Saturday, October 23

From PlanNet Marketing Rep Sheila Solomon :
It’s Shout Out Sunday Y’all 📣📣
Please help me say congratulations to PlanNet Marketing on it’s 6th Year Anniversary. 🎉🎉
The Maryland’s Celebration was on fire 🔥🔥
The energy was explosive & the training was amazingly presented by it’s top leaders & six figure earners!💰💰 Project Freedom Was In Full Effect!
DM Me For More Info On This Life Changing Project!

Saturday, October 23

From Five-Star Director J.P. Watkins-Mukes: 
New ONE STAR DIRECTOR Mrs. WillieMae Elery gets her Director’s jacket! 76 years young and just getting started! Way to go Superwoman! We love love you! ❤️👏❤️🔥😘❤️

From PlanNet Marketing Rep LeyShon Evans:
Super Saturday was Amazing. I got a feeling that being in the room and rubbing elbows with Millionaires will bring out the Millionaire in me! Stay tuned!!!
#PlanNetProud #Travelpreneur #HelpingFamiliesIsMyBusiness

Sunday, October 24

From Five-Star Director J.P. Watkins-Mukes: 
What an honor to serve! The SHOW ME state showed up! STL and KCMO! Until next time! Keep your fire lit! 🔥Thank you Six-Star Director Shedrick White for your service and commitment to families around the PlanNet!

From PlanNet Marketing Rep Robin Shepherd: 
Multiple streams of income, fun, helping other families...DM me to find out how!!! great event tonight team!!! thanks for coming out!!!! we're rejuvenated!!! let's go!!

From PlanNet Marketing Rep Dana Douglas:
About my Super Sunday. Yes, the house was full. Individuals traveled from Florida, Texas, Atlanta, & more to be a part of this phenomenal event. We Thank our Servant Leaders Mrs. J.P. Watkins-Mukes & Mr. Shedrick White for feeding the people a diet built abundance & on breaking the back of lack. Changing Lives one Family at a time. Will you allow your family Financial Blueprint to be reprinted for Abundance. #AbsolutelyPlanNet #BondageBreaker #changinglives #onefamilyatatime #LeavingWillsNotBills #EyesHaveNotSeen


Saturday, October 23

From Three-Star Director Ferne Sapp:
Happy 6th Anniversary PlanNet Marketing! We are celebrating from city to city, state to state, country to country! Celebrating a company that was created to change lives…we’ve done that with over 72,000 families around the world and we are JUST getting started!  #timefreedom  #personalfreedom  #financialfreedom #PlanNetProud

Saturday, October 23

Tuesday, October 26

From Three-Star Director Latoya Chin:
What a better way to end our anniversary event than to see our banner on the Cobb Galleria marquee 💙  #PlanNetProud #changinglives #LegacyCompany

From Three-Star Director Jassy Mc Bride:
I am still on Cloud 9 as we celebrated our PlanNet Marketing 6 year anniversary! I am thankful I made the decision on Day 1 as a Pioneer Member to say "YES" to a life changing decision for under $200! To see how we have locked arms not just locally but also internationally in over 20 countries and helping over 70,000 people to also become entrepreneurs! Thank you Mr. Donald Bradley for sharing your vision and allowing us to help you execute it! The BEST is yet to come!🙏🏽💯 #relationshipbusiness #mindset #employeetoentrepreneur #22yearsintravel

Tuesday, October 26
