
Welcome to the 20/20 Club, Jawana Thomas! Jawana was born and raised in Georgetown, a small quaint town on the South Carolina coast. She now lives in Jacksonville, FL with her husband, Retired Captain Joseph Thomas (US Navy).  

Jawana shares, “My interests include traveling, reading, sports, helping others, and spending time with family. I'm very active at Hopewell, our church here in Jacksonville, where I participate in community outreach and volunteer time at local shelters for the homeless throughout the year.  As a mortgage banker, helping families realize the American dream of home ownership has also been my passion for 28 years.    

“My travel experiences: In October we spent a week in Cabo, San Lucas. We've taken a number of cruises to the Bahamas, Jamaica, Grand Cayman Islands, and Mexico. We enjoy stateside getaways to Orlando, Key West, Myrtle Beach, Seattle, Las Vegas, and the Blue Ridge Mountains. Next stop is Germany to visit our granddaughter, Oaklee.  

“This is my first time in network marketing so I'll admit that I did not have a clue about what I was doing when I joined. I knew my husband was retiring and I wanted to take advantage of the travel savings. A phone call with Patricia Brown and I was in! Then I attended my first meeting in Jacksonville and met Mr. Donald Bradley. The following month, Mrs. Eileen Ross came to town and I really began to understand what I had at my fingertips. I'm surrounded by a group of amazing leaders that pour so much into me daily and I am so thankful for them.  
“I'm achieving success so quickly by being coachable, staying plugged in, and following the system. I realized early on that I had to take off my corporate hat and really step out of my comfort zone. Coachability has been so important for me because usually in my VP position, I was typically the one doing the coaching. So I had to move myself out of the way and follow the guidance of the experts with proven track records and documentation. Even with my busy corporate schedule, I made time for the morning IMVs, weekly calls, and my Team calls because I find that the nuggets of knowledge I receive on those calls are priceless. It is personal development at its best. Never missing an event I am qualified to attend has also been a key component to my success. I purchase my tickets as soon as they are published, because it is very important that I am a student of the business making the investment necessary to get to the next level. I've learned from experience early on that there is power in the PS3…each time I get my prospect on with an expert, the likelihood of them taking advantage of the opportunity increases, so I schedule the 3-way when my prospect confirms they will join a webinar or call. The system works! 

“I love everything about this company - the vision, the product, the support and the leadership. It is indeed the Best Place On The PlanNet!  

“Fun fact: My two sisters and I are huge Dallas Cowboys Fans. We are geared up every Sunday during football season, chatting via Facetime or text to cheer our team on. It drives my husband nuts because he is an Atlanta Falcons fan. Each year we also take a ‘sisters only’ trip to watch them play in honor of our father who also loved all things Cowboys. During our travels we've met Hall of Famers Tony Dorsett and Randy White, which of course was an honor. I'm enjoying these trips even more now that I own a travel business!”