
20/20 Club member LaTeshia Campbell is from Tuscaloosa, AL and currently lives in Nashville, TN. She relates, “I am married with two handsome little boys ages five and eleven. I love to read and I love everything about high fashion. I also have a STRONG passion for fitness and a healthy lifestyle. I love to help people change their eating habits and get fit. I've been to Costa Rica, Mexico, Canada and all over the USA. I love traveling and learning about different cultures. 

“I've been very successful in PlanNet Marketing because the tools are already there. I'm a reader and I study. I pay attention to what works. I've been in network marketing before and must say this company by far outshines any other. I achieved my success so quickly by staying plugged in with my mentor LaTashia Alexander and taking the time out to learn the business for myself. I'm a process person. If it's there for me to read, then I am all over it.

“Fun fact: I love the beach. If I could build a house on an island, I would do it and call it Campbell’s Island!”