
New One-Star Director Amanda Ruggs-Owens says she loves to travel! Her interests also include college football, mentoring youth, her sorority, and making memories with her loved ones. Amanda has traveled to most of the United States, with eight states left to visit! She says, “I am still working on my list of the Caribbean Islands. As soon as Leah arrives (expecting January 2018) we are back to it! She will be my new travel buddy!”

Her tips for success are that consistency and relationships with your team are the keys. “It seems like nothing is moving, then all of a sudden the pipe explodes! Trust your process. Stay coachable! You think you know but you have no idea! I learn something new every week from my sponsor Two-Star Director Rasheba McGowan, her sponsor Three-Star Director Letoria Mayberry, and her sponsor Four-Star Director Orlanda Moore. Trust your sponsor/leadership - there is a reason you are in their organization. Obstacles come but they don't last. Your mindset can make or break you.”