
In today’s world of technology and online marketing, we sometimes forget there are still huge opportunities to do business face-to-face!

PlanNet Marketing allows its Reps to participate in various community and small business vendor events – all you have to do is ask Compliance for permission. We want to ensure that only ONE Rep from PlanNet Marketing is hosting a vendor booth or table at each event – so permission is required.

You can share everything you would at a Launch Party or Personal Business Reception, hand out your business cards, have a laptop with you and pull up the PlanNet Marketing website, have the Compensation Plan printed out on flyers, and you can even request information from the people who visit your booth or table. Collecting prospects’ email addresses and phone numbers – and even social media info – will allow you to connect with them later on and follow up about the PlanNet Marketing business opportunity and the InteleTravel ITA!

Just make sure that while you’re there and representing our great company, you keep a few things straight:

1) Make sure everyone knows you are an Independent Representative for PlanNet Marketing. It would be misleading to use PlanNet’s logoed materials or name without our permission, or to pretend you’re an “employee” or member of corporate.

2) Be certain you are ONLY acting as a PlanNet Marketing Rep – don’t offer any other product, service or opportunity while you’re representing PlanNet Marketing. That means only offer the sale of the ITA or the enrollment of the Rep business. Nothing else – don’t offer to sell someone nail polish, health supplements OR travel! You might be an InteleTravel Agent, but at this event you are ONLY acting as a PlanNet Rep.

3) Be honest with people. Telling your prospects that this business is hard work and not “easy money” is the best practice possible! We don’t need new Reps to join thinking they can sit back, do nothing, and get paid – they CANNOT! This is a business and it takes work. Be honest about the amount of time you put into your business. You don’t have to be negative – just be realistic.

4)  Make sure to follow up. If someone has a question or concern that you can’t answer right then, make sure you write it down and ask your upline or the PlanNet S-team, and then follow up with your prospect and give them the answer. Taking a few minutes to get an answer for them will show that you value them and would make an excellent business associate. Obviously, you should also take note of anyone who is interested in buying an ITA or becoming a Rep and follow up with them too!

It can feel like a thing of the past, but vendor shows and small/local business events can be a valuable way to create a new warm market – don’t allow these events to slip by without giving them a chance!
-- Policies and Procedures Section 4.1, 4.3 and 5.8 located in your Virtual Office in the Information Center (go to Resources, then Policies and Procedures).

~Amanda Restivo, Vice President, Compliance -- 


Q:   Does PlanNet Marketing allow autoship date changes?

A:  Yes. PlanNet Marketing allows reps to do a one-time autoship date change. If you would like to change the date your payment is due, email us at or submit a support ticket through your Virtual Office. All requests must be submitted in writing. If you have any questions regarding this, call support at 470-443-9330.

~~ Sarah Muscarella, Manager of Customer Support



This giveaway is for Baltimore Convention Goers who have not won a PlanNetNOW T-shirt before.  Tell me what day you will be arriving in Baltimore for Convention - the first 5 who contact me will win a free shirt and I will bring your shirts to Baltimore with me! Email me now at and I'll let you know if you were one of the first 5 to reply!

~ LeAnn Troeckler, Chief Operations Officer


Good Friday Morning from the Marketing side of the PlanNet!

The time is almost here. We are 13 days away from our epic PlanNet Marketing 2018 National Convention in Baltimore, Maryland!

Just a few reminders....

  • Wear your name badge at all times.

  • Don't miss the Thursday 6 PM Pep Rally in the Constellation Ballroom - 2nd Floor.

  • Be early for your Friday PlanNet University classes.

  • Remember the admittance procedure for Saturday General Sessions.

We look forward to seeing you in Baltimore, Maryland on Thursday, April 5. Safe travels!

~ LisaMarie Klinger, Vice President Marketing Administration