Welcome to the 20/20 Club Gloria Williams, who tells us that she was born in Philadelphia, PA and lived in Willingboro, NJ from adolescence to adulthood. She considers both of them her hometowns.and currently resides in Lithonia, GA. Gloria is a Media Ministry Director at Zion Hill Baptist Church in Atlanta and a freelance Corporate Media Specialist. Her interests include travel, technology, photography, serving others through outreach, snorkeling, scuba diving and competitive bowling. “Fun fact: I am one open water dive away from my scuba diving certification. As I travel around the world, I hope to scuba dive in different countries and photograph/video the underwater life.”

Gloria relates, “The start of my travel experiences began with my enlistment into the U.S. Army (and later the Army Reserves and GA Army National Guard) for a total of 10 years of service. I lived in Alaska for two years, San Antonio for one year, and have visited 25 states, plus Canada, Bahamas and Mexico. I always wanted to continue traveling after I completed my military service but it simply did not fit into my budget. As a single parent, spending money on my own travel was just not a financial priority. However, now as an empty nester and a baby boomer I have moved travel closer to the top of my “make it happen list.” PlanNet Marketing is helping me make all my travel wishes come true! I get to earn money, pay reduced prices for my travel, get perks and benefits as a travel merchant, and educate myself on the travel industry. In the last three months, I’ve been to Las Vegas, Ft. Lauderdale (on an awesome yacht) and Nashville. Next week, I will be arriving in Jamaica as a Jamaica and Montego Bay Certified Specialist with site inspections already scheduled. While I am there, I will also take advantage of the opportunity to do community service at a Montego Bay school for troubled girls ages 7-18.

“Last September 2016, I discovered PlanNet Marketing. Some would say by accident, but I believe it was by divine design. I was working at the Marriott Marquis hotel as a freelance camera operator. A co-worker told me that one of our colleagues had opened a production company, so I went to find him so I could get on his freelance list. I walked into a ballroom full of PlanNet Marketing business partners and Four-Star Director Eileen Ross was on the stage. Her presentation caught my attention so I listened for about 10 minutes. I heard just enough to revive my dream to travel the world. I came back after Eileen’s presentation was over and introduced myself to her. She listened, shared some information with me, we connected, and she gave me her card. I told her that I was going to join when I returned back to Atlanta in a couple of weeks from a job. 

“I then went home and could not stop thinking about this business. So I Googled and YouTubed everything I could on PlanNet Marketing and Donald Bradley. I also looked Eileen Ross up on Facebook and saw that she was going to Philadelphia in a couple of days. I called her late that night and told her that I was going to sign up on her website because I have family in Philadelphia. Eileen texted me instructions to sign myself up as a PlanNet Marketing representative and I did! I have been following her instructions ever since and progressing as a result of her coaching. In October, I came to my first PlanNet Marketing weekly meeting and then got to see the whole presentation. I was blown away! I didn’t know fully what I had signed up for. I was so excited! So I started telling everyone I could about it because I wanted to help as many people as I could with this opportunity. I started getting some no’s and would have stopped if I hadn’t remained plugged in to learn how to deal with it.

“So I stay plugged in to the corporate and team calls and attend my local weekly meeting and big events. I love the advanced training that we receive at meetings and big events. Our Directors/presenters arrive with their "A" game and just pour into us! I leave these events so full! I never miss an event that I am qualified to attend because I have experienced the value in them first hand.

“I network with other business partners while I’m at meetings. I stay for the ‘meeting after the meeting’ to pick up some extra motivation. The camaraderie we have is like a family moving forward together in success. You couldn’t ask for a stronger support system! I even have a business Auntie, Kwanya Hall-Martin, who is the queen of 3-way calls! Staying plugged in and reading personal development books has not only inspired and educated me, but also has helped to build my posture for execution of the business presentations that advance my business.

“Any amount of success that I have achieved in this business is because I am following a great leader and I have remained coachable. My coach/mentor has enhanced and elevated my vision for my future and has been guiding, stretching, and inspiring me to reach my destination. I understand now what a ‘sense of urgency’ and ‘relentlessness’ look like because my coach, Eileen Ross, models them every day. I execute any play that my coach calls even when it feels uncomfortable. I understand that nothing ever grows in the comfort zone. And I have grown over these past months. Sometimes I still have to ‘bully myself’ when I don’t feel like it. But my ‘WHY’ motivates me to stay on my grind because I am fighting for my freedom!!!

“I would tell any new business partner that this is work but it’s also fun! Challenge yourself to personally develop with this opportunity. Listen to your success coach! She/he has been where you’re trying to go; they can help you get there faster. Don’t waste your time reinventing the wheel. PlanNet Marketing has already done the work for us. Follow the system that they have put in place – it works! 

“In my career field, I am a behind the scenes “techy” personality.  I came into this industry with no knowledge about what to do or how it works. I can’t wait to see the life that I am designing for myself with this business a year from now! If I can achieve success in this business, truly the average person can do this!”