
New 20/20 Club Member Williemae Elery was born and raised in Sumter, SC and currently lives in O'Fallon, IL with her husband Clifton Elery. O'Fallon is a small town approximately 18 miles from downtown St. Louis, MO.

Williemae tells us, “I've always had a great interest in helping people. Growing up in a home with a mom that worked hard to raise six children, I used to imagine growing up and being able to make enough money to help poor people who were doing the best that they could but still not able to make ends meet. I met my husband in 1964, shortly after I graduated from high school. He was stationed at Shaw AFB, which is located in Sumter, SC, and we were married on May 27, 1966. Moving from one Air Force Base to another for 20 plus years gave me the "travel bug.” We were never at one location for more than four years until he retired from the Air Force in December of 1985. I also worked for the government, doing quite a bit of traveling for my job as a trainer for the Telecommunication Department. I retired in June, 2011 after working over 31 years! 
“I've been involved with several network marketing businesses and have never been very successful in any of them. I was introduced to PlanNet Marketing on July 24, 2016.  I was so excited when I heard the company was approaching nine months old. I've never been in a company in "the beginning." I attended a meeting on Monday evening, July 25, 2016 and on Tuesday, July 26th I called my friend who introduced this opportunity to me and I started singing to her "Sign me up for this opportunity.” Of all the companies that I've been involved with, PlanNet Marketing is the best. When I tell that to my friends they laugh and say, "WillieMae, you said that about the last one.” This company IS different. The leadership is the best that I've ever seen. All of the leaders are willing to help, even if you are not on their team. Mr. Bradley has created a culture in this company where there are no ‘Big I’s and Little You's.’ You are actually able to walk right up to a Director and talk with them. They are available so you can speak to or have a conversation with them. We are all treated like individuals and not just another number.

My Three-Star Director Mr. Tony Fleming and my One-Star Director Ms. Lisa Adams Horsley are the best.  They are like a breath of fresh air. They are the best leaders that I've ever had. Ms. Horsley coached me in March of this year and I won the basketball and the opportunity to attend the Directors-In-Training meeting at the Convention in Las Vegas. Her coaching is AWESOME!!! She also coached me to help me be in the 20/20 Club. I did everything that she told me to do and of course it happened just like she said it would. I am going to continue to listen and do whatever she tells me to do all the way to Directorship and even after that.

I would tell everyone to listen to their mentor and coach and do what they suggest. They are the ones with the ‘fruit on the tree.’ Listen to them and you will get ‘fruit on the tree’ also. I am on all of the calls; I attend every event that I am qualified to attend,and I read the books that my mentors suggest that I read.

I love helping people and I love having good clean wholesome fun. My best form of having fun is singing at karaoke parties. I love dressing up like I am Tina Turner and singing Proud Mary.  My husband said to me, "Don't you think you are getting too old for that?" and of course I told him no and that you are only as old as you feel. "Age ain’t nothing but a number!!”