I WILL help 300 families position themselves for financial freedom in 2019!!
Yolanda Bennett, One-Star Director, Stone Mountain, GA
In 2019 I WILL help more families remove poverty from their bloodline and become a Two-Star Director in PlanNet Marketing.
Janitress Miles, One-Star Director, Vallejo, CA
I WILL have helped 500 families and be a Three-Star Director by the end of 2019.
Sarah Boulter, One-Star Director, Northampton, UK
I can, and I WILL achieve any goal worth having in 2019 #Committed.
Rasheba McGowan, Three-Star Director, Madison, AL
In 2019, I WILL make it, save it, and invest it while HELPING and SERVING people every step of the way! My ASSIGNMENT continues, and the best is yet to be DISCOVERED!!!
Keith & Adairia Vinson, Three-Star Directors, Allen, TX
I WILL exceed my own expectations in 2019.
Charmaine Elliott-Turner, One-Star Director, Two-Star Director, Palm Bay, FL
Be more kind and patient.
Bea Picou, Three-Star Director, Birmingham, AL
In 2019, I WILL have one of the strongest and fastest growing organizations, be a six-figure income earner, be a Two-Star then a Three-Star Director, produce at least three more Directors and help many more families position themselves to obtain financial freedom.
Jimease Bailey, One-Star Director, Jersey City, NJ
I WILL help 500 families in 2019.
Jackie Dye, One-Star Director, Great Falls, SC
I WILL be a Two-Three-Star Director in 2019. I WILL empower five people on my team to achieve Directorship in 2019! I WILL put my heart and soul into PlanNet to help as many families as possible, and by blessing them, the team will achieve the desire of our hearts to help PlanNet become one of the largest and best companies worldwide.
Robin Loving, One-Star Director, San Diego, CA
In 2019, our goal is to create more Directors in our organization and become a Three-Star Director in PlanNet Marketing. In 2019, I WILL focus more on self-development by reading more books and implementing the information I have learned. 2019 will be the best year of my life!!
Eric & Jamila Magee, Two-Star Directors, Shorewood, WI
I WILL financially impact 100 families in 2019. I WILL make all the big events I am qualified to attend.
Tonia Simple, One-Star Director, Stafford, TX
I WILL in 2019! This is the new year, the new me, and new goals!! You can pass through another year, coasting on cruise control. Or you can step out of your comfort zone, trying things you have never done before, and make 2019 the year that you elevate from where you are and soar high. Make it happen! My New Year’s resolution is to spend more time investing in relationships with the people that I care most about, from spending time with my kids, husband, and family, to reconnecting with friends that I lost touch with over the years.
Jackie Weber, Customer Support Specialist, PlanNet Marketing, Staunton, IL