Registration price increases on Nov. 1, 2020
We are excited and honored to present the Give Hope campaign, our end of year holiday season fundraising effort for the PlanNet Cares Foundation. Your donations will allow us to provide for women and children who are homeless and living in shelters.
Go to and click Donate today!
Meet new One-Star Director Maria Richardson! Maria tells us, “I am from Tacoma, WA and currently reside in Warner Robins, GA. with my amazing husband, Eric Richardson. I am a proud mother, with our youngest son currently in AIT for the US Army, and I am also a Halmeoni (Korean for grandmother) to three beautiful granddaughters and a grand dog son.
“I love to travel and make memories with my family. Now that I have grandchildren, I completely understand how my mother felt with my children, and just watching them grow is what I cherish the most. I've been to Mexico, the Dominican Republic, the Bahamas, Canada and 20 states with Miami, FL being our favorite place to visit. However, there is so much more of the world that I want to explore and with this opportunity, my husband and family will be able to experience all parts of the world!
“A tip that I would pass along is there is definitely power in plugging in. This is the first time I have ever done network marketing and once I plugged in, everything shifted; I became more confident and postured up. I listen to my coach, Director Tisha DeShields, and bring the notes to life. What I absolutely love about this company is that people who have no financial ties to you will extend themselves to help you without ever batting an eye. However, the biggest tip I can give is to keep your WHY in front of you and remember WHY you are doing this, and to not give up on yourself, family, and most importantly your WHY.
“Simply just do the work, follow the system, trust your coach, read, and stay close to your core and those wanting to run with you will see the vision and remember it's bigger than just one person. There are so many people this opportunity can help; we just need to get out there and help change some lives.
“A fun fact about me: I enjoy scrapbooking, taking the pictures and making stories out of them. I try to capture as much as I can, because I know one day those pictures will be all we have to remember.”
1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights...
I was born and raised in Atlanta, GA. I am the oldest sibling and have a younger sister. I am currently living in Atlanta, GA with my two beautiful children. I absolutely love to travel, and I enjoy cooking and spending time with my children.
2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
PlanNet Marketing has truly helped me discover my passion. I have a passion to help people. I have grown as a leader and developed so many other talents and skills that allow me to help people.
3. What drives you; what motivates you?
Creating a true life of freedom not only for myself and my children, but many other families. Being in position to break generational curses and poor mindsets.
4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
That would be Mr. Bradley; his passion, drive and heart to help people is truly amazing. He helped change my life.
5. The three words that describe you best are:
Ambitious, Courageous, and Passionate
6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone what would it be?
Your mindset is everything. In order to win in life, it first starts with your way of thinking. You can achieve anything you put your mind to.
7. What does your life look like five years from now?
Living a life of true freedom along with a dynamic team of champions.
PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Keyona Gregory to the 20/20 Club! Keyona is from and currently resides in Kansas City, MO. She shares, “I have been married to the love of my life for nine years! We have four beautiful children that range from elementary to middle school age. I am an IT Healthcare Professional and have been in the healthcare industry for the past 11 years.
“I love to travel and help others do the same!!! My favorite place to visit and book for my clients are the Caribbean islands and cruise line vacations. My first cruise was a 7-day cruise, and it changed my life forever. I immediately fell in love and just knew I would be back. For the past three years, I have gone back and booked large groups as well, which means I earned a nice commission every time!
“I also love helping people, so sharing this amazing opportunity with others just came easy to me. I really enjoy meeting new people and building relationships with folks that are like-minded! Helping people gain that financial, personal and time freedom is rewarding within itself! I encourage everyone in this business to be themselves, plug into the training, be duplicatable and have FUN! When you do something you LOVE it never feels like working!!!”
PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Anna Hopkins to the 20/20 Club! Anna grew up in Central London (down the road from HRH Lizzie) and moved to Chelmsford in Essex 19 years ago, which she says, in contrast, was like the countryside to her. “I am a mum to three gorgeous children: Frankie (21), Alfie (15) and Billy (9), who keep me very busy!
“Growing up, my family always either holidayed in the UK or we would visit my relatives in Sicily every year, as my dad is Sicilian. This tradition has continued, and I now take my family over there to see our Sicilian family and show them some of the beauty of the country. We have been lucky enough to have also travelled to Morocco and Tenerife as a family. I have also been fortunate to have cruised from the UK to New York, which was amazing and a lovely anniversary treat, as well as having our honeymoon in Jamaica.
“Through having my own travel business, I have recently also ventured to Las Vegas, which absolutely blew my mind and can’t wait to return with my family!!
“How am I achieving success with PlanNet Marketing? I am plugging into the amazing leaders that I am surrounded by! It’s not rocket science; they have all been where I am, and having watched them succeed, I listen to their advice and make sure I am coachable and consistent!! We all have the same tools, and I am using them to their fullest extent to ensure that I get that Jacket by the end of the year and that my team also claims their dreams and goals.
“Being a Formula 1 enthusiast, I was very lucky to have won a competition and to have interviewed Lewis Hamilton a few years ago when he was with McLaren; he was a very down-to-earth gentleman with huge goals and the determination to succeed. I was also fortunate to have watched the Grand Prix in Abu Dhabi, and of course Silverstone here in the UK.
“I made the decision to make this my full-time source of income and recently resigned from the school I worked at, so as of September I am working this business full-time!! Some of you may think ‘Why? You’re only at 20/20!!’ I am, BUT I have the belief, I have the work ethic and I have the determination to go all the way. Am I going to be aiming low? HECK NO!!!”
PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Roger Lillard to the 20/20 Club! Roger is originally from Pittsburgh, PA and now resides in Baltimore, MD. Roger tells us, “I truly love traveling and helping people fulfill their dreams with PlanNet Marketing. I have two decades of network marketing experience and I want to help as many people as I can win in this industry. I thank Donald Bradley for his courage to create this opportunity because it saved my network marketing career. PlanNet Marketing is a legacy company in the making and we all are blessed to be a part of it!”
PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Sophie O’Neill to the 20/20 Club! Sophie says, “A little about me – I lost my job this year due to Covid. I took the leap and joined the business in June, six weeks before achieving 20/20 Club. I have been focused and love spreading the word to sign people up. My passion is to travel, so a business where I could make money and help my customers save was a no-brainer!!
Halloween is just one day away, so here’s another scary truth about the PlanNet Marketing Policies and Procedures. Keep in mind, these rules were all put in place to protect each and every one of our valued PlanNet Reps – but no protection can be in place without some consequences for rule-breakers. So here we go…
The Scary Truth About NOT Following the Rules!
shrieks and screams
Financial Freedom, Personal Freedom, Time Freedom – at PlanNet Marketing, we want our Reps to feel completely free! But these freedoms come at a cost. do, do, DOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
In order to keep PlanNet up and running, and to keep offering the amazing opportunities we have to so many, there are rules that must be followed. At PlanNet Marketing, our rules are called the Policies and Procedures, or P&Ps, as I lovingly refer to them. They govern how we do business every day. They keep me in line, they keep you in line, they keep us all on the same page and protected. Without these, we would be lost! NOOOOOO!
Oh yes, it’s scary, but true. Without the P&P’s there would be no PlanNet Marketing – and that, my friends, is the scariest truth of all!
So, what do we have to do to keep ourselves on the right track and away from the scary shadows of non-compliance? FOLLOW THE RULES!!!!!!! It really is that simple - educate yourself by reading the P&Ps and reading my weekly compliance blog, send any questions or inquiries to, and if you accidentally break a rule and I contact you about it – respond quickly with your plan to get back into compliance with the rules.
Now, for the really scary part – the consequences for NOT following the rules are dire!!
Violation of the Policies and Procedures, any law, or any act or omission by a Rep that may damage PlanNet’s reputation (even if the act isn’t related to your PlanNet Marketing business) may result in disciplinary action! WooooooooOOOOOOOooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Here’s the scary stuff – if you don’t follow the rules, PlanNet may elect to:
Issue a written warning or admonition
Require the Rep to take immediate corrective measures
Impose a fine, which may be withheld from bonus and commission checks
I know the list above is definitely scary, but remember, the scary stuff is in place to protect you and your business! If you have any questions about today’s scary truths or any compliance matter, please email me at
-- Policies and Procedures Section 9.1 located in your Virtual Office in the Information Center (go to Resources, then Policies and Procedures).
~Amanda Restivo, VP, Compliance --
Set your reminder for every Friday to take a few minutes to read the newest PlanNetNow! Don’t miss the latest announcements, recognitions, and the motivation this important communication provides. See you next Friday!