Race to Director - They're on Their Way!

PlanNet Marketing


PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race, and on their way to One-Star Director!

1.  Vicky Pattison
2.  Marissa Daniels
3.  Florine Hall-Green
4.  Kiera Stevenson
5.  Lucy Redfearn
6.  April Smith
7.  Nikki Nash
8.  Corey Taylor
9.  Dekesha Davis
10.  Cheryl Johnston

PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1.  Michael and Dawn Gallon
2.  Vincent Green
3.  Calvin Ellerbe
4.  Rachael Mckeown
5.  Katrina Cole
6.  Elliott George
7.  Josephine Mullally
8.  Kevine McMillan
9.  LaVetta Williams
10.  Diahn-Maria Soares Ellis




The 2021 PlanNet Marketing International Convention in Dallas, Texas is under way! We’re expecting 6,000 PlanNet Reps to be motivated and inspired by this epic event. After a (too) long hiatus, we are back together, attending our annual Convention and going strong!

PlanNet University classes started yesterday and continue through this afternoon. The Men’s and Women’s Locker Room events Thursday morning were amazing, and will continue again this morning. We’re looking forward to the Director Party this evening at the Gaylord Texan’s Glass Cactus, and the exciting General Sessions that will take place on Saturday in the Texas Ballroom. This year’s PlanNet Convention is a Commitment to Excellence!

Gaylord Texan Resort Dallas_1_logo_rt.png
Gaylord Texan, Dallas, TX
August 26 - 28, 2021

Thursday, Aug. 26 - 7 am - 5 pm
Friday, Aug. 27 - 7 am - 5 pm
Saturday, Aug. 28 - 7 am - 6 pm
*closed during general sessions

Get your PlanNet Marketing gear all in one place! Caps, Men’s and Women’s T-Shirts and Polos, Sweatshirts, Pens, Notebooks, Totes, Travel Mugs, Water Bottles, Stickers, Static Clings, Keychains, and more!

Note: The store will be cashless. Accepting credit/debit cards only.
Thanks for your understanding!


Click here to download or print the Schedule-at-a-Glance.


Check back next week for more Convention news and pics!

Race to Director - They're on Their Way!

PlanNet Marketing


PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race, and on their way to One-Star Director!

1.  Vicky Pattison
2.  Catherine Sapp
3.  Alexander and Yasheda Sullivan
4.  Tiffany Pierce
5.  Holly Moreau
6.  Dekesha Davis
7.  Florine Hall-Green
8.  Kiera Stevenson
9.  Marissa Daniels
10.  Lucy Redfearn

PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1.  Jackie Wolkov
2.  Michael and Dawn Gallon
3.  Diahn-Maria Soares Ellis
4.  Vincent Green
5.  Calvin Ellerbe
6.  Aneesa Khan
7.  Rachael Mckeown
8.  Brandy James
9.  Elliott George
10.  Josephine Mullally



Gaylord Texan, Dallas, TX
August 26 - 28, 2021


Top 13 Things To Know for Convention:
  • Our store will be cashless, all transactions will need to be made with a credit or debit card.

  • There will be lots of cash and carry options for concessions to ensure that everyone has time to grab food throughout the duration of the event.

  • The Gaylord Texan does not have a mask mandate at this time.

  • For the university classes, dress for success. This year's women's university class is a Women's Locker Room event, not a blackout event, so you don't have to wear black unless you choose to.

  • Remember to bring your printed confirmation AND your ID to Registration Central to ensure a Fast Check-In. *Please note your ID must match your registration. We do not accept transfers.  All badges have a number on them, which will determine what group you are in to enter the General Session.

  • We will be open for registration starting at 2:00 pm on Wednesday and we will be there until 8:00 pm. We would love to get as many people checked in on Wednesday as we can, so everyone is set to go to classes Thursday morning. Registration Central opens at 2:00 pm Wednesday until Saturday at 9:00 am.

  • For General Session on Saturday - The doors open at 8:00 am. The number on your registration badge is your Entry Number into the General Sessions. Seating is first come, first served.

  • Wear your name badge at all times.

  • Don't forget to bring your Black Business Card! Drop it off at Registration Central for Prize Drawings during Saturday’s General Session.

  • Save or print the Schedule-At-a-Glance.

  • Save or print the PlanNet University course schedules.

  • The PlanNet Store opens Thursday, Friday & Saturday at 7:00 am.

  • Safe travels and we’ll see you in Texas!

Schedule-at-a- Glance:

Click here to download or print the Schedule-at-a-Glance.


PlanNet University:

Pre-Register Now for Classes and print your schedule! Go to your Virtual Office and click the button below the 2021 Convention logo.

Also please note:
Due to a recent change of class locations, please re-print your schedule if you have already done so. Thank you!

Available classes:

(Click to enlarge)


PlanNet Marketing Convention Store:
Thursday, Aug. 26 - 7 am - 5 pm
Friday, Aug. 27 - 7 am - 5 pm
Saturday, Aug. 28 - 7 am - 6 pm
*closed during general sessions

Get your PlanNet Marketing gear all in one place!
Caps, Men’s and Women’s T-Shirts and Polos, Sweatshirts, Bling T-Shirts and Caps, Pens, Notebooks, Totes, Travel Mugs, Water Bottles, Stickers, Static Clings, Keychains, and more!

Note: The store will be cashless. Accepting credit/debit cards only.
Thanks for your understanding!





From Three-Star Director Ferne Sapp: Confidence comes to us in many ways, not just in how we see ourselves, but in how others see us. (Tim S. Grover)

Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ (Phil. 1:6)

I’m confidently looking for those who want to change the lifestyle they have and the legacy they are leaving. I’m surrounded by people who want IT…is it you?


From One-Star Director Cynthia Kaye Shelton: And what a Super Saturday it was! Amazing training in the presence of Millionaires...in just 5 short years, that "little travel business" has freed over 72,000 families and created 3 Millionaires in the process. Honored to work alongside the most talented people in the industry. Don't put your dreams on hold thinking that you can't do it. They're proof that "it's possible," you only need to believe that you're worthy.

#supersaturday #iamworthy #itspossible #millionairemakers #lifewithplannet #freedomtochoose #birdsofafeather




These Two-Star Directors will soon reach 500 balanced active ITAs and earn another prestigious Director Gold Star!



Founder and CEO Donald Bradley recognizes One-Star Directors when they achieve the 150 mark in their team building and are on their way to Two-Star Director.


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1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights...
So first of all, my name is Dave Scott. I am 34 and a father to my beautiful daughter, Savanna-Rae Scott. I was born in Shrewsbury and spent a lot of my youth in different countries due to my dad being in the Army. When I turned 17, I went to Turkey as a rep and spent three months there. From there, I moved to Mallorca, where I spent 16 years running bars/clubs and having some of my own event companies. I also spent six months in Andorra snowboarding, which has been one of the best experiences of my life. I’m now currently living in Nottingham (UK). My hobbies are football, golf, snowboarding and of course, travelling.

2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
Starting in network marketing many years ago, I was in a dark place, which is why I joined this company, to be surrounded by incredible, driven people in this business. This has opened me up so much and completely changed my life due to the incredible community we have. My confidence has always been sky-high, but I used to hide behind a little bit because I never used to have a passion for what I was doing, until I joined PlanNet. Now you can’t shut me up about this incredible business.

3. What drives you; what motivates you?
My drive at first was the commissions and getting to the top of the pay plan, but I soon realised what drove me the most: having the ability to help others and change their lives, not just business related but personally as well, just like it has done for me. My drive at first was the commissions and getting to the top of the pay plan, but I soon realised what drove me the most: having the ability to help others and change their lives, not just business related but personally as well, just like it has done for me.

4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
Hands down, I have to say my business partner/upline and mentor, Laura Holmes. I’ve been friends with this woman for 18 years and she literally helped me every step of the way when I was in a very dark place, and still to this day, we work closely every single day without fail. We have worked together for MANY years and I owe a lot to her. Also my amazing girlfriend, Lauren Mayes, who I actually met in this business and who has completely turned my life around.

5. The three words that describe you best are:
Energy, determined and passionate.

6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone what would it be?
Don’t be a Dave. Be a Dave Scott. When I first joined PlanNet Marketing, my business didn’t move for four months. I was so uncoachable and thought I knew it all, due to previously being in network marketing. I didn’t follow the system at all. After four months and a huge telling off from Laura, I started everything again by going back through the training and following the simple steps. Ten months later, I hit One-Star Director. So again, don’t be a Dave who didn’t follow the system and wasn’t coachable. Be a Dave Scott, who did what his upline advised him to do, and keep it simple.

7. What does your life look like five years from now?
In five years, I WILL be a Four-Star Director. I WILL be having dinner with Donald Bradley, teaching him the offside rule in football (not soccer). I WILL have changed my family’s lives forever and I WILL have 12 Directors in my organisation.


PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Lin Sherlock to the 80/80 Club! Lin lives on the coast in East Sussex in the southeast of England with her husband, Gray. She says, “We bought our house, which we’re renovating, as it looks over the beach where we got married. Travel has always been a huge passion and I’ve been so fortunate to travel extensively in previous careers, and we have so much planned for the next year or so. 

“I came across this opportunity 22 months ago, so I’ve taken my time to build my business for sure! I absolutely love being part of the community and definitely feel very fortunate to be part of PlanNet Marketing. Coaching and mentoring has always been a huge passion of mine. Helping others to get the most out of being part of the organisation gives me such a buzz. I love seeing people grow and develop, and benefit from all we have at our fingertips. I’m really proud of my strong work ethic and am very disciplined and consistent every single day. I’m committed to putting in the work now so that Gray and I can have a life of financial and time freedom in the future.

“What makes this business so special and sets it apart from so many others is how we root for each other, celebrate each other's successes, and cheer each other on. I thank my lucky stars that I came across my friend and mentor, Lyndsey Gynane. I trust the process and I 100% trust her. She is THE most amazing person. Lyndsey has taught me so much and given me the much needed confidence to get out there and build my business. I’m absolutely thrilled to have joined the 80/80 Club!”  



PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Sinead Alexandra to the 40/40 Club! She tells us, “I was born in Northern Ireland and now live in the UK near Manchester, but Ireland will always be my home! I love to travel, and France holds a special place in my heart – I am pretty much bilingual as I lived and worked in the South of France and Paris for ten wonderful years! Travel is my passion. I have island-hopped around Thailand a few times and spent an amazing ten days in the Maldives and visited most European destinations. Next on my bucket list is a trip to Dubai this autumn!!

“I have achieved success in record time as I never take my foot off the pedal and remain consistent every day! I follow up with my prospects daily, and my persistence and exposure of the business keeps me at the forefront of their attention!

“I ensure that I keep in close contact with my uplines, who have inspired me and shaped my goals, and I leverage from their experiences and knowledge. This has definitely helped me progress my business. I use all the tools that are provided to ensure success and I believe in the business and the opportunity! I work closely with my team members and ensure that I remain focused and dedicated to the business every day! 

“A fun fact about me is that despite these adventures...I cannot swim!!”



PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Michael and Mia Wood to the 40/40 Club! Mia tells us, I’m originally from Washington, DC and Michael is from New Jersey. We met in college, have been married 17 years, and currently live in Bowie, Maryland. I have been in corporate America in human resources for 22 years and Mike in education for almost 30 years. Together, we have been in the travel business now for six and a half years, and initially started because we are huge travelers. We’ve traveled to almost every Caribbean island, Europe, two of the Hawaiian islands (but plan to visit each of them), and on a few cruises as well. It’s truly been a blessing to be able to earn and save on what we love to do and make lifetime memories, too.  

“It wasn’t until a few years after starting our travel business that we realized the true value of PlanNet Marketing. From that point, we began sharing with as many people as possible how the additional streams of income and this incredible vehicle is changing lives. We are very grateful to Mr. and Mrs. Bradley for the opportunity to be PlanNet Marketing representatives. We are excited about becoming members of 40/40 and also look forward to 60/60 and hitting the goal of Director soon!”


PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Tasha Townsend to the 40/40 Club! She tells us, “I have resided in Atlanta for 22 years; however, I'm actually from a small town in Mississippi. I'm a mom of one, working full-time in healthcare, outpatient mental health, and I have a passion for helping others. I am a free spirit who loves adventure, new experiences, spending time with family, experiencing different cultures and food, and I have a passion for photography.

“This business has allowed me to see the world on a grand scale and upgrade my bank account. I look forward to riding this journey of success to retirement so I can experience true personal, time and financial freedom as I continue to help others achieve the same. 

“The key is to keep your goals in front of you, and I encourage others to do the same. My family will have a legacy!

“I didn't come from a wealthy family, but a wealthy family WILL come from ME!”





PlanNet Marketing welcomes Maureen and Bill Archey to the 20/20 Club! Maureen and Bill live in Chicago, IL. Maureen tells us, “We love dogs, travelling, skiing, outdoor concerts, real estate, historic homes and antiquing. One of our favorite fun trips was to the UAE in February 2016. We travelled to Doha, Qatar and dined at the world class Nobu restaurant for Valentine's Day, then travelled through Abu Dhabi to see where Star Wars was filmed and do a little shopping at the local souks and malls. We finished the trip in Dubai with indoor skiing and visited the Burj Khalifa. An amazing trip!

“My personal and most meaningful trip was my first international trip. In 1998, a team of me and my fellow church members were sent to Asia for an ‘AIDS Awareness in Asia’ conference designed to educate the region on preventing the spread of AIDS. I was a volunteer with a health corp through Hope Worldwide. We travelled to Kowloon, Hong Kong for training and then completed field work in the Philippines, creating a makeshift clinic on a remote Island with no electricity or running water.  

“My PlanNet Marketing sponsor and friend, Lauri Parson, was the one who encouraged me to volunteer for that life-changing trip back in 1998. Hands down, it was one of the most impactful events of my life. Every American needs to visit a third world country and do volunteer work. It will change you for the better if you allow it to. It was an extremely humbling experience and very rewarding to see how grateful they were to have us there. 

“We are new to network marketing. We were blessed to enter this opportunity with a team filled with rock solid, stellar leadership that has laid a blueprint that invites you to thrive. By following their lead and using our transferable skill sets, we have been able to compress time significantly. We are doing the following:

  1. Sharing this gift of an opportunity with EVERYONE.

  2. Using the calendar to stay on track.

  3. Follow up with everyone. (The ‘not right nows’ get two months or so before they hear back from us, unless they give a specific follow-up date.)

  4. Learning how to do the 3-way call. This benefits my personal business partners by helping them grow faster. It's also nice to be able to support the team by becoming a useful asset to sideline partners and my team's leaders.  

  5. Duplicating what we've learned through applying the knowledge from the books we are reading and all the great training we receive. This helps our business partners win.

  6. Staying flexible. Sometimes schedules change. 2020 should have taught us that ‘life throws crazy curve balls.’ Be the best part of someone's day with an encouraging word. Text a random affirmation so people know you are thinking of them. Being courteous and thoughtful of others' time by making various adjustments is underrated. Life happens, reschedule the meeting and keep it moving. Assume the best while being empathetic to others. Dedicate time to listen to someone's story. Get to know the people around you. Encourage them to be brave enough to not be mastered by their emotions. Instead, help them to see themselves as someone who has been chosen to encourage others by sharing how they overcame the character-building challenge they were faced with. 

“Some fun facts about us are that we are the proud pet parents of the cutest shorkie in the world, and we have 10 nieces and nephews, two grand nieces and two grand nephews. Bill is an airline pilot and I am a commercial real estate broker.”


PlanNet Marketing welcomes Lauren Bethea to the 20/20 Club! She tells us, “My name is Lauren Simone Bethea. I was born in Trenton, New Jersey, and I currently reside in Mount Royal, New Jersey with my 13-year-old son, Jayden, and cat, Cali. I’m a corporate HR business partner at a major off-price retailer. Last year, I purchased my first investment property, which was my deceased grandparents’ house. Four-Star Director Nina Vital gave me the name ‘Buy the Block Bethea’ in recognition of my desire to purchase several properties in Trenton, New Jersey, to help rebuild my hometown. It would be wonderful to own an entire block someday. Aside from spending time with my family and friends, I also enjoy reading, Sudoku, basketball, and live entertainment.

“Since I started traveling 20 years ago, I’ve been to some incredible places. I’ve visited several Caribbean destinations more than once. My most memorable travel experiences include waking up and  being greeted by squirrel monkeys in the rainforests of Costa Rica, riding horses along the beaches of Aruba, visiting Gaudi’s work after strolling through Park Guell, volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House in Barcelona, and seeing the Jewish Quarter in Prague. My goal when traveling is to learn about other cultures, and now that my son is traveling internationally, I am looking forward to experiencing even more unforgettable events with him.

“Being a part of PlanNet Marketing has been a blessing to me. It is an honor to be a part of such an amazing team!  On January 10, 2021, the first day of my Daniel fast, I became a member of this company. During the fast, I was aiming for my team’s fastest Gold Builder record. At that time, I was very coachable and plugged in. With the help of my awesome Director, Charice Talbert, I became a Gold Builder Plus and beat the team record on January 27, 2021. The team began to grow. On March 30, 2021, I became a Director in Training. My commitment, consistency, and coachability had been spotty. As a result, my business slowed down. By following the blueprint, emulating the three C’s, reading, staying connected, and sharing this business with everyone you know, you are guaranteed success.

“I enjoy everything PlanNet Marketing has to offer. It’s not just about the money for me. There’s also the opportunity to help other families, and to grow personally and professionally as I learn from incredible leaders.”


PlanNet Marketing welcomes Katrina Black to the 20/20 Club! Katrina is from Anderson, South Carolina. She says, “My strongest interests in life are traveling and making sure others have the opportunity to travel more, save more, and earn more! I’ve always been a traveler as long as I can remember. I make sure my family are all plugged in. 

“Knowing what change this industry can bring people, I’m always spreading the word and giving people a little taste of their travel life! Never get in your own way and absolutely NEVER give up!”


PlanNet Marketing welcomes Portia Carmichael to the 20/20 Club! Portia was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, and currently resides in Buford, Georgia with her husband and three children. She tells us, “My interests are spending time with my family and friends, cooking, traveling, shopping, and reading books. My favorite travel experiences were trips to Dubai, Canada, and many other places within the USA. I’m very adventurous, but I do love to relax while on vacation, so my next place to visit soon will be Bora Bora! 

“I have learned that in order to achieve success, I MUST step out of my comfort zone. I must also be coachable, driven, consistent, open minded, and able to DO THE WORK! I had to get rid of the fear and believe in myself at all times. If you are able to do those things, great things will happen for you! 

“I’ve been in the business for three years; I have had my good times and bad times, but I never gave up. My advice to others is DUPLICATION (surround yourself with those who are winning, do what winners do and win), MANIFEST (say what you want in life, now go after it and get it), know your WHY (what are your reasons for starting your business), set your goal(s) and don’t let them slip away! 

My fun fact is that I am an introvert, but if given the opportunity to be in the spotlight, I’ll light it up! I am PlanNet Proud.” 



PlanNet Marketing welcomes Jeniffer Fletcher to the 20/20 Club! Jeniffer is originally from Jamaica, WI and now resides in Stonecrest, GA. She says, “I love to travel and specifically love the beach. One of my favorite things to do is entertain my friends. I love cooking, long walks, music and dancing. Volunteering is also big on my list of hobbies.

“While I have not put any international trips on my new passport, I have traveled to several cities and states. My ideal vacation is going to the beach and having everything within walking distance. I am always in my car, so the opportunity to walk and sightsee is always welcomed.

“When it comes to achieving success in my PlanNet Marketing business, I partner with people who have a positive self-image: individuals who know where they are going and what they want out of life. When we partner, I ask the question: will this person represent my ‘brand?’ Whether that answer is yes or no, I proceed accordingly. 

“If I could say one thing to someone who is building, it would be to pay attention to who you are partnering with. To achieve 20/20, careful attention was given to those whom I would partner with. Pay attention and focus as much as possible.