Owed Monthly Fees Are Forgiven!
Summer is about celebrating your Freedom as an Agent at InteleTravel.com, because if your Independent Travel Agency (ITA) account is in "Inactive" status no matter how many monthly fees you may owe in arrears, you can reactivate your Independent Travel Agency (ITA) account by paying only one current Monthly Unlimited Support Fee.

No Reasons Necessary.
You may have gone inactive because of a job change, because life became a bit more complicated, or because things have been tight lately. It doesn't matter.

No Limit To The Amount We Will Waive For You.
You might owe two, three, four or more months, totaling $80, $100 or more in overdue fees. It doesn't matter. (Offer does not apply to accounts in Credit Hold status - Agents owing only their current monthly fee.)

You Must Act By September 12th.
InteleTravel values you and wants you back as an agent. So for this one special month only, pay just one of your regular monthly fees to reactivate your inactive account and regain access to your InteleTravel website and all the commission income and benefits of being an independent travel agent! Then make your regular future monthly payments after that to maintain your good standing.

Reactivation Is Automated. No Need To Call Or Write.
Simply login at www.InteleTravel.com with your Agent PIN and Password and complete the payment information by September 12, 2016.

Offer applies to InteleTravel Agent accounts that are in Inactive status at the time you make payment during the dates of this offer. Offer does not apply to Credit Hold accounts (owe only one month) or Cancelled accounts. Offer is valid August 10 - September 12, 2016 only and a valid monthly payment must be made online to InteleTravel during those dates only. Log in to your Agent back office and make a payment online - no need to contact Support. No other adjustments will be allowed. All other terms of your InteleTravel Independent Contractor Agreement apply. Offer does not apply to Cancelled accounts - please call or email customerservice@inteletravel.com.