
PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Ellen Powell to the 20/20 Club! Ellen was born and raised in Nashville, TN and served in the US Navy for six years before settling in the greater Indianapolis, IN area. She loves being active and likes playing softball, hiking nature trails, horseback riding and bike riding.

“It's the love of travel that brought most of us to this business opportunity, and I am no exception! My travel experiences started at a young age with my grandparents, through military service and now as a travel professional, and span five countries and 39 of the continental United States. (I plan to hit all 50 before age 50.)

“I got off to a slow start in the business focusing on travel for myself only, but once my eyes were opened to the compensation tied to marketing, I started to build a team! I was still pretty slow moving UNTIL I became intentional, showed consistency and followed the complete system – the PS AND the 3! (somehow the 3 got left off a lot).

“I am truly excited about my future on the PlanNet because with this opportunity, there truly are NO LIMITS or limitations when you're committed.

“A fun fact about me: If Wakanda was an actual location, I'd be a resident!”