Compliance Tip of the Week

Are you out there??
Who are you? Are you reading the PlanNet compliance tips column for the first time? The fifth time? What are your concerns? What do you want to know? Do you want to hear from me more often? Less often?

Right now, today, open an email to and say HI! Then tell me anything you want me to know – that you love what I write, that you hate what I write, that my articles are too long, boring, exactly what you need to hear… give it to me, I can handle the truth!

TEN lucky Reps* who email me in response to this article will receive two PlanNet Luggage Tags in the mail next week!
PlanNet Marketing Policies and Procedures are located in your Virtual Office. Hover over Information Center, then click Resources. Under PlanNet Documents you’ll find a file titled “Policies and Procedures.”

*~Amanda Restivo, Manager of Compliance --

Reps must email, stating the email is in response to the PlanNet Now! blog article. All entries must be received no later than Midnight ET Wednesday, August 24, 2016. All responding Reps will be entered into a random drawing for two PlanNet Luggage Tags for each of the ten winners! Prize winners will be notified by email on Thursday, August 25, 2016.
