Race to Director - They're On Their Way!

PlanNet Marketing


PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race,
and on their way to One-Star Director!

1. Roger Lillard
2. Kyra Harris
3. Soromusu Wilson
4. Latashia Alexander
5. Shaketta Giles
6. Stacy Holling
7. Harold Leverett
8. Judy Cantu
9. Jimease Bailey
10. Sonya Phillips

PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs
Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1. Rasheba McGowan
2. Remus and Alisha Blair
3. John Dacosta
4. Patricia Brown
5. Cindy Bruggeman
6. Nathan Newman
7. Trudel Scott
8. Kwanya Martin
9. Rachel Russell
10. Tanisha & Andrew Burke



Price Increases on August 1st
Registration Confirmation Receipt Info
Marriott Marquis Room Block Sold Out


Reps! Time is running out! Only 3 Days left to take advantage of the pre-registration price of $179 per person!
Ends midnight, Monday, July 31st (or limited to first 1,000) registrants.

We are so thrilled that you are registered for the PlanNet Marketing 2017 International Convention - Atlanta! If you're not registered, register ASAP as tickets are selling out fast! We cannot wait to see you at this epic event!
when you check in at Registration Central "Express Check In" in Atlanta.
The important question: "How do I locate my registration confirmation receipt?"
Please follow the steps shown below.



The impressive Presidential Sapphire ring was awarded by PlanNet Marketing Founder and Chairman Donald Bradley in Maryland last Saturday to Two-Star Directors Greg and Carla Scott. The Sapphire ring is awarded to those Independent Reps on an annual track of $100,000 a year. Congratulations Greg and Carla on this outstanding accomplishment!

The Scotts shared on Facebook, “Still in amazement! We are humbled to have received our Presidential Sapphire Rings that indicate a six-figure residual income (part time). It is said that you resemble the people whom you assemble! We are thankful for all of the top income earners in PlanNet Marketing whom we are connected to in business and for life…family. We are committed to change lives in the same manner that ours have been changed.”



New 40/40 Club member Derek Reynolds was originally born in New York City, the eldest of three siblings. He has lived in Charlotte and Greensboro, NC, Port St. Lucie, FL, and now resides in Locust Grove, GA. Derek tells us that he has worked in corporate America all of his adult life, until a series of corporate outsourcing and downsizing led him to become a PlanNet Marketing Rep/InteleTravel Agent full time.

Derek was a professional bowler from 2000 to 2012, with one PBA Title, 46–300s (perfect games), 48–800s (three-game series averaging 267 or better) and many other titles! He enjoys watching football (NY Giants), basketball (Golden State Warriors) and UFC. He says that he also loves going to amusement parks, having one year visited eight parks in four states!.

He relates, “My travel life started about three years ago. My manager from corporate America said to me, ‘Derek you are traveling all over the country, staying at hotels - why don’t you get paid for doing what you are doing anyway?’ I watched a video about being a Travel Agent, went to a meeting, signed up, and never looked back. I LOVE WHAT I DO!

“My mentor and ‘Little Brother’ David Dacosta is absolutely the best. When I first spoke to him about mentoring me back in March 2016, he agreed, even though at that time I was with another business venture. I joined PlanNet Marketing on October 31, 2016.

“A lot of my success comes from my incredible leadership - David Dacosta, Andre Sinclair, Taryn Cox, Mona Grandison, and Patrice Ray! Even though I do not have any upline here in Atlanta with me, I can literally call on any one of them at ANYTIME! Not everyone has a great personal relationship with their Directors. I am truly blessed because I have that. I did not want to market the business as much as I wanted to learn the travel side; however my Directors saw something in me and were determined to bring it to the surface. My confidence level has skyrocketed within the last four to five months to where I feel I can become a One-Star Director by the end of our 40 Days/40 Nights.

“Because of PlanNet Marketing, I have obtained a confidence in myself as well as developed an entrepreneurial mindset, which has grown to levels that I did not know I had.  I would also like to give a ‘shout out’ to Alfred Ingram! In the absence of David Dacosta, he has taken me under his wing and has been there to mentor, educate, encourage, and commend my accomplishments. I AM TRULY WITH THE BEST PLACE ON THE PLANNET!”


Q:  How do I know what Reps in my team have registered for Convention?

A:  Log in to your Virtual Office, place your mouse over Virtual Office in the upper right corner and highlight My Business. The drop down will show you 2017 National Convention Report - Atlanta or the 2018 National Convention Report - Baltimore. If you see someone that hasn't registered yet but plans to attend, the time is now. The price goes up July 31st!

~Sarah Muscarella, Manager of Customer Support



You, my friendly neighborhood PlanNet Rep, are POWERFUL! Every word that you say, type, post, blog, vlog, and chat (you get the point) is a representation and extension of PlanNet Marketing.

When you’re sharing your personal opinions and feelings on your social media feed one minute, and sharing an upcoming PlanNet Marketing Business Opportunity meeting the next minute – people associate your opinions and statements with PlanNet Marketing. Is that a good thing? Or a bad thing? Depending on how you’re representin’ it could be a scary thing, a dangerous thing.

When you have a prospect who decides they aren’t interested in enrolling as a Rep nor purchasing an ITA – how do you respond? Do you wish them well and let them know you’ll still be waiting with open arms if they ever change their mind? Or do you tell them they don’t matter ‘cuz you got bigger and better places to go and people to see?!  You said WHAT?!

This month is all about growth – Project 20,000! Every person you meet or encounter while doing PlanNet-related business should walk away from you talking about how professional you are, and they should be amazed at your level of integrity. We don’t want people talking about the nonsense PlanNet Reps are posting on Facebook or the profanity always popping out of their mouths.
You can attend every meeting, participate in every phone call, follow the PS3 system ‘til you’re blue in the face – but if you are rude and unprofessional, you will never come out on top.
Show respect. Be kind. Make people WONDER at your friendliness. They’ll have no choice but to keep coming back to you for your encouragement and support.
PlanNet Marketing prides itself on the quality and character of our Reps – make me proud ya’ll.
-- Policies and Procedures Section 1.1  located in your Virtual Office in the Information Center (go to Resources, then Policies and Procedures).
~Amanda Restivo, Vice President, Compliance --  




You will notice that on your genealogy page right next to the build genealogy button, there is now a box that says Top User ID. The Top User ID box currently has your number in it but if you wish to see a drill-down of someone in your genealogy's lineage, you can enter their number in the box and see not just them, but their whole downline as well. You also still have the search option if you are looking for one person only. 

You can now see your current July matrix commissions. We are currently in day 21 of this cycle so your commissions will continue to grow as ITAs continue to pay their fees throughout the month. This commission cycle will update daily at 12:15pm ET until it closes at the end of the month.

~LeAnn Troeckler, Chief Operations Officer


Did you know that we now have all of our PlanNet Marketing video presentations with Spanish captions?

You can access these videos thru your Virtual Office < Information Center < Library. Check it out. Just another way we are helping you market your PlanNet business.

~LisaMarie Klinger, Vice President Marketing Administration


Race to Director - They're On Their Way!

PlanNet Marketing


PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race,
and on their way to One-Star Director!

1.  Kyra Harris
2.  Shaketta Giles
3.  Soromusu Wilson
4.  Roger Lillard
5.  Judy Cantu
6.  Stacy Holling
7.  Jimease Bailey
8.  Latashia Alexander
9.  Amy Miller
10.  Sonya Phillips

PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs
Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1.  John Dacosta
2.  Rasheba McGowan
3.  Remus and Alisha Blair
4.  Patricia Brown
5.  Nathan Newman
6.  Trudel Scott
7.  Kwanya Martin
8.  Cindy Bruggeman
9.  Taryn Cox
10.  Rachel Russell




Did you register for the PlanNet Marketing 2017 International Convention in Atlanta and purchase multiple tickets? If you did and you haven't updated your registration with the names of the people who will be receiving these registration tickets, NOW IS THE TIME to do so.

Please send an email to: support@plannetmarketing.com OR put in a support ticket thru your Virtual Office stating your full name, address, rep ID # and/or your convention ticket registration. Please include the names of the people that you would like listed under your master registration as your guests. If you don't update this information, these registration tickets will be printed as "Guest of Your First Name, Your Last Name." 

There will be no printing of name badges or name badge changes at Registration Central at the Marriott Marquis in Atlanta. Please update your registrations as soon as possible. The deadline to submit your Guest Registrations by either emailing the support team or entering a support ticket is Sunday, August 20th. This is very important! Act Now! 



Welcome to the 20/20 Club Gloria Williams, who tells us that she was born in Philadelphia, PA and lived in Willingboro, NJ from adolescence to adulthood. She considers both of them her hometowns.and currently resides in Lithonia, GA. Gloria is a Media Ministry Director at Zion Hill Baptist Church in Atlanta and a freelance Corporate Media Specialist. Her interests include travel, technology, photography, serving others through outreach, snorkeling, scuba diving and competitive bowling. “Fun fact: I am one open water dive away from my scuba diving certification. As I travel around the world, I hope to scuba dive in different countries and photograph/video the underwater life.”

Gloria relates, “The start of my travel experiences began with my enlistment into the U.S. Army (and later the Army Reserves and GA Army National Guard) for a total of 10 years of service. I lived in Alaska for two years, San Antonio for one year, and have visited 25 states, plus Canada, Bahamas and Mexico. I always wanted to continue traveling after I completed my military service but it simply did not fit into my budget. As a single parent, spending money on my own travel was just not a financial priority. However, now as an empty nester and a baby boomer I have moved travel closer to the top of my “make it happen list.” PlanNet Marketing is helping me make all my travel wishes come true! I get to earn money, pay reduced prices for my travel, get perks and benefits as a travel merchant, and educate myself on the travel industry. In the last three months, I’ve been to Las Vegas, Ft. Lauderdale (on an awesome yacht) and Nashville. Next week, I will be arriving in Jamaica as a Jamaica and Montego Bay Certified Specialist with site inspections already scheduled. While I am there, I will also take advantage of the opportunity to do community service at a Montego Bay school for troubled girls ages 7-18.

“Last September 2016, I discovered PlanNet Marketing. Some would say by accident, but I believe it was by divine design. I was working at the Marriott Marquis hotel as a freelance camera operator. A co-worker told me that one of our colleagues had opened a production company, so I went to find him so I could get on his freelance list. I walked into a ballroom full of PlanNet Marketing business partners and Four-Star Director Eileen Ross was on the stage. Her presentation caught my attention so I listened for about 10 minutes. I heard just enough to revive my dream to travel the world. I came back after Eileen’s presentation was over and introduced myself to her. She listened, shared some information with me, we connected, and she gave me her card. I told her that I was going to join when I returned back to Atlanta in a couple of weeks from a job. 

“I then went home and could not stop thinking about this business. So I Googled and YouTubed everything I could on PlanNet Marketing and Donald Bradley. I also looked Eileen Ross up on Facebook and saw that she was going to Philadelphia in a couple of days. I called her late that night and told her that I was going to sign up on her website because I have family in Philadelphia. Eileen texted me instructions to sign myself up as a PlanNet Marketing representative and I did! I have been following her instructions ever since and progressing as a result of her coaching. In October, I came to my first PlanNet Marketing weekly meeting and then got to see the whole presentation. I was blown away! I didn’t know fully what I had signed up for. I was so excited! So I started telling everyone I could about it because I wanted to help as many people as I could with this opportunity. I started getting some no’s and would have stopped if I hadn’t remained plugged in to learn how to deal with it.

“So I stay plugged in to the corporate and team calls and attend my local weekly meeting and big events. I love the advanced training that we receive at meetings and big events. Our Directors/presenters arrive with their "A" game and just pour into us! I leave these events so full! I never miss an event that I am qualified to attend because I have experienced the value in them first hand.

“I network with other business partners while I’m at meetings. I stay for the ‘meeting after the meeting’ to pick up some extra motivation. The camaraderie we have is like a family moving forward together in success. You couldn’t ask for a stronger support system! I even have a business Auntie, Kwanya Hall-Martin, who is the queen of 3-way calls! Staying plugged in and reading personal development books has not only inspired and educated me, but also has helped to build my posture for execution of the business presentations that advance my business.

“Any amount of success that I have achieved in this business is because I am following a great leader and I have remained coachable. My coach/mentor has enhanced and elevated my vision for my future and has been guiding, stretching, and inspiring me to reach my destination. I understand now what a ‘sense of urgency’ and ‘relentlessness’ look like because my coach, Eileen Ross, models them every day. I execute any play that my coach calls even when it feels uncomfortable. I understand that nothing ever grows in the comfort zone. And I have grown over these past months. Sometimes I still have to ‘bully myself’ when I don’t feel like it. But my ‘WHY’ motivates me to stay on my grind because I am fighting for my freedom!!!

“I would tell any new business partner that this is work but it’s also fun! Challenge yourself to personally develop with this opportunity. Listen to your success coach! She/he has been where you’re trying to go; they can help you get there faster. Don’t waste your time reinventing the wheel. PlanNet Marketing has already done the work for us. Follow the system that they have put in place – it works! 

“In my career field, I am a behind the scenes “techy” personality.  I came into this industry with no knowledge about what to do or how it works. I can’t wait to see the life that I am designing for myself with this business a year from now! If I can achieve success in this business, truly the average person can do this!”