
Latashia Alexander joins the prestigious PlanNet Marketing 60/60 Club! Latashia shares, “My success in PlanNet Marketing to this point has been pure "ignorance on fire!”  I just wanted to help people. I realized early on that in order to get people I know to pay attention (because I tried network marketing before and failed), I had to throw away everything I thought I knew about building and start 100% from scratch…95% or more of the people who eventually joined me I had never met in person and only interacted with on social media. Less than 1% was family!

“I knew this was a vehicle to financially help my family but I can't say my belief to financially free others has always been there. As time passed and I connected with others and attended my first Convention and opportunity meeting, I started to experience a shift!  I realized what sets me apart with potential business partners is that I seek to be IMPRESSED, not to be the IMPRESSER!  This is a business I will eventually will to my family, so when interviewing business partners, it is important that I know my investment of time will be matched with their grind!

“It's an honor and privilege to be a part of the 60/60 Club because I firmly believe that leading by example is what's going to have those who come after you shoot for the same!  ACTION, not words, is what sets leaders apart. This year at Convention, I was recognized as the #1 seller in the company…a great feeling and awesome accomplishment! What felt better was that standing on the stage with me as the #9 seller in the company was my business partner, LaTeshia!  My mission is to help as many families as I can create a legacy business in PlanNet Marketing!  A little over eight months in this company and I can with 110% certainty say that this is a vehicle that will change MILLIONS of lives and I am so honored to be here now!”