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Click to watch this short video shown
at last week’s Convention!  Beautiful!



2020 International Convention Logo - Gaylord Palms.jpg
PlanNet Marketing 2020 International Convention “Momentum”
Thursday – Saturday, September 24 - 26, 2020
Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center -- Orlando, Florida

Register Early and be one of the first groups to enter the Grand Ballroom
for General Sessions at Convention. You will want to get a great seat as this convention will be a packed house of 5,000 attendees!

Please note: Registration Tickets are NON-REFUNDABLE & NON-TRANSFERABLE.




Here are just a few photos from last week’s amazing Atlanta Convention. Please visit your Virtual Office > Information Center > Library to see ALL the photos from the Pep Rally, Directors’ Dinner and Saturday’s General Session!



1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights...
I am Cheryl R. Clemons, born in Chicago, reared in Oklahoma City, where I currently reside. I am a mother of seven beautiful children, grandmother of 6 1/2 amazingly talented, gorgeous grandchildren. I love to golf, dance, and play the piano. I am honored to have been named PlanNet Marketing Iron Woman, 4 and Free, 20/20 Club member, Gold Builder and the first One-Star Director in the State of Oklahoma.

2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
PlanNet Marketing has helped me to develop personally by connecting with some fantastic leaders. It has helped me reach beyond the things that are happening in that moment and focus on the bigger picture, push past the disappointments, and hope again. I realize if there is no hope in the future, there is no power in the present.

3. What drives you; what motivates you?
Like Mr. Bradley says, if your bank account is not where you desire it to be, that should motivate you. So knowing that my bank account is NOT where I desire it to be, motivates me!

4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
I like Tiffany Powell's tenacity and determination. I remember a time with her at the Women in Black event in Oklahoma and to see her NOW, wow! Also, when she asks me, “Sis, where you at?” I tell her. She is REAL, but encouraging with her responses. I can respect her for that…she praises and corrects.

5. The three words that describe you best are:
Loyalty, Integrity, and Determined.

6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone what would it be?
My advice would be, run your race. Stay focused and put your blinders on and stay in your lane. Help as many as you can with your gift, compete but don't compare, be real with yourself, and last but not least, ENCOURAGE YOURSELF DAILY. You will have enough negativity from outside sources to last you a lifetime.

7. What does your life look like five years from now?
In the next five years of my life, I will be a Six-Star Director or very close! I will be in the top 30 income earners (at a minimum) by helping at least 10 people get to Directorship, with multiple Gold, Silver, and Bronze Builders ranking in my organization. My grandchildren and I will have traveled to 30 countries. I will still be thanking God, and giving God all praise and honor.




PlanNet Marketing is proud to welcome Daniellé (Dee) and Roy Green to the 20/20 Club! Daniellé tells us “Both my husband and I were born in Boston, MA and it is where we currently reside. I love to travel, shop, and eat out but my hubby would prefer otherwise…Roy loves to read and is an avid golfer. I initially got introduced to the business because I was an avid traveler and it only made sense. I made “going away” a priority and I traveled at least three times a year. When I met my husband, it just added to our connection and allows us to get away and only focus on us and enjoy what we both like doing. The turnaround for me was the PlanNet convention in Las Vegas. When I saw people walking across the stage winning, I promised myself that next convention that it would be me.

“This achievement is just the beginning. We know there is more to come because we have an “I won't give up on achieving our goals attitude.” We recommend staying persistent in following up, staying plugged in, remaining coachable, and attending events to expand your mindset. Thank you to all who have sown nuggets in us across the PlanNet!” #Nextlevel




PlanNet Marketing is proud to welcome Ebony and Gary Waugh to the 20/20 Club. Ebony shares, “Allow us to start by first saying how humbled and excited we are to be afforded the opportunity to be a part of this amazing company (thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Bradley, for your vision and passion), and to have the honor of being featured as a 20/20 Club member. I was born in Baltimore, Maryland, but my family relocated in the mid 80’s when I was a teenager. After living in several states across the U.S., and then marrying my husband, Gary, we moved back to Baltimore in 2014. Gary is originally from Columbus, Ohio.

“Gary and I share similar interests, which include helping people become their ideal selves, achieving their goals, and ultimately enjoying their lives to the fullest. As a nurse, it is in my very core to "help" people, so this has become my life's purpose. We also enjoy traveling and experiencing other cultures, foods, and seeing God's hand in all the beautiful places all across this great planet Earth! I am an active member of my beloved sorority, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., and I strive to live up to our motto of "Service to All Mankind.” Gary and I are also active members in our church, and believe that having a connection to a higher spiritual being is the key to ALL success in life.

“We have traveled pretty extensively throughout the United States and also have been blessed to experience either by land or sea the following beautiful destinations: Jamaica (Montego Bay, Negril, and Ocho Rios), Bahamas (Freeport and Nassau), St. Maarten, St. Thomas, Mexico (Puerto Vallarta and Cancun), Aruba, Peru (Lima, Cusco, and Machu Pichu), Grand Cayman, Honduras, and Belize. We have several other destinations picked out to enjoy as well, with the blessing that being travel business owners now affords us.

“As I alluded to in a previous response, Gary and I consider ourselves to be "spiritual" beings, and firmly believe that with God ALL things are possible! So the success that we have achieved thus far has been made possible because we believe that "the heart of the builder must be right,” which sets the foundation for us to be impactful in the lives of others, and also effective in achieving our goals, and helping our team members achieve their goals as well.

“As for techniques that we can pass along, we just encourage others to remain humble, coachable, determined, and persistent in their pursuit of greatness and ultimately significance! I remember telling my mentor, Ms. JP Watkins, that I was a clean slate in this industry, and whatever she wrote on my slate is what I would do…and it has been paying off in a major way. We are also "enjoying our process," something else Ms. Watkins tells us each time she sees us. Finally, we have agreed that we are in this venture for the long haul, so we celebrate each milestone, and then put our heads back down to pursue our next one.

“A fun fact? We are connoisseurs of great food (a nicer way to say ‘we are foodies’), so our future travel plans will take us to Greece, Bora Bora, and Cuba! Our bags stay packed and our taste buds are ready!!!”




It's officially Autumn! The mornings are cool and crisp, the coffee shops are all selling pumpkin spice everything, your shorts are about to be traded for blue jeans, and leaves will start falling from trees. Just don't let your sales fall off with the leaves!

Whether you attended the Atlanta International Convention or not, now is the time to ramp up your business - sell, grow, teach!

Sell Some ITAs! Start sharing some videos and flyers from your Virtual Office, pique interest on social media and get some sales under your belt. Every direct sale of an ITA is $50 in your pocket.

Grow Your Team! Don't just sell the ITA, sell the whole package - many of your prospects would probably love to be a Rep just like you. Make sure you're offering the ITA and Rep businesses to your prospects. Once your new Reps make their first sales, you'll start reaping the rewards too (commissions and a larger team).

Train and Teach! Your business should be easily duplicatible. In other words, teach your new Reps to do what you do - how to sell and how to build. Plug them into company conference calls, local meetings, online social media groups, and give them PlanNet's Customer Service contact info. The more knowledgeable they are, the more successful they will be. Their success = your success! .

Don't wait another second to get busy! Winter is coming, but we have plenty of time to get ready - start working your business today to fund those holiday dreams!

-- The PlanNet Marketing Policies and Procedures are located in your Virtual Office in the Information Center (go to Resources, then Policies and Procedures).

~Amanda Restivo, Vice President, Compliance --


Race to Director - They're on Their Way!

PlanNet Marketing


PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race,
and on their way to One-Star Director!

1.  Rosalind Garrard
2.  Lizette Oviatt
3.  David Felgar
4.  Dennis Aiken
5.  Ashley Gibbs
6.  Janitress Miles
7.  Rebecca Lobina
8.  Johnnie Green
9.  Sabrina Perryman
10.  Shaquinta Barlow

PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs
Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1.  Louise Gatland
2.  Anthony McCarver
3.  Charles Kindred
4.  Calvin Ellerbe
5.  Robin Loving
6.  LaTeshia Campbell
7.  Trudel Scott
8.  Shaunte Garrett
9.  Tisha DeShields
10.  Aquarius Jackson




The 2018 PlanNet Marketing International Convention in Atlanta, GA is underway! We are all set up and prepared to meet and greet everyone attending! PlanNet University classes started yesterday and go through Friday afternoon, and last night’s Pep Rally rocked the house! The Directors’ Reception and Dinner is tonight at 6:00 pm, and the exciting General Sessions take place on Saturday in the Grand Ballroom. This Convention will be epic!





Top Weekly Income Earners!
Every week, starting with the commission cycle that runs from September 17 - October 28, 2018, we will post the Top 100 Weekly Income Earners in your Virtual Office. These totals will accumulate weekly throughout the commission cycle that ends at 11:59 pm ET, October 28, 2018.
~The income on these reports will be determined by weekly income only.

We will award the top two spots in each category listed below. The cash awards are to be presented in Atlanta on December 8, 2018 during the Black Tie Event!

Gold Builder – 1st Place $1,000 - 2nd Place $500
One-Star Director - 1st Place $1,000 - 2nd Place $500
Two-Star Director- 1st Place $1,000 - 2nd Place $500
Three-Star Director - 1st Place $1,000 - 2nd Place $500
Four-Star Director - 1st Place $1,000 - 2nd Place $500
Five-Star Director - $1,500 cash prize

*You will finish the contest in the rank in which you started. For example, if you are a Gold Builder now and you promote to One-Star during the contest you will be included in the Gold Builder Winners Category.

Good luck!



1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights...
I was born and raised in London, UK. I still live in London with my amazing other half Andre Sinclair and our two beautiful babies. I love travelling, spending time with friends and family, and watching films. My past business highlights have to be the team becoming a One-Star team and being able to help two others hit Director also.

2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
It has been completely life-changing. I look at things completely differently, I have a confidence and self belief that I never had before, and I finally feel like I am doing what I was meant to do - helping other people.

3. What drives you; what motivates you?
My family, being able to give our children the best life we can, being able to retire my parents and showing them they can be proud of me and the decision I have made to run with this incredible opportunity.

4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
My mentor Eileen Ross; the reason being, she is one of the strongest women I know but with one of the purest hearts I've seen. I am following her leadership and strive to be every bit the leader she is by following the example she is setting. She has helped me along my journey and taught me so much along the way, and I know I will carry that on with everyone I come into contact with. She is an inspiration.

5. The three words that describe you best are:
Passionate - Humble - Determined

6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone what would it be?
Don't ever give up. Your journey is your journey for a reason and it is preparing you for all that is to come, to help the people that will be coming behind you and develop you into the leader you were meant to be.

7. What does your life look like five years from now?
It's looking incredible - I will be a seven-figure income earner, I will be helping people on the way to doing the same thing, and I will have begun to invest income into property. I will also have expanded my family ;-)




PlanNet Marketing welcomes Clarinda Burston to the 20/20 Club! Clarinda is the founder of Feed Baltimore, a non-profit organization which has fed and clothed over 2,000 homeless and hungry citizens of Baltimore, MD. She says, “I have also adopted a Women and Children’s homeless shelter where we give gifts to the children for Christmas every year.”

Clarinda loves to help people see their full potential and fulfill their dreams. She loves reading, traveling, movies and spending time with loved ones. She has achieved success at PlanNet Marketing by working hard and staying focused.

Clarinda shares, “Achieving success in PlanNet Marketing is to press forward regardless of the obstacles that will come. Distractions are normal - learning how to persevere and stay on course will ultimately achieve success. I had to work hard to overcome fear of rejection and talk to anyone who will listen.”




PlanNet Marketing welcomes Monica Fontenette to the 20/20 Club! Monica shares, “I was born and raised in Marrero, Louisiana. For the most part, I am a stay at home mom of my three beautiful children (two girls and a boy, 10, 8, and 6) and four adorable pets (one chiweenie and three turtles...yes, three!!) I work part time as a money teller at the Mercedes Benz Superdome and the Smoothie King Arena. Beginning this school year, I will be homeschooling my three children. Some of my interests include traveling, singing with my mom and two daughters, and making many homemade crafts. One of the crafts is making roses out of satin ribbon.

“My travel experiences have been...just to name a few...places like Belize, Cozumel, Roatan, Costa Maya, Jamaica, Grand Cayman, the Virgin Islands, and several states in the U.S. Our family loves to travel whenever possible. Cruises are one of our favorite ways to travel. We have been on many different cruises since 2003. Also thanks to this awesome opportunity, we were able to take our children for the first time to Disney World this past May for my daughter's tenth birthday!!

“I was able to achieve 20/20 by following the direction of my upline director, Mrs. Lavonda Thornton-Bush. She, and many others, believed in me and helped me push through my battles and go beyond my comfort zone. Some advice I can give is to trust God and to just be yourself. Don't just sell the business, but also sell the experience. Tell your story. Another important tip is to always check back with prior prospects no matter when you last spoke to them. They may have not been able to join back when you initially spoke with them, but things may have changed since that time which allows them to be able to join now.

“Keep pushing on and believe in yourself. All of the hurdles that life throws at you are just signs that you are meant for something great!! Your future is made NOT by what you do tomorrow, but by what you do today. Tomorrow is not here and yesterday has already gone. Now is the best time to push yourself past your comfort zone for a better and brighter future for yourself and your family.

“A little fun fact about me…my oldest daughter played as a body double for the main child actress in the movie, Daddy's Home. Also, my upline director, Mrs. Lavonda Thornton-Bush, gave me the nickname, Cruise Queen, because of my extensive knowledge in cruises!”