
1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights...
I was born and raised in Washington, DC and currently reside in Hyattsville, MD. My hobbies include spending time with family, hanging with business partners (who now are like family), shopping, and of course traveling. In just 18 months I have been able to run through the Builder’s program, reach the 20/20 and 40/40 Clubs, and now One-Star Director with PlanNet Marketing and I am loving it!

2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
With a background in management, since joining PlanNet, this opportunity has allowed me to remain in the mode of a coach. Coaching and developing my team have helped me become more patient. It’s helped me to analyze and become more strategic with planning the next phases for organizational growth, but it has also allowed me to remain the evidence, staying the glimmer of hope to the business partner that may be faced with challenges.

3. What drives you; what motivates you?
My motivation and drive comes from a place of knowing that this opportunity can truly set people free if they remain consistent, believe in themselves, and continue to do the activity even when things seem rough. Wanting to help other families earn additional monthly income that can potentially save their household, or provide an individual power to replace their full time job (or begin building a Plan B option) is HUGE for me.

4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
I would humbly say Mr. Donald Bradley would be considered a role model of mine. It was his passion for helping his people win, the fact that he was from Baltimore, MD (where it wasn’t always a sunny day for many that grew up there), and now to see where he stands and what he stands for is so very powerful. I remember hearing him speak for the first time - it was the most passionate thing and it started to change how I viewed network marketing opportunities. The PlanNet Pledge was very generous of Mr. Bradley - I know of no other opportunity or employer who thinks that much of an individual to put something in place that helps the families attached to them.

5. The three words that describe you best are:
Self-motivated, Goal oriented, and Determined.

6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone what would it be?
Remain coachable, teachable, and humble. Stay consistent; never quit no matter how tough the road seems. Allow yourself to grow in your business regardless of your current level. Set goals, smash them, and set more! Help those around you as well - they don’t have to be direct to you but can be a sideline partner. Everyone who is a part of this opportunity is here for the same thing and everyone can use help or that extra push to get them ahead. Become your brother/sister’s keeper, pulling them as you continue to reach your next pit stop.

7. What does your life look like five years from now?
I would say that five years from now I would be earning twice my current salary and possibly considering walking away from my full time position and embracing my entrepreneurial endeavors.