
Join us for PlanNet Cares Day 2021 with a Virtual Fun Mile Walk/5K Run, a Virtual “March Madness” Three-Point Contest, and a Virtual “March Madness” Free-Throw Contest! Register for one or more of these events and receive a PlanNet Cares basketball jersey or t-shirt! All donations will benefit homeless women and children living in shelters.

Virtual "March Madness" Three-Point Contest
Register Here

We encourage both men
and women to participate!
Registration: $125 per person

Virtual Fun Mile Walk/5K Run
Register Here

Time: 8 a.m. Your Time Zone
Registration: $35 (U.S. Currency)
per person

Virtual “March Madness” Free Throw Contest
Register Here

We encourage both men
and women to participate!
Registration: $100 per person



PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Caroll Pattison to the 40/40 Club! Caroll says, “I joined the business last July, when Covid prevented me from doing my job of tour manager, taking groups of blind people on holidays worldwide.  

At first I was a little overwhelmed with all the training. Then I started working closely with the team and realised how amazing this opportunity really is. Everyone is just so supportive. It’s such a lovely community to be a part of where everyone shares their successes.  It’s so amazing that it doesn’t feel like work. I feel happy all the time and a lot more confident.



PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Shelli Mercer to the 20/20 Club! Shelli was born and raised in Cambridge, MA, but currently resides in Brockton, MA, which is about 20 minutes south of Boston. She tells us, “I am a mother of two adult sons, Leroy and James, a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., and I worked as an outside construction and FIOS technician for Verizon Communications for 23 years, before retiring in December 2019. When I realized that retirement was around the corner, I went back to school at age 51 and received my Baking and Pastry Arts degree from Johnson and Wales University and started an online bakery. I have been running that bakery for five years, and I now work my marketing, travel and bakery businesses part time from home.

“I love, love, love being an entrepreneur, because I’m in charge of my own success! I can give my own self a raise when I work hard, and I do! I thank God for giving me the drive, focus and determination to keep pushing for my dreams, and the ability to recognize a great opportunity and vision like PlanNet Marketing. 

“Building my business has not been easy, but it has been very rewarding and enjoyable! I didn’t think I could take on one more thing at the time I started this business, but I was wrong! I’m in business for myself, but not by myself, because PlanNet Marketing has the BEST leadership team and I have the BEST business partners running with me! ❤️

“To make your dreams come true, you have to put in the work! Staying focused and not allowing the “no’s” to take up too much space in my head has helped me keep my business moving forward.  I’m constantly sharing this business with people I meet when I’m out and about, on vacation, and on social media. I use the tools we have to invite these individuals to corporate calls, presentations, the IMV, and I also host presentations for my team, along with my sponsor and Three-Star Director. 

“Sharing this business opportunity with as many families as possible is the key to building your business at a steady pace. Be the proof to your team and they will follow your lead! Show them that this vehicle can take you wherever you want to go! I love the Flintstones, lol! Fred Flintstone was the gas in his OWN vehicle! You need to become the gas in your vehicle! Create residual income, create time and personal freedom, help families do the same and leave a legacy! You will always win when you help others win!

“We all need personal development, and it will become constant as you rank up. Therefore, open and broaden your mind with the books our leaders recommend so you can grow personally, get out of your comfort zone, and get out of your own way! Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who want to work just as hard as you, and dig deep until you hit pay dirt!!  Trust me, the other side of that hole will be worth it!!

“I’m not done yet! There is much more to achieve in this business! This is just a pit stop for me! My eye is already on the next level, and I’m not stopping until I have my legacy for my future grandchildren!” 



PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Ellen Powell to the 20/20 Club! Ellen was born and raised in Nashville, TN and served in the US Navy for six years before settling in the greater Indianapolis, IN area. She loves being active and likes playing softball, hiking nature trails, horseback riding and bike riding.

“It's the love of travel that brought most of us to this business opportunity, and I am no exception! My travel experiences started at a young age with my grandparents, through military service and now as a travel professional, and span five countries and 39 of the continental United States. (I plan to hit all 50 before age 50.)

“I got off to a slow start in the business focusing on travel for myself only, but once my eyes were opened to the compensation tied to marketing, I started to build a team! I was still pretty slow moving UNTIL I became intentional, showed consistency and followed the complete system – the PS AND the 3! (somehow the 3 got left off a lot).

“I am truly excited about my future on the PlanNet because with this opportunity, there truly are NO LIMITS or limitations when you're committed.

“A fun fact about me: If Wakanda was an actual location, I'd be a resident!”


Screenshot 2021-01-12 125614.jpg

1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights...
I was born in Essex, England but left the UK to live in Mallorca, Spain when I was only three years old. I had a wonderful childhood growing up in the sun and learning to speak Spanish from such a young age, which has been a real gift. At the age of 16, I moved back to the UK to further my education and take my A Levels and then went on to university, but that only lasted about 8 weeks. I had itchy feet and wanted to see the world. I was full of great ideas and big dreams so I moved back to Spain and started working in the party scene selling club events and within a year had my own sales teams breaking records and filling the main resort venues. In the low season I would go traveling and exploring new places and cultures and grew a huge passion for travel and adventure.

When I was introduced to PlanNet Marketing, straight away I saw the potential of what I could do with a company where the positioning and timing was so right, with a product I could be passionate about, travel, and something was just telling me to go for it. A year later I haven't looked back, living in Nottinghamshire, UK with my husband and three children. I am so happy that I took the leap. I am a Two-Star director with an incredible organisation of people that make me want to wake up every day and be excited about life.

2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
I know more than ever that your circle is so important, and being surrounded by people that inspire you to level up is a must if you want to reach your full potential. I have been committed to working on my mindset and personal development on a daily basis and know that it is important to keep growing if I want to be the best leader I can to my organisation.

3. What drives you; what motivates you?
I don't want to look back in years to come with a feeling of regret for not giving it my all. I want to give my children and family choices and the freedom to live our best lives. I wake up every day now with a fire in my belly not only to help my own family but to inspire as many people as possible to do the same. Every small win my team has lights me up over and over again, and being able to impact and give value to so many people within my own organisation and the wider team gives me so much fulfillment and purpose.

4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
Marcella Burge came into my life at just the right time. The fire and energy she gives off, the pure discipline and determination reminded me of me in my 20s when I was thriving in business and life. I was almost 40 when we met online around a year ago now, feeling stuck after having made some bad business choices, putting myself and my family in a large amount of debt, and I wasn't quite sure how I was going to fix things. Marcella’s straight talking and honest mentorship has inspired me to level up and have a no excuses attitude. If you want to make a change, then be the change, if you want things to work, then do the work. I will be forever grateful for the friendship and leadership she has brought into my life.

5. The three words that describe you best are:
Resilient, determined, and passionate.

6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone what would it be?
Go ALL IN. Be disciplined even on the days you don't feel motivated; make sure you still get it done. Behave as the leader you would be inspired by and remember that your team will become a reflection of you, so always strive to do and be your best.

7. What does your life look like five years from now?
I will be living a life of freedom and choices. I will be a Six-Star Director plus, and have positively impacted 1000s of lives helping so many people reach Directorship and leave a legacy to their loved ones. I will be showing my children the world and creating wonderful memories together. I will feel fulfilled, proud, with a full heart and thriving team, happy family and incredible friendships.



A Very Important Compliance Message

I see it every day, some well-meaning Rep out there talking about “two sides of the business” and really trying to say TWO BUSINESSES. The PlanNet Marketing Rep business is not a “side” to anything – it is a business in and of itself, and it is YOUR business. If you are reading this article right now, you are almost assuredly a PlanNet Marketing Rep who is selling ITAs and enrolling other Reps to earn residual income and supplement your lifestyle.

So, what’s the other “side”? Why, the travel side of course! But it isn’t really a “side” either – it’s a completely separate business too. The InteleTravel at home Travel Agent is someone who books travel and earns commissions on those bookings.

The confusion happens because there are a growing number of individuals who are BOTH PlanNet Reps and InteleTravel Agents. However, there is significant danger in confusing these two partner companies as being one business. We are not one – we are two separate businesses with independent and separate management. Our businesses operate in two completely different industries. We are not two sides of the same coin – we are two complete coins, each with our own value.  

Each week I write an article for PlanNet Reps, sharing some insight about our Policies or requesting some action from each of you to remain compliant with those Policies. In the past I have addressed the following topics:

  • PlanNet Marketing’s Code of Ethics and behaving professionally

  • Where Reps and ITAs must live in order to work their two businesses

  • Hiding from Compliance Matters instead of dealing with them

  • Submitting your websites and materials for review by Compliance

Each of these topics come back to one central idea – every Rep is enthusiastic about working their business and becoming a success, but most Reps will, inadvertently, at some point or other, make a compliance mistake and violate PlanNet Marketing’s policies. Not because they want to break the rules, but because they have a great idea and they don’t realize their excitement is clouding their vision.

Here are some classic examples of enthusiasm gone wrong:

1)  If you’re posting about your business daily in online forums or social media – you’re enthusiastic. 

  • If you’re calling yourself a “travel agent” and asking others to “join you,” you are non-compliant.

  • Agents don’t sell ITAs – only PlanNet Marketing Reps can sell ITAs. 

2)  If you’re speaking to a new prospect and they seem very interested in buying an ITA from you – you’re enthusiastic. 

  • If you fail to ask them where they’re living, or you encourage them to use a friend’s or family member’s address while they are temporarily living outside our open markets – you are non-compliant.

  • Reps and ITAs must live in a country where our businesses are legally allowed to operate.

3)  If you’re getting a ton of responses from your recent ad to “Become an at home travel agent” – you’re enthusiastic. 

  • If you’re posting that advertisement on a Job Posting website or group – you are non-compliant

  • PlanNet Marketing does not offer employment, and so we do not allow our Reps to advertise the sale of the ITA in job listing forums or websites.

4)  If you’re creating your very own website to grow your Rep business – you’re enthusiastic.

  • If you’re using PlanNet Marketing’s name, logo, videos or a link to our website on your own – you are non-compliant

  • All content created by Reps must be approved by PlanNet Marketing’s Compliance department and should not contain the PlanNet Marketing name, logo, or proprietary information.


At PlanNet Marketing we work very hard to provide our Reps with the tools and information they need to be successful. In our world, information is literally at our fingertips and our online audience is huge! Please remember that every word and image you post and every syllable you speak, they all reflect back on the company you represent – PlanNet Marketing.

If you don’t know the answer – please ask us. Our Support Team is available by phone and email, as well as Support Ticket. They are incredibly responsive and always willing to assist. As always, if you have any questions about this or any Policy, please email

PlanNet Marketing prides itself on the quality and character of our Independent Representatives. Every Rep should practice professionalism and respect when conducting PlanNet Marketing business, providing support and encouragement for one another. As a company, we could not do what we do without each one of you – our Reps. Thank you for your enthusiasm and thank you for your continued efforts toward compliance. 

~Amanda Restivo, VP, Compliance --


Set your reminder for every Friday to take a few minutes to read the newest PlanNetNow! Don’t miss the latest announcements, recognitions, and the motivation this important communication provides. See you next Friday!


Race to Director - They're on Their Way!

PlanNet Marketing


PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race, and on their way to One-Star Director!

1.  Debrika Miles
2.  Natasha Biggs
3.  Jasmine Cara Ford
4.  David Scott
5.  Clarinda Burston
6.  Natalie Brown
7.  Melvin Towner
8.  Charlotte Howard
9.  Twinette Brown
10.  Hayley Thorpe

PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1.  Tamarian Maddox
2.  Jessica Leaming
3.  Johnice McRae
4.  Calvin Ellerbe
5.  Rakettia Mason
6.  Shenila Hill Rodriguez
7.  Elliott George
8.  Catherine Netter
9.  Vincent Green
10.  Kymberly Caldwell



Join us for PlanNet Cares Day 2021 with a Virtual Fun Mile Walk/5K Run, a Virtual “March Madness” Three-Point Contest, and a Virtual “March Madness” Free-Throw Contest! Register for one or more of these events and receive a PlanNet Cares basketball jersey or t-shirt! All donations will benefit homeless women and children living in shelters.
Virtual "March Madness" Three-Point Contest
Register Here

We encourage both men and women to participate!
Registration: $125 per person
Virtual Fun Mile Walk/5K Run
Register Here

Time: 8 a.m. Your Time Zone
Registration: $35 (U.S. Currency) per person
Virtual “March Madness” Free Throw Contest
Register Here

We encourage both men and women to participate!
Registration: $100 per person


Make sure you watch one of the most inspiring and informative Super Saturday calls ever!

President and CFO Andy Cauthen spoke about the PlanNet Marketing company, sharing what makes it the best network marketing company in the world. He also:

  • Reported the current number of ITAS, Directors, Directors in Training, Gold Builders, etc., Presidential Ring and Rolex wearers, as well as the current amount of commissions that have been paid to date

  • Spoke about the exciting events ahead in 2021

  • Recommended two great books (“four minute reads”).

InteleTravel President James Ferrara spoke about the impressive partnership between InteleTravel and PlanNet Marketing, including:

  • Record-breaking travel sales from PlanNet Marketing in the first 15 days of this year

  • A new record about to be broken in 2021

  • The growth of travel and all the support, tools, training, and platforms available to InteleTravel travel agents.

He then introduced three top executives in the travel industry, who spoke about the very bright future of travel: 

  • Adolfo Perez, Senior Vice President of Global Sales for Carnival

  • Rene Jongmans, President of Vacation Express, a leading tour operator

  • Jackie Marks, Executive Vice President of Apple Leisure Group Vacations, the largest leisure company in the world.

And PlanNet Marketing Founder & Chairman Donald Bradley introduced:

  • Two-Star Director Leah Lockett, who introduced two new promotions in her downline:

  • New One-Star Director Sarah-Louise Caldon, and

  • New One-Star Director Paul Kelbie.