We are so pleased to have received many wonderful 6th Anniversary messages on Facebook. We would like to share a few of them with you!
From Founder and CEO Donald Bradley:
Wishing everyone on The PlanNet a very special 6 year anniversary. I am so thankful for those of you who helped my family and I live our dreams, that I am going to spend the next several years of my life helping you live yours. I am forever grateful, thank you!!!!
From Co-Founder Deborah Bradley:
You see our glory, but you should hear the story!!! Thank you all for joining us on this road called financial freedom…Six years and counting…the sacrifice has been truly real, but we stayed the course. Looking forward to continued legacy building and leaving an inheritance to our children’s children.
From Six-Star Director Shedrick White:
PlanNet Marketing is truly changing lives all over the world. Happy Six Year Anniversary, PlanNet Marketing. #PlanNetMarketing #PlanNetProud #PlanNetStrong #successmindset #residualincome #changinglives #ProjectFreedom #liberate #laptoplifestyle #makingadifference #makingimpact #networkmarketing #iamshedrickwhite
From Six-Star Director Orlanda Moore:
HUGE CONGRATS PlanNet Marketing!!! Six Years STRONG and growing! Thank You, Mr. Donald Bradley for your Vision and your commitment to excellence! I’m super excited about the next six years and the countless number of families who will be positively impacted for generations to come via our amazing business project. #PlanNetMarketing #PlanNetProud #PlanNetCares #ProjectFreedom #changinglives #upgradingbankaccounts #enhancinglifestyles #enrichingrelationships #homebasedbusiness #multiplestreamsofincome #passiveincome #leverageincome #residualincome #wealth #building #legacy #yourtime #yourturn #winning #WinningCulture #winningenvironment #ICanChangeYourLife #OrlandaMoore
From Six-Star Director Natalie Graham:
6 years ago a company was born unbeknownst to me at the time. I didn’t know that it would be a company that would change my life and the lives of those attached to me FOREVER!🙏🏾 18,000 families' lives have changed because of a decision I made… which was to step out on faith and start something I had absolutely no idea about. I understood that to get something different you have to do something different. I didn’t like my circumstances 6 years ago. But I stand today as the #1 income earner in the company that I didn’t even start on DAY 1 with. What a blessing.. Note** it doesn’t matter where or how you start but how you finish. My family gets to live their dream bc of this amazing company. It’s THEM for me 👏🏾😍 Donald Bradley thank you for your vision and leading from the front! Deborah Bradley the force behind the visionary… I thank you ♥️ Orlanda Moore for leading from the front! To my amazing team I love y’all! Happy Anniversary PlanNet Marketing 🎉🎊🍾🥳🎈
From One-Star Director Petra Chisholm:
I am sooo proud and honored to be able to say that I Am PlanNet Proud. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 Special thank you to our Amazing Founder and CEO Donald Bradley for this phenomenal vehicle to make it possible for people like me to be able to drive to a very successful life and create a Legacy with Generational Wealth. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯 I made the decision to invest and launched my Business on the 5th of August 2019 and I have no Regrets only Results. ❣️❣️❣️ #Grateful #PlanNetProud #PlanNetStrong #WeAreGoinSomewhere #CauseWeAreDoinSomeThangs #HelpingOneFamilyAtATime
From Three-Star Director Ferne Sapp:
Happy Anniversary PlanNet Marketing!!! 6 years ago you changed my life and I’m even more excited about what is to come! Here’s to you 🥂
From Three-Star Director Ann Jones:
Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Bradley for your vision, tremendous sacrifices, and leadership that has guided PlanNet Marketing's growth -- even through a pandemic! I do not take your efforts for granted.
To an incredible PlanNet corporate team -- thank you for your dedication and professionalism in helping the PlanNet continue to be a place where one could be proud of what we have accomplished and to look forward to what's ahead. I have dealt with many corporate teams, but I must say -- you bring the Midas touch of service to our team members.
To my fellow PlanNet Marketing Reps everywhere, I am proud to stand with you.
And to my team -- I love you and thank each and every one for all that we have accomplished together. You are what keeps me going and that is to see you rise and shine with our incredible PlanNet opportunity. #PlanNetProud
From Five-Star Director J.P. Watkins-Mukes:
Happy 6 yr Anniversary PlanNet Marketing! Sometimes you gotta BET ON YOU! #6yearscommittedtoexcellence
From Four-Star Director Louise Gatland:
6 years anniversary and going from strength to strength.
I am grateful this business came into my life over 4 years ago now, not only has it changed my world financially but it has allowed me to connect with people that would never have been possible.
Through this business my confidence and self belief has gone from zero to full belief in myself and I will be forever grateful. We are currently only open in the UK, USA, Mexico and some parts of the Caribbean. 2022 is going to be an incredible year of growth helping more people create lives they truly desire. Thank you to Mr Donald & Mrs. Bradley for your vision and all that you do for us. Thank you to J.P. Watkins-Mukes for being an incredible mentor, coach and friend And to everyone else in the PlanNet, I am grateful for each and every one of you. To think what I have achieved in 4 short years is only just scratching the surface. Just imagine what's going to happen over the next 6 years. HAPPY 6TH ANNIVERSARY PlanNet Marketing, we are only just getting started. #PlanNetProud
From One-Star Director Ornella Brasby:
Thank you Mr. Donald Bradley for your vision and for this vehicle called PlanNet Marketing that is allowing average people to live above average lifestyles, building savings accounts, retiring on their own terms, creating generational wealth and living dreams! We are using this vehicle to compress timeframes, create personal, time and financial freedom while showing other families that they too can design their ideal life!!
Happy 6 year Anniversary PlanNet Marketing!! I am forever grateful!!!
From Three-Star Director Latoya Chin:
Today is a 💫𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋 𝐃𝐀𝐘 💫 Happy Anniversary To PlanNet Marketing🎉! 6️⃣ years strong and growing 👊🏽 6️⃣ years ago there was a vision and a group of hungry, talented, compassionate individuals who came together, on one accord to launch a company. 6️⃣ years later, 20+ countries 🌎 , multiple millionaires 💰, 70,000 agents, and over 1️⃣ BILLION in travel sales later! I AM FOREVER GRATEFUL FOR ALL THIS COMPANY HAS DONE FOR ME AND MY FAMILY! Cheers 🥂 to many more years of growth and prosperity. 🎉 Hope you all enjoy the pictures below of memories created from being at the BEST place on the PlanNet 🌍
From Three-Star Director Adairia Tarver-Vinson:
📌Happy 6 Year Anniversary PlanNet Marketing‼️ The Vinson’s lives and lifestyle are forever changed because of a decision we made to follow the Leadership of this AMAZING company…Thank you Mr. & Mrs. Bradley for your incredible VISION‼️ We are so grateful to be a part of this LEGACY company and even more excited about what’s still to come‼️💯💙
#Day1 #6Years #PlanNetProud #FoundingDirectors #grateful #atvmoments
From Two-Star Director Alfred Ingram:
I'm merely a simple country boy from Stockton, Alabama who loves my family with all of my heart. Every day I thank God for October 26, 2015. My entire life was forever changed 6 years ago today by Tiffany Powell, Walter Powell, & Shedrick White. Thank you Mr. & Mrs. Bradley for birthing a vision that gave life to the start of my family's financial freedom. Thank you for starting a mission that allowed the un-tapped leader within me to shine. Thank you for the financial vehicle that has given me 6 figures "on the side", my "6-fig side gig" & my future "Millennial Millionaire Maker."
From Four-Star Director Walter Powell:
It's been an Amazing 6 Years PlanNet Marketing. Salute to the Award Winning, Highly Decorated, Industry Renowned, CEO, Founder and Chairman Donald Bradley and Mrs. Deborah Bradley. You have provided a vehicle like no other. #PlanNetProud #PoppingPins
From Four-Star Director Tiffany Powell:
Thank You PlanNet Marketing for Changing My Family’s Life.. Walter & I Are Forever Grateful. 6 Years and Still STRONG.. Happy Anniversary PlanNet..💪💪💪💪💪💪
From Three-Star Directors DeJoiré and Erick Benson:
Happy Anniversary to my 70,000 plus colleagues in over 20 countries. Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Bradley for creating this incredible opportunity, from the ground floor, six years ago! Thank you to our amazing TEAM of Champions who helped Erick and I become One-Star Directors on Day 17 of our 40 Days and 40 Nights launch, making us the 12th Directors in the company, out of now 500 such Leaders. We will be forever grateful! To our Coach, Mr. Orlanda Moore, who is tireless and fearless, thank you! #PlanNetMarketing #FounderDirector #Pioneer #MultipleSixFigures
From Four-Star Director Phillip Rollins:
Happy 6th year anniversary PlanNet Marketing. Blessings to all.
From Four-Star Director Damien Goins:
Congratulations PlanNet Marketing for an amazing 6 year journey…And we are just getting started.👇🏾
From Two-Star Director Kwanya Martin:
Happy Anniversary to my PlanNet family! Thank you Donald & Deborah Bradley, for giving us the baddest project on the PlanNet and the opportunity to help others not just live, but have a lifestyle!
From Three-Star Director Tisha DeShields:
💙Happy PlanNetversary 💙 Congratulations PlanNet Marketing for an amazing 6 year journey…And we are just getting started👇🏾 #WeDidItJoe 😎
From Two-Star Director Jay Stuart:
CHEERS TO SIX YEARS🥂 I could never say enough to accurately convey the gratitude I have for the last six years. Thank you to the Founders Donald & Deborah Bradley for giving over 70K families a way to live life on their own terms, earn above average income, see the world and create relationships that will last a lifetime. Most of all...thank you to our amazing team of champions all over the world! We're just getting started!The best is yet to come! #plannetproud #justgettingstarted #100KFamiliesIn2022 #0to100RealQuick
From Three Star Directors Nate and Kim Newman:
Happy Anniversary PlanNet Marketing! Six years ago I made a decision that changed my life forever and put me in position to bless my family and thousands of others! Six years later and we have generated multiple six figures, remodeled our house, paying tuition for our twins, taking amazing vacations and helping others to do the same! The Ark has been built, it's time to board! Who wants to be a part of this movement! #ProjectFreedom
From One-Star Director Jimease Bailey:
We are 6 years strong!!! I’m so proud and honored to be a part of an amazing company that is changing lives. 5 and a half years ago, I took the leap of faith to partner with a Legacy Company and it has truly been a blessing to me, my family and the 5000+ families attached to me. I will forever be grateful to God! I’m thankful to Mr. and Mrs. Deborah Bradley for their vision and dedication to help free people and families. I’m sooooo glad to be in this number and a part of this history. Happy Anniversary PlanNet!!!# TheBestPlaceOnThePlanNet #Happy6thAnniversary #Freedom #SheCanChangeYourLife #Travel #Travelnista #JourneysWithJimease #Mompreneur #MyWorkIsLikeMostPeoplesVacation #WorkFromHome #LegacyCounselor #YouOweItToYourself #FreeingFamilies #Smooches!
From One-Star Director Taryn Sinclair:
H A P P Y 6 Y E A R A N N I V E R S A R Y P L A N N E T M A R K E T I N G ! ! ! 🎉
What a blessing the last 6 years have been! Thank you Mr. & Mrs. Bradley for your vision, for the vehicle to help us and for following through with your purpose.
We are so very excited & grateful for you both! ❤️ I am so excited to be a part of the next 6 years and beyond, for the lives we are going to change and for the incredible friends and family we will meet along the way 🙏🏼 #PlanNetMarketing #PlanNetProud #6Years #ChangingLives #Family