Convention After Party
8:00 pm -- Saturday, September 28, 2019
Orlando, FL

If you are not registered for Convention, make sure to do so ASAP so you can attend this special, not-to-be-missed event! Register now in your Virtual Office for Elevation, the 2019 PlanNet Marketing International Convention, September 26-28, 2019.
This will be the PlanNet party of the year! Don’t miss this spectacular event!
There will be a DJ, Music, Dancing, and Cash Bar.
Tickets $20.00 per person (not included in Convention registration)
No tickets will be sold at the door
Register in your VO today for the Best Party on the PlanNet!




Welcome to Baha Mar, a luxurious Caribbean resort destination perched on the pristine white sands of Nassau’s Cable Beach.  With a sweeping array of amenities and experiences, every visit is tailored to your idea of perfection.

3 Days - 2 Nights at the Grand Hyatt Baha Mar in Nassau
Special Training by Founder & CEO Donald Bradley
$325/pp double - $625/pp single
*Open to Reps and Directors - all levels!  See you in Nassau!

To register, email mharris@plannetmarketing.com.




PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Lisa Whitehair to the rank of One-Star Director and as a new member of the 20/20 Club! Lisa was born in Brooksville, Florida, raised in Columbus, Ohio, and currently lives in Saint Petersburg, Florida. She has traveled to Vegas, Baltimore, Atlanta, Ft. Lauderdale and is still working on her bucket list, saying she is not even near to being done yet! She shares, “I’m a mother to one and now blessed to be ‘Glamma’ to my first grandson!

“I come from the health care industry for many years; behavioral, medical, pharmaceutical…I still take crisis calls from home part-time. I have done everything from technical support to managing a call center. Honestly, I enjoy knowing I’ve been able to make a difference in someone’s life who has assumed there isn’t anything to look forward to. I love the simple things in life – spending time with family is of utmost importance to me. Cooking out with friends, reading, and hanging out with my fur babies are also a few things I enjoy.

“I’ve always had a little fire in my heart!  I was always looking for something more…freedom and helping others were my biggest pursuits when I started this journey. I love helping people achieve what they thought wasn’t possible. I knew it was something that would push me, give me a challenge for myself as well.

“My advice on any type of success in life is to have a true passion for what you’re doing and know that dedication will get you there. You have to really be honest with yourself...cut out the distractions –  success doesn’t come to those who wait...go get it! I can’t say I’ve done this all by myself; I have a wonderful team and a huge support system at home that I’m very grateful for. My advice to anyone in this business is to make true connections with people and find out what’s important to them and how you can help them with their goal. The saying ‘Teamwork makes dream work!’ is very true. Together you will always be stronger and unstoppable. I feel truly honored and grateful for this opportunity and for allowing me to help others with their dreams.

“Some fun facts: I am a huge Disney fan; my friends say it’s my second home. A fun fact about myself that only a few people know is that I can beat box pretty good, LOL.”




As PlanNet Marketing nears 45,000 active Agents, membership in the PlanNet Club categories of 20/20, 40/40, 60/60 etc. will grow as well. With that in mind, we are adding a new feature to the PlanNetNow! blog. Each week we will list the new 20/20 Club Members as shown below so that your recognition will be timely. This week we recognize those Members who qualified up through April; next week we will showcase the new May members. The personal 20/20 Club features will continue; currently there are many 20/20 Club Members who have sent in their bios, but due to the growing number, have not yet been featured in the blog. Watch for your bio in future editions of PlanNetNow!

Recognition is very important and we hope this new format shows how much we value our 20/20 Club Members! Congratulations to everyone who has achieved this very important level in your PlanNet business. (Click on a graphic to enlarge and/or view as a slideshow).




PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Willie Lowe, Jr. to the 20/20 Club! Willie was born, raised, and educated in Birmingham, Alabama and now resides in Calera, Alabama. He is the son of the late Rev. Willie Lowe, Sr. and the late Roma Lowe and is the third of four children. Willie tells us, “I served the country for four years in the US Navy, where I was a Radioman. I am currently the Transportation Manager for Alabama Crown Distributing Co., where I have been employed for 17 years. I would describe myself as God-fearing, humble, loyal, caring, fun, but serious when I need to be. I believe in living life to the fullest. I love people and love to see them win. I love to travel; I got to see some great places while enlisted in the Navy, but my goal is to revisit most, if not all of them, as a civilian.

“I see this opportunity as a gift from the Most High, which also keeps me humble and grounded. I often reflect on the fact that I have given 17 years to a company and the owner barely knows who I am, if he knows me at all; but I have had the pleasure of not only shaking Mr. Bradley's hand, but doing so on several occasions.

This opportunity is a game changer, not only the income and experience, but also to be introduced to thousands of great like-minded individuals. I have never felt out of place at any time or at any event. This is truly family to me. I would like give a shout out to my UK upline for their leadership. But I want to personally say thank you to my Director, Mona Grandison, for staying on me when it gets tough and not allowing me to give up. And thanks to my accountability partner and DIT Patrice Ray, my team, and also Director Lawanda Baker for keeping me plugged in and focused on the business. I appreciate this opportunity Mr. Bradley, and can't wait to hit the next level! The best is yet to come, BELIEVE THAT!!! This is by far THE BEST PLACE ON THE PLANNET!!!



Kenzie-King- Spotlight-May31.jpg

1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights...
I was born and raised in the tiny town of Liberty, Utah; I am the youngest of four kids. I currently live in a different small town of 500 people in Weston, Idaho. I have one daughter who is three years old, and I am so thankful to be able to be home with her while doing this business. I enjoy outdoors and exploring. I like getting lost on adventures! I used to run my own promotional printing business; I still do it, very rarely, on the side. PlanNet is my new baby now! :)

2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
The growth I’ve experienced while doing this business is difficult to put into words. I am not the same person I was when I started this adventure. I am much stronger emotionally and in my business posture and much more developed in my feeling of value and worth.

3. What drives you; what motivates you?
I am driven by providing a better life for me and my daughter. My parents provided me an excellent childhood but I know they struggled financially, and my objective is to not have that be repeated for my daughter. I want her to be able to see the world and be generous with what we/she has. I want us to thrive in abundance and share that with others.

4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
My role models are my parents. They are selfless and so full of love and support. They are great examples of how we should treat people and how we should be honest and true.

5. The three words that describe you best are:
Driven, Loving and Competitive.

6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone what would it be?
My advice is DON’T GIVE UP. Quitting never gets us anywhere. Also, DO NOT compare yourself to others; we have no idea what their background or story is. Comparison can be a major cause of frustration.

7. What does your life look like five years from now?
Five years from now my life is abundant! My daughter and I are world travelers with our passports full! My team is thriving and they are able to provide for their families, too. I am financially where I want to be but always striving to be better in every way. I am loving my Five-Star Director status so very much :) I am loved.




Training is important – and it’s required. When you sponsor another Rep into PlanNet Marketing, it’s your responsibility to train that person. You must perform a bona fide assistance and training function to each of your new Reps to ensure they are properly operating their PlanNet Marketing business. It’s important to keep in touch with your team because that communication from you – their leader – helps keep them all focused and on track. Reps who don’t have support often don’t stay focused on the business. They either do nothing (earning no income for themselves or for you) or they choose to stop paying and leave.

What does this “training” look like? It could be a one-on-one sit down in your home or at a local coffee shop, or it could be a small group meeting with you and several new Reps. It could be a weekly phone call or an email you send to check in on them. Texting your individual team members or sending a message on social media works, too. The training and assistance offered will look different for each of you. The purpose is what will be similar – to provide support, encouragement, and any training/assistance your downline team may need.


“You are also responsible for monitoring your downline to ensure your Reps do not make improper product or business claims or engage in any illegal or inappropriate conduct. If you see one of your Reps doing or saying something you know is wrong – tell them quickly and quietly. No one wants their mistakes outed to everyone on Facebook or to the entire team on a conference call. But it’s important to handle the matter quickly so no wrong information gets out to the public. Find a way to quickly handle the matter, but be kind and understanding with the Rep.

If a Rep doesn’t change something you know is wrong – whether it’s a post on social media or a poor business practice – if you spoke to your Rep and they didn’t change their ways, just send an email to me at Compliance@plannetmarketig.com.  I’ll contact them as well; together we can work to help them find a compliant way to handle their business.

-- Policies and Procedures Section 6.2, located in your Virtual Office in the Information Center (go to Resources, then Policies and Procedures).

-- Amanda Restivo, Vice President, Compliance


Race to Director - They're on Their Way!

PlanNet Marketing


PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race,
and on their way to One-Star Director!

1.  Ebony and Gary Waugh
2.  Vanita Baugh
3.  Russette Madry-Jackson
4.  Jron Brailey
5.  Jeffery Bynes
6.  Joy Simpson
7.  Tanya Collins
8.  Desiree Morrison
9.  Christopher Fletcher
10.  Hayley France

PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs
Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1.  Kenneth Graham
2.  Kristin Rivers
3.  Marwu (Cienia) Railey
4.  Lekia Wallace
5.  Catherine Bray
6.  Calvin Ellerbe
7.  Aquarius Jackson
8.  Darren Vinnett
9.  Errin Elzie
10.  Elliott George




The impressive Presidential Sapphire Ring was earned by Three-Star Directors Donn and Tawanda Shamley. The Sapphire Ring is awarded to those Independent Reps on an annual track of $100,000 a year. Congratulations to Donn and Tawanda on this outstanding accomplishment!

Tawanda shares, “Today was absolutely amazing and totally a surprise! We hit another major milestone with our company, PlanNet Marketing, as six-figure income earners! It was bittersweet not to share this day with by husband, my rock, my partner in life and in business, Donn Shamley, who was out of town. Thank you Mr. Donald Bradley for being a visionary and creating this vehicle that’s allowing us to have freedom, help people, and establish a legacy for our children’s children.” #plannetproud #retirementgoals #entrepreneurship

Donn received his Sapphire Ring at Tuesday’s Atlanta meeting. Tawanda said, “We’ve built our business together, and it was amazing to place this Sapphire Ring on my husband’s finger tonight. Thank you Donald Bradley for your leadership, Eileen Ross for your mentorship, and our Team for your partnership and trust in us. Time to help more people!”

A picture is worth a thousand words… View a video and photos from both presentations!



Convention After Party
8:00 pm -- Saturday, September 28, 2019
Orlando, FL

If you are not registered for Convention, make sure to do so ASAP so you can attend this special, not-to-be-missed event! Register now in your Virtual Office for Elevation, the 2019 PlanNet Marketing International Convention, September 26-28, 2019.
This will be the PlanNet party of the year! Don’t miss this spectacular event!
There will be a DJ, Music, Dancing, and Cash Bar.
Tickets $20.00 per person (not included in Convention registration)
No tickets will be sold at the door
Register in your VO today for the Best Party on the PlanNet!



The PlanNet Marketing home office will be closed Monday, May 27, in observance of the Memorial Day Holiday. Regular office hours resume Tuesday, May 28, 2019.

On Memorial Day, let us honor those who gave their lives for our country. Our warmest wishes on Memorial Day 2019 and deepest gratitude for the ultimate sacrifice of our fallen heroes. PlanNet Marketing wishes everyone a safe and happy holiday!