One-Star Director and 20/20 Club Member Ernestine Ray

One-Star Director and 20/20 Club Member Ernestine Ray says, “I am the younger of two daughters, from Bedford-Stuyvesant in Brooklyn, New York. Diagnosed early with a learning disability, my childhood was quite difficult until one day when the school librarian exposed me to a book about Africa. It was then I realized that I am from a great people! From then on I would spend most of my elementary school days in the library, learning how to read and, more importantly, reading about Africa. I went on to become an Educational Attaché with the American Embassy in Africa. Ever since those early days I decided to choose who I am and will become so others won’t define me.”

Ernestine relates that she has had the good fortune and is delighted to have worked in 33 countries and traveled to 44 countries!. Her favorite places to travel thus far have been Ghana, Mali, Brazil, Italy and Thailand! Because of PlanNet Marketing she is looking forward to visiting India, Australia and Portugal in the very near future!

She continues, “The network marketing industry has been good to me. It has allowed me a new beginning and has been an incubator for my growth. I have been blessed to be mentored by the late Dr. Barbara Jackson, Sister Maya Angelou and President Nelson Mandela. Because of those experiences, I take great pleasure in mentoring and building people up. One of my favorite quotes is an African proverb that states, ‘If we stand tall it is because we stand on the backs of those who came before us.’”

Director Ray believes the keys to Network Marketing are:
1) Being coachable!
2) Following the simple system in place so that the duplication process is easy for your team.
3) Keeping your mind strong through personal development – reading and getting around people who can help you walk in your greatness. The books that have affected her network marketing career the most are Go Pro by Eric Worre and The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell.

Ernestine’s defining moment in network marketing “was when my previous upline leader (not my sponsor) believed in me, helped me develop a strategy and pushed me to the point where I jumped from a middle ranking to the very top of the company within less than a month. That’s why I am convinced that being coachable and true leadership can take an average network marketer to the top of the compensation plan.”

Her philosophy on life: To extend your hand and lift someone up. She relaxes with meditation, reflection and music and she wakes up every morning with an attitude of gratitude.

I want to wish my whole PlanNet Marketing Family much success. Enjoy the journey! Remember, “We are all powerful beyond measure.”