
1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights...
I was born and raised in Durham, NC. Darryl was born and raised in Washington, DC. We have five handsome young men with our oldest being 32 years old and our youngest being 17 years old. We enjoy spending time with our family, traveling, reading, working out, occasionally catching a good movie, and playing some pool.

We've tried some other business projects prior to PlanNet Marketing and our success has been limited, but it has driven us to continue to find that opportunity that will literally change the financial scope for our family as well as others...and we have found it with PlanNet Marketing.

2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
PlanNet Marketing has allowed us to find out who we truly are as individuals and business owners. We understand that in order to get the success that we desire, it requires work and our success will not come overnight. Most importantly, we understand that our success is not about us, but what we can do to help change others’ lives, and once you live and strive towards those principles, your success will come.

3. What drives you; what motivates you?
What drives us is the journey that we have experienced since partnering with PlanNet Marketing. Understanding that we have changed some people for the rest of their lives, and as long as they follow the leadership of this amazing organization, their lives will be forever changed. We firmly believe that!

Life itself motivates us. Life is so precious and we understand that life is what you're given, but lifestyle is how you choose to live your life. We have always told our sons to reach for the stars and never limit yourself towards your greatness. We believe that every individual has been created for greatness, but very few act upon it, or don't have the vehicle that could literally change their lives for the rest of their life.

4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
We look at Three-Star Directors Greg & Carla Scott as role models. Drew has known Greg since he was five years old and is one of his best friends. Greg and Carla have worked their business with integrity and have been loyal to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bradley since being in the travel industry. That's a true commitment and it speaks volumes to Greg and Carla as well as what Mr. Bradley has put in place. Greg and Carla have been successful in their work careers, but more importantly have been very successful in their business, and are working this business on a part-time basis and receiving full-time benefits. That's huge! Their leadership capabilities are impeccable in the industry and we are following their lead.

5. The three words that describe you best are:
Committed, Passionate and Loyal.

6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone what would it be?
We would encourage everyone to chase your dreams and turn them into reality. Understand that you must build those solid relationships along the way and truly understand that your success is not about you, but rather whom you can help along the way. Also, understand that through your journey, life is going to happen, but don't let life happening keep you from reaching your promise. Fight through the pain, disappointment, and rejection because it builds character.

7. What does your life look like five years from now?
Living life that GOD intended us to live, enjoying our family, continuing to help as many families as we possibly can, and money never being an issue for ourselves and our family.