
PlanNet Marketing is proud to welcome One-Star Director Brigitte Harding to the prestigious 80/80 Club! Brigitte shares, “How did I end up here? I would never have imagined this for myself. Of course, I have a vision board. It's full of travel. It's got a beach house. But I never knew how I'd start making these things happen. One year ago, I was introduced (smacked across the head) with this opportunity. I turned it down. THREE times. I signed up as an ITA so I could earn a little fun money and travel more. I was working as a nurse and an ESL teacher and this was my third ‘job.’ I had a four-year old, a mortgage, two loans, and credit card debt. I earned money. I had fantastic vacation opportunities available to me – and I still couldn't take them. I had financial freedom but no time freedom. I had to wait two weeks to get two days off together when it wasn't my weekend on. I still had to beg and scramble to take time off to be with my family, have surgery, recover from illness, or go trick or treating with my child.  

“I was always looking for something but I didn't know what. I have always said I'm an introvert with a little dash of entrepreneurial spirit thrown in. But I'm not a salesperson and could not live that life and feel authentic. Who knew I could do this? Not me. Like I said, my sponsor brought up PlanNet Marketing to me three times and I kept turning her down.  ‘No thanks, not for me.’ ‘Nah, I don't really want to do the MLM thing.’ ‘I don't think I can keep that up and I don't want to bug my family and friends.’ Luckily, she knew I had to figure it out on my own. As I started sharing my new travel business, people started asking questions. They were curious; they wanted in on this magical travel world! I realized I could do this without feeling spammy! I could build relationships and establish rapport. I could help people! There were dozens, hundreds, thousands of people like me that knew there must be more to life than punching a clock and hating it, and were just looking for a foothold to climb out!

“I faithfully went to work at my nursing job day in and day out. Didn't call out sick, worked extra when needed, stayed late if someone didn't show up. I never got a thank you. I never got acknowledged. The only thing that mattered to management was having enough bodies to keep things at a legally safe patient/staff ratio. In April, after being disrespected and disregarded, I decided to retire. It was scary; it was the unknown. So, I put my time and energy into my travel business and PlanNet and in May, I worked my last shift as a nurse at the age of 36. My biggest hesitation was that I wouldn't be helping people anymore. But guess what? I help people every day! I help people gain financial freedom, time freedom, personal freedom. I also now have the time freedom to not miss holidays, birthdays, and weekends. I get to see my child's plays and sporting events. I paid off those two loans and my credit card! And I did it while feeling proud of myself and not dreading work every day. I am building a life I don't want to take a vacation from.”