
Each week we will list the new 20/20 Club Members as soon as their pictures are received so that their recognition will be timely. The personal 20/20 Club features will continue; currently there are many 20/20 Club Members who have sent in their bios, but due to the growing number, have not yet been featured in the blog. Watch for your bio in future editions of PlanNetNow!

Recognition is very important and we hope this new format shows how much we value our 20/20 Club Members! Congratulations to everyone who has achieved this very important level in your PlanNet business!




PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Shewana Mack to the 20/20 Club! Shewana tells us, “I am an author, speaker, lifestyle coach, business mentor, and transformational stress strategist. I have been the owner and CEO of Mack Travel Agency for over 20 years and the founder of Mack Travel Institute, where my areas of expertise are Master Travel Scholar and Educator. Travel is my passion, as well as helping other people experience God’s creation, one country at a time. I am the Executive Director and Founder of Outreach Empowerment Center, a 501(c)(3) organization that was established in 2016 to provide a unique combination of training seminars and entrepreneurship strategy workshops that inspire and encourage young entrepreneurs between the ages of 10 -18 to experience greater success in the utilization of their gifts and talents.

I was born in Fairfield, Alabama and currently reside in Pinson, Alabama with my husband, Arthur D. Mack, of 22 years. No children to this union; however, I have invested time, money, and energy in kids through our Outreach Empowerment Center.

I love traveling the world, reading my Bible, reading self-development books, journaling, vacationing at spas of the world, listening to live music, creating quality time with my family, and hanging out with positive minded people (eagles), where iron is sharpening iron, no chickens!! I love, love empowering women to live a stress-less lifestyle, as well as encouraging people in general to live their best lives unapologetically. Last but not least, I want to empower those families on my team to get to their freedoms and to have the opportunity to reach for the PlanNet Pledge. PlanNet is definitely the vehicle to get you to your WHY.

“My travel experiences include many of the Caribbean islands (Bermuda, Aruba, Turks & Caicos, Jamaica, St. Martin, St. Thomas, and the Cayman Islands, to name a few), several Mexican destinations (Cancun, Mazatlan, Cozumel, Cabo San Lucas), as well as Europe (Rome, Italy, Spain, and France).  The South Pacific, London, and Paris are my next destinations.

“Success is not an accident. I have achieved success at PlanNet Marketing by understanding that successful people have successful habits. First, you have to be aware of the habits that are not working for you. I had to learn to constantly refine my habits. When you constantly strive to improve, you build character and endurance, resulting in blocking out distractions.You have to define your success. This is the success formula that has helped me to stay focused:

(Information+ Installation) x Implementation = Transformation

Information (Read, study, watch, learn)
Installation (Take what you have learned and apply it to you)
Implementation (You must relentlessly implement)
Transformation (Results after the study, after the plans, after the action)

“I am achieving success quickly because I am coachable, focused on staying plugged into the PlanNet Marketing culture, meetings I qualify to attend, and the system. I started hosting travel parties and helping others achieve their goals, erasing the old mindset of what I thought I knew about network marketing and replacing it with the mindset of focus and personal development on how to be a professional marketer. Then most importantly, winning with people and letting them know together we all win. No one left behind.

Years ago I was in another networking company with Mr. Bradley. I remember standing in the longest line, just to get into a presentation he was co-hosting at a convention. That year his presentation showed a movie clip from the movie Rocky. Even then, the nuggets that I learned were life-changing. What I see is his consistency with the message then, being the same message now. I said to myself that day, ‘WOW, I wish I could be on their team.’ Well, it has been a long time coming, but I am on his team now. Even back then, Mr. Bradley demonstrated superb leadership skills; he is definitely the one I will follow. Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Bradley for having the vision and starting this amazing company.”




PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Danielle Winston to the 20/20 Club! Danielle is from Pittsburgh, PA and has lived in Baltimore, MD for two years.

 Danielle shares, “My interests are traveling and enjoying time with my with family and friends. I’m very spontaneous and always down for a good last minute trip. That goes into why I became a travel agent. Fast forward to six months later, I began my journey with PlanNet because I wanted financial freedom, not only for myself, but for my family. I don’t have any children at this moment, but I have now positioned myself to leave a legacy for my future children and grandchildren. I so enjoy helping others being able to position themselves into financial freedom.

“I have been to most states in the US; I have been to Jamaica twice, Dominican Republic twice, (with two more trips before the end of 2019), Mexico twice (one more trip this year), and Bahamas twice (with a third trip this past May).

“I have been achieving success at PlanNet Marketing with the help of reminding myself of my ‘WHY’ and all my amazing business partners who have poured into me. APPLIED knowledge is power. The tips I would pass on are to stay consistent, attend events you are qualified to attend, and HELP YOUR PEOPLE. Life happens, but NEVER TAKE YOUR FOOT OFF THE BRAKE. The way I achieved success so quickly is staying consistent.

“A fun fact: I’m a HUGE Steeler fan. I’m usually go to about eight to ten games each season and I sacrificed the whole 2018 season to continue investing in this business and financial freedom.”




1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights...
We were both born and raised and are currently residing in New Orleans, LA. We each have a daughter, one who is nine and one turning 15 years old. When we're not working in our careers or our business, we love traveling with our girls, attending festivals around the city, and volunteering with our church's outreach projects. Helping our new partners get their business launched is always exciting and becoming a Director this past November was certainly a huge accomplishment after working so hard and sacrificing so much over the previous three years with the company.

2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
Kiley: I definitely have become more confident in the talents I can share with our team and the big team, and being a self-proclaimed introvert, I have stepped more and more out of my comfort zone when sharing the value of our business.

Jason: Being an alpha male, I have developed into being more of a team player and receiving guidance from other leaders in order to help not just our organization, but partners throughout the company.

3. What drives you; what motivates you?
To put our family in a position to have true financial security so we will be able to take care of the people we love. To also work towards the realization of time and personal freedom, which we know we can achieve through PlanNet, and also to help others do the same.

4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
Kiley's parents are definitely role models because they are humble people and showed her how to treat others with respect, the value of hard work, and finishing a task no matter how long it takes. Jason gets inspiration from the best of the many people who have influenced him positively over the years.

5. The three words that describe you best are:
Jason: Perseverant, Loyal and Committed.
Kiley: Loyal, Dedicated, and Dependable.

6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone what would it be?
Remember that in order to achieve any goal you must be focused on that goal and be patient with the process that comes with achieving that accomplishment. Success does not happen overnight, so stay consistent and persistent and you will win. Don't be fearful in failing forward!

7. What does your life look like five years from now?
We will be earning enough money to work our PlanNet business full time, traveling all parts of the world helping hundreds of families achieve financial freedom.





As a mom, I feel like I probably say “Be careful” about seventy-four and a half times every day…maybe more. It’s just that I know things my kids don’t know, ya know? I know that climbing on that couch will eventually end with a bonked head. I know that running out into the street puts you at risk of getting hit by a car. I know that screaming and hitting your sibling will not make them do what you want – it will just breed more hitting and screaming.

I know.

My kids don’t know these things yet. They’re still getting there. They’re still learning from their experiences. They’re still stumbling, sometimes scraping knees, crying, and calling for mom to rescue them. They will learn. In the meantime, I’m hoping they listen to me! Right?! Trust that I know a little more than they know AND trust that I have their best interests at heart.

As a Rep with PlanNet Marketing, you might not know things your upline and our corporate staff know. Your Director probably has a little more learning experience under their belt. Our Support Team might have a better understanding of the Matrix and commission structure than you have. I might know more about industry rules regarding Income Disclosures than the average Rep. Mr. Donald Bradley might know what to say and what not to say to a prospect you’re trying to enroll on your team.

You don’t know what you don’t know.


Don’t worry though – it’s NORMAL not to know it all. It’s not only normal, it’s expected! PlanNet Marketing knows that our Reps need assistance, support and training to be successful in this business. We want to provide you with every single thing we can to put you on the road to success. We provide you with the “stuff” like a website, videos, social media images, and flyers. Our Directors host calls and local meetings in markets around the world on a weekly and monthly basis. Plus, we host an annual International Convention. Our corporate team is just a phone call or email away, to answer your most pressing business questions. There are training videos and information in your Virtual Office that puts knowledge, literally, at your fingertips. And your sponsor and upline Director are always there to help, too. You can even harness the power of social media to connect with other Reps around the world.

Make sure you’re using every resource available and be intentional about working your business and educating yourself.

You can’t learn too much, you won’t ever know everything. Knowledge truly is power.

Empower yourself today!

~Amanda Restivo, Vice President, Compliance -- 


Race to Director - They're on Their Way!

PlanNet Marketing


PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race,
and on their way to One-Star Director!

1.  Rachael and Michael Young
2.  Alicia Calascione
3.  Shahiem Grant
4.  Natalie Brown
5.  Summer Lee
6.  Alynetta Beck
7.  Desiree Morrison
8.  Diahn-Maria Soares Ellis
9.  Devon Goins
10.  Cheri Carr

PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs
Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1.  Rachael Lalji
2.  Robert Noble
3.  Darren Vinnett
4.  Calvin Ellerbe
5.  Shaketta Giles
6.  Taryn Cox
7.  Erinn Elzie
8.  Maya Slade
9.  Rhea Perry
10.  Elliott George



2019 PlanNet Marketing International Convention
Gaylord Palms Orlando
Thursday - Saturday / September 26 - 28, 2019

Convention Registration Price Increases on Monday, September 1! You have one week to register for $219 per person (or until sold out)! It will be here before you know it! If you haven’t yet registered, now is the time! We don’t want you to miss the PlanNet’s most exciting and valuable event of the year. Tickets are going fast, and no tickets will be available after we are sold out. Five thousand reps from around the globe will be there, will you?

Register in your Virtual Office today!

ATTN: NEW REPS! Register for only $149
New Reps have 30 days from their sign-up date to register for the discounted price of $149 per person!




Thursday Night Pep Rally
Pep Rally T-Shirts
(If you have not pre-ordered your Pep Rally Shirt, sales have been extended through Aug. 31 and your shirt can be picked up at Convention.)

Thursday and Friday PM University Classes
Business Casual

Saturday General Sessions
Business Casual


Great news! You can now order 2019 Pep Rally shirts until August 31 and pick them up at the Company Store at Convention!
Go to to order yours today!


Two full days of great speakers, great trainers, important topics – all designed to provide youwith the tools and knowledge you need for a successful and rewarding PlanNet business!

Thursday-Friday, September 26-27 - 8 am to 5 pm
Class Schedule to be announced soon.


Tickets $20.00 per person available in your Virtual Office (not included in Convention registration). No tickets will be sold at the door.

Hurry, the deadline is approaching quickly!



1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights...
​I was born in Philadelphia, PA and lived in Willingboro, NJ from adolescence to adulthood. I consider both of them to be my hometowns, and I currently reside in Lithonia, GA. I am a mother and a US Army veteran. Currently, I am a Media Ministry Director and a freelance Corporate Media Specialist. My interests include travel, technology, video, photography, and serving others through outreach.

2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
One of the residual benefits of being in this business for me has been my personal growth! In my career field, I work in the background to help make others look great at what they do. And I absolutely love helping people! However, I am an introvert so I really needed (and continue) to stretch myself in the areas of relationship-building and leadership. Additionally, I began to rebrand myself as a businesswoman (vs. employee only) and by doing so, I have attracted more of the caliber of individuals that I would want to partner with. My self-confidence has grown not only in this business, but also in life! Stretching and growing has not necessarily been “comfortable.” However, I know that my comfort zone and my money zone are not located in the same area! So I enthusiastically continue this journey to become the best version of myself!

3. What drives you; what motivates you?
Financial freedom and the opportunity to design the lifestyle that I want is the key motivator for me. I am looking forward to being debt-free and blessing my family and community financially. I am motivated knowing that my daughter will receive the benefit of my work for the rest of her life through the PlanNet Pledge when I expire. Also, I am passionate about helping as many families as I can enhance their lifestyles and finances through PlanNet Marketing!

4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
My role model in life is my grandmother, Francis Williams. She was a hardworking woman who raised five boys. She served her church and community in many ways. Although she only had a fourth grade education, as a community activist, she helped to influence legislation in Pennsylvania to benefit senior citizens for years to come! I consider her a success because she never let education, finances, health, motherhood, or anything else keep her from making an impact in the lives of others.

5. The three words that describe you best are:
Transparent, Positive, and Trustworthy!

6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone what would it be?
My coach, Eileen Ross, says all the time, “Help enough people get what they want and you will get what you want.” You will save yourself a lot of time if you listen to your success coach/mentor! She or he wants you to win! Make the recommended corrections and adjustments and your business will move forward. Stay coachable, focused, consistent, plugged in, humble, and hungry. The only way that you lose is if you quit! Refuse to lose! Your success is on the other side of your fears…so JUMP!!!

7. What does your life look like five years from now?
We’ve all got the golden ticket to create an above average lifestyle here at PlanNet Marketing! In five years, I will be financially free. I’ll be pursuing my philanthropic endeavors. And I’ll be at least a Five-Star Director traveling around the world helping others to claim their “Golden Ticket” too!