“Spring Days Bring Extra Pay!”
March 29 – April 25, 2021


Congratulations to all of our “Spring Days Bring Extra Pay” winners!

Five-Star Director & Above
Natalie Graham

Four-Star Director
First Place: Felicia Miles
Second Place: Letoria Mayberry

Three-Star Director
First Place: Robert Noble
Second Place: Nina Vital

Two-Star Director
First Place: Keda Mason
Second Place: Denesha Bailey

One-Star Director
First Place: Etashate Hollins
Second Place: Carmesha Simon

Gold Builder
First Place: Arielle Paddio
Second Place: Shanice Lloyd

• Five-Star Director & Above - $1,500 cash prize
• Four-Star Director - 1st Place $1,000, 2nd Place $500
• Three-Star Director - 1st Place $1,000, 2nd Place $500
• Two-Star Director - 1st Place $1,000, 2nd Place $500
• One-Star Director - 1st Place $1,000, 2nd Place $500
• Gold Builder - 1st Place $1,000, 2nd Place $500


PlanNet Marketing 2021 International Convention
“Commitment to Excellence”

Thursday – Saturday, August 26 – 28, 2021
Gaylord Texan Resort & Convention Center - Dallas, Texas USA

There are a limited number of tickets left at $229 each! We are quickly approaching the 1,000 ticket limit at this price point, when the price will increase. Get your tickets today and save!

Nothing will elevate your business higher and faster than attending PlanNet’s premier event of the year! This is your chance to meet and learn from outstanding company leaders, attend PlanNet University, connect with old friends and make new ones, celebrate your team’s success at the Awards Ceremony, and experience the motivation and excitement that only comes from attending a PlanNet Marketing Convention!

Current PlanNet Reps! Make sure new Reps on your team understand the importance of the business-building training waiting for them at Convention!


The Big Picture video in your Virtual Office (and on the PlanNet Marketing App) has been updated for 2021! This eleven minute video is an overview of both the PlanNet Marketing and InteleTravel businesses. Use it today to intrigue your prospects and show them how they can earn more, travel more, save more, and experience more with PlanNet Marketing! Share the video from the App to tell everyone about this amazing opportunity!

In your Virtual Office: Go to Virtual Office > Information Center > Library > Video Library > Marketing Videos

On the App: Tap on the Video icon at the bottom left. The App also includes the UK version!


Announcing PlanNet Cares Foundation’s First Annual Golf Tournament, in conjunction with Eagle Weekend in Plantation, Florida! All levels are welcome, and the entry fee includes green fees, cart fees, scorecards and gratuities. Click Here to Register Now or visit PlanNetCaresFoundation.org/events to register.

PlanNet Cares Foundation seeks to transform lives by assisting in providing essential needs for women and children who are homeless and living in shelters. PlanNet Cares’ goal is to ensure homeless women and children have the necessities and encouragement they need during a very critical time in their lives.


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1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights...
I was born and raised in Lafayette, Louisiana. I currently live in Williston, North Dakota. I have a husband and five kids. I love to travel and do outdoor activities with the family, and I love to cook.

2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
I have grown a lot since joining PlanNet Marketing, from being this shy girl who really doesn't like talking to people, to actually doing it and getting out of my comfort zone.

3. What drives you; what motivates you?
My kids motivate me. I’m doing this so they will have a legacy.

4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
My sponsor, Mrs.Felicia Miles, is definitely a role model. Just hearing her story of where she came from and where she is now in this business – if she can do it, everyone can.

5. The three words that describe you best are:
Ambitious, generous, and easygoing.

6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone what would it be?
The advice that I would give is don’t give up and stay consistent. Consistency is the key!!

7. What does your life look like five years from now?
I’ll definitely be retired, building my dream home for my family and me, and vacationing all over the world.



PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome One-Star Directors Justin and Stephanie Griffin to the 40/40 Club! Justin tells us, “Stephanie and I first would like to say we are thankful for this amazing platform from PlanNet Marketing and Mr. Bradley’s vision. Earning the title of 40/40 Club member hasn’t been easy for us. We have no support where we live, so we have literally had our noses down because we understand there are so many families out there looking for what we have. Being able to find those needs and fill them while healing the hurting makes us proud. 

“Our next journey is to head out and help another 20 families see what is possible. I’m very thankful from the top of the food chain to the very lowest common denominator. Without the proper training, we wouldn’t be where we are. Great leadership here means longevity. Let’s go change some lives!”





PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Rebecca Eaton to the 20/20 Club! She tells us, “I'm Bex and I am from Grantham, Lincolnshire, UK. I absolutely love traveling, and have ever since my first international trip to Disneyland at five years old. I will always remember my first time on a plane, from being absolutely terrified and crying through take-off to loving the view and not wanting to land. I also absolutely love fitness and used to dance 4-5 nights a week throughout my school years. 

“I've travelled to 30 countries so far and I do a mixture of family, friend group and solo travel. The older I've become, the more I travel solo because there is so much world to see and I don't want to have to wait for others to be available in order to see it. I love experiencing different sights and cultures and I love making new friends from all over the world when I travel solo. When travelling solo, I usually stay in hostels so I can meet people, and also because I rarely spend any time in the room as I am always out exploring. I do like planning certain activities, but I also love being spontaneous and booking some things when I get to a destination because I feel you never fully know what's going to draw you in until you get there. 

“My top tip for achieving success with PlanNet Marketing is to remain consistent. Even when you don't feel like working, the daily actions you put in will compound together to give you the desired results. It really is all about putting in the work and believing it will happen, because it really can happen for anyone. No one is special and no one has the secret to success; you just have to do the work and trust. 

“A fun fact about me before I finish is that when I was younger, I was often told I looked like Katy Perry. I used to get told multiple times from people I'd meet all over the world, and my nickname by some of the crew members I used to work with on a cruise ship was Katy. I haven't been called Katy in a couple of years since I dyed my hair ginger though, but I wonder if I will again if I ever dye my hair back to my natural dark brown.”



PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome One-Star Director Angelic Coclough to the 20/20 Club! Angelic is from Knoxville, Tennessee where she was born and raised. She tells us, “I am a mom. Everything I do is for my family; I'm very family-oriented. 

“I love cooking, reading and spending time with family. I also enjoy meeting new people and making a difference in their lives. As far as travel, I am more of a road trip type of person. I enjoy sightseeing, a good beach trip, and visiting different restaurants in different places.

I'm achieving success because I have a genuine passion for helping people, and I know how this business has made an impact in my life. So I'm on a mission to help as many families as I can that truly want it. You have to be consistent in sharing the vision; it should become second nature to you. 

“When you are genuine in what you are doing and building those strong connections within your team, it matters. Be yourself and do it from the heart and always keep everyone's best interest in mind.

“A fun fact about me is that I LOVE FOOTBALL!!!”



PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Brenda & Charles Major to the 20/20 Club! Charles is from Salters, SC and Brenda is from Cross, SC both small, rural areas, but they currently reside in Sumter, SC. Brenda tells us, “Charles has a passion for building and praying for the sick. I enjoy crafting and encouraging others to be the best that they can be. We both have a love for people and spending time with our loved ones. 

“Since neither of us did much traveling while growing up, we always dreamed of being able to travel and see the world. Now that we are a part of this amazing opportunity, we are able to show our kids something we never got to experience, and it feels great to enjoy it together as a family. One of the best feelings so far has been taking my mother and 26 other family members on her 50th birthday cruise. The majority of the group have never been on a cruise before. That’s when we knew we had invested in the right opportunity. 

“When it comes to success inside of PlanNet Marketing, the best advice we can give is to stay plugged in and stay close to your leaders. Be a great inviter and master the PS3. If you do that, you will win by default, in the words of our amazing Three-Star Directors, Bernard and Cynthia Hampton. To our lovely sponsor, One-Star Director Twinette Brown, thank you so much for introducing us to this amazing opportunity. It has definitely changed our lives and we dare not keep it to ourselves!



PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Carley Martin to the 20/20 Club! Carley is from Bristol, United Kingdom. She tells us, “My biggest interest is, of course, travelling. There is a sense of accomplishment and joy that I get every single time I explore a new place. Learning, exploring, meeting others, being exposed to places that I would never have imagined – it is simply what I dream of every day. My goal was 30 countries before turning 30...I am now 28 and have explored 33, so what did I do? I set my target higher! I'm heading for 40 countries by 30 years of age and I know this incredible business will help me achieve my goal. Besides travel, I love to spend time with my family and closest friends. I am happy to go out for a lovely meal and a few drinks and catch up with my loved ones. 

“My travel experiences include walking the bottom of the ocean and climbing Mount Batur in Bali. I went on an insane safari trip, visited Kibera slums and David Sheldrick's Elephant Orphanage in Kenya. I have ridden on snowmobiles and done husky sledding in Iceland. I went horseback riding, swam in natural caves with bats, visited a tobacco and coffee plantation and we made our own cigars in Cuba. I jumped out of a plane and completed a microlight flight in the UK. I visited an elephant sanctuary: mud bath/washing and feeding the gentle giants in Thailand...and SO much more sightseeing galore in other countries too! 

“My biggest tip for achieving success in PlanNet Marketing is to be consistent. Now, everyone speaks about consistency and I don't think I realised how important it was until my second 90 day bootcamp and seeing success within my business. I was consistent and showed up every single day. I was real with people about what this insane opportunity could bring to them and their families, and I exposed as many people as I possibly could. 

My other tip would be self-love and development. I am not a book lover, I am someone who gets very bored with books after a page or two...but they have definitely become my best friends, along with meditation. Self and professional development will really help you achieve the best out of your business. Find yourself some network marketing books and learn from those who are successful! 

“A fun fact about me is that when I was in Bali, we got caught in a mini tornado, which was the first natural disaster I’ve witnessed!  



Entrepreneurs often own and run more than one business. In our day and age, people are increasingly seeking financial freedom, time freedom and personal freedom through the means of at-home business endeavors. Whatever you call it – a Plan B, side hustle or a home-based business – PlanNet Marketing wants to be your number 1!

That’s right, I said it, we want to be first on your Plan B list – because we know we probably aren’t the ONLY side hustle you’re running. But we do have some rules about how you can keep your PlanNet Marketing business running successfully and compliantly, while also working other home-based businesses.

1)  Keep it Separate. We often talk about keeping your PlanNet business separate from your InteleTravel Agent business – this is definitely still true, but I’m going to take it a step further today. Keep your PlanNet Marketing Rep business separate from EVERY other business you operate. Keep it separate from your job, keep it separate from your part-time babysitting gig, keep it separate from your health and wellness business, keep it separate. What does that mean? It means don’t talk about both PlanNet and another business at the same time, in the same meeting, in the same post, on the same page, etc.

2)  Be a Rep. Choose when to be a Rep ONLY. Sure, you may also be a travel agent, a hairdresser, a credit repair specialist or a tax filing expert, but choose to say ‘I’m a PlanNet Marketing Rep and I sell the business of travel!’ Everyone travels, and more and more people are making big plans for traveling in 2021 (I know I am!) Go ahead and talk about being a Rep! Keeping it separate does not mean keeping it secret.

3)  Tell the World. Tell people about your PlanNet Marketing business! Don’t keep it a secret. Maybe you don’t want to flood your friends and family with too many biz opportunities, we get that. It doesn’t mean you can’t tell them anything. Better yet, change your presentation – instead of asking everyone to join you, just talk about the successes you are having and the resulting freedom you are experiencing. They will get curious and ask more – I promise!

4)  Ask Questions. If you’re unsure what is and is not allowed, how to keep your businesses separate, if your post or email is compliant – ask us! We love to hear from you and would much rather have a conversation about your post BEFORE you put it out there for the world to see. Our compliance team is always available to answer these and any other questions you may have. You can reach us at Compliance@Plannetmarketing.com.

 -- PlanNet Marketing Policies and Procedures are located in your Virtual Office in the Information Center (go to Resources, then Policies and Procedures).

~Amanda Restivo, VP, Compliance -- arestivo@plannetmarketing.com


Set your reminder for every Friday to take a few minutes to read the newest PlanNetNow! Don’t miss the latest announcements, recognitions, and the motivation this important communication provides. See you next Friday!


Race to Director - They're on Their Way!

PlanNet Marketing


PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race, and on their way to One-Star Director!

1.  Jasmine Cara Ford
2.  Bobby and Tanga Fitts
3.  Melissa Newberry
4.  Clarinda Burston
5.  Selina Best
6.  Amber Washington
7.  Tonya Christophe
8.  Sherella Saunders
9.  Horace & Jennifer Terry
10.  Dekesha Davis

PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1.  Tyson Sedlacek
2.  Tanya Parker
3.  Josephine Mullally
4.  Renelda Victor
5.  Rachael Mckeown
6.  Jessica Leaming
7.  Calvin Ellerbe
8.  Vincent Green
9.  Kevine McMillan
10.  Takeya Noble