinclair

2. Melissa Collins

3. Sandra Myricks

4. Calvin Ellerbe

5. Shaunte Garrett

6. Greg Doctson

7. Amy Uribe

8. Jacqueline Pickett

9. Cheryl Clemons

10. Marvin and Ingrid Fordham


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs
Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1. David Washington

2. Trudel Scott

3. Donn and Tawanda Shamley

4. Joy Lovett Dawkins

5. Didier Gelard

6. Yvette Green

7. Shaquana Cuttino

8. Greg and Carla Scott

9. Nate Newman

10. Velecia Middlebrooks


PlanNet Marketing Announces Caribbean Launch


CEO and Founder Donald Bradley is proud to announce the launch of PlanNet Marketing in the Caribbean on Monday, November 14, 2016!

Welcome to the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, the Bahamas, and the Cayman Islands! PlanNet Reps will sell the InteleTravel Independent Travel Agency, with all monetary transactions and commissions shown and paid in US dollars. Each Rep will also receive the valuable Paylution Pay Portal and its real-time Hyperwallet, which allows for timely and efficient payment/commissions processing and management. Here we grow! 


The Bahamas, officially the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, consists of more than 700 islands, cays, and islets in the Atlantic Ocean; north of Cuba and the Dominican Republic with a population of 391,000. Its capital is Nassau on the island of New Providence. The Bahamas were the site of Columbus' first landfall in the New World in 1492 and became a British Crown colony in 1718. The Bahamas became an independent Commonwealth realm in 1973, retaining Queen Elizabeth II as its monarch.

In terms of gross domestic product per capita, the Bahamas is one of the richest countries in the Americas (following the United States and Canada), with an economy based on tourism and finance, and tourism provides jobs for more than half the country’s workforce.. Bahamas culture is rich with beliefs, traditions, folklore and legend. Sport is a significant part of Bahamian culture; cricket is the national sport. Many dishes are associated with Bahamian cuisine, which reflects Caribbean, African and European influences. 


The Cayman Islands, a British Overseas Territory, has a population of approximately 62,000 and  encompasses three islands in the western Caribbean Sea.  The Cayman Islands are known for their beach resorts, scuba and snorkeling sites, and deep-sea fishing excursions. The islands remained largely uninhabited until the 17th century. While there is no archaeological evidence for an indigenous people on the islands, a variety of settlers from various backgrounds made their home there, including pirates and shipwrecked sailors.

The climate is tropical marine, with a wet season of warm, rainy summers and a dry season of relatively hot winters, making the climate one of the main assets, tourism being of primary importance to the economy. Mangrove swamps cover nearly one-third of the land area. A variety of plants grow on the islands; among them are coconut palms and breadfruit, banana, mango, and citrus fruit trees. The Cayman Islands are a major international financial centre, with the fifth largest banking system in the world.The main population centre is the capital, George Town on Grand Cayman, where more than half the population lives. 


Jamaica is situated in the Caribbean Sea, consisting of the third-largest island of the Greater Antilles with a population of almost 3 million. Kingston is the country's capital and largest city. Jamaica is a Commonwealth realm, with Queen Elizabeth II as its monarch. Tourism and mining are the leading earners of foreign exchange.

Though a small nation, Jamaican culture has a strong global presence, from music, to literature, to cuisine. Sport is also an integral part of the national life. Jamaica's climate is tropical, supporting diverse ecosystems with a wealth of plants and animals. The country has numerous world renowned, natural tourist attractions and more than 1.3 million tourists visit every year. Tourism continues to contribute to the national income and developing infrastructure.


The Dominican Republic is a sovereign state occupying the eastern two-thirds of the island of Hispaniola. The western one-third of the island is occupied by the nation of Haiti. Of its over 10 million people, approximately 3 million live in the metropolitan area of Santo Domingo, the capital city. Christopher Columbus landed in what is now Haiti on December 5, 1492; the island became the site of the first permanent European settlement in the Americas. 

The Dominican Republic has the largest economy in the Caribbean and Central American region. Recent growth has been driven by construction, manufacturing and tourism. The Dominican Republic is the most visited destination in the Caribbean. The year-round golf courses are among the top attractions on the island. The country is also the site of the first cathedral, castle, monastery, and fortress built in all of the Americas, located in Santo Domingo's Colonial Zone, an area declared as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Music and favorite sport baseball are of great importance in the Dominican culture. 


Puerto Rico is located in the northeastern Caribbean Sea. It is an archipelago that includes the main island of Puerto Rico and a number of smaller islands such as Mona, Culebra, and Vieques. The capital and most populous city is San Juan. The island's population is approximately 3.6 million and its official languages are Spanish and English.  Originally the island was claimed for Spain in 1493 by Christopher Columbus and it later endured several invasion attempts by the French, Dutch, and British. In 1898, following the Spanish-American War, the United States annexed the island under the terms of the Treaty of Paris.

Modern Puerto Rican culture is a unique mix of previous cultures, including Taíno (Amerindian), European (mainly Spanish), African, and, more recently, North American. Puerto Rico's rich history, tropical climate, diverse natural scenery, renowned traditional cuisine, and attractive tax incentives make it a popular destination for travelers from around the world.


Trinidad and Tobago is a twin island country lying just 6.8 miles off the coast of northeastern Venezuela. From the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1498, both Trinidad and Tobago changed hands many times among the Spanish, British, French, and Dutch colonizers, more than any other island in the Caribbean. The country Trinidad and Tobago obtained independence in 1962, becoming a republic in 1976. Unlike most of the English-speaking Caribbean, the country's economy is primarily industrial, with an emphasis on petroleum and petrochemicals. The country's wealth is attributed to its large reserves of oil and natural gas. Agricultural products include citrus and cocoa.Trinidad and Tobago is the birthplace of calypso music and the steelpan, which is widely claimed to be the only acoustic musical instrument invented during the 20th century.

As the majority of the 1.3 million population lives on the island of Trinidad, this is the location of most major towns and cities. Tourism is a growing sector, although not as proportionately important as in many other Caribbean islands.

Q of the Week

Q:   What countries are open for business for PlanNet Marketing?

A:   PlanNet Marketing is open for business in the following countries and territories:

  • United States - including territories of US Virgin Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, Puerto Rico, and American Samoa
  • The United Kingdom: England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland
  • France
  • Martinique
  • Guadeloupe
  • Jamaica
  • Dominican Republic
  • Bahamas
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • Cayman Islands

~LeAnn Troeckler, PlanNet Marketing Chief Operations Officer -- leann@plannetmarketing.com

Compliance Corner

PlanNet Marketing and InteleTravel are two separate companies. I know that seems obvious to most of us, but we get a lot of questions about this. Understandably, these two amazing companies have a unique synergy and partnership – one that contributes to the success of each. But we’re still separate companies, with different business models – and that’s a good thing!

When you need information about your downline or commissions earned from selling the ITA business – you call PlanNet Marketing. If an ITA desires information about their upcoming travel bookings or commissions earned from selling travel – they would call InteleTravel.

The two companies are often spoken about together, in the same conversation. If you’re a PlanNet Marketing Rep, you talk about InteleTravel to your prospects because you want to sell them an InteleTravel Agency. As a Rep, you might also invite Rep prospects to PlanNet Rep business meetings and tell them (or show them through a presentation) the options and benefits for enrolling as a Rep with PlanNet Marketing. Just remember – these two options are SEPARATE and prospects can choose one or the other without being required to purchase both, but they can if they desire. This point - the option to choose to participate in either or both of the companies is what makes our business such a success. Let's be very clear in our communications.

PlanNet Marketing offers people the opportunity to enroll as an Independent Marketing Representative, paying an initial fee of $19.95 and $19.95 monthly to have their own Rep business. The Rep sells ITAs ($179.95 enrollment fee, and $39.95 monthly,) and is paid a Direct Sales commission for those sales. A Rep can also build a team of sponsored Reps. 
InteleTravel delivers, trains, and supports the InteleTravel Agency (ITA) with a personalized online travel website and so much more. The ITA sells travel to their clientele of travel customers, and earns travel commissions. 
Some people choose to enroll as a Rep with PlanNet Marketing AND purchase an ITA business. Other people choose to only enroll as a Rep, and others might elect only to purchase an ITA. Remember to be clear and provide full disclosure – both are very exciting independent business opportunities. 


~Amanda Restivo, Manager of Compliance --  arestivo@plannetmarketing.com


Super Saturday Events - New York, NY -- Chicago, IL

Saturday Event - Orlando, FL.

Game Day Saturday - Houston, TX

Super Sunday Event - Atlanta, GA

Sunday PlanNet Pulse Call - 9:00 pm ET - Founder & Chairman Donald Bradley, CEO & President Andy Cauthen. Dial In: 641-715-3610 Pin: 377045#

Sunday Opportunity Conference Call - Sunday 9:30pm ET - Hear from the top income earners inside PlanNet Marketing. Dial In: 641-715-3610 Pin: 377045#

Monday - Friday: The Morning Call - A Daily Dose of Inspiration, Motivation & Education
Every Monday - Friday Morning @ 8:00 am ET. Dial in: 641-715-3610 Pin: 377045#.  In case you missed it: Morning Call Playback: 641-715-3609 Pin: 377045#

Monday Events - Huntsville, AL -- Charleston, SC -- Columbus, OH -- Richmond, VA --
New York, NY

Monday Webinar - PlanNet Marketing Opportunity Webinar Every Monday Evening (Register online thru your Virtual Office) 
Tuesday Events - Akron, OH -- San Diego, CA -- Baltimore, MD -- Atlanta, GA -- Newark, NJ --
Winston-Salem, NC

Tuesday Call - Opportunity Conference Call – Hear from the top income earners inside PlanNet Marketing. Dial In: 641-715-3610 Pin: 377045#

Tuesday Webinar - InteleTravel Webinar

Wednesday Event - Newark, DE

Wednesday Call - Opportunity Conference Call – Hear from the top income earners inside PlanNet Marketing. Dial In: 641-715-3610 Pin: 377045#

Thursday Events - Houston, TX -- Ft. Lauderdale/Miami, FL -- Dallas, TX -- Baltimore/DC/Virginia -- Los Angeles, CA -- Augusta, GA

Thursday Call - Opportunity Conference Call – Hear from the top income earners inside PlanNet Marketing. Dial In: 641-715-3610 Pin: 377045#

Thursday Podcast - Weekly Updated Inteletravel Podcast

~LisaMarie Klinger, Manager of Marketing Special Projects -- lklinger@plannetmarketing.com 

Race to Director - They're On Their Way!



Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race, 
and on their way to One-Star Director! 

1. Sandra Myricks

2. Melissa Collins

3. Calvin Ellerbe

4. Andre Sinclair

5. Shaunte Garrett

6. Greg Doctson

7. Valencia Tolbert

8. Amy Uribe

9. Cheryl Clemons

10. Marvin and Ingrid Fordham


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs
Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1. David Washington

2. Trudel Scott

3. Donn and Tawanda Shamley

4. Didier Gelard

5. Joy Lovett Dawkins

6. Shaquana Cuttino

7. Nate Newman

8. Yvette Green

9. Greg and Carla Scott

10. Velecia Middlebrooks