Race to Director - They're On Their Way!

PlanNet Marketing


PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race,
and on their way to One-Star Director!

1.  Chrishana & Sam Granger
2.  Catherine Bray
3.  Shanelle Hyman
4.  Johnnie Green
5.  Donna Susor
6.  Natisha McCarver
7.  Jeffrey Bynes
8.  Craig & Hannah Parker
9.  Rosalind Garrard
10.  Herminia Flores

PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs
Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1.  Jassy Mc Bride
2.  Alfred Ingram
3.  Calvin Ellerbe
4.  Trudel Scott
5.  Vincent Green
6.  Anthony McCarver
7.  Charles Kindred
8.  LaTeshia Campbell
9.  Kerry Patterson
10.  Jennifer Smith




1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights...
I was born and raised in New Orleans LA, resided in California for four years, moved back to New Orleans and at age 22 (2010) I packed up my belongings and moved to Houston, TX ,where I still reside. I am the second oldest of five siblings, no children, but ​I love my nieces and nephews as if they were my own. My hobbies include traveling, shopping, styling hair, dancing, going to the movies, and listening to live music. My past business (that I did not know was network marketing) was selling coffee. I honestly thought that I was just providing good coffee to individuals, not even knowing this was my introduction to this industry.

2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
PlanNet Marketing has allowed me the opportunity to understand my entrepreneurial rights. I must honestly say that I was the individual that was content with being the employee, yet we all desire higher aspirations. My goals now have changed tremendously because I now choose to BET ON ME. This has allowed me the opportunity to work harder for myself so I can reap my own benefits and not allow a percentage raise to determine my worth. It also helped me understand that I did not have to get a second job to give myself a RAISE.

3. What drives you; what motivates you?
Motivation comes in all terms. In the beginning what motivated me was to travel more and save money. Throughout my two-year journey, what motivates me now is continuously helping families understand that YES, a 200 dollar INVESTMENT can change your life and provide you with a financial stability that you will no longer have to desire, because it’s there and ready to be earned. What drives me is making sure I fulfill every task and utilize every GOD-given talent that He has placed in my body and soul to accomplish. I refuse to let them go to waste.

4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
My role model is anyone who aspires to encourage, motivate, guide, and persevere through any storm. If you fit this criteria then you earned this title. I am a person of GREAT character and if you exude that you earn my TRUST.

5. The three words that describe you best are:

6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone what would it be?
Don't be discouraged by negative people. They are everywhere and yet not one of them offers to PAY YOUR BILLS.

7. What does your life look like five years from now?
Five years from now I plan to be a Seven-, Eight- or Nine-Star Director within our company. I will be married with one or two children. I plan to homeschool them and feed them with all the knowledge and POSITIVITY that will establish them for all future aspirations. I will break a minimum of 50 Directors. I will start non-profit organizations that focus on building mother/daughter relationships, as well as start businesses that will aid visually impaired and hearing impaired individuals. I also want to start a non-profit that caters to children traveling and exposing them to different cultures.




Welcome to the PlanNet Marketing 20/20 Club, Tomalisa Washington! Tomalisa and her husband, Freddie L. Washington, have two girls, Jasmin Tyri and Nailah Grace. Her husband pastors a church in Tuscaloosa, AL and Tomalisa is an ordained elder who preaches and teaches the gospel. She also oversees the women’s ministry at their church and for a state fellowship of which they are members. Tomalisa is a mental health professional who worked full time in mental health as a trainer and counselor for nearly twenty years. She also owns an online clothing boutique, is a consultant and coach, and spends a lot of time mentoring young women and working in ministry with her husband. Originally from Mobile, AL, the family now lives in Tuscaloosa.
Tomalisa says, “My interests are travel, personal development, entrepreneurship, and improving communities one family at a time. I’ve traveled to most states within the border of the United States, from the West Coast to the East Coast. My only out of the country trip to date has been to Mexico. However, my husband and I are traveling to Los Cabos this summer and we are cruising to the Bahamas in November. My dream trips are to Paris, France; London, England; and Rome, Italy. I plan to visit those destinations within the next year or two.
“I am achieving success in PlanNet by listening to my success coaches/Directors, staying plugged in, following the PS3 system, and duplicating the process with my business partners. I’m also not a secret agent or rep, I share my business with everyone whom I come into contact. Most importantly, I believe in what we are doing by helping families. It’s not hard to share what you truly believe, nor is it hard for people to buy into what you’re sharing with them about what you believe. People are also attracted to success.

“The way I achieved success so quickly is by opening my mouth, being consistent, maximizing my time, and doing what I say I am going to do. I love this business and when you love what you do, people will sense it and see it. It’s attractive, it’s contagious, and they want to be part of this special thing.

“A fun fact: I’m terrified of any rides at the fair that leave the ground. I stick to the bumper cars and carousel.”




Welcome to the 20/20 Club, Jason Latham! Jason tells us, “I was born in Philadelphia, PA.  My parents and I moved to Bear, DE when I was a teenager. I always knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur. I am part of the millennial generation looking to do better than the generation before. I am blessed to have two hard-working, supportive parents who have shown me what not to do. My mother (my biggest cheerleader) and my five-year-old son are my “Why.” I can’t give up. My two main goals:

  • To make sure my parents are comfortable, knowing that I am able to support them once they retire.  
  • To make sure my son understands ‘money’ and is financially intelligent, so he won’t make the same mistakes I made when I was younger.

“I am blessed to have traveled all over. I’ve been as far as London, Paris, Cancun, Jamaica, and all across the States. And through this business, I am looking to stamp each page of my passport as many times as I can fit on each page.

“I have been able to achieve most of my success by building online through Facebook. Using attraction marketing, Facebook events, Eventbrite, and just being creative are some of the ways I’ve used to build teams all over the U.S. One technique and suggestion I would offer is to be genuine. People can spot a fake a mile away, even online. I show my personality through my messages, so when we meet in person we have already built an honest rapport with each other. Also, I just have that genuine love for helping people. I want to see everyone win!!”




Welcome to the 20/20 Club, Shannon Addington! Shannon lives in Dayton, TX and shares, “When I am not helping people discover financial freedom or working my full time job as an insurance producer, I love spending time with my family. My husband and I like to jump in our Jeep and take road trips and discover new places. We are big Houston Astros fans and watch every game we can!! 

“I am just beginning to travel and my husband and I are working on our bucket lists and planning trips. If I can pass along one tip to someone new in the business or someone who has been in the business for a while…DON'T give up!!! I have rebooted my business two times in the past 15 months and know that rebooting is harder than starting fresh, but is well WORTH it!!  NEVER GIVE UP!!!  Next stop for me is One-Star Director!”




Amanda Restivo.jpg

Protect your Matrix position!

PlanNet Marketing uses a Matrix to organize our Reps and position them to earn. The sooner you secure your spot – the better! Don’t lose your position, and the earning potential that goes with it, by making a silly mistake. Are you brand new to PlanNet? Don’t worry – we’re still growing! Every Matrix position is valuable. 

At PlanNet Marketing, we are running a business and we expect our Reps to behave as business professionals. We want to support those who are working their PlanNet business – we’ll run with the runners and walk with the walkers, but if you sit down – we won’t stop with you! This locomotive has too much momentum to stop right now.

Make sure you are following the NUMBER ONE business rule – keep your business OPEN FOR BUSINESS by keeping your PlanNet Rep account and website active. If you fail to pay your monthly $19.95 for 60 days or more (that’s just two payments) your account is automatically canceled. By making sure you pay your monthly $19.95 on time every month, you ensure you won’t lose your Matrix position or miss a single commission payment.

At PlanNet, when we turn a Rep account off, the torch is snuffed out and that Matrix position is gone; the account cannot be reactivated. What am I trying to tell you? It’s so hard to say (who would even THINK about doing it?!)...if you cancel…you cannot reactivate (PHEW! I said it). You have to start all over, with a new account, a new Matrix position, without your downline team. That’s rough, folks! Don’t think this means you can just run off and get a new sponsor though - don’t try to change sponsors! We will find you and we will turn you off - again. You’ll have to start over - again. I know sometimes the grass looks greener – but trust me when I say, it’s not. You need to grow where you’re planted. Choosing to voluntarily cancel your account for any reason is SILLY and thinking that losing your position so you can work with Sally Smith instead of John Johnson? It’ll be the same story, but with more work as you start from scratch.

Make the most of your Matrix position, your Rep account, your current team members (upline, downline, and sideline). Find a local meeting, get plugged in, and stay active, folks!   

-- Policies and Procedures Section 2.4, 5.1.2, 10.1, 10.2 located in your Virtual Office in the Information Center (go to Resources, then Policies and Procedures).

~Amanda Restivo, Vice President, Compliance --  arestivo@plannetmarketing.com


Q: How do I properly add a REP account to my ITA ONLY account?

A: To properly add a REP account to your existing ITA ONLY account, please call PlanNet support at 470-443-9330. You may also email us at support@plannetmarketing.com. Please have your ITA pin number, name on account, tax name and number, and payment information ready when submitting your request.

~ Sarah Muscarella, Manager of Customer Support



Happy Friday Morning, PlanNet!

If you have won a PlanNetNOW T-shirt in the past, please take a moment to send me a picture of you wearing your shirt so that you can be featured in the blog next week! 

If you haven't won a T-shirt yet, send me an email to leann@plannetmarketing.com and tell me what you like most about the blog. The first 5 emails I receive will a win a T-shirt but only if you haven't won before! Looking forward to hearing from you!

o attend, now is the time to make your reservation! You can book your room by emailing mharris@plannetmarketing.com

~ LeAnn Troeckler, Chief Operations Officer



Good Friday Morning from the Marketing side of the PlanNet!

Send us pictures of your ‘The best place on the PlanNet!’ scroll from one of your PlanNet adventures and we will post it in an upcoming blog!  If you don't have your PlanNet scroll, you can order one through the PlanNet store located in your VO, or click here: http://www.travelnetworkshop.com/.

Please submit your photo to: support@plannetmarketing.com.

~ LisaMarie Klinger, Vice President Marketing Administration


“What’s Your Best Place on the PlanNet?”

PlanNet UK Reps Nate G. and Ricardo G-L. at a Super Saturday in London

PlanNet UK Reps Nate G. and Ricardo G-L. at a Super Saturday in London

Race to Director - They're On Their Way!

PlanNet Marketing


PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race,
and on their way to One-Star Director!

1.  Chrishana & Sam Granger
2.  Shanelle Hyman
3.  Catherine Bray
4.  Jeffrey Bynes
5.  Natisha McCarver
6.  Johnnie Green
7.  Cophia Jackson
8.  Donna Susor
9.  Craig & Hannah Parker
10.  Aisha Jenkins

PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs
Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1.  Jassy Mc Bride
2.  Alfred Ingram
3.  Calvin Ellerbe
4.  Vincent Green
5.  Trudel Scott
6.  Anthony McCarver
7.  Charles Kindred
8.  Kerry Patterson
9.  LaTeshia Campbell
10.  Lorie Banatte




1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights...
​Born and raised in London, UK, father to two beautiful children - 10-year-old son Mekhi and 5-year-old daughter Maiara. Business started for me when I launched my own music and media company in 2008 and then went on to launching my own clothing label in 2013 and realized the power of entrepreneurship.

2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
Since joining PlanNet, I have grown from strength to strength through personal development and constantly being pushed out of my comfort zones…as well as understanding the responsibility of leading and helping others.

3. What drives you; what motivates you?
I come from humble beginnings and understand that my children and family will not have to go through what I did, therefore I am driven and motivated to secure their futures.

4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
Honestly...Mr. Donald Bradley! Why? Mr. Bradley has a pure heart and I have seen him as a unique individual but also a friend, father, husband and all round peoples’ champion, and of course he is very successful lol.

5. The three words that describe you best are:
Determined, Humble and Adaptable

6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone what would it be?
Believe in yourself.

7. What does your life look like five years from now?
In five years I will be earning multiple millions, have purchased a new home in the UK and holiday homes in Spain and the Caribbean! I will have also retired my parents. :)