Race to Director - They're on Their Way!

PlanNet Marketing


PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race,
and on their way to One-Star Director!

1.  Danielle Kedward
2.  Dukshini Prashanna
3.  Rachael and Michael Young
4.  Shelia Provo
5.  Stacey Smith
6.  Tamika Hargreaves
7.  Natalie Brown
8.  Shahiem Grant
9.  Cheri Carr
10.  Desiree Morrison

PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs
Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1.  Lucy Welch
2.  Arien Ragster
3.  Calvin Ellerbe
4.  Darren Vinnett
5.  Taryn Cox
6.  Shaketta Giles
7.  Erinn Elzie
8.  Elliott George
9.  Aquarius Jackson
10.  Robin Loving




Congratulations to JP Watkins,
PlanNet Marketing’s newest Five-Star Director,
who received her Presidential Rolex this
past Saturday, July 20, 2019!

Held at the Atlanta OMNI, Founder & CEO Donald Bradley presented the watch to JP in front of 2,000 PlanNet Reps and Directors from around the PlanNet who were gathered for this huge Pre-Convention Event featuring the Top 10 Income Earners. Wow!
(Be sure to view the slideshow below.)

Director Watkins shares, “To say yesterday was epic will be an understatement; it was life changing!! The class, the generosity, and recognition that PlanNet Marketing represents is unheard of in this industry. Thank you to my PlanNet Marketing family, my amazing relentless team, and Deborah Flemming Bradley and Donald Bradley – you are in a class above the rest.

You both truly care for the people in all that you do.
I’m humbled, honored and grateful for the partnership we have and your priceless mentorship in my life. When Mr. Bradley said he could change my life… that’s just what he did! If you’re looking for change, join us at the best place on the PlanNet!”







Did you register for the PlanNet Marketing 2019 International Convention in Orlando and purchase multiple tickets? If you haven't updated your registration with the names of your guests, NOW IS THE TIME to do so.  Registration Tickets purchased with no name will be printed with “Guest of (your name)” unless you provide the name to PlanNet Customer Support on or before Thursday, August 15, 2019.

Please send an email to support@plannetmarketing.com OR put in a support ticket through your Virtual Office stating your full name, address, Rep ID # and/or your convention ticket registration. Please include the names of the people that you would like listed under your master registration as your guests. If you don't update this information, these registration tickets will be printed as "Guest of (Your First Name, Your Last Name.)" THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! ACT NOW!




PlanNet Marketing congratulates new One-Star Director Vanita K. Baugh! Vanita tells us that she was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY and is the baby out of 10 children. She recently moved from Richmond, VA and currently resides in Dallas, Texas. Her interests include all things creative, cooking, writing, still life drawing, fashion styling, blogging, fitness and she is all about spending time with her family. Vanita shares, “I have a heart for the homeless and domestic violence victims. I served this population as a mental health counselor for five years in New York and donated clothes from my clothing boutiques to battered women’s shelters in Virginia. Currently by day I process insurance claims for auto and property.

“I've been traveling since I was a teenager. It all began when my dad first took me to Disneyland. Ever since, I've had the travel bug! Thus far I've been to Thailand, Singapore, Germany, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Anguilla, St. Maarten, Jamaica, Las Vegas, Miami, and California, just to name a few. Now that I am in the travel industry, my bucket list has grown and I am excited to have the world as my classroom!

“As far as my success with PlanNet Marketing, I contribute it to my determination, drive, being focused, consistent, staying plugged in, with the help of my team and support of my sponsor, Coach Cliff Coward. A few tips I would give is to remain consistent, focus on one thing, and the fortune is in the follow-ups.

“A fun fact! My first business was a designer consignment shop called My Closet - Your Treasures.”




PlanNet Marketing is proud to welcome One-Star Director Brigitte Harding to the prestigious 80/80 Club! Brigitte shares, “How did I end up here? I would never have imagined this for myself. Of course, I have a vision board. It's full of travel. It's got a beach house. But I never knew how I'd start making these things happen. One year ago, I was introduced (smacked across the head) with this opportunity. I turned it down. THREE times. I signed up as an ITA so I could earn a little fun money and travel more. I was working as a nurse and an ESL teacher and this was my third ‘job.’ I had a four-year old, a mortgage, two loans, and credit card debt. I earned money. I had fantastic vacation opportunities available to me – and I still couldn't take them. I had financial freedom but no time freedom. I had to wait two weeks to get two days off together when it wasn't my weekend on. I still had to beg and scramble to take time off to be with my family, have surgery, recover from illness, or go trick or treating with my child.  

“I was always looking for something but I didn't know what. I have always said I'm an introvert with a little dash of entrepreneurial spirit thrown in. But I'm not a salesperson and could not live that life and feel authentic. Who knew I could do this? Not me. Like I said, my sponsor brought up PlanNet Marketing to me three times and I kept turning her down.  ‘No thanks, not for me.’ ‘Nah, I don't really want to do the MLM thing.’ ‘I don't think I can keep that up and I don't want to bug my family and friends.’ Luckily, she knew I had to figure it out on my own. As I started sharing my new travel business, people started asking questions. They were curious; they wanted in on this magical travel world! I realized I could do this without feeling spammy! I could build relationships and establish rapport. I could help people! There were dozens, hundreds, thousands of people like me that knew there must be more to life than punching a clock and hating it, and were just looking for a foothold to climb out!

“I faithfully went to work at my nursing job day in and day out. Didn't call out sick, worked extra when needed, stayed late if someone didn't show up. I never got a thank you. I never got acknowledged. The only thing that mattered to management was having enough bodies to keep things at a legally safe patient/staff ratio. In April, after being disrespected and disregarded, I decided to retire. It was scary; it was the unknown. So, I put my time and energy into my travel business and PlanNet and in May, I worked my last shift as a nurse at the age of 36. My biggest hesitation was that I wouldn't be helping people anymore. But guess what? I help people every day! I help people gain financial freedom, time freedom, personal freedom. I also now have the time freedom to not miss holidays, birthdays, and weekends. I get to see my child's plays and sporting events. I paid off those two loans and my credit card! And I did it while feeling proud of myself and not dreading work every day. I am building a life I don't want to take a vacation from.”  




Each week we will list the new 20/20 Club Members as soon as their pictures are received so that their recognition will be timely. The personal 20/20 Club features will continue; currently there are many 20/20 Club Members who have sent in their bios, but due to the growing number, have not yet been featured in the blog. Watch for your bio in future editions of PlanNetNow!

Recognition is very important and we hope this new format shows how much we value our 20/20 Club Members! Congratulations to everyone who has achieved this very important level in your PlanNet business!




PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Jessie Cave to the 20/20 Club! Jessie was born in Manning, South Carolina to parents Herman Cave and Lugene Scarborough. He currently resides in New Zion, South Carolina. Jessie tells us, “I came from humble beginnings, being raised by my mother, who was a single mom. I realized at an early age that I didn’t want to struggle the way my mother did and I was one day going to change her life, my siblings’ lives, and my families’ lives. I just didn’t know how I was going to do it. I’m only 24 years old and I currently work as a traveling healthcare professional, taking care of critically ill patients in different specialty and rehabilitation hospitals in South Carolina. 

“Since being a part of PlanNet Marketing I have been able to pay off student loan debt, travel more, and help take care of my family. One of my favorite places I’ve been since being a part of this amazing opportunity is Las Vegas! I never thought I would get the chance to go there; my next stop on my bucket list is Paris!! 

“One of the ways that I’ve achieved success with PlanNet Marketing is BEING COACHABLE! Thanks to my Director, Tracey D. Brunson, for pushing me and always reminding me of why I got started. Director Brunson is an honest servant leader with a heart of gold. I like to remind everyone to listen to your coach – they have walked this road before you – and always duplicate the process. Lastly, always remember WHY you got started, because PlanNet Marketing is the vehicle, but your determination and motivation is your gas to get you there!!!

“One fun fact about me is that I honestly love to make people laugh. I realized working in the healthcare field that laughter is great medicine. Whether I’m telling a joke, trying to sing, or simply smiling with patients, there is no greater feeling than seeing them smile.” 




PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Twana Ivory to the 20/20 Club! Twana was born and raised in the small town of Greensboro, Alabama and currently resides in Moundville, Alabama. She and her husband have been married for nine years with two beautiful children – daughter Markhia, nine years old, and son Mark, five years old. Twana tells us, “First, I would like to thank you for choosing me to be a feature in the PlanNetNow! Blog. This is such an honor to be recognized. I love watching Alabama football, shopping, listening to old school music, and reading. I have also been teaching for 15 years, and having those summers off has allowed me to travel more, which led to the travel industry. 

“I have traveled to numerous states throughout the U.S., and to the Bahamas and Canada. I plan on visiting Mexico and the Dominican Republic this year. I try to travel as much as I can with my family. Since starting my business, I have become certified with several suppliers and I have had the opportunity to travel even more! 

Some tips that have helped me with my PlanNet Marketing business…become knowledgeable about the company and the benefits of joining the company. I am able to provide potential clients vital information that helps drive their decision towards joining PlanNet. I stay updated on all the latest events, webinars, and conference calls. This business has allowed me to meet some wonderful, successful, and inspiring people. This business has inspired me to continue to strive for success, and I like to show that same representation to people I introduce to the business. I also market at different vendor events throughout my state and on different social media sites. 

“An unknown fact about me is that I do not know how to swim and I am sometimes afraid to go near the water, but I love to go to the beach every summer and sometimes throughout the year. I love this business and I am so glad that I decided to step out in faith and become my own boss.”




1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights...
I was born and raised in Mobile, Alabama, and live there currently. I have a husband and four kids. I found my love of travel with a past employer where I traveled for the company for seven years. Next to travel, music is my other love.

2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
My development has been in how I think and react. Now I think for long term as well as the outcome possibilities.My book collection has increased! I definitely watch little to no TV (unless it's something on for the kids), and I’m very particular on how I spend my time every day. My relationships with others have also changed; putting myself around those who are growing professionally more than anything.

3. What drives you; what motivates you?
My immediate family motivates me. My husband is my biggest cheerleader, so that pushes me the most. It's hard in this industry to have a spouse that will support what you want 100 percent.

4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
One person that comes to mind is Ice Cube; to watch him grow in his craft, evolve into a businessman, not just a musical performer, and venturing out into other opportunities has been amazing. I believe you should always continue to mature in your walk to wealth; it never stops.

5. The three words that describe you best are:
Loyal, Infectious, and Supportive.

6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone what would it be?
Stay in your lane. When it's your time, everyone will see you shine.

7. What does your life look like five years from now?
Five years from now, I will be a seasoned six-figure earner. My children will be exposed to other cultures around the world. My love of helping people will spread across three more countries as well as helping create legacy for four more families!




PlanNet Marketing is committed to integrity and transparency in our business - we have absolutely nothing to hide! In an effort to operate our business at the highest standards, we have published an Income Disclosure Statement (IDS). The IDS shows the facts about income earned at various levels of accomplishment with PlanNet Marketing. 

PlanNet Marketing and our Reps should use the IDS ANY time we're talking about (or writing about) compensation earned with PlanNet Marketing. Whether congratulating a new One Star Director on giving themselves a $12,000 raise (guaranteed $1,000 minimum monthly earning for a year) or simply talking about the potential for a six-figure income with PlanNet Marketing – if we’re talking about money, earnings, dollar amounts, etc. – we need to include an Income Disclaimer and a reference to our Income Disclosure.

An Income Disclaimer is stating that the earnings being referred to are not typical or average. In 2018, the "average" Rep earned $165.92 for the whole year – anything more than that requires a Disclaimer. Here’s what that looks like:

“Career Level Earnings are not typical, please see the PlanNet Marketing Income Disclosure for details.” Then add a link to our IDS.


It’s simple and professional – it also protects PlanNet Marketing and our Reps.

Some Reps like to get a little creative with their Disclaimers; if you want to craft your own Income Disclaimer, feel free to send it to Compliance@plannetmarketing.com so it can be approved before use. 

The IDS can be found in various places on the PlanNet Marketing website and in our corporate presentation. It's also available for you to view and download in Resources in the Rep Virtual Office.

If you want to send it to someone electronically, it can be found at https://www.plannetmarketing.com/en-us/Income-Disclosure

-- Policies and Procedures Section 3, located in your Virtual Office in the Information Center (go to Resources, then Policies and Procedures).

~Amanda Restivo, Vice President, Compliance --  arestivo@plannetmarketing.com


Race to Director - They're on Their Way!

PlanNet Marketing


PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race,
and on their way to One-Star Director!

1.  Dukshini Prashanna
2.  Rachael & Michael Young
3.  Danielle Kedward
4.  Alana Evans
5.  Tracey Dillon
6.  Shahiem Grant
7.  Stacey Smith
8.  Desiree Morrison
9.  Tanya Collins
10.  Shelia Provo

PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs
Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1.  Shaunte Garrett
2.  Arien Ragster
3.  Calvin Ellerbe
4.  Lucy Welch
5.  Darren Vinnett
6.  Taryn Cox
7.  Erinn Elzie
8.  Elliott George
9.  Shaketta Giles
10.  Aquarius Jackson




Eagle Weekend is always an exciting, motivational, and much looked forward to event! Last Saturday’s weekend in Fort Lauderdale, FL was that and much more for some of PlanNet Marketing’s Young Professionals! Beginning with “Moment with a Mentor,” followed by Eagle training, the day was off to a fantastic start. The Yacht cruise and the “Meeting after the Meeting” capped off a brilliant day of training, networking, and business building! Please take a moment to view the photos below from a very successful Eagle Weekend!

Saturday Morning Meeting

Saturday Evening Yacht Dinner Party



Convention After Party
8:00 pm -- Saturday, September 28, 2019
Orlando, FL

This will be the PlanNet party of the year!
Don’t miss this spectacular event!
There will be a DJ, Music, Dancing, and Cash Bar.

Tickets $20.00 per person (not included in Convention registration)
No tickets will be sold at the door

Register now in your Virtual Office for Elevation, the 2019 PlanNet Marketing International Convention, September 26-28, 2019.



Did you register for the PlanNet Marketing 2019 International Convention in Orlando and purchase multiple tickets? If you haven't updated your registration with the names of your guests, NOW IS THE TIME to do so.  Registration Tickets purchased with no name will be printed with “Guest of (your name)” unless you provide the name to PlanNet Customer Support on or before Thursday, August 15, 2019.

Please send an email to support@plannetmarketing.com OR put in a support ticket through your Virtual Office stating your full name, address, Rep ID # and/or your convention ticket registration. Please include the names of the people that you would like listed under your master registration as your guests. If you don't update this information, these registration tickets will be printed as "Guest of (Your First Name, Your Last Name.)" THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! ACT NOW!