New One-Star Director Jean Marc Godard was born in one of the five islands that make up the archipelago of Guadeloupe, Marie-Galante, "the island of a hundred windmills" in the French Antilles. He currently lives between Marie-Galante and Guadeloupe, while making PlanNet Marketing presentations for all of his business partners.

With a background of study in philosophy, the humanities, and the arts, Jean Marc’s work background is diverse. He worked in the school for the national education until July of this year and he has also worked in the areas of cultural associations, sports for young people with difficulty, and in the field of commercial insurance training. He was his own boss in the home construction field and has also worked as a program director for a local radio station!

He tells us, “I'm quite interested by the Afro-Caribbean culture, and quite open to different arts and traditions worldwide. However, I remain very attached to the tradition Marie-Galante, especially the food. I love my ‘bébélé,’ a dish made with tripe, plantains and beef with cane syrup (a local dish). I love traveling; it gives me a strong sense of freedom, especially by sea. I have crossed the north Caribbean, visited Trinidad and Tobago, St. Lucia, Martinique, Dominica, St. Martin, Anguilla, Costa Rica and Spain. I really love the beaches of Costa Del Sol, Italy and Portugal. I often go to the Dominican Republic.

“My passions are reading, hiking, fishing, traveling and the arts. PlanNet Marketing was offered to me when I had the idea of creating a company in the field of restoration of financial independence. I immediately embraced PlanNet Marketing’s concept, and it was also for me a new source of income. I fell in love with the concept of traveling a lot in addition to the marketing network. Plus, I can do my business without relying on the banks!”

Jean Marc shares his path to success: “I already feel and see my positive progress. For more than 10 months, I did not miss one PlanNet Marketing presentation meeting. In addition, I always prepare my presentations early at home for different  local meetings. I support my upline and downline, help my team in their private presentations and remain very close to them. (Thanks to Didier and BenGelard Jackson).

“Just like in everyday life, I am determined, persistent, and very focused in everything we undertake. Therefore, success is for sure to come!  I GIVE, I SHOW THE EXAMPLE, AND I DUPLICATE PlanNet Marketing’s methods. In conclusion, as a leader, I try to guide, influence and inspire my group, so that my team members reach their goals and become financially independent.”


Q:  When I change my PlanNet Marketing account information (email address, phone number, mailing address) will that change automatically take place on Paylution and Inteletravel?

A:  No. Each company will need to be notified separately.

PlanNet Marketing can be contacted at 470-443-9330 or Paylution can be contacted at 855-244-7984 or Inteletravel can be contacted at 800-873-5353 or

~LeAnn Troeckler, PlanNet Marketing Chief Operations Officer


It Only Takes One! That’s right, it only takes ONE Rep business to change it all – YOURS! Each Rep is only allowed one account in PlanNet Marketing. That means just one for you, your business, your alter-ego and your dog (ok, we’ll let your dog have his own account if he can pay for it!). No seriously, make sure you pay attention to this. If we find more than ONE Rep account out there with your name on it – it could be your name and another person’s name, your name and a business name, or just your name – we’ll shut them both down.

We allow our Reps the opportunity to participate in a fantastic compensation plan and business opportunity, but you only get one account to do it. If you have members of your immediate household (or family unit) with separate accounts (this could include your spouse or dependent children living at your address), then make sure all family members are directly sponsored by the first family member to join. Example: Dad has an account enrolled under the sponsorship of your neighbor, Sam Brown. Mom and Junior can both have accounts as well, however since they’re adults living at the same address as Dad, they need to be directly sponsored by Dad.

If you have any questions or concerns about this rule, please contact or call Support at 470-443-9330 for more information.

-- Policies and Procedures Section 5.11, located in your Virtual Office in the Information Center (go to Resources, then Policies and Procedures).

~Amanda Restivo, Manager of Compliance --

This Weekend and Beyond

Super Saturday Events - Baltimore, MD -- Atlanta, GA -- Dallas, TX

Sunday PlanNet Pulse Call - 9:00 pm ET - Founder & Chairman Donald Bradley, CEO & President Andy Cauthen. Dial In: 641-715-3610 Pin: 377045#

Sunday Opportunity Conference Call - Sunday 9:30pm ET - Hear from the top income earners inside PlanNet Marketing. Dial In: 641-715-3610 Pin: 377045#

Monday - Friday: The Morning Call - A Daily Dose of Inspiration, Motivation & Education
Every Monday - Friday Morning @ 8:00 am ET. Dial in:  641-715-3610 Pin: 377045#.  In case you missed it: Morning Call Playback  641-715-3609 Pin: 377045#

Monday Events - Huntsville, AL -- Charleston, SC -- Columbus, OH -- Richmond, VA -- Milwaukee, WI

Monday Webinar - PlanNet Marketing Opportunity Webinar Every Monday Evening (Register online thru your Virtual Office) 
Tuesday Events - Akron, OH -- San Diego, CA -- Baltimore, MD -- Atlanta, GA -- Greensboro, NC -- Winston-Salem, NC -- Ft. Worth, TX

Tuesday Call - Opportunity Conference Call – Hear from the top income earners inside PlanNet Marketing. Dial In: 641-715-3610 Pin: 377045#

Tuesday Webinar - InteleTravel Webinar 

Wednesday Call - Opportunity Conference Call – Hear from the top income earners inside PlanNet Marketing. Dial In: 641-715-3610 Pin: 377045#

Thursday Events -  Houston, TX -- Ft. Lauderdale/Miami, FL -- Dallas, TX -- Baltimore/DC/Virginia -- Charlotte, NC -- Augusta, GA -- Los Angeles, CA

Thursday Call - Opportunity Conference Call – Hear from the top income earners inside PlanNet Marketing. Dial In: 641-715-3610 Pin: 377045#

Thursday Podcast - Weekly Updated Inteletravel Podcast

Race to Director - They're On Their Way!



Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race, 
and on their way to One-Star Director!

1. Calvin Ellerbe

2. Felicia Miles

3. Sandra Myricks

4. Shaunte Garrett

5. Melissa Collins

6. Greg Doctson

7. Amanda Ruggs

8. Anita Gilkey

9. Marvin and Ingrid Fordham

10. Lucretia Gordon


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs
Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1. Natalie Graham

2. David Washington

3. Donn and Tawanda Shamley

4. Trudel Scott

5. Joy Lovett Dawkins

6. Didier Gelard

7. Velecia Middlebrooks

8. Nathan Newman

9. Alfred Ingram

10. Tiffany McIntosh



4-Star Director and PlanNet Marketing Founders Club member Orlanda Moore has always had big goals and dreams. After 22 years of military service, he now fights for financial freedom. His weapons of choice are the travel and network marketing industries, which he has been a part of the past nine years. Orlanda trained, coached, and developed our young men and women as a United States Army Drill Sergeant. He now trains, coaches, and develops leaders and individuals who desire to win for their families. 

He fully understands and believes that not a single person can achieve anything of greatness alone. It’s all about empowering others. Known for his focus and self discipline, Orlanda’s motto is: I don’t make excuses, nor do I accept them.

Congratulations to Orlanda Moore for becoming our newest Four-Star Director!


Meet PlanNet Marketing’s newest Three-Star and Founding Directors, Bernard and Cynthia Hampton. Although he made his grand entrance onto the “PlanNet” in South Carolina, Bernard was raised in sunny South Florida. Cynthia was born in Washington, DC; however, she moved multiples times with her family while her father served in the military. After graduating from high school, Cynthia relocated to Florida where she met and married Bernard. They currently reside in Miami and are the proud parents of five children: Terrell, Ashley, Aarika, Bernard Jr., and Azsha (pronounced Asia).

Bernard has always had an entrepreneurial spirit, as he purchased equipment and started his own lawn service at the ripe age of 23 years old. This endeavor involved establishing and maintaining elite clientele, acquiring and retaining employees, overseeing records/bookkeeping and the distribution of payroll. Bernard single-handedly performed all aspects of his business, while simultaneously being employed with the cities of Coral Gables and South Miami.

Cynthia has worked for the federal government for over 32 years and is currently employed as a Human Resources Officer with the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Florida. Her previous employment includes the National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA), Civilian Personnel and the Bureau of Prisons.

Both Bernard and Cynthia say their greatest enjoyment is spending quality time with their loved ones, especially their beautiful grandchildren. They also enjoy line dancing, bowling, listening to music, playing Family Feud, watching movies and traveling, preferably road trips and cruising.

The Hamptons attribute their success in PlanNet Marketing to developing a fun yet educational environment for their team. They are firm believers that you must lead by example, that the best leaders are the ones who inspire others to achieve greatness each and every day, and that people are loyal to people and not titles. The Hamptons state that recruiting, training, retention and duplication are the key to building a strong and successful foundation.

Bernard and Cynthia would like to thank Donald and Deborah Bradley for their vision and mentorship, Shedrick White for his guidance and belief in them and their entire team for staying focused, plugged-in and coachable. The Hamptons live by the sayings, “A leader is only as good as its troop” and “There is no I in team.”  Bernard and Cynthia are forever grateful and honored to be a part of the PlanNet Marketing family!

The Hamptons’ Tips for Success:

  1. Discover your “why” and keep your “why” in front of you
  2. Stop fearing, doubting and complaining
  3. Commit to the system
  4. Open, change and expand your mind
  5. Read, read, read
  6. Always remain humble



New Two Star Directors Erick and DeJoire Benson are honored to have Donald and Deborah Bradley as friends, mentors and leaders for more than ten years. During the past four years, they have been privileged to be coached by Four-Star Director Orlanda Moore, who is their direct sponsor. The Bensons would like to thank their entire TEAM across the country and in the UK, who have made it possible for them to be members of the 20/20 Club and to achieve the status of Two-Star Directors. But, they will not be satisfied until they help everyone, who desires to do so, achieve the same milestones! 

★  Their secret to success is summed up in two words…NEVER QUIT!
★  As the song so clearly states, “Ain’t No Stoppin’ Us Now.” 
★  As God says, “We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us!”


Q:  When and how much do I get paid for Direct Sales?

A:  Our commission cycles run from 12:00 am ET Monday morning through 11:59 pm ET Sunday night. When the commission closes on Sunday night you will be paid on or before the following Friday. For each Direct Sale that you make as an active REP you will earn $50.

~LeAnn Troeckler, PlanNet Marketing Chief Operations Officer


Sell It Like It Is!
That’s right – Sell it, not tell it. We want you to be a success in building your PlanNet Marketing Business and we want you to have a superior product to sell at an excellent price! Just make sure that price… is our price.
Please do not come up with your own “sales” or “offers” granting advantages in pricing that PlanNet Marketing is not offering. We don’t allow our Reps to offer special enticement advertising or pricing. You must only advertise and sell ITAs at company published prices.

For more information about this or any compliance matter, please email

-- Policies and Procedures Section 4.6, located in your Virtual Office in the Information Center (go to Resources, then Policies and Procedures).

~Amanda Restivo, Manager of Compliance --

This Weekend and Beyond...

Super Saturday Events -  St. Louis, MO -- Raleigh, NC

Super Sunday Event - Montgomery, AL

Sunday PlanNet Pulse Call - 9:00 pm ET - Founder & Chairman Donald Bradley, CEO & President Andy Cauthen. Dial In: 641-715-3610 Pin: 377045#

Sunday Opportunity Conference Call - Sunday 9:30pm ET - Hear from the top income earners inside PlanNet Marketing. Dial In: 641-715-3610 Pin: 377045#

Monday - Friday: The Morning Call - A Daily Dose of Inspiration, Motivation & Education
Every Monday - Friday Morning @ 8:00 am ET. Dial in:  641-715-3610 Pin: 377045#.  In case you missed it: Morning Call Playback  641-715-3609 Pin: 377045#

Monday Event - Huntsville, AL -- Charleston, SC

Monday Webinar - PlanNet Marketing Opportunity Webinar Every Monday Evening (Register online thru your Virtual Office) 
Tuesday Events - Akron, OH -- San Diego, CA -- Baltimore, MD -- Atlanta, GA -- Newark, NJ

Tuesday Call - Opportunity Conference Call – Hear from the top income earners inside PlanNet Marketing. Dial In: 641-715-3610 Pin: 377045#

Tuesday Webinar - InteleTravel Webinar

Wednesday Call - Opportunity Conference Call – Hear from the top income earners inside PlanNet Marketing. Dial In: 641-715-3610 Pin: 377045#

Thursday Events - Houston, TX -- Ft. Lauderdale/Miami, FL -- Dallas, TX -- Baltimore/DC/Virginia -- Charlotte, NC

Thursday Call - Opportunity Conference Call – Hear from the top income earners inside PlanNet Marketing. Dial In: 641-715-3610 Pin: 377045#

Thursday Podcast - Weekly Updated Inteletravel Podcast

Race to Director - They're On Their Way!



Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race, 
and on their way to One-Star Director!

1. Calvin Ellerbe

2. Sandra Myricks

3. Shaunte Garrett

4. Baron Brown

5. Felicia Miles

6. Greg Doctson

7. Melissa Collins

8. Anita Gilkey

9. Amanda Ruggs

10. Marvin and Ingrid Fordham


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs
Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1. DeJoire Benson

2. Natalie Graham

3. David Washington

4. Didier Gelard

5. Donn and Tawanda Shamley

6. Trudel Scott

7. Joy Lovett Dawkins

8. Velecia Middlebrooks

9. Nathan Newman

10. Kwanya Martin



Watch upcoming PlanNetNOW! blogs for a Convention recap and lots of pictures! Also be sure to check out the PlanNet Marketing Facebook page for live videos and photos from the event!

Here’s a sneak peek at some of the pics you will see over the next few weeks here on the Blog!

*PlanNet Marketing has purchased these beautiful photographs.  Please feel free to copy or download them. Please do not edit, alter or crop the photographer’s logo.  Thank you!*


Tony Fleming, PlanNet Marketing’s newest Three-Star Director, was featured in the June 17th PlanNetNOW! Blog for achieving Two-Star Directorship! Less than three months later, he continues his PlanNet success with another Director’s Star! Congratulations Tony on your continued success!

Director Fleming attributes his success to “user experience.” He relates, “I've been doing this business full-time for 22 years and it just becomes a habit. When you stay in the environment then it just becomes second nature. I just do it and it has become my life. Develop your team, make this business become your life; it needs to seriously be a part of your environment.” 

He advises, “If you want to make a lot of money in this business, do the calls, make the meetings. Do what the system suggests - calls, read the books, do the training -  then you will eventually win. That is how I have reached the top of every compensation plan of any company with which I have been affiliated.” Tony says education is necessary, but one needs financial knowledge to succeed; one needs to think in a different way to achieve success. He believes entrepreneurship is the ability to spot an opportunity and the willingness to go after it despite the risks.

“Quick success comes from locking into this environment early and doing what you're supposed to do. Don't just put one toe in. It needs to be on a consistent basis. Bring on more quality people, find people that are better than you, that you look up to, bring them into the business, and you will have quicker success.”


PlanNet Marketing is proud to welcome Director LaVonya Bailey to the 20/20 Club and congratulate her on this outstanding achievement. 

LaVonya also achieved the rank of Director within 60 days of joining the company - all while working on a part time basis!

With over three years of network marketing experience, LaVonya is successful in helping others achieve their business goals while taking her PlanNet Marketing business to the next level.