
New 20/20 Club Member Veronica Hodges grew up in Brockton, MA and currently resides in Newark, DE with her teenage daughter and her father. She shares, “I always had a passion for traveling and was a hospitality major in college. I went into education to have a secure job with summers off as a single mom. I was a teacher for 11 years, and due to budget cuts, was let go in June. When we say have a Plan B while you still have a Plan A ...I am the evidence of why it is important. Having this business and working hard, I was prepared and able to have the choice not to look for another job.

“My vacations were always visiting family in Massachusetts and my father when he lived in Florida. Since starting in this business, I have become certified with several suppliers. I had a passport and never used it. When I came in a year ago, I was preparing for my niece’s wedding in July 2017 in Punta Cana. As an AM Resorts Master Agent, I was able to get a free upgrade and tour of the property and an amazing package deal. Now that I have my first passport stamp, I’m ready to explore the world!

“The tips that helped me are plugging into everything available to learn as you earn as well as reading books suggested by my Director. I attend our local meetings and travel to every meeting that is within driving distance. Attending big events like Eagle Weekend, Women In Black, and conferences allow you to meet and get advice from Directors and hear their success stories. That is what keeps me going, knowing I am not the only one who is a caregiver or single parent who has been between blessings at one time. I know this is the vehicle that is going to help me and my experiences can help others.

“An unknown fact about me is I am an extreme couponer and teach classes on how to do it! I enjoy cooking, couponing, am very active in my church and my sorority, Delta Sigma Theta. I volunteer and give back to the community by teaching classes on couponing, financial literacy and domestic violence awareness.”