Race to Director - They're on Their Way!

PlanNet Marketing


PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race, and on their way to One-Star Director!

1.  Sharonda Johnson
2.  Megan Hughes
3.  Dekesha Davis
4.  Tanya Collins
5.  Wendy Montalbano
6.  Natasha Biggs
7.  Justin and Stephanie Griffin
8.  Tracey and Trevor Eastwood
9.  Rachael Morse
10.  LaShaunda Crocklem

PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1.  Ashley Gibbs
2.  Catherine Netter
3.  Lucy-Anne Rusk
4.  Calvin Ellerbe
5.  Elliott George
6.  Erica Ledet
7.  Kymberly Caldwell
8.  Shannon Addington
9.  Takeya Noble
10.  Taryn Cox




Meet new One-Star Director Jessie Jonathan Cave! Jessie is 25 years old, the son of Lugene Scarborough and Herman Cave. He grew up in the small town of New Zion, South Carolina, where he still resides. Jessie tells us, “My family is my WHY. I grew up in a single parent household. The importance of education was preached to us daily. I knew since my first job at the age of 17 that I did not want to spend my entire life working. I was one of those employees who tried their best to come up with something – and I mean anything –  to become wealthy. I asked the Lord above many nights to make me wealthy so I can be a blessing to others and so far He’s gotten me on the right track!

“Since my family couldn’t afford to take us many places, when we did get the opportunity to go somewhere, I was extremely happy. Just from small day trips as a child to Myrtle Beach or Hilton Head Island, I’ve always known that traveling is what I wanted to do. So far I’ve traveled to almost all 50 states and am currently planning to visit Europe in the summer of next year. 

“I’m achieving success in PlanNet Marketing by doing the same things (income-producing activities) consistently. When my team and I sit down to discuss ‘What’s next,’ there is execution involved with goals and deadlines. We hold each other accountable. We push hard and leave drama off the table. We make sure the needs of people in our downlines are met and everyone is working toward a check.

“If you want to achieve success in PlanNet Marketing, you have to change your mindset. Don’t be surprised that when your mindset changes, your circle will change too. Always remember that where God is going to take you, everyone can’t go. Learn that this is a BUSINESS, meaning it’s going to have good days and ups and downs, but you have to keep pushing. Praise your team on a daily basis; let them know that you appreciate them. Remember if there was NO them, there would be NO you.

“Some things that have helped me achieve that success are praying daily, affirmations, reading and TRUSTING THE PROCESS. One fun fact about me is that I enjoy making people smile. A smile can change a person's day who is having a really bad day. Smiling brings about a sense of calmness and relief. My team can tell you every conversation with me they are going to smile at the end. Thank you to my amazing team of champions – JOB WELL DONE! Thank you to my amazing Director, Tracey Brunson, for that call on February 25, 2017 that changed my life forever!”



1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights...
I was born and raised in Durham, NC. I currently reside in Oklahoma City, OK. My hobbies are traveling, volunteering with youth, and fighting for social injustices. My background is in public health and social work.

2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
I have grown in my confidence in public speaking. I have developed myself as a leader and a better rounded person, through constantly reading and playing an adult game of follow the leader.

3. What drives you; what motivates you?
What drives me is my wife and my parents, and what motivates me is having the opportunity to help more people now than I’ve ever thought would be possible.

4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
I would consider my mother my role model; she is confident, intelligent, strong, determined and the epitome of an entrepreneur.

5. The three words that describe you best are:
Determined, Loyal, and Positive.

6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone what would it be?
Never be afraid to ask questions and never stop learning.

7. What does your life look like five years from now?
Five years from now, my amazing team of champions and I will have helped thousands of families achieve their dreams. I will have paid off my multiple six-figures student loan debt while continuing to coach, train, and develop leaders both in this business and my non-profit.


PlanNet Marketing is proud to welcome Rachael Mckeown to the 40/40 Club! Rachael shares, “I started this business around my 9-5 job as a way to earn from travel and to have something to excite me, as my day-to-day job just wasn't where I wanted it to be.

“Five weeks into the travel business, I joined PlanNet Marketing, and ten months later, I have never looked back!! Being a One-Star Director now and a 40/40 leader, I have been able to go part-time at my job, which is a dream come true and I know in the coming months, PlanNet Marketing and InteleTravel will be my full-time job!!

“I feel incredibly lucky to have come across this amazing opportunity!! I could shout it from the rooftops and talk to people all day long about what I do because it's truly life-changing and I want everyone to have a piece of that! My success is truly down to my mentor, Marcella, the Travelpreneur team we have in the UK, and my husband, Michael – all who have supported me every step of the way. I'm so excited for what the future holds!”




Each week we will list the new 20/20 Club Members as soon as their pictures are received so that their recognition will be timely. The personal 20/20 Club features will continue; currently there are many 20/20 Club Members who have sent in their bios, but due to the growing number, have not yet been featured in the blog. Watch for your bio in future editions of PlanNetNow!

Recognition is very important and we hope this new format shows how much we value our 20/20 Club Members! Congratulations to everyone who has achieved this very important level in your PlanNet business!




PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Coreatha Knox to the 20/20 Club! Coreatha was born and raised in Murfreesboro, TN, where she currently resides. She tells us, “As a single parent of two children, Shelden (15) and Skylar (11), my interests are wrapped around their interests. Both of my children are athletes – my daughter swims competitively and my son plays basketball. These and other sidebar interests revolving around my children capture my time.

“Being raised by a single mother, traveling was limited to church retreats, church conferences, school field trips, and spending time at my grandmother’s house in Lexington, KY, where my sister and I visited a few amusement parks that were across state lines – these times were so much fun! Now that I have a family of my own, I see travel as a gateway for my children and me to become exposed to other parts of the world, to broaden our perspective on life, and to become enlightened outside of what’s familiar.

“When I started my travel business, I couldn’t see beyond simply booking travel. As I learned, watched, listened, and opened myself up to being coached and mentored, I realized that having a flow of additional income would allow me to elevate our lifestyle.

“This is a people business! Success comes when you connect with others on their level, when you meet the needs of others, help your business partners accomplish their goals, and quickly get up when you’ve fallen down.”



PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Abra Willis to the 20/20 Club! Abra was born in Rawson, Ohio, where she lived for a few years. Her parents moved to Reynoldsburg, Ohio, where she resides today with her husband and four children. Abra shares, “I love doing anything outdoors. I absolutely love camping, fishing, hiking, the beach – you name it! However, it does have to be good weather for me to be outside. I hate the snow! I also love spending time with my kids and husband. I enjoy running my crafting business as well.

“I haven’t traveled too far but that was never a concern when I started this business. I have been to Florida more times that I can count but have yet to be out of the country! I take many overnight and weekend trips within Ohio with my husband and kids. There are so many places to see near and far! However, going out of the country is on my list!

“I think that the biggest thing to being successful in this business is to be consistent. You have to do the things needed to grow, daily! A few days off and you can completely fall off the wagon and not want to work. I always say to remember WHY you are doing this. It will keep you going! Do NOT give up because somebody tells you that you won’t succeed in this or because they don’t support you. I have many people who don’t really support me but I don’t let it bother me one bit!

“Again, just being consistent with what you do will get you to the top! Another huge part of becoming successful is following up with others. People get very busy and just tend to forget that you even spoke. So, follow up daily, weekly and monthly.

“A fun fact: I own my own crafting business! I've also been with my husband for 16 years!” 



Only YOU Can Prevent Compliance Violations!

If you’re reading this now, you know the importance of following the rules of the company. You understand that by getting all our Reps on the same page, we’re avoiding liability that could cost us everything. We don’t want to jeopardize the Best Place on the PlanNet!

Today’s tip is a challenge – to you. Reps, readers, fans of compliance…I challenge you all to invite others to read this blog and especially my weekly compliance tips. Talk to your team about the importance of our policies – knowing them, following them, and helping others to do the same.

PlanNet Marketing is all about a duplicatable system that works for every person. Let’s make compliance a part of that! If our Reps don’t know there’s a blog out here giving them answers and tips and advice and motivation, how will they learn?


1) Please share this amazing tool with your team – send them to www.PlanNetNow.com or have them sign up to receive the weekly email through the PlanNet website.

2) Read the PlanNet Now Blog weekly so you’re up to date on what’s happening with the company. If you’re not reading it, how can you expect your team to read it? Stay in the know about company announcements, events, promotions and compliance tips. There are even opportunities to win free PlanNet shirts! But you gotta stay plugged in!

3) Create a discussion. After you’ve read it, send a text or a Facebook post to your team/online followers to let them know what you think. Create the platform for a discussion so the word gets out about upcoming events or important compliance matters. Get some dialogue going about our favorite topic – PlanNet Marketing!

Let’s spread the good word together and make our time together last forever.

-- The PlanNet Marketing Policies and Procedures are located in your Virtual Office in the Information Center (go to Resources, then Policies and Procedures).

-- Amanda Restivo, VP, Compliance --  arestivo@plannetmarketing.com


Set your reminder for every Friday to take a few minutes to read the newest PlanNetNow! Don’t miss the latest announcements, recognitions, and the motivation this important communication provides. See you next Friday!

Race to Director - They're on Their Way!

PlanNet Marketing


PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race, and on their way to One-Star Director!

1.  Dayna Jeynes
2.  Sophie Finn
3.  Justin and Stephanie Griffin
4.  Dekesha Davis
5.  Natasha Biggs
6.  Patricia Means
7.  Stephanie Cole
8.  Wendy Montalbano
9.  Tracey and Trevor Eastwood
10.  Shermonica Jackson

PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1.  Jehane Thomas
2.  Ashley Gibbs
3.  Catherine Netter
4.  Calvin Ellerbe
5.  Elliott George
6.  Erica Ledet
7.  Lucy-Anne Rusk
8.  Darren Vinnett
9.  Takeya Noble
10.  Shannon Addington



PlanNet Marketing offers you outstanding online training and information to motivate, inspire, and help you grow your PlanNet Marketing business. If you missed an event, want to share a replay with team members, or just want to refresh your PlanNet Marketing knowledge, online is the best place on the PlanNet these days! You will find a wealth of information, knowledge, and expertise from Founder Donald Bradley and our amazing PlanNet Marketing Directors, available to you at your convenience, any time, day or night! Be sure to take advantage of this great business tool and go online anytime, with a front row seat!