Race to Director - They're On Their Way!

PlanNet Marketing


PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race,
and on their way to One-Star Director!

1.  Roger Lillard
2.  Lucretia Gordon
3.  Cienia Railey
4.  Stuart and Mona Grandison
5.  Johnnie Green
6.  Jeffrey Bynes
7.  Veronica Hodges
8.  Amanda Ruggs-Owens
9.  Soromusu Wilson
10.  Marvin and Ingrid Fordham

PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs
Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1.  Clifton Coward
2.  Trudel Scott
3.  Rachel Russell
4.  Felicia Miles
5.  Nathan Newman
6.  Kwanya Martin
7.  Lynn & Marcus Hendricks
8.  Tanisha & Andrew Burke
9.  Lisa Horsley
10.  Latoya Chin



Congratulations 20,000 with Dons Photo.jpg




Happy Second Anniversary
to PlanNet Marketing! 

Just two years ago we launched the PlanNet Marketing business and our partnership with InteleTravel, and we are thrilled with the success we have enjoyed. We also have now achieved the 20,000 Agent benchmark!

There are so many components that came together to make this happen: A clear and shared vision, sound business planning based on experience, a generous compensation plan, the best field leadership to be found anywhere, a dedicated corporate team, and a partnership with InteleTravel, delivering and supporting the finest independent travel business in the world!  I am so grateful for you all!

You were right when you shouted last month, "We Got This!" What a great spirit and confident declaration of your intentions. And it worked!

We’ll not be resting on our laurels, but rather continuing to practice good business, and to build, train, compensate, and recognize a superior sales organization. The future is bright all over the PlanNet!

Year three, here we come!

Donald Bradley
Founder and Chairman
PlanNet Marketing




Happy Second Anniversary, PlanNet Marketing Associates in 26 countries!

As PlanNet Marketing marches forward into our third year, we must acknowledge those who have contributed to PlanNet’s successes these past twenty-four months. It does take a team, and we have the finest.

Our corporate initiatives are led by COO LeAnn Troeckler, VP Marketing Administration LisaMarie Klinger, VP Compliance Amanda Restivo, Manager of Support Sarah Muscarella, and the finest Support Team to be found anywhere! What an outstanding job they’re doing in maintaining a fast-growing corporate machine.

Founding Directors Shedrick White, Orlanda Moore, Eileen Ross, JP Watkins, and Walter and Tiffany Powell are tirelessly applying their experience and leadership in building and giving guidance to a solid field organization. 

PlanNet Marketing is grateful for our partnership with InteleTravel. They are simply the best in the world in delivering and supporting an independent travel agency business. President James Ferrara leads an incredible corporate team, and the travel products and support services they provide are truly outstanding. Their credentials speak volumes.

And most of all to Founder and Chairman Donald Bradley. His vision moves us every day:

⏩ The finest travel product to be found anywhere, and by any standard

⏩ A financial opportunity that provides NOW income, and as importantly, sustained financial
      security for years to come

⏩ An exciting compensation plan that funds that financial opportunity

⏩ Recognition, respect, and acknowledgement for the Reps in the field – capitalizing on their infinite skills / Listening and hearing them!

⏩ A field support team (we call them the “S-Team”) that is trained, courteous, and professional – not just giving answers to the questions, but showing people where to find the answers

⏩ Training in all aspects of the business, and for personal development

⏩ Communications – frequent, accurate, straightforward, and relevant

⏩ Compliance – It’s necessary, and good for everyone to follow the rules

⏩ A company that’s managed as a business should be – by the highest principles and standards

⏩ Finally - Fun! Unique travel experiences! Memorable events! A culture of good people doing good things.

Let’s celebrate our Second Anniversary on October 26th, but remember that October 27th is the start of a new and exciting year for PlanNet Marketing. We will all be working together to improve and to provide opportunities, fun, excitement, growth, education, and financial freedom for thousands.  

Happy Second Anniversary, PlanNet Marketing!

Andy Cauthen
President & CEO




2 years / 20,000 Agents / $200,000,000 Travel Sold


As I write this anniversary message, it’s exactly two years to the day that PlanNet Marketing launched itself and InteleTravel into a promising but uncertain future (because nothing in business is guaranteed, especially a new venture). Donald Bradley and Andy Cauthen had decades of experience and the spark of courage to reach for something new. A network marketing company with integrity and heart, with fierce abilities to influence and share - married to a real, time-tested product, a combination with the potential to truly “change lives." InteleTravel, on the other hand, had 26 years of travel industry credibility, know-how and a reputation for extraordinary customer care - but always challenged with telling our own story in an effective way. With both companies dedicated to ethics, compliance, transparency, servant leadership and “doing this right," there were going to be no shortcuts, no puffing, no gimmickry. “Uncertain” indeed. 
Fast forward just two years later. Two years of hard work by the most talented corporate teams and leadership I have ever seen. Two years of constant and demanding innovation and service. Two years of costly sacrifice on all fronts. And the vision is a reality. The great experiment  - a stunning success. Families are earning beyond their former selves, traveling their dreams, growing and developing through education and fellowship into more interesting and fulfilling lives. Every day I hear from someone who has now found it possible to jump off the wheel of their traditional job and find success as a Rep and Travel Agent - whether that means more income, more time with family, freedom, flexibility, or all of it. 

So many looked on in doubt (and then in jealousy). So shout these numbers from the rooftops (and Facebook).  2 / 20,000 / $200,000,000. Because today marks the proof. PlanNet created a business you can soar with, a legacy for your family, built on the rock of InteleTravel, the only real, fully supported home-based business in travel. These are big numbers, certainly, but born of a single purpose. The uncertain future is now an unlimited future. 

On behalf of the entire InteleTravel family, Happy Anniversary, Partners! We are grateful for PlanNet, the best partner we could ever hope for - its singular founder and President, its tireless corporate team and immensely talented Directors, and all the rest. This historic partnership is truly blessed. Can’t wait to see what we achieve at three! 
James R. Ferrara
President, InteleTravel


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(Click Arrows to View Slides)









Race to Director - They're On Their Way!

PlanNet Marketing


PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race,
and on their way to One-Star Director!

1.  Roger Lillard
2.  Jimease Bailey
3.  Sonya Phillips
4.  Lucretia Gordon
5.  Cienia Railey
6.  Veronica Hodges
7.  Stuart and Mona Grandison
8.  Soromusu Wilson
9.  Rosalind Garrard
10.  Jeffrey Bynes

PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs
Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1.  Clifton Coward
2.  Trudel Scott
3.  Rachel Russell
4.  Kwanya Martin
5.  Lisa Horsley
6.  Lynn & Marcus Hendricks
7.  Latoya Chin
8.  Felicia Miles
9.  Nathan Newman
10.  Tanisha & Andrew Burke



"Finishing Our Amazing Two-Year Story Strong with…”
PlanNet Reps! We’re on the countdown to our 2-Year Anniversary, which is next Thursday, October 26, 2017. Let’s celebrate this momentous occasion by reaching Founder Donald Bradley’s goal of 20,000 Agents!
Attend a special 2-Year Anniversary meeting in your area to get your Special Commemorative 2-Year Anniversary Pin!
Click here to find a meeting in your area!


Thurs - Sat, April 5 - 7, 2018
Hyatt Regency Baltimore Inner Harbor
Early Bird Online Registration - $149!
Deadline is Thursday, October 26, 2017
(Or, Limited to 500 Pre-Registrations)
Registration goes to $199 after Oct. 26.

Book your room at the Hyatt in your Virtual Office at Plannetmarketing.com!
On your VO home page, scroll down to PlanNet Events and click “View More Details.” On the next page, scroll to the Hotel Reservations section and click the red link to reserve your room. We’ll see you there!


Panama, officially called the Republic of Panama, is the southernmost country in Central America, bordered by Costa Rica to the west, the Caribbean Sea to the north and the Pacific Ocean to the south. Nearly 500 rivers lace Panama's rugged landscape. Mostly unnavigable, many originate as swift highland streams, meander in valleys, and form coastal deltas. The capital and largest city is Panama City, whose metropolitan area is home to nearly half of the country's 4 million people. It is the only capital city in the world that has a rainforest within its city limits. The official language of Panama is Spanish, but English is widely spoken. Panama was the first Latin American country to adopt the U.S. dollar as its official currency.

Panama was inhabited by several indigenous tribes prior to settlement by the Spanish in the 16th century. Panama broke away from Spain in 1821 and joined a union of Nueva Granada, Ecuador, and Venezuela named the Republic of Gran Colombia. When Gran Colombia dissolved in 1831, Panama and Nueva Granada remained joined, eventually becoming the Republic of Colombia. With the backing of the United States, Panama seceded from Colombia in 1903, allowing the Panama Canal to be built by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers between 1904 and 1914. In 1977 an agreement was signed for the transfer of the Canal from the United States to Panama by the end of the 20th century, which culminated on December 31, 1999. Revenue from canal tolls continues to represent a significant portion of Panama's gross domestic product, although commerce, banking, and tourism are major and growing sectors. 

The culture of Panama derives from European music, art and traditions brought by the Spanish, creating a blend of African and Native American culture with European culture. Dance is typical of the diverse cultures in Panama. The local folklore can be experienced at a multitude of festivals, through dances and traditions handed down from generation to generation. Local cities host live jazz, blues, salsa, reggae, and rock music performances. The U.S. influence in Panama can be seen in the country's sports. Baseball is Panama's national sport and the country has regional teams and a national team that represents it in international events. At least 140 Panamanian players have played professional baseball in the United States, more than any other Central American country.

In tropical Panama, with its two long coasts, you can scuba dive with whale sharks in the Pacific, snorkel rainbow reefs, or surf world-class waves. Nature is all about discovery, with ruins of Spanish forts, ziplines through rainforest canopies, swimming with sea turtles, or trekking to cloud-forest vistas. Panama is home to 10,000 different plants species, including 1,400 varieties of orchids, 678 ferns, and more than 1,500 varieties of trees. Panama contains the only place in the world where you can see the sun rise on the Pacific and set on the Atlantic…from the same spot! At the country’s narrowest point, only 80 kilometers separates the Atlantic from the Pacific Ocean.




Latashia Alexander joins the prestigious PlanNet Marketing 60/60 Club! Latashia shares, “My success in PlanNet Marketing to this point has been pure "ignorance on fire!”  I just wanted to help people. I realized early on that in order to get people I know to pay attention (because I tried network marketing before and failed), I had to throw away everything I thought I knew about building and start 100% from scratch…95% or more of the people who eventually joined me I had never met in person and only interacted with on social media. Less than 1% was family!

“I knew this was a vehicle to financially help my family but I can't say my belief to financially free others has always been there. As time passed and I connected with others and attended my first Convention and opportunity meeting, I started to experience a shift!  I realized what sets me apart with potential business partners is that I seek to be IMPRESSED, not to be the IMPRESSER!  This is a business I will eventually will to my family, so when interviewing business partners, it is important that I know my investment of time will be matched with their grind!

“It's an honor and privilege to be a part of the 60/60 Club because I firmly believe that leading by example is what's going to have those who come after you shoot for the same!  ACTION, not words, is what sets leaders apart. This year at Convention, I was recognized as the #1 seller in the company…a great feeling and awesome accomplishment! What felt better was that standing on the stage with me as the #9 seller in the company was my business partner, LaTeshia!  My mission is to help as many families as I can create a legacy business in PlanNet Marketing!  A little over eight months in this company and I can with 110% certainty say that this is a vehicle that will change MILLIONS of lives and I am so honored to be here now!”




New 20/20 Club Member Veronica Hodges grew up in Brockton, MA and currently resides in Newark, DE with her teenage daughter and her father. She shares, “I always had a passion for traveling and was a hospitality major in college. I went into education to have a secure job with summers off as a single mom. I was a teacher for 11 years, and due to budget cuts, was let go in June. When we say have a Plan B while you still have a Plan A ...I am the evidence of why it is important. Having this business and working hard, I was prepared and able to have the choice not to look for another job.

“My vacations were always visiting family in Massachusetts and my father when he lived in Florida. Since starting in this business, I have become certified with several suppliers. I had a passport and never used it. When I came in a year ago, I was preparing for my niece’s wedding in July 2017 in Punta Cana. As an AM Resorts Master Agent, I was able to get a free upgrade and tour of the property and an amazing package deal. Now that I have my first passport stamp, I’m ready to explore the world!

“The tips that helped me are plugging into everything available to learn as you earn as well as reading books suggested by my Director. I attend our local meetings and travel to every meeting that is within driving distance. Attending big events like Eagle Weekend, Women In Black, and conferences allow you to meet and get advice from Directors and hear their success stories. That is what keeps me going, knowing I am not the only one who is a caregiver or single parent who has been between blessings at one time. I know this is the vehicle that is going to help me and my experiences can help others.

“An unknown fact about me is I am an extreme couponer and teach classes on how to do it! I enjoy cooking, couponing, am very active in my church and my sorority, Delta Sigma Theta. I volunteer and give back to the community by teaching classes on couponing, financial literacy and domestic violence awareness.”




New 20/20 Club Member Takasha Taylor says she is so excited to be a part of PlanNet Marketing! She has been married to her friend and husband, Corey Taylor, for 12 years. She says, “We have three kids. CJ is the animated silly one, Tamirea is the sporty model, and Jacoirya is the smart diva lol. We all love travel so it only made sense to join the company.

“I am also the owner of Nails & More. I make it a marketing tool to inform all my clients about PlanNet Marketing. I post deals about travel everywhere to make sure they all know where to inquire and whom to refer to. A fun/amazing fact about myself is I still can't believe I've actually helped more than 20 families. Unbelievable and so honored.”




New 20/20 Club Member Winaka Wood shared this with us, “I am from Ardmore, OK where I now reside. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Early Intervention of Childhood Development. I have been a single mother for years, but I have managed and by the grace of God we made it through. I am the mother of three handsome young men and one beautiful daughter. I am also a proud Mimi of two lovely grandsons and one grandbaby on the way. I strive daily to look more like Christ. I am looking forward to doing great things in this company to be able to help my disabled dad in a mighty way. I continue to work hard to be able to reap the benefits not only for myself, but for my family and others. I am ready for change and I believe in order to get it I have to work for it. I am up for the challenge.

“My Interests: I am interested in changing lives and preparing better lives for me and my children. I am interested in learning my new business and mastering everything in order to see great results, and I can then help get my Dad the best care and be able to help him walk again. I can also help my Mom start her business so she can be content working for herself. I also have an interest in volunteering for St. Jude’s Hospital at least once a week. While learning my new job, I am ready to travel all over the world and introduce others to the same opportunity that they too can be a part of. Overall, I am interested in making a difference.

“Travel Experiences: I have had an opportunity to travel to exciting places, which has been awesome. Some of those places are Philadelphia, Nashville and Spring Hill, TN; Atlanta; Little Rock; Houston and Kemah,TX; Panama City Beach, Sanford, and Orlando, FL;  Fort Wayne, IN; Flint, MI, and some other small towns. I am looking forward to more trips. I love to travel and with the company there are a lot of places I will be able to go and learn and earn along the way. I want others to experience the same opportunity as well, so I will introduce the business every chance I get as I move around the different cities and countries. In traveling, you meet new people and change lives all around the world.

“How I achieve success at PlanNet Marketing: I achieve success by first following the plan that Donald Bradley put together for us to follow. Second, I follow my sponsor who introduced me to the business, which just made sense. My advice to anyone would be to always remain focused, be coachable, and execute. Also, never have too much pride to go back to the drawing board when things are not working out. I can’t say it enough - remain focused in all you do. My main reason for achieving success is my “why,” and the reason I strive to work so hard. My question to any of you - what company puts together a package guaranteeing that if you get to a certain position in the company and something happens to you, your family will be taken care of, which is the PlanNet Pledge. Well, after I saw this, it made me want to dig even harder for my family as a whole. It just makes sense.

“How others can achieve success: In order to achieve success in this business, first follow the steps that Mr. Donald Bradley put into place, Second, hold on to your sponsor’s sleeve and never let go. Lastly, when things get tough, remain focused and remember why you became a part of such a great opportunity. We must never waver. #WEGOTTHIS

“Fun facts about self: I enjoy traveling the world and meeting new people and introducing them to a great opportunity that just makes sense. In my down time I love spending time with God, self and family. My main focus and fun thing to do is spend time with like-minded individuals who are seeking the same goals.  As JP Watkins stated, you must be willing to have the initiative and act now in order to get results. It is not the business that does not work, it’s you. I like spending time with individuals who understand that in order to better yourself in life, you have to be willing to change your mindset -  and it’s as simple as my favorite verse I revert to when I am in doubt: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13

This is why I do what I do!!”




Halloween is just two weeks away, so it’s time for more scary truths about the PlanNet Marketing Policies and Procedures. Keep in mind, these rules were all put in place to protect each and every one of our valued PlanNet Reps – but no protection can be in place without some consequences for rule-breakers. So here we go…

The Scary Truth About NOT Following the Rules!

 *shrieks and screams*

Financial Freedom, Personal Freedom, Time Freedom – at PlanNet Marketing, we want our Reps to feel completely free! But these freedoms come at a cost. *do, do, DOOOOOOOOOO!*


In order to keep PlanNet up and running, and to keep offering the amazing opportunities we have to so many, there are rules that must be followed. At PlanNet Marketing, our rules are called the Policies and Procedures, or P&Ps, as I lovingly refer to them. They govern how we do business every day. They keep me in line, they keep you in line, they keep us all on the same page and protected. Without these, we would be lost! NOOOOOO!

Oh yes, it’s scary, but true. Without the P&P’s there would be no PlanNet Marketing – and that, my friends, is the scariest truth of all!

So, what do we have to do to keep ourselves on the right track and away from the scary shadows of non-compliance? FOLLOW THE RULES!!!!!!! It really is that simple - educate yourself by reading the P&Ps and reading my weekly compliance blog, send any questions or inquiries to Compliance@plannetmarketing.com, and if you accidentally break a rule and I contact you about it – respond quickly with your plan to get back into compliance with the rules.

Now, for the really scary part –
the consequences for NOT following the rules are dire!!

Violation of the Policies and Procedures, any law, or any act or omission by a Rep that may damage PlanNet’s reputation (even if the act isn’t related to your PlanNet Marketing business) may result in disciplinary action! *WooooooooOOOOOOOooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOO*

Here’s the scary stuff – if you don’t follow the rules, PlanNet may elect to:

  • Issue a written warning or admonition
  • Require the Rep to take immediate corrective measures
  • Impose a fine, which may be withheld from bonus and commission checks
  • Loss of rights to one or more bonus and commission checks
  • Withhold from a Rep all or part of their bonuses and commissions during the period that PlanNet Marketing is investigating any conduct contrary to the P&Ps
  • Suspension of the individual’s Rep account for one or more pay periods
  • Involuntary termination of the offender’s Rep account
  • Any other measure expressly allowed within the P&Ps
  • Institute legal proceedings for monetary and/or equitable relief

I know the list above is definitely scary, but remember, the scary stuff is in place to protect you and your business! If you have any questions about today’s scary truths or any compliance matter, please email me at Compliance@plannetmarketing.com .

-- Policies and Procedures Section 9.1 located in your Virtual Office in the Information Center (go to Resources, then Policies and Procedures).

~Amanda Restivo, VP, Compliance -- arestivo@plannetmarketing.com



Q:  How do I make needed changes to my tax information for PlanNet?

A:  Any changes needed for tax information, including tax name and/or tax number, must be submitted with a W-9 form. This form is located in your Virtual Office under Information Center, then Resources. If you should have further questions regarding this, please contact support at 470-443-9330 or support@plannetmarketing.com.

~~ Sarah Muscarella, Manager of Customer Support




You may have noticed some recent changes to the site and I wanted to take a minute to let you know what has changed. 

1. After you press Login, you are now taken to your Virtual Office Dashboard instead of the Home page.

2. If you are not in good standing as a Rep with PlanNet Marketing, you will no longer be able to enroll any new Reps or ITAs. All you have to do is login to your Virtual Office and make your status current or call the office and we can help: <span style="color: blue">470-443-9330</span>. This change was made so that our valued Reps will not miss their Direct Sale commission.

3. We recently added new videos and pictures from Convention under Information Center > Library.  Go check them out!

~ LeAnn Troeckler, Chief Operations Officer


Good Friday morning PlanNet Reps and Directors!
Have you seen all of the incredible videos we have posted since the Atlanta International Convention? These videos are inspirational and heartfelt from our top leaders and Reps in our PlanNet business. Go to your Virtual Office and check them out. Go to your mobile app and share these life-changing videos with your prospects. Keep up the great momentum as we approach our Two-Year Anniversary!  

~ LisaMarie Klinger, Vice President Marketing Administration


Race to Director - They're On Their Way!

PlanNet Marketing


PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race,
and on their way to One-Star Director!

1.  Roger Lillard
2.  Willie Jones
3.  Jimease Bailey
4.  Lucretia Gordon
5.  Cienia Railey
6.  Jeffrey Bynes
7.  Stuart and Mona Grandison
8.  Veronica Hodges
9.  Soromusu Wilson
10.  Rosalind Garrard

PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs
Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1.  Clifton Coward
2.  Kwanya Martin
3.  Trudel Scott
4.  Rachel Russell
5.  Nathan Newman
6.  Latoya Chin
7.  Lisa Horsley
8.  Lynn & Marcus Hendricks
9.  John Dacosta
10.  Tanisha & Andrew Burke




Wear this special edition pin commemorating PlanNet Marketing’s
Two-Year Anniversary!  How do you get one?

Attend any of the Two-Year Anniversary meetings and you will receive this special commemorative pin!  Click here to visit the Events page of the PlanNetNow! Blog (look for the Anniversary pin on the flyer), check your PlanNet Mobile App, or visit your Virtual Office to locate a meeting in your area. Remember…you must attend one of these meetings in order to receive your pin!
Happy Anniversary, PlanNet Marketing!



My Why is Bigger Than My Why Not
Chairman Donald Bradley's heartfelt message to everyone at PlanNet Marketing..."Don't let your why be your why not."
Real people, real life testimonials from our PlanNet Reps and Directors
I'm Just Like You - Featuring Four Star Director Eileen Ross
Eileen shares her story on how YOU can do this.
"I'm not different, I'm just like you..."

PlanNet Reps! These three amazing motivational videos can’t afford to be missed! Watch them again and again…and easily send them to all of your team members right from your PlanNet Marketing Mobile App! It’s fast and easy, and you will know when someone watches a video you send!

In addition to these three inspirational videos, there are even more videos available on your Mobile App. Want more information on what’s available in the Mobile App? Click here for details on the App’s exclusive new features that will help explode your business! If you haven’t taken advantage of this powerful App, now is the time! Visit your Virtual Office and download it today!